Thursday, September 5, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9/4/2024

AEW Dynamite 9/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

Daniel Garcia comes out to talk. He says he knows MJF is somewhere in this building and says he wants to break his neck right now. MJF is in the crowd with security around him. He says he doesn't want to ruin their match by whooping his @ss now. He says he doesn't want any excuses made when he paints the canvas in his blood and breaks his pencil neck. He says he doesn't attack people from behind like a coward like he does. 

DG says everything he said is fake and says everything about him is fake. He says MJF got a hair transplant. He says he has a fake love for AEW. He says he doesn't love the people or care about the place the way he does. He says he's obsessed with ruining his life. He says he wants him and the people who love him to suffer. He says he needs to marry the girl who loves him for more than a year and says when he touches his baby, he will feel a tingle from his neck to his toes and think about him. He said he will have to say that he was a wrestler until Daniel Garcia ended his career.

MJF claps and says bravo. He says DG learned how to speak. He says he has a lot more to learn and a lot of maturing to do. He says he was trying to do him a solid when he dumped him on his head. MJF says the people turned on him like rats and says they will do it to DG. He says the crowd will want to watch him fall the more he rises up. He says he will make sure the fans don't hurt DG like they hurt him. He says he will protect DG by putting him in a wheelchair. He says DG's mom will take care of him in his bed and says his mom won't be the first man she attended to in her bed. DG then goes after him. DG his some horrible shots on security guards and goes up to MJF. MJF hits him with a bottle.

DG is bleeding and MJF headlocks him near the steps. He says every man must go through hell before they reach paradise. He says he wants to thank him and said he woke up something in him that has been dormant for too long. He says he will send him straight to paradise. He says DG can thank him later. MJF then kisses the blood and gets it on his lips.

Thoughts: It was fine with MJF doing his usual shtick and DG going after him. The blood at the end helped this segment.

The Conglomeration and Willow Nightingale talk. Will Ospreay comes in. He asks Mark if he has words of wisdom. Mark says Kyle O'Reilly called him on the phone and asked if Will could team with them. Mark says the word of the day is stupendous and asks if Milwaukee is ready. Kyle mimed Mark the whole time here and goofed around with him. I thought that was funny.

AEW Continental Title - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Kyle Fletcher

Kyle wristlocks, snapmares and side headlocks him. Okada goes for the rainmaker and they stand off. Kyle leg lariats him off the apron then topes him. We go to PiP break and return. Kyle lariats him then hits corner punches.

Kyle side swinging sitout slams him. Kyle hits kicks to the chest and takes an over the back neckbreaker on the knee. Okada slams him and hits a top rope elbow drop. Kyle michinoku drivers him for 2. Okada ddt's him on the floor.  Kyle superkicks Okada on the apron then brainbusters Okada on the apron.

We go to another PiP break and return. Okada has his arm and head and tied up then Kyle armdrags and superkicks him. Kyle facekicks him in the corner. They fight on the buckles and Okada dropkicks him down to the floor. Okada facekicks against the rails.

Kyle brainbusters him on the rail edge then tope con hilos him over the rails and slams him. Kyle hits a top rope elbow drop then leg lariats him on the ropes. Okada backslides him and short arm lariats him. Okada hits a big dropkick then Kyle suplexes him. Kyle hits a spinning tombstone for 2.

Kyle pounds on Okada with a 1 minute remaining before the time limit expires. Okada grabs the ref, pushes Kyle near him then low blows Kyle. Okada then hits a rainmaker and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual Kyle match where he does every move he can think of and it means absolutely nothing. The finish was kind of dumb too. Why not just go the time limit? I have no idea how Kyle got this shot when he has done nothing but lose.

Takeshita comes out to check on Kyle and seems to want some of Okada.

Jamie Hayter vs Robyn Renegade

RR hits a forearm then is forearmed down. We see Harley Cameron and Saraya watching. Jamie shoulders her over then RR dropkicks her. Jamie just bounces back with it and lariats her. RR double flying knees her in the corner. Jamie running facekicks her.

RR hits knees to the chest over the middle rope and double stomps her back there. RR comes off the 2nd rope and takes a powerslam. Jamie uranage backbreakers her then hits a pepsi twist lariat to win.

It was a quick squash as expected. Jamie looked good but I think they've done a poor job bringing her back so far. She does not feel special and they haven't had anything big lined up for her. Her new look also makes her look like a 1980's jobber.

We see Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana at the house Swerve grew up in. He said it got foreclosed but he bought it after signing his AEW contract last week. The contract was supposedly on the level of Okada and Mone's contracts, which seem like they were not worth it. I just don't see Swerve as that kind of star (and ticket sales and ratings back that up) and I don't think the market for him was as high as AEW thinks.

Roderick Strong and Christopher Daniels talk. Strong said his foot was on the rope during the FTW Title match with Hook when he got submitted and he's not happy. Hook says Strong's foot was on the rope and said they should have an FTW Title match today. Strong says he's not fighting him in Milwaukee but will call his shot soon. He says Hook will be the first to know when.

