Saturday, September 14, 2024

CMLL 9/14/2024 91st Anniversary Show

CMLL 9/14/2024 91st Anniversary Show

Los Depredadores (Magia Blanca, Magnus & Rugido) vs. Los Viajeros Del Espacio (Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr. & Max Star)

Rug and Fut go at it. Fut takes him down. Rug throws him over by both arms. Fut does a fireman's carry takeover nad is tripped. They stand off and tag out. Max and Magia go at it. Max gets on his shoulders and hurricanarana's him. Fut springboard headscissors Mag then Fut is popped up and dropkicks Rug. Bala messes up a dive and Fut does a springboard tornillo to the outside. Max then does a step up flip dive to the outside. Magia then tornillos off the top onto everyone.

Bala corkscrew headscissors Rug. Bala then uses the ropes and hits a dive. Bala tornillos outside onto Mag off the apron. Rug and Fut go at it. Fut does flips out of the corner then springboard armdrags him.

Fut armdrags Magia off the buckles then Fut sattelite headsicssors Mag. Max headscissors Rug using Mag then Max rotation headscissors Mag out. Max is tripped and Magia basement dropkicks him. Bala tope rope crossbodies Magia then is elbow dropped in the crotch. Mag 619's Fut then Fut takes a wheelbarrow german from Rug.

Fut is double hiptossed onto the ramp. Fut is held in the air on the ramp and dropkicked in the butt. Fut is popped up then springboard plancha's onto the ramp. Fut takes a double back body drop then Magia top rope splashes Fut.

Magia shotgun dropkicks Bala. Mag is pulled over the top then Rug is bodyscissored by Fut. Fut is popped up and armdrags Magia out of it. Fut is then popped up to the outside and hits a botched headscissors on Mag.

Magia takes a hurricanrana from Max. Max top rope headscissors Rug down then Bala and Max get pins together and win.

There were a lot of botches here so I can't put it over that much. They did try a lot more difficult spots than they normally do but they didn't hit them clean. There was a real stupid monent at the end where one of the wrestlers had a pin but the ref wouldn't count it as he wa watching a move be done off the top instead. 

Neon, Star Jr. & Templario vs. Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) & Soberano Jr.

1st Fall - Roja is basically the fatter of the two Chavez brothers. Sob and Temp go at it. They headbutt each other at the same time. Sob side headlocks him and Temp shoulders him over. Sob locks up Temp's leg and armdrags him. Sob pulls away on the handshake.

Oro hiptosses Star then Star armdrags him. Star headscissors him then flying shoulders him. Star sentons him. Neon and Roja go at it. Neon flying headscissors him out. Neon goes to run the rumps but Oro pulls the ropes up on him and sends him out. Sob and Temp fight again. Temp is tripped and held for a shot.

Oro chops Temp. Temp is hiptossed into a powerbomb then Neon and Star are dropped onto Temp. Sob's team then gets a triple pin.

2nd Fall - KeMalito is beaten up outside by Sob then kicked over into Star. Neon is superkicked on the rails. Oro is drpped onto Star. Oro slinghsot swantons onto Temp then Neon gets kicked. Neon is popped up into a kick then Sob is lifted into a legdrop on him. Temp flying headscissors Sob then Temp is triple stomped on.

Neon and Star do springboard hurricanrana's en stereo then they do stereo tope con hilos. Temp wlaks the top rope and crossbodies Roja. Temp sitout powerbombs Roja and pins him.

3rd Fall - Flip Gordon is show in the crowd. Sob beats up KeMalito on the apron. Temp counters a 2v1 then powerbombs the brothers onto each other. Sob top rope crossbodies Temp then is flipped in the air for a sitout powerbomb. Temp headscissors Sob out.

Star and Roja trade chest chops. Star hits a big punch then Oro nails Star. Star walks up the buckles and does a headlock + headscissors takeover. Star is popped up and headscissors Oro. Star corner lariats Sob. Star hits kicks on Sob then springboard double stomps him.

Neon moonsaults off the ropes and armdrags Oro. Neon then seated springboard armdrags Roja. Neon top rope diving armdrags Sob out and then poses. Oro boots Roja on accident then Temp powerslams Oro. Star does a walk up double springboard tope con hilo. Neon then does a double springboard moonsault. Temp hits a flying space tiger from the ramp to the ring on Oro for 2.

Temp superkicks Oro then Oro euros him. Temp hits a flying space tiger onto Sob outside. Oro does a 2nd rope moonsault outside then Star springboard plancha's Roja inside. Star hits a driver on one brother and Neon hits a code red on the other.

