Wednesday, September 11, 2024

WWE NXT 9/10/2024

WWE NXT 9/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see various wrestlers arrive including Giulia and Jordynne Grace. Jaida Parker is waiting for someone with a baseball bat. 

NXT Tag Titles - Axiom and Nathan Frazer (c) vs The Street Profits

The Rascalz were supposed to be in this. We are told they are unable to compete. Ford shoulders over Ax then hits waistlocks takedowns. Ax armdrags him and Ford turns it into a side headlock and winks. Dawkins shoulders NF over.  NF runs the ropes fast and boots him. NF goes to dive and takes a forearm then Dawkins flying back elbows him. Dawkins takes a short ddt.

Dawkins takes a double superkick for 2. Ax sleepers Dawkins and is rolled off. Dawkins overhead suplexes him. Ford lariats NF. NF is caught on a springboard and takes a rock bottom. Ford standing moonsaults him for 2. Ford enzugiri's NF out. Ax is pounced into a german for 2.

NF hits a top rope dropkick and Ford takes a superkick. Ax hits a top rope splash and NF hits a 450 on Ford. Ax hits a top rope spanish fly on Dawkins. NF is crotched up top. NF takes an electric chair blockbuster then The Bloodline interfere and beat up both teams.

Thoughts: They were having a decent match up until the interference. It was fast paced and high flying as you would expect but sadly, had no finish.

Tony D'Angelo talks to someone we can't see in the back. He says he has a reputation and says he needs this guy to take out Oba. He said he put a little extra in the envelope for him to get it done.

Giulia vs Chelsea Green

G = Giulia

Green backhands her then G headbutts her down. G bangs Green's head off the buckles then hair throws her. G hits a dropkick off the buckles to Green. Green bangs G's head off her knee. Green pump kicks her. G hits a big forearm then does a flying octopus.

G goes to boot Green and Green backs off. Green hanging sleepers G in the corner. Green germans G and lifts her for a flatliner. They slap each other. G hits mounted forearms and more slaps. G flying kicks her then backdrops her. G basement dropkicks her. 

G bridging neckbreakers her on the floor. G is thrown into and over the commentary table. Green misses a top rope dropkick inside and takes a knee to the head. G northern lights bombs her and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this one. I'm not a Giulia fan for the most part normally though. I didn't think she looked that good. Green got a ton of offense in here and she's usually a jobber, so that didn't make Giulia look that great either. It also went a lot longer than it needed to.

Blake Howard interviews Trick Williams in the locker room.  Trick said he never had a last man standing match before. He says it won't stop him from getting his NXT Title back. He says he's coming for Ethan Page in Chicago and says Pete Dunne won't stop him. He says Pete is a Class 1 Butch. He says he's a bad man but he will be the last man standing.

Jordynne Grace says her title has represented the best of women's wrestling. She says she carries the title proudly. She says the NXT Women's division is stacked and says the more formidable of an opponent she beats, the most prestige the title gets. She asks NXT to bring their best.

Lexis King is in the barber shop. He says fans put together a compilation of his greatest hits and we see clips of it. He says everyone loves the king and says he has the most talked beard in the WWE. Oro Mensah then comes in from behind a wall and punches him.

A bunch of girls are in the locker room. Kelani shadow boxes with Lola Vice and asks if she's ready. She says she deserves it. Fatal Influence says she has the title for now. Jacy asks who will challenge Grace tonight. Lola asks which one of Fatal Influence is stepping up and says they'd make a Fatal Miustake if they do. Lola then gets it into it with them and it's broken up.

WWE NXT Heritage Cup Match - Charlie Dempsey (c) vs Je'Von Evans

Round 1 - CD hits a hiptoss and a suplex. Evans throws him by the arm. CD armdrags him but Evans holds onto a wristlock. CD monkey flips Evans but Evans holds onto the wristlock. CD snapmares him but Evans does another wristlock. CD flips him by the arm and flips him. CD does a bridging armdrag. Evans monkey flips CD. Evans gets out of a monkey flip and does a seated springboard headscissors.

Round 2 - Evans misses a corner attack then does a twisting 2nd rope sunset flip. Evans is rammed in the buckles then CD hits a dragon suplex. CD pins him and is up 1-0.

Round 3 - This started during the PiP break. CD running euros him to start then hits more euros and forearms. CD gutwrench suplexes him for 2. CD cravates him and snapmares him with it. Evans headlocks takeovers him. CD does an indian deathlock. Evans cradles him then lariats him over. Evans superkicks him then double jump tornillo splashes him. Evans pins him and it's now 1-1.

