Friday, September 13, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/11/2024 Road to Destruction 2024 Day 4

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/11/2024 Road to Destruction 2024 Day 4

The last show is here:

Daiki Nagai vs. Masatora Yasuda

They go to the mat and get up. Masa side headlocks him and is tripped into a side headlock. Nagai fireman's carries him and wristlocks him. Masa reveres it. Nagai puts the hammerlock on, trips him and does another wristlock. Masa headscissors him.

Masa eventually takes him down and works the foot. Nagai side headlocks him and snapmares him. Masa side headlocks him. Nagai shoulders him over and does an AT lock. Masa ropebreaks. They trade forearms and Nagai rolls him into an armlock. Nagai kimura's him and Masa ropebreaks. They trade forearms.

Masa slams him then hits a dropkick for 2. Masa hits another dropkick then crabs him. They then go to another 10 minute draw.

Thoughts: It was basically the same match with the same result that we saw the last two days. They did the usual young lions moveset and it was fine for what it was but not much more.

They slap each other after.

They have a ceremony for Kuniaki Kobayashi, who passed away this week. 

Tiger Mask & Tomoaki Honma vs. Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato

KM = Katsuya Murashima

The young lions hit dropkicks to start then double shoulder Tiger over. Honma takes a double hiptoss and KM boots him. Honma throws him over by the foot and chops him. KM flying forearms him then running shoulders him over.

KM hits forearms and chest chops. Honma shoulders him over. Tiger hits kicks to KM's back. Tiger snapmares him and pulls his arms back. They trade slaps and KM goes down. KM fights back with forearms. Honma single leg crabs him and stomps him.

Tiger double knee drops KM. KM hits slaps and a dropkick. Kato gets in and shoulders over Tiger. Kato hits forearms on Tiger then flying forearms him for 2. Kato rolls him up then Tiger armbars him. Kato hits shots on his opponents. Tiger spin kicks and headkicks him. Honma hits a falling headbutt drop on Kato then Tiger tiger suplexes Kato for the win.

Thoughts: It was your usual vets vs rookies match. The rookies lost as expected and didn't get a ton in on this one.

Tiger gets on the mic after.

TAKA Michinoku vs. Francesco Akira

Akira wristlocks him. Taka headlock takeovers him, is put in a headscissors and they stand off. Taka side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Akira hits armdrags and a dropkick. Akira is thrown off the top and Taka running knees him.

Akira hits chest chops and Taka eye pokes him. Taka hits shots to the throat and side headlocks him. Taka headlock takeovers him and headscissors him. Taka then kimura's him while using the hold and Akira ropebreaks.

Taka step up knees Akira in the corner then does just facelock. Taka snapmares him then Akira flying knees him. Akira makes Taka poke himself in the eye and rolls him up for 2. Akira flying headscissors him then plancha's him outside. Akira top rope crossbodies him for 2 then buzzsaw kicks him for 2.

Akira misses a meteora to the back of the head and Taka is rolled up off his facelock attempt. They try pins on each other. Taka slaps him then Akira michinoku drivers him for 2. Akira meteora's him in the back of the head and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Akira using the michinoku driver on Taka and them keeping things competitive.

TMDK (Kosei Fujita & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA & Taichi)

KF = Kosei Fujita

We haven't seen a lot of Sanada or Taichi lately. Zack and Taichi start us off. They lock up and Taichi clean breaks him. They trade facekicks. Zack euros him, Taichi misses a headkick and they stand off. Zack bows at him and they both tag out.

KF and Sanada go at it. KF chops him on the ropes but Sanada clean breaks him. KF chops him for it and hits more chops. Sanada dropkicks him in the knee then KF flying kicks him. KF PK's him for 2. Sanada pulls KF over the top then dropkicks him off the apron.

KF is thrown into the rails. Sanada stomps KF and Taichi hits kicks to KF's back. KF chops him and Taichi kicks him in the chest. They trade spin kicks and KF germans him.

Sanada side headlock takeovers Zack and Zack twists his neck with his feet. Zack backslides him and twists his neck again. Zack underhook suplexes him and dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Zack euros him and takes a dropkick to the knee. Sanada magic screws him.

Sanada dragon screws him then hits a shining wizard. Zack does an octopus to him and Taichi breaks it up. KF springboard dropkicks Taichi. Zack and Sanada trade euros. Zack backslides him for 2 then Sanada hits a deadfall ddt to win.

Thoughts: I didn't get having Sanada beat Zack here. You wouldn't expect that after Zack won the G1. And Sanada isn't exactly booked that strong usually. I just thought it was average outside of the finish.

Sanada gets on the mic after. He said Zack beat him in his hometown and says he wants to beat Zack in his hometown.

Be-Bop Tag Team (Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano), Oleg Boltin, Ryusuke Taguchi & Shota Umino vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL, SHO, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi)

Evil boots and side headlocks Tana. Tana side headlocks him and they pull each other's hair. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Sho and Shota gets in. Kanemaru nails Shota from the apron then Yano nails Sho from the apron. Shota dropkicks him. Shota fisherman suplexes him.

Yano gets in, hiptosses Sho and takes a turnbuckle pad off. Yano gets thrown into the exposed buckle and the heels beat up on the faces. Sho chokes Yano then Kanemaru footchokes Yano. Kanemaru basement dropkicks him then Yano's head is banged off of Yujiro's boot. Yano's head is banged off the exposed buckle and he is then rammed into it.

Yujiro facekicks Yano on the ropes then Yano atomic drops him. Oleg gets in and is double teamed by the heels. He is thrown into the exposed buckle but does a double shoulderblock. Oleg splashes Yujiro for 2. Yujiro baseball slides Oleg. Togo chops and eye pokes Oleg. Togo is caught off the 2nd rope and suplexed.