We go to the back. Marina Shafir and Jon Moxley are beating up people. Joe Alonzo is again one of them. They talk to The Elite. Mox says Jack Perry is a sweet kid.

Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir come out. He said he wonders if Darby is out here somewhere, but says he doesn't think so. He said he wrestled some kid nobody had heard of years ago. He beat the crap out of him but thinks he's special. He said Darby is his own man and plays the game the way it was meant to be played with reckless abandon.

Mox says he just want to talk then leaves.

The Learning Tree are interviewed. Jericho says OC didn't know what he did when he ruined his jacket years ago. We see clips of that incident. He said the jacket cost $7,000 and he wants it back. He says Bryan Keith will freshly squeeze the 7K out of OC's hide on Collision. Bill and Bryan tell OC to make good on his debts. OC walks in and says if Bryan beats him, tell Jericho he will give him the 7K in cash. Bryan complains about the disrespect and says OC will pay the price.

I will not be covering the Mariah May match. Mariah won.

We get a video on Deonna Purrazzo. She says every great artist goes through down periods. She said the bullrope match with Thunder Rosa was supposed to be her crowning moment but it wasn't. She says it doesn't mean she is done making art. She says she has only just begun.

Mercedes Mone comes out to talk with Kamille. She said she feels strong after beating Momo Watanabe on Friday and says Hikaru Shida is feeling strong too. She asks how Shida can call herself the ace when she is not the face of TBS. She says she will learn there is a price to pay when you mess with Mone.

Hikaru Shida gets on the tron and is dressed in men's clothes. She says Mone is one katana away from losing the title. She says Mone can't beat the ace. Christopher Daniels walks in. He says Kamille is a nuisance when at ringside and says Kamille will be banned from ringside during the Shida/Mone match. Shida then says "sayonara, b!tch".

The Elite talk in the back. Jack Perry says he felt the ground shake with Bryan Danielson at All In. He said he thought about the day he would fight him. Jack says he rebuilt himself after his suspension and said Bryan only cares about himself. He said Bryan's fairy tale return will not have a happy ending. The Bucks says they will make sure the title comes back where it belongs.

Will Ospreay, Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly vs Pac, Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli

Kyle back body drops Yuta then armbars him. Kyle hits knees to the gut of Yuta then Yuta takes some shots. Yuta and OC trade. Yuta suplexes OC. Pac and Will go at it. Will headflips over Pac. Will legsweeps Pac. Will does a backflip and basement dropkicks him. We go to PiP break and return.

Yuta germans OC. CC is tagged in an sets OC on the top rope for a euro. OC comes off the top, Pac gets in cand catches him then suplexes him. Pac puts him in the brutalizer and Will breaks it up.

OC goes for the tag but no one is there. OC takes corner attacks then CC rocket launchers Yuta onto him for 2. Yuta chokes OC in the corner. CC takes a back body drop over the top. OC tags in Will. Will back body drops Yuta. CC pops Will up but Will hurricanrana's him. Will corkscrew kicks Yuta off the ropes.

We go to PiP break and return. CC hits elbow shots on OC and OC rotation headscissors him out. OC topes CC then Yuta topes OC. Kyle hits a flying knee to Yuta, Pac hits a fosbury flop and Will plancha's Pac. 

Will, Yuta and Pac fight on the ramp. Pac takes a facekick then Will jumps off the ramp to flip onto him. OC hits a top rope diving DDT to CC. CC blocks OC's ddt. OC hits a stunner then a beachbreak for 2. CC takes chest kicks from OC and Kyle. OC throws weak kicks purposely.

Kyle guillotine chokes CC. CC kind of pops him up into a euro. CC giant swings Kyle and Yuta basement dropkicks him. CC picks Kyle.

It was your usual multi-man tag with loose affiliations and storylines. It was fine and I liked it.

Bryan Danielson comes in after with his buddies then The Elite jump them all. Bryan, Yuta and CC clear off the heels.

CC says The Elite made the biggest mistake of their life. CC says he's been collecting gold lately and challenges The Bucks for a tag title match at All Out with Yuta as his partner. Bryan says Jack Perry will get his head kicked in at All Out.

We go to the back and Will/Pac are fighting. Pac brainbusters him on boxes. Daniels tells Pac to get out.

Tony Schiavone hosts a contract signing for Swerve and Page in the ring. Page isn't there but is at Swerve's new house. He said Swerve slipped up and showed him something important to him. He said he bets Swerve dad didn't love him and regrets having him. Page says it would be a wonderful world if he wasn't born. Page then throws gas around.

Page said he told him there was nothing more he wanted than to burn his world to the ground. Page said if he couldn't take the title from him, he was happy to let it slip through his fingers. He said he will take his pride and dignity as he will be begging for his mercy. He said he won't give him his mercy at All Out. He said it's time to say goodbye and told him to say goodbye to the AEW Title, his career, his joy and happiness. He says he gets to say goodbye to Swerve's House and throws fire. This house then lights up and catches on fire.

Thoughts: It was a good angle but it was hard to believe that Swerve's house really got burnt.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like Okada/Kyle and while the Swerve/Page angle was hard to buy, it was a cool idea on paper. I skipped one match. I liked this one overall and thought it was good.

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