Wednesday, September 11, 2024

TNA Xplosion 9/6/2024

TNA Xplosion 9/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Heather Reckless is the guest this week. She just got signed to TNA. She's 24 and from Colorado. She just moved to Tampa. She says she loves the mountains and wanted to live by the beach. She says she likes the view of the mountains where she lives. She talks about her tattoos and says she got most of them because she thought they were cute. She has a cowboy skeleton with arrows going through him. Gia shows her tattoo. She said she started wrestling when she was 17. Gia says to keep a laser focus on her. 

Frankie Kazarian vs Sami Callihan

Sami rushes at him and Kaz goes out. Kaz asks Jade Chung to announce him as The King of TNA. Sami hiptosses Kaz in from the apron then suplexes him. Sami chest clubs Kaz. Kaz trips Sami into the ropes and clubs on him.

Kaz back elbows him and legdrops him. Kaz hits punches and Sami tells him to hit more. Sami hits punches. Kaz hits punches and Sami lariats him. Sami slingshot suplexes him for 2. Kaz goes for a suplex and Sami bites Kaz's hand. Kaz tries an up and over. Sami catches him but Kaz eye pokes him. Kaz grounded chicken wings him and Sami taps out.

Thoughts: It was a short and nothing match with eye pokes and not much of interest.

Overall thoughts:
There was only one 5 minute match and a new interview segment. I wouldn't recommend this.

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