Sunday, September 1, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 8/25/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 8/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Persephone, Dark Silueta and Zeuxis vs Lluvia, La Catalina and Tessa Blanchard

Z = Zeuxis, L = Lluvia

1st Fall - Pers and Cat start us off. Pers rolls out of a wristlock and trips her. Pers works on the leg and they get up. Pers side headlocks her and is backrolled. Pers stomps Cat's fingers then wristlocks her. Cat armdrags her then rolls her up for 2. Pers backslides her and tries pins. They stand off. Z and L go at it. L dropkicks Z in the butt then Dark hits L from behind. L sunset flips Z and Dark basement dropkicks Z on accident. L headsicssors Dark then Dark spinning heel kicks her.

Dark superkicks Tess then Tess stomps her hand and superkicks her. Tess flying headscissors Z then slaps her. Z corner euros Tess then Tess sunset flips her. Z and L also try pins and none of them get them. Cat is on the 2nd rope and takes a backcracker. Tess is laid on the top and and Dark springboard dropkicks her. Z meteora's Tess then Pers springboard splashes Tess. Pers' team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Cat throws Pers then flying knees her. Cat pushes Z into Dark then does a headlock takeover + headscissors takeover. Z shotgun dropkicks Cat then kicks L in the back. L takes corner attacks. Tess is held for sentons from all 3 heels.

Cat takes a double flapjack then Dark basement dropkicks her. L rolls up Pers on a failed triple team for 2. Tess codebreakers Z then L backcrackers Z. Cat top rope splashes Z and pins her. La Catalina's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Pers is triple teamed. Cat hip attacks her on the ropes then Tess splashes her using the ropes. Dark takes a triple kick from her opponents. Z is held for a basement dropkick in the butt from L. Pers hits a razor's edge on L for 2. Cat facebusters Pers for 2. Dark slaps Cat and fisherman suplexes her for 2. Tess cutters Dark and Z stops the pin. Z double underhook codebreakers Tess for 2. L dropkicks Z out then Cat cannonballs Z off the apron.

Dark corner lariats Tess then Pers joins in. L corner basement dropkicks Dark and pins her then Tess top rope codebreakers Pers and pins her to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good. There were lots of sloppy moments here, especially in the 3rd fall.

El Cobarde, Hijo de Villano III, Villano III Jr. vs Hijo de Pantera, Hombre Bala Jr. and Brillante Jr.

HDV = Hijo de Villano III, V3J = Villano III Jr.

1st Fall - HDV has no tattoos while V3J does. HDV and Pant go at it. Pant side headlocks him and HDV grabs his leg. Pant trips him, ties up the legs and surfs on his back. HDV chokes Pant then Pant grabs the leg. HDV wristlocks him and clubs on him. Pant headflips and does an armdrag.

Cob and Brill go at it. Cob takes him down and front facelocks him. Brill rolls him off and rolls him by the arm. Cob waistlocks him then Brill ties his legs up. They both headflip up and stand off. Bala and V3J go at it. V3J is shouldered out of the ring. Bala armdrags Cob then springboard headscissors him. Bala springboard armdrags him. Bala 2nd rope springboard twisting crossbodies V3J then moonsaults him off the ropes outside. HDV lariats Pant over. Pant top rope swantons him and Brill sitout powerbombs cob. Brillante Jr's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Brill superkicks V3J. Brill headscissors him off the ropes then walks up Cob's leg and headscissors him. Brill handstand walks and backflips into a spinning headscissors on HDV. V3J and Bala trade chest slaps then HDV gets chopped by his brother on accident. Bala tilt-a-whirl armdrags V3J. V3J tope con hilos Bala.

Pant misses a top rope swanton then Cob hits a cradle shock on Brill while HDV top rope moonsaults Pant. Cob and HDV pick up pins at the same time and win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Cob spinebusters Pant then HDV is flipped by V3J over the top onto Pant. V3J and Cob do a double leapfrog then hit a 3D on Brill. HDV chops Bala. V3J is popped up into a corner dropkick on Bala. Pant is triple gorilla pressed from the ramp to the ring. Pant is popped up and hits a double dropkick then he tilt-a-whirl backbreakers V3J. Pant flying headscissors V3J then double underhook drops him.

Cob and Brill go at it. Brill goes up and over and twists into a sunset bomb. HDV germans Brill then Bala dropkicks HDV from behind. Bala hits a split-legged moonsault on HDV. V3J hits a nasty fire thunder driver on Bala and pins him. The Villanos and Cobarde win the fall and the match.

Thoughts: I thought it was alright. I didn't like Cobarde taking a pin so early into his run here. Bala took a nasty fire thunder driver and was not moving around as well as I'm sure he'd like to. There was nothing wrong with this one here.

Blue Panther Sr., Blue Panther Jr., Hijo de Blue Panther and Dark Panther vs Magia Blanca, Magnus, Rugido and Volador Jr.

Note - All of the Panthers have similar names so this is going to be tough to transcribe and follow.

Blue Jr = Blue Panther Jr., Hijo = Hijo de Blue Panther, MB = Magia Blanca

1st Fall - Blue Jr and MB start us off. Blue Jr rolls him then chinlocks him. MB gets out, flips Blue Jr and Blue armdrags him. Dark and Rug go at it. Rug takes him down and rolls him. Rug armdrags him. Rug suplexes Dark then armdrags him and they stand off.  Blue Sr and Vol go at it. Blue gets nailed from behind then takes a triple stomp. Hijo takes corner attacks then a Vol superkick. Vol basement dropkicks Dark. Blue Jr takes a 619 and a double basement dropkick. Blue Blue Sr takes a 4-man beatdown.

Blue Sr takes a double back elbow, a double elbow drop and MB springboard splashes him. MB pins Blue Sr.

2nd Fall -  Blue Sr takes a 4 person boot. Hijo is tripped then MB basement dropkicks him. Blue Jr has his mask untied then he is thrown into Blue Sr several times. MB corner meteora's Blue Sr. Blue Jr is popped up and takes a double kick. Hijo takes a double suplex then takes sentons.

Blue Sr is held for chops. He tries to fight back and is stomped down by 3 people. Hijo hits a tilt-a-whirl armdrags on all 4 opponents. The Panthers then do a quadruple roll-up spot and get quadruple pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol's team stalls on the ramp. MB is tripped and take a double basement dropkick. Mag is sent into the rails by Blue Sr outside and Vol's team stalls more. The Panther's go after Vol on the ramp. Vol takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the ramp then is held for a Blue Sr headbutt in the crotch. Hijo hits a double japanese armdrag then Hijo and Dark do stereo plancha's. Blue Jr 2nd rope headscissors Mag out. Blue Jr and Sr do planchas off the top to the outside. Dark flying headscissors Rug and MB and a doctor comes out to check on Blue Jr outside. Blue Jr suicide dives on 2 opponents outside then Dark topes Rug and MB into the rails.

MB boots Vol out on accident then Blue crossbodies Vol off the ramp. MB walks up the buckles and tornillos Hijo then Rug germans Dark. Hijo and Dark get double pins to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: There was a lot of stalling from Vol's team here. Blue Sr getting triple and quadruple teamed was a great way to get heat. Blue Jr appeared to get hurt on his dive to the outside. I don't think they got as much out of this as they could have but it did have some high points. It just could have been put together better.

Overall thoughts: The semi-main was the best thing on here. The main had some good points to it but could have been better. The opener wasn't good. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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