Neon takes a michinoku driver and Star is dropped from the top onto Neon. Sob does a top rope tornillo on Temp and pins him. Soberano's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It started off slow and really picked up during the third fall with the faces doing all their big dives and going nuts. I thought it was a good effort overall with them busting out all the stops for the big show and doing stuff they don't normally do.

Flip Gordon does a promo between matches and seems to maybe challenge Rocky Romero.

Copa Independencia 2024 Final Match - Titan vs. Mascara Dorada

MD = Mascara Dorada

Titan front facelocks him. MD hammerlocks him and Titan side headlocks him. Titan bridges and headflips out of a wristlock. MD flips off the ropes and armdrags MD. They roll around. Titan does a takedown with his foot and they shoulder shoulder each other, double kip up and try to dropkick each other at the same time. They then do double headflips up.

Titan dropkicks MD and they go out. MD superkicks him. MD is sent into the rails but flips over them. MD gets on the rail and takes a cradle shock on the floor. Titan double stomps him on the floor. Titan basement dropkicks MD then kicks him in the back.

MD spinning headscissors Titan then fosbury flops on him outside. MD suplexes him. They trade chest chops. MD blocks a spin kick then hits one of his own. MD flips out of a tornado ddt. Titan limbos out of a lariat and jumping kicks him. Titan dives at MD in the corner and MD black hole slams him. Titan gets his knees up on a 450 then reverse sitout slams MD for 2.

MD racks Titan on his shoulder then Titan rolls him up into a reverse indian deathlock. Titan then pulls MD's arms back with it and MD ropebreaks.

Titan hits an attitude adjustment then does a tornado ddt. Titan holds on and gordbusters him. MD michinoku drivers him for 2. MD hits a 450 for 2. Titan hits kicks and drops him. Titan hits a top rope double stomp on MD for 2. Titan indian deathlocks him and taps him out.

Thoughts: I wasn't that much of a fan of it. These are two of the better flyers in CMLL and we didn't get a ton of flying here. It really slowed down in the middle of the match and the last section of it was mostly all submissions.

El Fantasma gives Titan the cup after.

Orange Cassidy does a promo. He says it's his first time in Mexico then Jericho and Big Bill nail him. Jericho then talks in Spanish on the mic.

CMLL World Women's Title Match - Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Zeuxis

Z = Zeuxis

They lock up. Willow clean breaker her. Z does a side headlock takeover and is headscissored. Z handstands out of it. Z ties up Willow's legs and pulls on her hair. They greco roman knuckle lock. Z takes her down and Willow bridges. Willow sits on Z then wristlocks her.

Z takes her down and does a bow and arrow. Willow slams her then shoulders her over. They go head to head and pull each other's hair. Willow corner lariats her then Z corner euros her. Willow superkicks her then perfectplexes her for 2. Z flying headscissors her out.

Z kicks her from the apron then Willow knocks her off the apron. Willow cannonballs her off the apron. Willow running boots her then spinebusters her for 2. Z pulls her down by the hair and hits kicks on her. Z hits a corner meteora then topes her into the rails.

Willow death valley drivers her on the apron for 2. Z russian legsweeps her and does a grounded octopus. Z rolls her up for 2 then headkicks her. Z meteora's her for 2. Willow hits a skyhigh for 2. Willow misses a top rope moonsault. Z slaps her then misses a top rope moonsault. Willow slaps her back.

Z hits a top rope spanish fly and wins it.

Thoughts: It was on the shorter end and inoffensive. It wasn't great or anything and didn't get a ton of time. It could have been bad but they had an average or a passable match out of it. We all knew Willow was losing sooner rather than later and they decided to have her lose here.

Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero & Satoshi Kojima vs. Atlantis Jr., Ultimo Guerrero & Volador Jr.

AJ = Atlantis Jr.

1st Fall - Koji and UG start us off. Koji shoves him and backs him up in the corner where he and Rocky pound on him. OC is fighting with his sunglasses on. UG takes chops in the corner and OC does comedy weak chops. OC hits AJ from behind then AJ takes a double suplex.

Vol gets in and grabs Rocky by the beard. OC hits Vol from behind then Rocky stomps on Vol. UG is triple stomped on. Rocky bites UG's fingers and OC splits the fingers. UG takes real chops from Rocky and weak chops from OC. Rocky hits corner lariats on UG. Koji mongolian chops UG then lariats him in the back of the head. Koji brainbusters UG and pins him. Vol takes an OC superkick and goes out. Rocky topes Vol. Rocky top rope stomps AJ into an OC beachbreak. OC pins AJ and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Flip Gordon teases getting involved. He calls Rocky over and Rocky hits him. Flip hops the rail and the ref stops Flip. Vol takes a double shoulder. AJ is double teamed then Koji shoulders him over. AJ takes a double suplex.

