Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stardom 9/14/2024 Stardom Namba Grand Fight 2024

Stardom 9/14/2024 Stardom Namba Grand Fight 2024

Mina Shirakawa vs. Saya Kamitani

Saya jumps over a basement dropkick to the knees. Mina ducks her and poses. They play the in and out game with Saya avoiding her. Mina hits a cutter when Saya gets in. Mina running back elbows her then takes a dropkick. Saya poses in a chair in the ring. Mina is tripped into a chair and takes a basement dropkick.

Saya hits boots. Saya snapmares her and chinlocks her. Saya poses on her on the ropes. They trade forearms and Mina step up enzugiri's her. Mina bangs Saya's knee off the mat then pushes both knees into the mat. Mina ducks a lariat and poses then kicks her in the back.

Mina kicks her off the ropes. Mina forearms her then is pulled down by the hair. Saya slaps her around. Mina upkicks and snapmares her then basement dropkicks her in the back of the head. Mina hits a springboard kick for 2.

Saya slaps her and hits a spinning high kick. Saya spinning heel kicks her. Saya boots her out of the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Saya northern lights suplexes her for 2. Mina cradles her then dragon screws her. Mina backfists her and rolls her into a figure four.

Mina slap flurries her and hits a bad spin kick to the head. Mina lifting ddt's her for 2. Saya backslides her and pins her with her feet on the top rope.

It was short and wasn't anything special. They did a lot of strikes here that didn't always look great and Saya heeled it up some.

They both talk on the mic after.

Hina & Ranna Yagami vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Waka Tsukiyama)

Ran dropkicks Hana and hits chest kicks. Hina dropkicks Hana and Ran knocks her over. Waka hits Ran from the apron then Ran is tripped into a boot from Hana. Hana lifts Waka into a butt drop on Ran. Hana splashes Ran for 2.

Hana slams Ran twice. Waka hits hip attacks on Ran. Ran running kicks Waka in the corner then dropkicks her. Hina is tagged in and she dropkicks Waka. Hina hipthrows both opponents. Hina runs at Waka and takes a crossbody.

Hana corner splashes Hina then backbreakers her. Hana kneedrops Hina then Hana tkes a double dropkick. Hina STO's Hana twice. Hina and Hana trade chest forearms. Hana splashes her on the ropes then Hina neckbreakers her. Hana suplexes Hina for 2. Ran is dropped onto Hina for 2.

Hina trips Hana into a pin attempt then Waka flatliners Hina on the ropes. Hana big boots Hina then torture rack drops her on her chest and stomach. Hana then taps her out with a lifting head and arm choke.

Thoughts: Hana's new finisher is underwhelming to say the least. I figured she'd win here since she just returned. It was nothing special and they didn't do anything too interesting in this one. 

Azusa Inaba & HATE (Natsuko Tora, Rina & Ruaka) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Yuna Mizumori)

AI = Azusa Inaba, SK = Sayaka Kurara

SK and AI go at it. SK boots her then takes an axe kick. AI foot chokes her and bullies her around. SK hits chest forearms then AI slams her. SK is tied up in the ropes and worked on by the heels. SK is tripled stomped by the heels. SK takes a shoulderblock from Tora.

Ruaka shoulders SK over then crossfaces her. SK hits chest forearms then Ruaka chokes her on the ropes. SK dropkicks her then tags Yuna in. Yuna and Ruaka shoulder battle then Yuna 2nd rope diving shoulderblocks her. Yuna takes a double shoulderblock then she double shoulders the heels over after help from Anou. Yuna legdrops Ruaka for 2.

Thy trade forearms and Ruaka crossbodies her. Ruaka sentons her. Rina gets in and facekicks then basement dropkicks Yuna. Yuna suplexes her with her head under Rina's leg.

Aya spinning heel kicks Rina in the corner when she gets in. Aya hits chest kicks and they trade chest forearms. Aya drops her with a chest kick and slams her. Aya takes a facebuster from AI then a basement dropkick from Rina. Rina STO's Aya for 2.

