Friday, September 6, 2024

WWE Main Event 9/4/2024

WWE Main Event 9/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

Dante Chen vs Skylor Clinton

I have no idea who Skylor is, but he got a tron and music so he's not a jobber. They say he's a former arena football player and has been in the PC for 2 years. SC throws him off the lock up. Chen wristlocks him. Chen hits armdrags and an armlock. SC hits a knee to the gut and shoulders him over.

Chen flying shoulders him. Chen 2nd rope crossbodies him but is caught and takes snake eyes. SC lariats him for 2. SC rubs Chen's eyes on the ropes. SC forearms him down then hits a slam. SC does a fast falling headbutt for 2. SC lariats him in the back of the neck and drops him with a punch.

SC slams Chen then hits like a flying headbutt. SC chokeslams him for 2. SC cranks on Chen's head then SC lariats him from behind. SC misses a falling headbutt. Chen rolls him off and hits a nice punch. Chen chops him down then hits a lariat. Chen atomic drops him then pump kicks him. Chen double chops him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. Sky has a bad name and tights but he's got a good look and he's another big power guy. He had a good TV debut here and hit all of stuff clean. He's probably not that far off from like a smaller Josh Briggs. Chen matched up well against him and had one of his better showings. This was a success. 

Riley Osborne vs Malik Blade

They say Edris Enofe is injured. Riley backflips out of a lock-up. Riley grabs the leg, is pushed back and flips again. Blade cartwheels off the ropes then hits an armdrag and dropkick. Riley flips over him from the ropes. Riley armdrags then dropkicks him.

Riley is thrown off the top. We go to break and return with Blade hitting knees on Riley's back. Blade suplexes him for 2. Blade backbreakers Riley and Wade says Blade hasn't achieved as much as he should have (true, but not a good thing to hear). Blade pulls Riley's arms back.

Blade sliding forearms Riley in the back. Blade pulls Riley's arms back again. Wade says Chase U should let him take over and he'll sell more shirts. Riley hits back elbows on Blade and his back gives out. Blade michinoku drivers him for 2.

Blade misses a top rope frogsplash. Riley leg lariats Blade. Riley hits a top rope ssp on Blade and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't the best match they could have done as both of these guys can fly yet we didn't get a ton of it here. It was decent match though and the two matched up well. I'd like to see this one again with more time. 

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. Both were decent though. Skylor Clinton had a good TV debut and kind of is like a smaller Josh Briggs. He's a power guy and has a good look, though bad gear and a bad name. The main was solid but they didn't get to go all out and truly show how could this could be. It was not a bad way to spend 20 minutes and I enjoyed this one.

1 comment :

  1. Skylor Clinton is actually his real name. I don’t think his parents or family would appreciate you calling their taste in nomenclature stupid. 😂