Rocky hits shots on UG then bites him. OC pounds on UG. UG tries to fight back but takes a triple team. Vol does a handstand into a double back elbow and headscissors Rocky out. Vol then topes him into the rails. Koji corner lariats UG. OC hits a stunner on AJ then takes a package tombstone. Koji takes a 2nd rope gordbuster from UG. UG and AJ get stereo pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Rocky knocks over AJ. Rocky hits punches and chops on him. AJ flying headscissors OC and superkicks Koji. AJ powerslams Koji then flapjacks OC onto Koji. AJ monkey flips Rocky. OC puts his hands in his pockets and does weak kicks to Vol. Vol kciks OC and tells Koji how to do a spot as he forgot LOL. Vol thwarts his opponents and headscissors Rocky out.

UG chops down Rocky then chops OC. UG takes a triple team. UG hits a double clothesline out of the corner. Koji hits a chop flurry on UG then Koji 2nd rope elbow drops Koji for 2. Koji ddt's UG then UG backdrops Koji. UG baseball slides Koji off the apron.

OC top rope plancha's UG. OC puts his hands in his pockets then flying headscissors and dropkicks UG. OC topes UG into the rails then AJ hits a double tope con hilo on UG and OC. Vol canadian destroyers Rocky and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like OC screwing around as usual but it works a little better if he's a heel. I cam buy a heel screwing around because that's something a heel might do. Koji forgetting his spot and Vol telling him what to do was one of the worst instances of breaking kayfabe that I have ever seen. I expected distaster here and they somehow made it work well enough, but it wasn't great.

4-Way Winners Advance Mask vs Mask Match - Esfinge vs Hechicero vs Valiente vs Euforia

They did a good job building this. Everyone fought each other for 1-2 months prior to this. Every match devolved into mask ripping wars and with many DQ'd. We also got multiple 3 and 4 person matches which are not common in CMLL.

Hech flies into the ropes and takes a wild bump then Val is thrown down by Euf. Esf superkicks Euf then Val springboards and armdrags Hech off the apron. Esf is irish whipped and does a tope then Val topes Hech. Val top rope diving headscissors Esf. Euf powerbombs Val for 2. Hech double leglocks Euf then rolls up Eesf. Val hurricanrana's Euf.

Esf is lariated over the top. Euf hits a tope con hilo on everyone but is caught and powerbombed on the floor. Esf hits kicks on Val. Esf tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Hech and Val. Val dropkicks Esf out. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers Val.

Hech is pulled out and takes a big bump over the top. Esf armdrags Euf. Esf monkey flips Hech then superkicks Euf. Esf springboards and is caught with double boots from Euf. We get a double pin spot for 2. Esf hits corkscrew kicks on people.

Euf superplexes Val for 2. Esf hangs over the top rope and Euf dropkicks him. Hech comes off the ropes and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Euf picks up Val and drops him on his knee. Euf powerslams Esf. Eesf figure fours and bridges Hech.

Esf powerslams Val for 2. Esf superkicks Euf. Esf is popped up into the buckles then Euf grounded dragon sleepers Esf. Esfinge is eliminated and Euforia stays in the match. 

Val drops Hech onto double knees. Val armdrags Euf then topes him into the rails. Hech does a wild triangle moonsault outside. Euf is lariated over the rail by Val. Val spinebusters Hech then spinning neckbreakers him for 2. Hech rolls Val into a grounded sleeper.

Val's submission on Hech is blocked. Val misses an asai moonsault and Hech does a sharpshooter with the arms tied up on Val. Valiente submits and is eliminated. Valiente leaves and Hechicero stays in the match. 

It's mask vs mask now - Hechicero vs Euforia. They trade chops and Hech dropkicks him. Hech springboard dropkicks Euf then hits a great suicide dive. Hech clubs on Euf on the rail then elbow drops him from the apron. Hech tries to dropkick Euf on the rails while Hech is on the apron and Hech misses.

Hech's arm is banged off the post. Euf rips up Hech's mask. Euf hits a big tope con hilo. Euf gets crotched on the top rope then Hech walks up the buckles and 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Hech step up knees him then takes a big powerbomb. Euf ripcord slams Hech then flapjacks him.

