Saturday, September 14, 2024

TNA Victory Road 2024 9/13/2024

TNA Victory Road 2024 9/13/2024

The Hardy Boyz vs First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro)

KC and Jeff shoulder battle. KC does Jeff's dance and Jeff hits jawbreakers. Jeff then does his own dance. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back and splashes KC. KC gets his arm banged off of Matt's shoulder then KC's head is banged off the buckles. AJ pulls Matt by the hair and trips him. Matt throws KC over the top onto AJ then dropkicks them through the ropes.

Matt is tripped into the ropes and KC dropkicks him there. Matt is sent into AJ's boot then AJ stands on him. AJ hits his running knee in the corner on Matt. AJ corner splashes and side slams Matt for 2. AJmisses a top rope swanton. Jeff gets in and hits shots on KC then sitout gordbusters him.

Jeff legdrops KC for 2. AJ grabs Jeff by the hair and hits a world's strongest slam. AJ gets caught up top and takes a double superplex. KC top rope splashes Jeff for 2. AJ takes a double ddt then a double lariat over the top. KC takes a stunner into a twist of fate. Matt hits a twist of fate on KC then Jeff top rope swantons KC to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent opener here with The Hardy's winning as expected. There was nothing great here but the crowd was happy and we got some highlights to start this show off.

X-Division Title - Zachary Wentz (c) vs Mike Bailey

Mike gets a pin attempt and legsweeps him then they stand off. Mike has new karate leather gi pants on. Mike trips him and hits a chest kick. Zach takes him down and pounds him. Mike misses a superkick then Zach superkicks him. Zack topes him then hits mounted punches.

Mike facekicks him off the apron and triangle moonsaults him. Zach hangs over the top rope and Mike springboard double kneedrops him. Mike does a figure four variation on Zach. Zach atomic drops him and legsweeps him. Mike rolls him up then Zach sunset flips him. Mike hits a kick combo.

Mike spin kicks and axe kicks him. Mike chest kicks him down. Mike misses a standing ssp but lands on his feet. Zach germans him. Zach hits a step up knee then rolls him into a PK. They both miss standing ssp's and high kick each other at the same time. 

They trade forearms. Zach offers to let Mike slap him then Mike tries to get Zach to slap instead. They literally stand there with their hands behind their back and look at each other. They then slap battle and Zach crossbodies him over the top. Zach slides out and Mike asai moonsaults him outside. Mike baseball slides under the bottom rope and Zach double stomps his back. Zach PK's him from the apron then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him.

Mike standing moonsault double knees him on the apron. Zach snapmare drivers him on the ramp. Zach does a top rope swanton and Mike gets his knees up. Mike PK's him and standing moonsault double knees him. Mike superkicks him. Zach 2nd rope cutters him for 2.

Mike sitout powerbombs him then hits a top rope ssp for 2. Mike misses ultimate weapon and Zach rolls him up then la magistrals him for 2. Zach then hits a flipping ddt. Mike reverse ddt's Zach. Zach pumping knees him then hits a snapmare driver for 2.

Zach superkicks him and Mike counters his UFO cutter with a backrcracker. Mike does a single arm electric chair driver and wins.

It was an awful match with them doing a bunch of dangerous stuff and not selling any of it. I do not get the logic at all of Mike winning the title, losing it to Zach and then winning it back. I don't think that helps either guy out.

The System talk. They say everything is bigger in Texas. Brian says they will become 2x tag champs. JDC welcomes himself to The System and says let's get weird. Moose calls Nemeth a blonde b!tch and says we are staring at the 4x TNA champ. Alisha says it will be tough to replace her but brings in Tasha Steelz. She says it's do or die tonight for Spitfire and says they die tonight.

Matt Cardona and Steph de Lander vs Rhino and PCO

Steph gets on the mic beforehand. She says she's proud to be in front of this crowd. She said her career has been full of ups and downs. She said the fans have been with her every step of the way. She says Matt and PCO need to sort this out as it is hurting her. She says other things hurt her though and says she needs neck surgery. She said she wakes up everyday in pain. She said she didn't want to let anyone down.

She said Matt has been a jerk lately but he's her best friend. She thanks Matt. Steph tells both men to stand up and figure this out without her. She says this isn't a reitrement speech and says she has more to give. She says thank you and see you later. She hugs PCO and they walk out together. Matt claps for them then kicks the ropes into Rhino's crotch as he goes to leave. Matt hits a leg lariat on Rhino and leaves him laying.

Thoughts: I have no idea what this was about. I didn't like Steph essentially blaming this thing on PCO and Matt when she's PCO's wife and she should be take his side over others always. It also wouldn't be a TNA PPV without a wrestler substitution or a match cancellation and we never ended up getting this match.

