Thursday, September 5, 2024

Marigold 8/10/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 8

Marigold 8/10/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 8

The last show is here:

DREAM STAR Grand Prix Qualifying Match - Kizuna Tanaka vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

KM throws her into the corner off the handshake and hits dropkicks. Kiz dropkicks her back five times for 2. Kiz hair throws her twice then slams her for 2. They trade chest forearms and KM slams her. KM camel clutches her. She hits a dropkick and rolls on her back to ddt her. KM armbars her.

Kiz raps KM's arm around the bottom rope and dropkicks it. Kiz flying neckbreakers her then armbars her. KM rolls her into her own armbar and Kiz ropebreaks. KM rolls her into another armbar then Kiz rolls her into an armbar. Kiz fisherman suplexes her three times for 2. KM cradles her twice for nearfalls. KM then basically does a la magistral bomb on her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an okay opening match. They traded armbars here and Kiz repeated a lot of her offense. Kiz ended up winning with a move that clutched the arm so she did follow up some on the armwork. Kizuna maybe not being in the GP is disappointing.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix Qualifying Match - Myla Grace vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Kiz hits a boot and cartwhewls over her while she's down. Myla armdrags her then Yuz elgsweeps her. Yuz walks up the buckles and armdrags her. Yuz then hits a dropkick. Yuz dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Myla hits some kicks and a legsweep then basement dropkicks her. Myla rolls her into a border city stretch. Myla hip attacks her on the ropes for 2.

Yuz boots her in the gut then springboard back elbows her. Yuz hits a standing moonsault. then Myla flying lariats her. Myla hits a euro in the corner and backdrops her for 2.

Myla is thrown off the 2nd rope then Yuz hits a lightning spiral. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2. Myla superkicks her then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Yuz rolls her up and crucifixes her for 2. They trade chest forearms. Yuz hits a big chest forearm and superkicks her. Yuz then does a cool flipping move with Myla's arms hooked and pins her.

Thoughts: It was on the end of things and wasn't anything too special. Myla didn't botch anything but there wasn't even really a face or heel here yet another any kind of greater logic or story.

Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Misa Matsui vs. Chika Goto, Kouki Amarei & Natsumi Showzuki

NS = Natsumi Showzuki

Mai and NS start us off. Mai ducks a lock-up and poses. NS wristlocks her. Mai wristlocks NS then NS reverses it. Mai tries to roll out but NS rolls with her. Mai rolls her into a nudo. Mirai walks over NS while she's tied up then NS takes a triple basement dropkick.

NS high kicks Misa then dropkicks her. NS slams Misa for 2 then goes for an armbar. NS stomps Misa then springboard double kneedrops her for 2. Chika hits forearms on Misa then buttpresses her down while she's laying on the 2nd rope. Chika hair throws Misa. Kouki bounces Misa off the ropes and running facekicks her. Kouki slams Misa then falling splashes her for 2.

Misa rolls Kouki into a double stomp then Mai facekicks Kouki. Mai shotgun dropkicks Kouki for 2. They trade facekicks. They boot each other at the same time and Kouki jumping facekicks her. Mai then facekicks her down. Mirai gets in and hits a big corner lariat on Kouki. Mirai top rope dropkicks Kouki.

Kouki dropkicks Mirai and tags in Chika. Mirai does adragon screw on Chika then step up curbstomps her. Mirai basement dropkicks Chika and Chika giant swings Mirai. Chika hip attacks Mirai on the ropes. Mirai trips her and kicks her in the back.

Mirai 2nd rope elbow drops her for 2. Kouki shoulders Mirai over then her and Chika double gorilla press Mirai down. NS is then double lifted into a double knee drop on Mirai. Chika wheelbarrow drops Mirai facefirst. Kiz flying knees Kouki. Misa top rope crossbodies Chika then Mirai does a suplex on Chika.

Misa and NS trade chest forearms. Misa chest forearm flurries her and double sledgehammers her. NS meteora's her against the bottom rope. Mai flying knees NS out of nowhere then NS takes a double suplex. Misa flying knees NS for 2.

NS takes a bridging ddt then NS cradles Misa for 2. Misa rolls NS up with a bridge for 2. NS trips Misa into a pin Mirai and Mai hit stereo dropkicks then NS rolls up Misa for another nearfall. The time then expires.

Thoughts: It went to a 15 minute draw here. It wasn't really enough time. They were having a solid match here and didn't even really go into finishers here before the time ran out. I liked this one and would have been happy to watch another 15 minutes of it. 