Round 4
- Evans hits a flying forearm. Evans hits corner spears then knees CD in the gut. Evans dropkicks CD out. Evans goes for a dive and takes a forearm. CD running knees him then neckbreakers him. CD hits downward elbows then front facelocks him and guillotines him. Evans suplexes him out of it. CD double underhook suplexes him for 2. The bell rings and CD won't drop his guillotine choke. Cedric Alexander has to get him off.

Round 5
- Evans hits a sunset flip and a punch. Evans springboards and takes a euro in mid-air. Evans rolls CD up for 2. Evans corkscrew kicks CD off the ropes. Evans springboard crossbodies CD. Myles Borne puts CD's leg on the bottom rope. Cedric tope con hilos Borne. CD goes over the top to the floor then Evans suicide dives him. Tavion Heights then returns from Noah and belly to belly suplexes on the floor. CD pins Evans and wins 2-1.

Thoughts: The two worked better than expected but the match had a lot of shenanigans. They went 5 rounds here and honestly felt like they had another 5 more in them. I'd really like to see them do this again without interference.

 We get a video with dolls and a doll house. They say there's a warning to Lyra Tatum. They said they made their bed, but did they look underneath it. We then see Rosemary and Wendy Choo being spooky in this room and breaking dolls.

Oba Femi heads to the ring.

Ethan Page is interviewed. He says it's N-X-Me. He asks everyone to take a good hard look at him and says he should be thanked for the era they are in. He says he's not afraid of Pete Dunne and said he figured him out. He says Trick Williams is chasing ghosts and was lucky to collect lightning in a bottle once. Page says he's rooting for himself tonight. He says he only has to pick up the scraps of whoever is the last man standing.

Oba Femi vs Hammerstone

Hammer is Tony D's surprise man. He's from TNA and he should have been on this show years ago. Good for him to finally get here. Oba looks surprised. Hammer pokes him and Oba punches him. Oba knees him in the gut then Hammer hiptosses him.

We see Tony and his crew watching. Hammer boots Oba out of the corner then hits a top rope dropkick. Hammer lariats him over the top. Oba lariats him while he's on the apron then hits a big lariat to the back of the head. Oba hits elbow drops and does an overhead suplex. Oba running euros him then chinlocks him.

Oba throws him off his shoulders for 2. Hammer blocks a stomp. They grab each others throats at the same time. Oba headbutts him then misses a corner spear. Hammer hits a lariat and overhead belly to belly suplexes. Hammer chokeslams him for 2.

Oba throws Hammer from the backdrop position then pop-up powerbombs him for the win.

It was a fun match with the two big guys throwing each other around. The selling wasn't as good as it could have been here. I didn't like Hammer losing in his debut and this really should have been built up more than it was.

Hank and Tank talk to Robert Stone and Stevie Turner. They want Gallows and Anderson and do the "honk honk" taunt they likely stole from The Mother Truckers of WOW.

Duke, Riley and Thea walk past htem. Duke calls Ridge low life scum. He tells Chase to sit up in his hospital bed as he will give Oba an Andre Chase University sized @ss whooping.

The girls talk in the locker room. Wren asks Kelani if she should go for her title or the Knockouts title. She asks Kelani if she ever thought of doing an open challenge. She says it's a good idea but she should focus on the girl who is doing one. Jaida Parker comes in with a baseball bat looking for Fatal Influence. Lola wants them too but Jaida doesn't want her help. Kelani says someone needs to handle Fatal Influence.

Ridge Holland vs Duke Hudson

They trade shots to start. Ridge hits various strikes and boots Duke in the gut. Duke running boots him then bangs Ridge's head off the apron and commentary table. Duke gets nailed from behind. Ridge is sent into the steps.

Duke slingshot germans Ridge. Ridge knocks Duke into Riley outside and Riley holds his ankle. Duke is rammed into the apron edge. Ridge running lariats Duke then hits elbow drops. Ridge overhead belly to belly suplexes Duke and Duke lands on his neck.

Ridge slams Duke. Duke rolls up Ridge. Duke back elbows Ridge and Ridge crossbodies him. Ridge hits a jackhammer. Ridge lifts him in the air and ddt's him for the win.

It was an okay match here with the two doing a lot of strikes and slams. Ridge won as expected here.

Ridge throws Duke out after and throws him into a barricade, knocking it over. Ridge throws the barricade on Duke. Ridge then holds Duke in the air and ddt's him on the floor as Thea screams and gets upset.

Jordynne Grace heads to the ring and stares down Giulia.

Pete Dunne does a promo from the locker room and has a bruised eye. He says he has the face of a man who has been figuring it out his whole life. He says he was ready for a scrap. He says when Trick is wheeled out on a stretcher, he can think about how he just couldn't figure it out. Pete then says he will beat Page and become champ. He says he's NXT last man standing.

Miz TV will be on NXT's CW debut.

