Saturday, September 7, 2024

AEW Rampage 9/6/2024

AEW Rampage 9/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Collision 9/6/24 is here:

Note - Collision's main event finished on this show. Please see the Collision 9/6/24 review to see that.  

The Outrunners and Erica Leigh are interviewed. Turbo says they have done it and are taking the party out. Truth says they got their first win on Collision the same week they topped the merch chart. Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir then come in and beat them. Mox says this is what he's talking about and throws down Turbo, mocking their celebration.

Queen Aminata vs. Missa Kate

Queen throws her down off the waistlock. We cut to a random shot of the backstage area. Queen germans Kate. Kate hits forearms and we see Serena Deeb watching in the back. Queen double chops Kate then headbutts her for the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Queen was getting somewhere a few months ago but then they demoted her to ROH for some reason and she lost whatever momentum she had going for her.

Tony said we had our last break during the end of the 8-man match, but then we go to break anyway.

Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara and Hologram vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

Uno boots Holo. Holo is hiptossed into the ropes but armdrags Uno off of it. Holo slides through the ropes to escape Uno then enzugiri's him from the apron. Uno does a flip off the ropes to show off but slips on the landing. Alex is pushed into a Sammy spin kick. Holo rolls on Sammy's back into a ddt. The heels go out and Dustin and Sammy fake a pin and do poses. Holo then joins.

We go to PiP break and full break then return. Sammy flips out of backdrops. Dustin comes in and hits a double clothesline. Dustin uppercuts Alex, facekicks him and bulldogs him. Dustin powerslams all 3 opponents.

The Order clears off the faces, Holo takes a triple shot on the ropes then Silver germans him. The Premier Athletes are watching this in the back. Holo escapes triple and double teams then pops up Sammy into a double dropkick on them. Sammy and Holo hit stereo asai moonsaults outside. Dustin canadian destroyers Alex. Sammy hits an os cutter then Holo hits a top rope 450 on Alex and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag here with the faces winning as expected. The Order were heels here. It wasn't great or anything but it was okay for throwaway filler.

The Bang Bang Gang talk in the back minus Jay. Juice says you need momentum and need to put wins together in the AEW Trios division. Austin says they need to address him not having a nickname. The Cage of Agony walk in and Kaun says he should be called @ss boy, nepo baby, former AEW trios champ or runner up in the Top Prospect Tournament. Cage says Austin considers himself a body guy but not compared to him. Cage says The Gang can't beat the three of them. The Gang go to do their gun's up line and The Cage of Agony stomp them and do their own thing. 

Top Flight and Shane Taylor Promotions with Mortos are interviewed for a trios 3-way with "big money implications" The Undisputed Kingdom walk in. They ask why Mort is hanging with Shane Taylor's crew. They say they will be the 3rd team in a three way and make a joke about Top Flight's outfits. Darius says Mortos isn't going to be on the winning side. Dante says they will fly home with the money. Mort growls.

MxM Collection vs The House of Black

2 people bring out someone wrapped in a trash bag with something on his feet. Nigel says they are the fashion judges for tonight's match.

Mansoor poses after ducking a lock-up and asks for a score from the judges. They give him 10's. Mansoor poses and asks for another rating and gets more 10's. Buddy blocks a takedown. Mansoor hides from him in the corner. Buddy headlock takeovers Mansoor. Mansoor headscissors him and is shouldered over. Mansoor is flipped, Mansoor asks for a score and Buddy gets a low score.

Mansoor tries a chop on Brody and gets nowhere. Brody then chops him and sends him out of the ring. One of the judges gives Brody a 7 for it. Mansoor then rips up the scorecard. Brody crossbodies the 3 judges and Mansoor into the rails. Buddy hits a flying knee on Madden off the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. Buddy jumps off of Mansoor's back with a knee on Madden. Madden pulls Brody off the apron then Mansoor backrolls Buddy. Mansoor enzugiri's him, springboards and takes a pumping knee. Brody and Madden shoulder battle then trade forearms. Brody takes a Mansoor superkick but lariats him.

Madden headbutt Brody then Brody suplexes him into the buckles. Brody corner cannonballs Madden for 2. Buddy is sent into the steps then Mansoor chairs Brody in the head. Madden hits a south of heaven chokeslam on Brody. Buddy top rope meteora's Madden then knees Mansoor in the face.

Buddy tries to flip out of a chokeslam but lands on his face. Brody topes Madden into the rails. Buddy top rope suplexes Mansoor and throws him into a Brody fire thunder for the House of Black win.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining and fast paced tag. Buddy got dropped on his face and nearly died. The stuff with the judges was silly and Tony was really hung up on the guy in the trash bag. I wouldn't have booked this though as neither team should really lose at the moment but someone was going to.

Will Ospreay talks. He has tape on his neck and mocks people asking how he's feeling. He says he wants to get at Pac and calls him a UK backyard wrestler. He brings up some inside references. He said he walked in Pac's footsteps and was told he was good but not Pac all of his life. He says he could never forget about Pac. He says we have maybe lost faith in Pac and he has 24 hours to change it. They then run down the card for tomorrow and close the show. They also hype up The Countdown to All Out (Tony calls it All In) which was on after this.

Overall thoughts: It was a bit unusual as the main event from Collision went over into this show and took about 12 minutes off of it. What we saw otherwise was just about average and wasn't bad. I wouldn't recommend this, though if you were watching Collision, you'd have to see this to see the end to the Collision main event.

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