Taguchi gets in and misses a hip attack when Togo moves. Taguchi takes corner attacks then takes a 2nd rope chop to the crotch for 2. Everyone gets in and hits moves with Yujiro using a cane on people. Tana dragon screws 2 people then slingblades Togo. Taguchi hip attacks Togo then ankle locks him. Kanemaru spits whiskey in Taguchi's eyes then Taguchi takes a magic killer. Togo pins Taguchi.

It was a nothing match with HoT cheating and eventually picking up the win.

CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay, Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee)

DF = David Finlay

DF and Yoshi go at it. DF backs him up on the ropes then Yoshi shoulders him over. DF hits corner spears then him and Gabe boot flurry Yoshi. Gabe takes a double shoulderblock and Ishii hits a shoulderblock sending DF out. Ishii and Gabe trade chops.

Ishii's neck is pulled down over the top rope and Gabe facekicks him. Jake slams Ishii. DF backbreakers Ishii then corner euros him. Ishii shoulders over DF. Yoshi shoulders over DF then running headhunters him. Yoshi ddt's DF for 2.

Yoshi and DF trade forearms. DF uranage backbreakers him. Goto spinning heel kicks Gabe in the corner then backdrops him. Gabe and Goto trade shots and Goto lariats him. Goto suplexes him and wins.

I think Gabe was legit knocked out here and didn't kick out. It was clear this was not supposed to be the finish. I think Jake may have gotten hurt at some point here too as he was down on the floor holding his leg after getting knocked off the apron and later was reveled to be injured. This was obviously a disaster and the match wasn't much of note.

DF and Yoshi exchange words after then Gabe and DF fight Ishii, Yoshi and Goto on the floor. DF is sent into a wall. Gabe chairs Ishii. Gabe gets sent into the rails then Yoshi is sent into the seats. They all then fight to the back.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi, Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan, HENARE, Jakob Austin Young & Jeff Cobb)

Yota is wearing a mask and Cobb knees him in the gut. Yota flying headscissors him then 2nd rope diving armdrags him. Cobb flying headscissors Yota then flying shoulders him. Cobb goes to take off Yota's mask. Yota takes a double shoulder then Cobb takes the mask off of Yota, which should be a DQ. Yota then takes a standing moonsault.

CN forearms Yota. CN runs the ropes fast and is tripped from the outside. Bushi dropkicks CN in the knee. Hiromu chops CN then corner lariats him. Hiromu basement dropkicks him then does a figure four variation. Shingo suplexes CN for 2. CN hits forearms on Shingo then Shingo lariats him on the ropes.

CN running facekicks Shingo then Shingo shoulders him over. Henare shoulders Shingo over then does a double lariat on Bushi and Hiromu. Henare corner lariats Shingo then samoan drops him for 2. They shoulderblock each other and trade forearms. Shingo hits punches and chops him. Henare chest kicks him then headbutts him. Shingo shoulders him over.

Henare 2nd rope twisting kicks Shingo and they lariat each other over. Khan and Naito go at it. Khan fireman's carry throws him then shoulder throws him. Khan sits on his neck in the corner then Naito 2nd rope reverse ddt's him on his knee. Naito neckbreakers him.

Khan sleepers Naito and Naito armdrags him out of a claw slam. Naito step up enzugiri's him then Khan belly to belly suplexes him. Jake dropkicks Naito in the knee then dragon screws him. Jake hits a basement dropkick then neckbreakers him for 2. Naito takes corner attacks then a tour of the islands backdrop.

Henare and Shingo fight outside as Jake enzugiri's Naito in the ring. Jake takes a double superkick for 2. Bushi topes Khan into the rails then Naito uses Hiromu to tornado ddt Jake. Jake then taps out to Naito's koji clutch.

Thoughts: It was an okay enough tag match but nothing too great. It pretty much just previewed Yota/Cobb and Naito/Khan.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - DOUKI (c) vs. Taiji Ishimori

They trade wristlocks. Douki flying snapmares him and trips him. TI ducks kicks and hits a handspring corkscrew kick. TI then moonsaults him off the 2nd rope outside. Douki is sent shoulder first into the post. TI puts a chair on Douki's arm and bangs it off the post. Douki's arm is banged off the exposed buckle.

They trade forearms and TI kicks him in the arm. TI throws him by the arm and does a cobra clutch. TI grounds him with it then Douki rolls him up. TI codebreakers the arm.

Douki flying headscissors him and topes him outside. Douki uses the ropes on the outside and tornado ddt's TI on the floor. Douki then northern lights suplexes him while holding him in the air. TI eye rakes him. Douki slingshots in and takes a codebreaker. TI drops Douki chest first onto double knees.

TI neckbreakers him over the knee. Douki spinning rack drops him then does a douki chokey twice. Douki slingshot ddt's him for 2. TI rolls him up for 2. TI jumping knees him. TI drives his shoulder into the post then hits a shoulderbeaker. TI pops up Douki and low blows him. TI then hits a crucifix bomb. TI puts Douki in a border city stretch. TI gets caught on a handspring then Douki half-nelson suplexes him.

TI and Douki lariat each other then Douki flips him with one. TI rolls him and rops him into a border city stretch. Douki hits a nasty high angle ddt for 2. Douki hits a side drop for 2. Douki dragon suplexes him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was alright with TI working the shoulder area most of the match and Douki making his comeback to win. The crowd liked it and it's probably about the best match you are going to get out of these two. 

Douki talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was an anverage show overall with the main being the best thing on here. The Gabe Kidd tag was a total disaster with Gabe getting knocked out and losing and Jake Lee getting injured. Taka/Akira wasn't bad and the semi main was fine.

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