Gia Miller interviews Nic Nemeth. Nic says this is big. He said he wanted to go higher. He said him and Moose had one match and Moose kicked his @ss. He says he will defend his title proudly tonight. Nic says TNA is the place to be. He says Moose and The System go down tonight and says he walks out TNA champ.

TNA Knockouts Tag Title - Spitfire disbands if they lose - Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz (c) vs Spitfire

Dani blocks a headlock takeover then she misses a lariat. Jody boots Masha out of the corner. Jody hits corner lariats on Masha and flurries her. Jody exploders her. Dani slams Tasha then slams Jody onto her.

Tasha hits an enzugiri from the apron and Jody is suplexed by Masha. Tasha chops Masha up and hits shots in the corner. Tasha rolling snapmares her and PK's her for 2. Masha suplexes Jody. Tasha camel clutches Jody. Jody hits a tornado suplex on Tasha.

Dani gets in and hits lariats on Masha. Dani dropkicks her. Dani superplexes Tasha into the ring then she fallaway slams Masha into Tasha. Dani powerbombs Masha for 2. Tasha superkicks Jody then Masha germans Jody for 2. Masha northern lights bombs Jody.

Masha and Tasha are pushed into each other then they take moves from Spitfire. Masha takes a sitout powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

I didn't really buy into the storyline of Jody and Masha being forced to break up. It would have helped if they weren't fighting a makeshift team and if there was more of a storyline to lead up to this. I didn't think the match was anything special. 

Alisha Edwards yells at Masha after. She points a finger at her then Tasha saves Alisha by hitting a cutter on Masha. Tasha then pounds on Masha and Alisha poses with Tasha.

Hammerstone and Jake Something do a promo. They said their win on the pre-show was a statement. Hammer says Eric Young and Steve Maclin are two names on a long list. He says anyone who gets in their way will suffer the exact same thing. They then shove each other. 

Josh Alexander vs Joe Hendry

Joe gets on the mic beforehand. Joe says Josh doesn't think he has what it takes. Joe says he doesn't define himself by people like Josh. Joe says the people believe in Joe Hendry.

Josh takes him down, rides his back and paintbrush slaps him. Joe shoves him. Josh headscissors him and Joe kips up out of it. Josh side headlocks him they shoulder battle. Josh trips him then side headlocks him. Joe shoulders Josh out of the ring.

Joe hiptosses Josh then hits headbutts and euros. Josh corner spears him, goes up and over then Joe back elbows him. Joe stalling suplexes him for 2. Joe's arm is pulled down over the top rope and Josh crossbodies Joe's back on the apron.

Joe sunset flips Josh and Josh ankle locks him. Josh germans him. Josh guillotines him in mid-air and Joe suplexes him out of it. Josh shoulders and lariats Joe over. Josh misses a top rope dropkick. Joe fallway slams him then pop-up powerbombs him for 2. Joe drops him off his shoulders onto the floor outside.

Josh powerbomb backbreakers him for 2. Joe back body drops him and Josh is crotched up top. Joe 2nd rope fallaway slams him for 2. They trade shots. Joe chops him then Josh ankle locks him.

Josh hits forearms and Joe hiptosses him into the buckles. Joe mudhole stomps him. Joe is pushed into the ref then rolls and puts his own ankle lock on. Josh low blows him but Joe reveals he is wearing a cup with his face on it. Joe hits a standing ovation and ankle locks him. Joe then wins with the ankle lock.

Thoughts: It was a longer match. It was okay. I didn't like Josh tapping out to his own ankle lock. I'm glad they had Joe win here since he's so over. I thought this could have been a bit shorter.

TNA Tag Titles - ABC (c) vs The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers)

Brian and Bey lock up and Brian backs off. Brian side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Bey dropkicks him then armdrags him. Ace armlocks Brian. Ace rolls, trips Brian and kicks him. Ace then does la magistral and armdrags him with an armlock.

Brian takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. Eddie takes a kick combo to the head. Bey tope con hilos Eddie. Ace kicks Brian from the apron then Ace is pulled out by Eddie. Alisha Edwards distracts Bey. Bey tries to skin the cat to get in and Brian spears Bey during it.

Bey is drive into the apron edge and chopped by Eddie. Brian chokes Bey on the ropes then Alisha chokes Bey. Brian waistlocks Bey then knees him in the gut. Eddie backbreakers Bey.

Brian sleepers Bey and Bey jawbreakers out of it. Eddie is sent out. Bey goes for the tag and Eddie pulls Ace down to the floor. The crowd chants "stupid hair" and "shave it off" at Eddie. Eddie chops down Bey then hits mounted punches. Bey takes a powerbomb onto double knees for 2.