Rina is double rolled into a basement dropkick and Yuna sliding lariats Rina. Aya northern lights suplexes then triangles Rina. Aya takes corner attcks and Rina northern lights suplexes her with the leg hooked for 2. Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Aya then Yuna sliding lariats Rina.
Tora and Ruaka go into each other on a failed double team then Anou sprinboard dropkicks Tora. Yuna hits a big lariat on Tora and SK dropkicks AI out. Aya 2nd rope flying knees Rina for 2. Aya hits kicks on Rina then Rina hip throws her.

Rina northern lights suplexes Aya. Anou pulls Rina down from the ropes with a fisherman suplex. Rina takes a lariat then a spear from SK. Aya high kicks Rina then triangles her. Aya does a reverse triangle on Rina and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag. It was fast paced and everything looked okay. Anou, Yuna and Tora barely got in here at all as this didn't have much time and had so many people in it.

Kohaku & Neo Genesis (Mei Seira & Starlight Kid) vs. STARS (Koguma, Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida)

Kog wants Kid to do her taunt with her but Kid wants to do her own taunt. They argue over this and do their own taunts. Kog rolls her up then Kid armdrags her off the casadora. They then do their taunt at each other and stand off. Mei kisses a dropkick on Saya and Saya misses chops. Mei stomps Saya's foot then Mei takes attacks from her opponents. Mei takes a triple basement dropkick.

Saya hits chops on Mei then chop flurries her on the ropes. Mei 2nd rope dropkicks Saya. Saya is tripped and takes a double basement dropkick. Saya hits Kohaku in the gut then legsweeps her. They trade chest forearms. Saya chest forearm flurries her.

Kohaku punches her off the ropes then Saya 2nd rope diving shoulders her. Momo springboard dropkicks Kohaku. They escape various moves and Momo headscissors her over. Momo hits a 619 for 2. Mei dropkicks Momo then Kohaku dropkicks Momo through the ropes.

Kohaku suplexes Momo for 2. Kohaku forearms her then Momo superkicks her. Momo does a tiger feint ddt. Kohaku is held in the air and takes a double facebuster. Momo lifts her and does a rolling neckbreaker for 2. Momo takes  double kick from Mei and Kid then Kohaku running knees her. Kohaku does a sitout pedigree on Momo and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They didn't get a lot of time and Kohaku was not impressive whatsoever. Everyone got their section in here and that was it.

God's Eye (Lady C, Saki Kashima & Syuri) vs. HATE (Konami, Momo Watanabe & Thekla)

Kon = Konami, Syu = Syuri, Thek = Thekla

Kon pulls Syu down as she poses on the ropes then PK's her from the apron. The other faces are sent out. Syu and C are sent into the seats then Syu is choked with a chair. C's head is banged off a seat. Momo hair throws Saki in the ring then footchokes her. Thek and Kon then help out.

Saki is sent into the buckles. Thek snapmares her and kicks her in the back of the head. Thek indian deathlocks her then Syu and C break it up. Thek foot slaps Saki and Saki fights back. Thek spin kicks her in the gut and Saki superkicks her. C shoulders over Thek then does a double abdominal stretch on Thek and Kon at the same time. 

C boots thek out of the corner then does a bulldog + lariat combo for 2. Syu running knees Thek then underhook suplexes her for 2. Thek pulls Syu by the hair and Syu hits knees to the gut. Thek limbos out of a lariat and spears Syu.

Syu is tripped into the ropes and takes a boot. Momo then PK's Syu. Momo and Syu trade chest kicks. Syu knees Momo in the gut on the ropes then running double knees her through the ropes. Momo meteora's Syu for 2. 

Syu sunset flips her then germans her. Momo release dragon suplexes Syu and they high kick each other at the same time and go down. Saki and Kon forearm flurry each other. Kon fujiwara armbars her and Syu breaks it up with kicks.

