Friday, September 13, 2024

TNA Impact 9/12/2024

TNA Impact 9/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are in Louisville, Kentucky tonight.

Steve Maclin vs Hammerstone

They lock up. Hammer side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Hammer hits shots in the corner. Steve hits chops in the corner. Steve back elbows him. Steve lariats Hammer for 2. Hammer hits shots in the corner then hits corner spears. Hammer spinebusters him. Hammer chokes him on the ropes.

Hammer hits knees to the gut then backdrops him for 2. Hammer germans him. Steve hits forearms then uranage backbreakers him. Steve does his crosshairs spear for 2. Hammer powerslams him then Steve lariats him over the top. Steve topes him. Hammer 2nd rope belly to belly suplexes him. 

Hammer hits a single leg dropkick then Steve rolls him up to win.

Thoughts: The crowd didn't care about this at all and was totally dead. That completely killed the match. I didn't like Hammer losing here and I really don't get what the play is with him.

Hammer attacks Steve and torture racks him after. Eric Young comes out and stops Hammer. Jake Something comes out and stares down Hammer. They seem to have a partnership set up.

The System does a promo. Eddie says people were hoping for a system failure but they got a system reboot. Brian says they will annihilate The Hardy's. JDC says they are hungry. Moose says all of them will win at the PPV. Eddie says it starts with The System tonight.

Steve Maclin does a promo. He talks about Eric Young. Eric comes in. Steve says there's not enough people in the business like him. He thanks him. He said he has nothing but respect. Eric says if Hammer and Jake want to get in their business, they will show it's not about the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog. Eric says they will see them at Victory Road. 

I won't be covering the Heather Reckless match. 

We get a video from the wrestler formerly known as Xia Li from WWE. She has a fire going and says fire is her belief that guides her through darkness. We are then told she's coming soon.

Matt Cardona comes out and brings Steph De Lander out with him. She's not happy.

Steph goes to talk and Matt says he does the talking about here. Matt says Santino has it out for him after he came back from a life threatening injury. He complains about Santino trying to make him fight Rhino and PCO. He says this is an unsafe working environment. He said he can find his own partner though and said he found the most dangerous monster there is....Steph De Lander.

Matt tells her no funny business at Victory Road and don't try to help your husband. He says no Fingerpoke of Doom. He says he will send her back to Australia if she doesn't do what he says.

PCO comes out. Matt uses Steph as a shield. Steph low bows him and PCO chokeslams Matt.

Thoughts: The Matt/Steph vs PCO/Rhino match does sound interesting but I won't watch it due to it being an intergender match.

Spitfire talk in the back. Jody says it was a heck of an offer that she made for the tag title match. Gia Miller walks in and talks about it. Jody says coming up from the bottom is where they come from. Dani says this isn't it and won't be it. Dani says maybe they need everything on the line to have the heart and prove they can do it. They say it's do or die. 

Tornado Tag Match - ABC vs First Class (KC Navarro and AJ Francis)

They talk trash in the ring and AJ takes a kick from Ace. KC is lariated over the top. AJ picks up Ace for a powerbomb but Ace hurricanrana's AJ over the top. Ace superkicks KC from the apron and Bey tope con hilos AJ. Ace double stomps AJ off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. First Class is in control and AJ running knees Bey and Ace in the corner. KC wraps around the post to kick Bey then dropkicks his body into the post. KC double stomps Bey off the apron. KC is popped up into a splash on Ace.

AJ powerbombs KC onto Ace. Bey pulls AJ's throat down over the top rope. Bey top rope diving lariats KC. Ace corner lariats AJ then AJ takes a double kick in the corner. KC takes a brainbuster + headkick combo for 2. AJ takes a double knee to the face then AJ is double suplexed. KC cradles Bey for 2.

AJ catches Bey's back springboard. AJ goes for a chokeslam and takes a cutter. Ace hits the fold on AJ and AJ takes a double pin.

Thoughts: There wasn't a great feud behind it and it just a tag match without any tags. That hurt a lot of the momentum as did the bad crowd who didn't really care all that match.  The work wasn't bad but this match didn't really do the stipulation justice.

We get a video on Jonathan Gresham. They talk about his biggest battle happening behind the mask. They say with the shedding of the mask, there's a rebirth. He says the battle is far from over though and it's one day at a time.

Gresham is what he is without the octopus gimmick. They seemed to have dropped the gimmick and while it wasn't perfect, I think it's a mistake to drop it. The guy needs more color than just doing a technical wrestling gimmick and it's hard to see him getting far just as himself again. 

Joe Hendry comes out to talk. He says he lives by "say his name and he appears" and he wants to know if Josh Alexander lives by it too. He says he is calling him out. Josh is in the crowd and said he'd love to, but he fears for his safety. Josh says, "go on funny man, make me laugh". Joe says he has a video called, "The Josh Alexander Story".

Joe sings about Josh in the video. He said he was champ but never saw Josh smile. He says he looks like Jessie Pinkman and Walter White. Josh says he has nothing to smile about because of Joe and says he should be the one in NXT.

Josh said he did everything the right way, working with and training with the best but Joe is standing here because he has funny videos. He said he didn't earn it. Josh says Joe won't get to see him smile. Joe says it seems like he's upset. He says Josh is mad they aren't chanting "Walking Weapon" and Joe said he saw a sign that said, "Walking Weiner". The fan then holds up that sign and we get a "Walking Weiner" chant.