Wes Lee comes to the commentary booth. He says him and Zach both know why Trey isn't competing. Wes says it started between him and Zach and ends between them. He says he will end it in a streefight on their CW debut.

TNA Knockouts Title - Open Challenge - Jordynne Grace (c) vs Sol Ruca

JG side headlocks her and side headlock takeovers her. they dodge each other and stand off. Sol side headlocks her and gets shouldered over. JG flips her with a suplex and spinebusters her for 2. Sol sits on the top rope, is pushed over and pulls JG with her over the top. Sol then asai moonsaults off the 2nd rope connector.

Sol springboard splashes her for 2. We go to PiP break and return. JG hits corner spears. Sol flips out of a muscle buster. Sol is tripped onto the buckles and rolls down. Sol gets out of a kudo driver and hits bad punches. Sol springboard twisting crossbodies her. Sol high kicks her from the apron and top rope crossbodies her. JG backrolls through then Sol ddt's her off the swinging side slam attempt. 

JG hits a uraken, slams her and vader bombs her for 2. Sol cradles her for 2 then superkicks her. Sol gets crotched up top and JG muscle busters her. The lights go out and Rosemary and Wendy Choo get in the ring. Wendy does her cobra clutch variation and knocks out JG.

Thoughts: This was our second screwy finish of the night. Sol did a bit more than usual here but also bad some bad moments. This was kind of a way to help all parties. Nobody lost and this pushed a feud for TNA, while further strengthening the Rose/Wendy pairing. I'm not a big fan of Grace and I don't think she provided a lot here other than being a base for Sol.

Tatum and Lyra play with dolls in the back. She introduces Lyra to her dolls and gives her Shayna Baszler, Becky Lynch and Roxanne Perez toys. Lyra says they have to focus on Rosemary and Wendy. Tatum says they are not her friends. Tatum then complains about Wendy using her for the title and pulls a doll's head off. She freaks out and says everything is falling apart. Lyra says she needs to show them that we are on the same page. Tatum says "Tyra is forever" and asks Lyra to fix her doll.

Thoughts: It's a step back for Lyra but this partnership is still probably the best thing she has done so far and I'm fine with it continuing.

Ava, Giulia and Funaki talk in the back. Funaki translates for her. Ava says she hasn't disappointed and can't wait to see how she grows the women's division. Roxanne Perez comes in and complains about Giulia getting everything she wants. Perez says she doesn't care what she did in Japan. She says she won't take over her division. Giulia says Perez is scared and should be. Ava says we won't do this here.

Brooks Jensen goes up to Dion Lennox. Brooks asks what he meant by gaslighting. Shawn Spears comes in and Dion tells him to remember what he said. Shawn asks what he said and Brooks said he told him he's gaslighting him. Shawn asks him what he believes. He says the difference between him and others is that he will let him make decisions for himself. Eddy Thorpe is with a bunch of girls and Ashante Adonis comes up and complains to him. He says Eddy is playing him. Eddy tries to explain and Ashante tells him to save it.

Tyrese Haliburton of NBA fame will be on NXT next week. 

#1 Contenders to the NXT Title - Last Man Standing - Trick Williams vs Pete Dunne

They hockey fight to start. Trick hits some shots then flying lariats him. Pete back body drops him over the top then plancha's him. Pete forearms him then sends him into the steps. Trick hits chops.

Trick takes a back body drop on the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Trick hits jumping side kicks and flapjacks Pete. Trick uranages him. Pete stomps Trick's fingers onto a chair. Trick chairs him in the gut and neckbreakers him. Pete germans him then stomps him.

Trick is thrown into a chair wedged between the buckles. Pete bangs Trick's head off the steps and boots him. Pete ddt's him on the exposed floor. Pete pump kicks him then stomps his head in. Trick pop-up euros him inside then Pete hits a bitter end.

Trick corkscrew kicks a chair into Pete's face. Trick hits a pumping knee. Trick takes a powerbomb through the commentary table top. Trick's head is banged off the rails outside and they go into the crowd. They go up on the riser and Pete hits him with a post. Trick takes a russian legsweep off the riser through covered tables.

Ethan Page comes out and and Trick back body drops him through a table. Trick gets up before the 10 count and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like the table spot off the riser. I'm sure they made it as safe as they could but Trick's too valuable to risk getting hurt on a meaningless spot like that. The match was fine but not great. I didn't think they made the best use of the 10 counts to build drama.

Ava, Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone are in Ava's office. Ava says CM Punk will be in NXT and will announce something special for Chicago.

Overall thoughts: They tried to put on a strong show here. We had some guests from TNA like Hammerstone and Grace, we had a Heritage Cup match, Giulia's debut and a Last Man Standing main event. Three of the matches ended in shenanigans though which brought them down. I didn't think anything great here but I guess it was a good enough show.

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