Nanae Takahashi, Nao Ishikawa & Utami Hayashishita vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NT - Nanae Takahashi, NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Boz's team rushes NT's team and they fight outside. Utami is sent into the seats by Utami. Nao and Chi trade then go back in. Chi corner spears Nao then NN corner facekicks Nao. Boz corner splashes Nao. Chi crabs Nao then Nao pulls on her hair. Nao ropebreaks.

Boz's team puts their feet on Nao's head and poses on the ropes. Chi spears Nao's back on the ropes and NN hits a reverse pendulum kick on Nao. Nao flying neckbreakers Chi then double underhook suplexes her for 2. NT shoulders over Chi and Utmai shoulders over NN. They double shoulder Boz. Nao's team hits chops on all 3 opponents separately.

Chi takes a double basement dropkick. Chi rolling spears NT then NT takes boots to the head on the bottom rope. Chi running headkicks NT then dropkicks a chair into NT's head. NT lariats a chair into NN. Utami gets in and lariats NN on the ropes then sliding lariats her for 2.

NN and Utami trade forearms. NN facekicks Utami then Utami lariats her over. NN facekicks Utami then basement dropkicks her for 2. Boz shoulders over Utami then sentons her. Utami dropkicks Boz and Boz no sells it. Boz shotgun dropkicks Utami for 2.

Utami gets Boz on her shoulders and samoan drops her. Nao hits forearms on Boz and gets nowhere. Boz sends her flying with one. Nao tries it again then gets on her back for a sleeper. Nao rolls Boz into a basement dropkick. Nao is caught on a top rope crossbody but NT lariats Nao over.

Nao tries to pick Boz up but Boz lands on her. Boz hits headbutts on Nao. Boz takes a back body drop and double suplex combo for 2. NN throws a chair at Nao's head in front of the ref then Boz hits a stiff boot on Nao. Boz legdrops Nao for 2.

Boz cradle shocks Nao for 2. Boz grabs a chair, the ref takes it and Chi ends up nailing Boz with a chair on accident when Nao moves. Boz lariats Nao then Boz piledrivers Nao to win.

Thoughts: It was a fun tag here. They played up Boz's size. Nao was a good crash test dummy for Boz and we had clear heels and faces. I would have liked the heels to actually get DQ'd for using a chair though as that's pro wrestling 101.

NT gets on the mic after and Chika Goto comes out. She seems to join up with Nanae and walks out with her.

Miku Aono vs. Giulia

G = Giulia

They lock up and G backs her up on the ropes. G chops her. Miku hits kicks and G ankle locks her. They go to the mat. Miku blocks a triangle and side headlocks her. G side headlocks her then Miku side hedlock takeovers her.

G wristlocks her then takes her down by the arm. G side headlock takeovers her and Miku headscissors her. G boots her then rolls her up for 2. G does just facelock. G chokes Miku on the ropes with her knee then dropkicks her against the ropes. They go outside and Miku is thrown into the seats. G grabs flowers Miku was given and then gets in a shoving match with the person who gave them to Miku. G then hits Miku with the flowers, sending rose petals everywhere.

G hits a top rope dropkick on Miku. G slams Miku. Miku dropkicks G then hits a corner dropkick on her. Miku snapmares G then kicks her in the back. Miku kneebreakers G then hits kicks to the leg. Miku ties up one leg and half-crabs G's other leg. G ropebreaks and Miku ties G's leg around the bottom rope.

Miku dropkicks G's leg against the bottom rope. G suplexes Miku. They trade forearms and Miku swinging twisting slams her. G backdrops her, Miku no sells it then germans her. G germans Miku then Miku backdrops her. Miku hits high kicks and G headbutts her. Both go down after that.

Miku lariats G. Miku fisherman suplexes her for 2. G top rope double underhook suplexes her. G hits a double arm and headlock and Miku ropebreaks. G does a wristclutch overhead suplex for 2. Miku lariats G then sliding lariats her for 2. G backrolls her then backdrops her. G is caught on the 2nd rope and takes a hard german down. Miku botches a styles clash on her.

G forearms her then Miku blocks a glorious driver. Miku lariats G. Miku double underhook suplexes G for 2. Miku headkicks G and the time limit runs out at 20 minutes.

Thoughts: Two time limit draws on one show with one of them being in the main is brave. I wasn't a fan of this one. There was some limb work that didn't go anywhere and here was just nothing of substance. They should have just stuck with trading blows and knocked about 5+ minutes off of this one. 

Flowers are supposed to be given to the winner after but it's draw, so they kind of split them. They talk on the mic after, hug and raise each other's hands to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was an easy show to get to, but it was about average overall. The Bozilla trios match was the best thing on here and the other trios match was okay but didn't get enough time. I was also okay with the opener here. The main wasn't that good. I wouldn't recommend this.

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