Saki and Syu take hanging submissions over the top rope. Kon 2nd rope dropkicks Saki. Saki takes corner attacks then is high kicked by Momo. Kon PK's Saki for 2. Saki buzzsaw kicks Kon then drops her with a forearm. Kon slaps Saki then C flapjacks Kon. Kon takes a sandwich kick to the back and chest then Saki sitout pedigrees Kon for 2.

Syu pushes the heels into each other and kicks the ref in the chest on accident. Saki tries to pin Kon but the ref isn't there. Momo hits Saki with a bat then Kon germans Saki for 2. Momo high kicks Syu then Kon kicks Saki right in the head. Kon buzzsaw kicks Saki and wins.

This was almost solely focused on Konami vs Saki. Saki was serious here which was nice. It was about average.

Kon gets on the mic after. Saki goes after her and Saki's team clears the heels off. Syu then gets on the mic after and has words for the heels.

Suzu Suzuki vs. Tomoka Inaba

TI = Tomoka Inaba

They miss kicks on each other and TI headlock takeovers her. Suzu does a headscissors and they stand off. TI is tripped and pulled out. Ti is then sent into the seats. Suzu snapmares her on the ramp and running kicks her in the back. Suzu hits a drive by kick on the apron. TI forearms her then is forearmed down. TI pump kicks her.

TI hits running knees to the gut and head. TI then crossfaces her. Suzu running knees her in the corner then hits a top rope dropkick for 2. They trade forearms and TI forearm flurries her. Suzu hits a big forearm and both get pulled down by the hair. They forearm each other then high kick each other at the same time.

TI dropkicks her and hits knees to the head for 2. TI crossfaces her then does just facelock. TI ges on her back and does a dragon sleeper. Suzu ropebreaks.

TI foot slaps her around then pushes her head into the mat. TI buzzsaw kicks her. Suzu hits slaps and forearms then mounted forearms to the side of the head. Suzu hits kicks to the head then TI michinoku drivers her. Suzu release germans her then TI kicks her in the head for 2.

TI hits another michinoku driver for 2. TI misses a head kick and Suzu rolls her up for 2. Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2. Suzu headkicks her for 2. Suzu germans her then holds on for another german and wins.

Thoughts: It really should have been two girls roughing each other up and being nasty with the other. It never really got into that minus a minute or two. It was mostly all kicks and forearms here and we just didn't get the dramatic strike exchanges and fire up spots that you would hope for in that kind of match.  It was an okay match but not the fiery fight it should have been.

STARS (Hanan & Mayu Iwatani) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM & Miyu Amasaki)

AZM and Mayu start us off. They start us off fast and Mayu armdrags her. AZM armdrags her then Mayu does a headloc ktakeover and is headscissored. They both roll up and stare down. Miyu takes down Han then ddt's her. Miyu basement dropkicks her in the back of the neck. Miyu is stipped into the ropes and Han leg lariats her. Han dropkicks her in the back of the neck.

Mayu snapmares Miyu and kicks her in the back. Mayu camel clutches Miyu then Han basement dropkicks Miyu while she's in it. Han slams Miyu for 2 counts. Miyu hits a chest forearm flurry. Miyu boots Han then 2nd rope facebusters her.

AZM corner dropkicks Han then kicks Mayu from the apron. AZM basement dropkicks her. AZM fujiwara armbars Han then Han hip throws her. Mayu is tagged in and top rope dropkicks AZM. AZM and Mayu trade forearms. AZM misses a corner charge and takes a basement dropkick. Miyu uses AZM to tornado ddt Mayu then AZM buzzsaw kicks Mayu for 2.

AZM la mistica drops her then Mayu slingblades her. Han and Miyu get in. Han dropkicks her and Miyu rolls her up for 2. Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her and diving euros her for 2. Miyu and AZM do a double basement dropkick on Han and Han takes a ddt.

Han pops Miyu up into a euro then Miyu tornado ddt's her. Mayu hits a nice dropkick on Miyu when helping out Han. Han goes up top and takes an armdrag down from AZM. Mayu 2nd rope superplexes AZM then Miyu 2nd rope ddt's Mayu.

