Friday, September 6, 2024

TNA Xplosion 8/30/2024

TNA Xplosion 8/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) vs Renee Michelle and Kaitland Alexis

Jody and Renee go at it. Jody takes Kait down via waistlock. They bring up Rockstar Spud, who Renee dates. Jody karelin's lifts Kait then Renee gets in. Renee says she wants Dani. Jody pokes her and agrees.

Dani side headlocks Renee. Dani shoulders Renee over then Dani exploders her. Renee is tripped into a basement dropkick, sliding lariat and sliding low crossbody for 2. Renee takes a delayed double suplex. Renee eye rakes Dani and goes for the tag. Jody grabs her and Kait pulls Renee out.

Kait is tagged in. She lariats Jody and hits boots in the corner. Jody hits a stiff kick to the gut then Kait eye rakes her. Kait throws her backwards. Reen hits chest forearms on Jody then Jody boots her out of the corner. Renee wraps around her and hits a spinning high kick. Renee misses a 2nd rope moonsault.

Jody rolls and tags in Dani. Dani hits shots on both opponents. Dani flying kicks Kait then hits a double fallaway slams on her opponents. Jody hits a top rope swanton on both opponents who are standing. Jody michinoku drivers Kait and Renee breaks the pin up. Kait takes sitout powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: This got enough time and was decent. There were some stiff shots thrown here. Renee has a great look, probably too good of a look for this show and Kait has a good look as well.  

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Mike Santana is the guest this week. Mike talks about his daughter. He says she helped save his life. He said we was raised around women and talks about being a "girl-dad". He says his daughter is 10 now and says she's amazing. Gia says parenthood is a challenge and says having a girl gives you a whole different set of challenges. Mike says he takes it one day at a time. Gia says she wants to have his daughter on as a special guest next time.

Frankie Kazarian vs Bhupinder Gujjar

Kaz tells the announer to tell everone he is the king of TNA. Kaz is in great shape right now. They shove each other and Kaz side headlocks him. Kaz shoulders him over and BG dropkicks him. BG goes up and over in the corner then flying headscissors him. BG plancha's out but no one is there. Kaz guillotine legdrops him over the middle rope then forearms him off the apron. BG takes a hard bump to the floor.

Kaz hits punches outside then they get back in. Kaz hits some punches and springboard legdrops him. Kaz suplexes him. Kaz hits a back elbow then sends him hard into the buckles. BG boots him out of the corner then BG flying forearms him. BG spin kicks him and hits a pop-up euro.

BG is thrown over the top but skins the cat back in. BG hits an elbow and forearm. Kaz hits a samurai driver and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good. BG was slipping all over the place and his offense looked awful here.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches and a new interview segment here. Neither of the two matches were must see though the girls match was decent enough. I wouldn't recommend this.

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