Eddie slams Bey. Bey hurricanrana's him for 2. Bey goes for the tag and Ace is pulled down. But he tags in anyway. Ace hits shots on Eddie then flying headscissors him. Ace russian legsweeps Brian then legdrops him. Ace helicopter kicks Edide and stomps his head into the mat.

Bey hits a double cody cutter off the buckles for 2. The heels take offense and Bey is thrown up but takes a blue thunder from Eddie. Bey is tripped by Alisha and takes a big spear from Brian. Eddie shining wizards Bey and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower match. The hot tag to Ace was not done well and the finish was not that exciting. It was just so-so for the most part as the faces never really got that big comeback in and the match never took off to another level. 

TNA Knockouts Title - Jordynne Grace (c) vs Wendy Choo

Grace hits a forearm flurry then flips her off the side slam. Grace buckingham drops her and ddt's her on the floor. Wendy STO's her on a pillow outside. Grace's family argues with Choo and takes the pillow away from her. grace then poses with her family.

Choo lays her on the middle rope and hits knees and kicks. choo snapmares her then twists her neck with her feet. Choo foot chokes her on the ropes then cartwheels into a forearm on her. Choo running boots her.

Grace ends up in tree of woe after getting hit on the buckles and Choo basement dropkicks her as she hangs. Grace bangs Choo's head off the buckles. Choo takes a euro while up top. Choo is on Grace's back and Grace rolls her down with both landing on the mat.

Grace slams her the hits a rolling death valley driver for 2. Grace uraken's her then hits a kudo driver for 2. Grace blocks a sunset flip off the buckles then Wendy 2nd rope belly to belly suplexes her. Choo brainbusters her for 2. Grace slaps her and hits a regalplex for 2.

Choo cobra clutches her then hits a straightjacket german. Choo half-nelson slams her then does a cobra clutch variation. Grace hits a big powerbomb and a made in Japan to win.

Thoughts: It went long and wasn't that interesting. There was just not great story here and it was hard to buy that Choo had any shot of winning this one.

Rosemary spears Grace after. Choo then puts her cobra clutch on Grace.

Santino Marella is in the back and his daughter Arianna Grace walks in. Santino is all happy and she said she told him to keep it professional. Santino says no shenanigans and calls her his little liason.

Frankie Kazarian comes out to do commentary.

TNA World Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Moose

Nic piefaces him and Moose hits corner spears. Nic pounds on him and hits a corner splash. Nic dropkicks him and hits corner punches. Moose powerbombs him off the corner punches. Moose then hits a sky high for 2 while Nic is on the buckles. Nic is sent shoulder first into the post.

Moose puts him in an abdominal stretch and Nic bites the hand. Moose dropkicks him. Moose takes a back body drop on the ramp. Moose uranages him. Moose chinlocks him.

Moose is pulled over the top and pump kicks Nic outside. Nic hurricanrana's Moose on the floor then Moose apron powerbombs him. Nic hits forearms and lariats Moose over the top. Nic goes with him. Moose is pushed into the post then takes a german on the floor. Nic is then powerbombed through a table. Moose spears the buckles when Nic moves. Nic superkicks and fameassers him for 2.

JDC and Alisha come down and distract Nic. Nic comes off the top and is caught, but gets on Moose's back for a sleeper. Moose throws him over by the hair and Nic superkicks him. Moose hits a rolling spear for 2.

Moose grabs the title belt and Mike Santana pulls it away from Moose. Mike and JDC fight to the back. Nic hits a danger zone for 2. Moose walks up the buckles and superplexes Nic. Moose holds on for a powerbomb and Nic hits a fameasser off of it. Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers pull the ref out on the count. The ref wants to DQ Moose and Nic tells him not to. Eddie and Brian are then ejected.

JBL then comes out and nails Brian and Eddie. Moose spinning lariats him and rolling spears him for 2. Nic hits lariats and a superkick. Moose headbutts him then Nic lariats him. Nic hits a superkick and a danger zone then Nic get the pin.

Thoughts: I though they did too much here with various moves on the floor and the apron and the various people interfering didn't really add anything to this one. I don't really understand the point of Moose losing here. I wasn't a big fan of this match and didn't like it much.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer and slower show. I didn't like the show that much. We had the usual match substitutions and cancellations that TNA always has on PPV's. Nothing was that great with maybe Hendry/Alexander or the opener being the best matches on here. The main wasn't that good as they did too much and too many people interfered. The tag title match disappointed, the women's match wasn't good and Bailey/Wentz was indy crap. I wouldn't recommend this.

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