Josh says Joe dug his grave a little deeper and he says he will beat him once and for all so fans can see what a real wrestler is like. Joe says Josh thinks he's the only one who has traveled the world and he says he has traveled the world too. Joe says the fans say he can beat him and say she will at Victory Road.

It was a good segment. The feud makes a lot of sense and probably does reflect reality to some degree and those kinds of feuds are best. Anyone would kind of feel bad if they were in Josh's position where they were the top dog at a company and someone else is getting shots over them.

Jordynne Grace talks to Arianna Grace in the back. JG says she and Karmen is welcome here but Wendy Choo is not welcome here. AG says Wendy is not welcome here. She says she wants NXT and TNA to get along perfectly. She says she promises nothing will happen to JG at Victory Road. JG says promises mean something around here. AG wants to do a pinky swear and JG says not to do it here.

Mike Santana does a promo. He says everyone likes to list their accomplishments, but everyone here knows what he has done. He says he is coming for the world title and says his sights are set on Victory Road. He says Nic Nemeth has done a good job and says he hopes Moose wins the title. He says it will just be another thing he takes from Moose and says he wants him to suffer.

George Iceman is in the ring. I think he says this city is the fattest city in the world and says that's why there's so many fat, ugly, fried-chicken eating degenerates in one building. He tells us to show respect for the most gorgeous woman, Ash By Elegance.

Ash By Elegance vs Xia Brookside

They lock up. Ash waistlock takedowns her and piefaces her. Xia trips her and does her own piefaces. Xia headscissors and dropkicks her. Xia crossbodies her for 2.

Ash misses a buttdrop and Xia crucifixes her for 2. George trips Xia and Ash gets a 2 count off of it. Ash spanks her then suplexes her for 2. Ash misses a corner charge and Xia hits lariats. Xia does a flying octopus and russian legsweeps her. Ash is pulled into the buckles and Xia meteora's her in the back of the neck against the buckles. George distracts Xia.

Xia misses the meteora in the corner then Heather Reckless pulls Xia into the post. Ash then pins Xia.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. These girls are not the most athletic or skilled wrestlers and the shenanigans didn't help things. 

Nic Nemeth talks about Moose. He said Moose had his chance and blew it. He said instead of begging him for a match, he went to social media and complained to Triple H, Shawn Michaels and John Cena. Nic says words don't hurt him but he thinks they hurt Moose. He says he has been in the ring with Moose's heroes. He says there is only one way to go when they get to victory road - that's to get in the ring and watch Nic hit him in the face. Nic says one man gets the victory at Victory Road and it's your fighting TNA champ. He says all Moose gets is the road.

Thoughts: It was a clever play on words, but I didn't see the tweet he mentioned and have no idea what he was talking about. They should have showed it.

Ash By Elegance complains to George Iceman in the back. She says her lipstick and eyeliner are messed up. She says Heather Reckless in her mirror. George says he likes what Heather did but doesn't know her. He said he doesn't like what she's wearing. Ash says everyone wants to be like her and look like her, but someone helping her, is something different. George gives Heather his card for a personal makeover. Heather seems interested.

The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) vs. The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards)

Brian and Matt start us off with a lock-up. The fans chant "Happy Birthday" to Jeff Hardy. Matt shoulders Brian over then bangs his arm off his shoulder. Jeff hits Eddie's arm off the buckles.

Matt hits shots on both opponents. Eddie chops Matt up then Matt hits a running back elbow. Matt catapults Eddie's neck into the ropes. Eddie stomps Jeff and bangs his head off the buckles. Brian misses a corner splash. Eddie is sent into him. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back and splashes both in the corner. The System then take stereo lariats over the top.

Jeff double lariats The System off the apron. Brian stomps on Jeff then elbow drops him. We go to PiP break and return. Brian stomps on Jeff. Jeff jawbreakrs Brian and Matt back elbows Brian. Jeff bangs Brian's head off the buckles then corner lariats him. Matt hits a side effect then 2nd rope elbow drops him for 2.

Eddie hides behind Alisha outside and Brian dropkicks Matt through the ropes. Eddie chops and headbutts Matt outside. Matt is thrown in and Eddie hits mounted shots. Brian russian legsweeps Matt for 2. Brian distracts the ref and prevents Matt from possibly tagging out. Brian sleepers Matt. Brian backdrops Matt.

Matt neckbreakers Brian. Jeff and Eddie get in. Jeff hits shots on Eddie then neckbreakers him. Jeff lariats and back elbows Eddie. He atomic drops him then legdrops him in the crotch. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on Brian then hits a twist of fate on Eddie.

Brian spears Jeff and Eddie gets a 2 count off of it. Matt hits a twist of fate on Brian while Brian sits on top. Jeff and Matt hit twists of fate on Eddie. Jeff top rope swantons Eddie and gets the pin.

It was longer and it was an okay tag match here. There was nothing great about it but it your standard traditional tag with the faces winning. I was fine with it though it could have been a little shorter.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual TNA show that was average to okay. The crowd didn't cheer much outside of The Hardy's match which brought down everything. I didn't love anything on here and really wouldn't recommend it.

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