Euf is hit while on the 2nd rope and Hech does a nice springboard armdrag for 2. Hech lariats him and rips his mask up. Euf 2nd rope powerbombs Hech for 2. Hech rolls Euf around the ring with his legs for a 2 count. Euf corner meteora's Hech for 2. Hech counters a ripcoard slam and figure fours Euf. Euf ropebreaks then does a double arm submission to Hech off of it. Euf 2nd rope double underhook splexes Hech for 2.

Hech misses a corner charge. Euf backrolls him into a grounded dragon sleeper. Hech splashes Euf against the ropes. Hech and Euf trade punches. Hech headbutts him on the ropes. Euf blocks his 2nd rope hurricanrana and hits a 2nd rope powerbomb for 2. Euf hits wasteland on Hech and misses a top rope swanton. Hech headscissors drops him then rolls him into a crucifix + leg submission. Euforia submits. Hechicero is the winner and Euforia must unmask!

Mephisto and Soberano Jr. (his brother) come out to comfort Euforia and Hech celebrates in the crowd. Euforia talks on the mic and addresses Hechicero. Euforia takes off his mask and he kind of resembles Volador Jr.

Thoughts: I figured Hechicero was the least likely to get unmasked in this one and thought it could be a toss-up between Esfinge, Valiente and Euforia losing their mask. Euforia is basically a midcarder who does the job in various main events and he's a heel, so him losing wasn't shockign. This got a ton of time and was treated as the big deal it was supposed to be. Everyone except Val went all out here. Hech and Euf did a bunch of moves they don't normally do. This was not a WWE style match where two people sat out and watched the other two fight. Everyone was involved in this one. A little blood would have added onto this but it was done really well otherwise. CMLL doesn't do big dramatic matches like this often so when they do, it really feels special. This was really well done. I thought it was a great match and definitely one of the better matches of 2024.

Mistico vs Chris Jericho

1st Fall
- Big Bill is with Chris Jericho. They stall for a bit. CJ side headlocks him and shoulders him over. They trade armdrags and try to dropkick each other at the same time. CJ boots him and punches him. CJ then stands on Mist's head and CJ chops Mist. Mist talks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him down. Mist walks up the buckles then plancha's Big Bill outside.

Mist springboard planchas CJ twice. Mist flying headscissors CJ and CJ blocks his 619. CJ crabs him and Mist submits. Jericho wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - CJ sends Mist into the rails outside then backdrops him inside. CJ poses on him on a pin attempt and rips Mist's mask. CJ hits punches then chokes Mist on the ropes. They trade chops and Mist goes down. CJ misses a triangle dive then Mist topes him outside.

Mist tornillos him outside. Mist gets crotched up top. They fight on the buckles and CJ goes down. Mist top ropw swantons him then springboard splashes him. Mist gets the pin and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Big Bill chokeslams Mist on the apron right in front of the ref. CJ hits chops and forearms. CJ misses a corner splash and goes into the buckles. Mist then does a tornillo to nobody and lands on the floor. CJ suplexes him on the floor. CJ delayed suplexes him inside.

CJ hits punches on the buckles and hurricanrana's him off the top for 2. CJ hits chops. Mist spin kicks and superkicks him. CJ and Mist hit corner lariats then Mist powerslams him. CJ double underhook drops him then misse a lionsault. Mist rolls him up for 2.

CJ gets hits feet up on Mist's top rope moonsault then CJ sentons him for 2. Mist hits superkicks. Big Bill grabs Mist on the apron and Bill gets nailed by CJ on accident. Mist 619's CJ then goes for la mistica. CJ crabs him.

Mist springboards and CJ hits a codebreaker for 2. Mist does another la mistica that looks awful and taps out CJ to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. It was long and slow. CJ wasn't really able to keep up with Mist's lucha moveset and Mist had to move slower. The two la mistica attempts at the end looked really bad.

Big Bill attacks Mistico after. Jericho throws the ref out then slaps Mist while Big Bill holds him. Orange Cassidy then comes out to help and orange punches Big Bill. Mist dropkicks Bill off the buckles. OC and Mist shake hands after and OC puts his sunglasses on Mist.

Overall thoughts: It was a big show and CMLL pulled out all the stops here. Everyone put more effort in than usual and we got to see people do things they don't normally do. The mask match was the best thing on here which wasn't a shock. It was a great match and delivered. Mistico/Jericho was disappointing. Orange Cassidy's tag worked better than expected but there was a bad spot where Vol had to tell Kojima what to do on a spot right in front of the camera's. The 2nd match was good. The women's match was about average and Titan/Dorada disappointed. I did like this show overall and felt CMLL did everything they could to make this one special.

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