Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NWA Powerrr 8/27/2024

NWA Powerrr 8/27/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/nwa-powerrr-8202024.html

There's an intergender tag opening match between Daisy Kill/Markova vs AJ Cazana/Rising that I won't be watching.

The Southern Six do a promo. Alex says they are the greatest faction in wrestling and will dominate at Back to the Territories. Silas says they are running the NWA and the wrestling world. He says they are going back to the territories and says the territories are hot.

We see the same Magic Jake Dumas and The Kids interview from last week.

Magic Jake Dumas and The Kids (Alexander Lev and Jackson Drake) vs Carson Drake and The Slimeballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant)

The two Drake's go at it. Jackson punches Carson and Carson tags out. Sage gets kicked by Jackson then Sage takes a high/low. Carson standing ssp's Sage. Something gets in Lev's eyes and Sage dropkicks him. Sage bottom rope springboard headbutts Lev then Rant hits Lev with his crotch.

Carson front facelocks Lev. Carson goofs off and spinning toe holds Lev. Jake and Rant get in. Jake atomic drops him then superkicks Rant. Jake flapjacks Sage. Jake TKO's Rant. Carson is lariated over the top and Jake goes with him, arguably taking a worse bump. Lev gets in and hits a lariat then Rant boots him. Jackson misses a corner dropkick.

Sage blows his nose into his shirt then Rant rocket launchers Sage onto Lev to win it.

Thoughts: It was a short one with people coming in and out constantly. I'm not even sure that either get in the pin was legal. This was not good and was rushed.

Aron Stevens and BFT do a promo. Aron says they will put their tag titles on the line vs Knox and Murdoch. Aron says they don't care about Eric Smalls. Aron says his crew are an unbeatable unit. Aron says the joke will be on Smalls, Knox and Murdoch. Aron says they will keep the tag titles and says Smalls will be left in a big pool of his body fluids and disappointment. He says there's no chance of beating BFT.

The King Bees are interviewed by Kyle Davis. The Bees say Kenzie Paige can dream about being a double champ but she has to beat them and it won't happen. The other Bee says they beat them to win and retain the belts. She says they have another thing coming if they think they can come in and beat them and says they are always ready for a fight.

We get another OnlySlams commercial.

Ella Envy vs Missa Kate

Ms. Starr is with Ella. Kate side headlock takeovers her and then side headlocks her. Ella headscissors her. Kate handstands out of the headscissors and poses. Kate side headlocks her. Ella goes out to stall and Kate runs into Ms. Starr. She puts Starr's cape over Starr's head.

Kate snpmares Ella then does a grounded a submission. Kate tries to put her gum in Ella's mouth. Ella double footpresses her out of the corner then Ella pounds on her. Ella sleepers her.

Kate's head is banged off the buckles then Ella's head is banged off the buckles. Kate pumping knees her in the corner for 2. Starr trips Kate. Ella flatliners Kate and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that long of a match. They threw a lot of personality into this one and tried to make it entertaining. Maybe it wasn't great, but it did keep my attention and wasn't boring.

Kenzie Paige talks. She says her title spears for herself. She says she's the NWA Women's champ and says she's the youngest NWA Women's champ ever. She say she's the first woman to own a territory in the NWA. She says her sister is the youngest NWA champ of all time. She said her title win wasn't for her but was for the NWA. 

Kylie Paige and Kenzie Paige vs Tiffany Nieves and Reka Tehaka

Kenzie and Tiff go at it. They shove each other and Tiff eye rakes Kenzie. Reka shoulders over Kenzie for 1. Kenzie hits shots on her then bangs her head off the buckles. Reka no sells it and stares her down. Reka blocks a headscissors with a backbreaker. Kenzie throws her down backwards then Reka is stomped on by both opponents.

Tiff ducks a double clothesline. Kenzie superkicks Reka. The Paige Sisters hit stereo dropkicks through the ropes. Reka spinning side slams Kylie then backbreakers her for 2. Reka grabs Kylie by the throat then headbutts her.

Kyle hits a code red on Reka and wins.

Thoughts: This was short and nothing really of note. This didn't really do much for anyone and made Tiff and Reka take an unnecessary loss.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing to see here as often is the case with the NWA. The three matches I saw were all short and weren't that great. I wouldn't recommend this.

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