Han and Miyu trade forearms on their knees. Han chest forearm flurries her and Miyu ddt's Han. Mayu superkicks Miyu then Han cuty specials Miyu for 2. Miyu rolls up Han for 2 and tries a bridge pin. AZM suplexes Mayu. Mayu is thrown out and does a tope then Han hits a leg lariat on AZM. Miyu takes a double team pedigree and Han backdrops Miyu for the win.

It wasn't that good as expected. Hanan and Miyu are just not ready for this spot yet and the quality suffered because of it. They didn't botch anything, but they added nothing to this. It's not a new thing or a surprise, but Stardom insists on pushing Hanan and we will have to deal with average matches until they give up on her.

Mayu and AZM seem to set up an IWGP Women's Title match after.

Toni Storm gets on the tron after. She is at home and is speaking Japanese. She asks if Japan and Stardom forgot about her. She says forgotten. She says she won the Stardom title in 2017. She said some people said it was a mistake and she wants to prove it wasn't. She challenges Mayu for the IWGP Women's Title. She says Mayu is the icon of Stardom and she will ruin her life by winning the title. She says Stardom is now timeless. 

Mayu talks on the mic after and seems to accept the challenge. She then brings up AZM's posible challenge.

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Natsupoi (c) vs. Hazuki

They go to the mat. Poi side headlock takeovers her, Haz headscissors her and they stand down. Haz slaps her then does rough hair throws. Haz facekicks her then sleepers her. Haz does facewash kicks and Poi face kicks her against the bottom rope. Poi hair throws her around and basement dropkicks her. Poi does facewash kicks then Haz does them back.

Poi does more facewash kicks. Poi dropkicks her through the ropes. Poi does a top rope plancha and just nails seconds as Haz moves. Haz then topes Poi and the seconds. Haz springboard plancha's her for 2 then crossfaces her. 

Haz suplexes her and they trade chest forearms. Haz forearm flurries her in the back of the neck. They fight on the buckles and Poi high kicks her. Poi hits a top rope plancha outside. Poi top rope crossbodies her then goes for an armbar. Poi misses a 180 splash off the buckles and takes a pump kick. They facekick each other and Poi boot flurries her.

Poi slap flurries her and they hit each other on the ropes. Haz release germans her then pump kicks her. Poi spin kicks her. Poi misses a 180 splash off he top and Haz slams her. Haz then hits a 2nd rope senton. Haz hits a top rope senton for 2. Haz crossfaces her.

Haz sits on Poi's back and pulls on her legs. Haz does la magistral for 2. Haz running facekicks her. Poi 2nd rope germans her then hits superkicks. Poi spin kicks her in the face then Poi 180 splashes her for 2. Haz suplexes her for 2. Poi ranhei's her then rolling cradles her and wins.

It was longer and slower than it needed to be. They tried and succeeded in some aspects to have a heated and aggressive match with each other but it could have been better.  I do think they got some of this right but it was not the classic they were going for with the crowd not being very loud. I thought it was mostly good overall.

Poi talks to Haz on the mic after. Thekla comes out, says something in Poi's ear and holds her arm up. Thekla then gives her a shirt. Poi just throws it down and Thekla leaves. 

World Of Stardom Title Match - Tam Nakano (c) vs. Maika

They mat wrestle. Maika side headlocks her. Maika snapmares her and Tam holds on and hits her own. Tam misses a kick and they go head to head. Maika blocks an armdrag, hits her own then is armdragged. They then pose at each other on the mat and stare at each other.

Tam limbos out of a lariat then Maika shoulders her over. Maika slams her twice. Maika corner lariats her and shoulders her over. Maika grounded sleepers her and Tam ropebreaks.

Tam superkicks her then top rope plancha's her outside. They trade forearms on the floor. Maika is sent into the seats. She recovers quickly and they trade forearms outside. Tam clubs on her then Tam is sent into the seats. They trade more forearms and go back in.

Tam hits more forearms. Maika back body drops her over the top rope, perhaps accidentally. Maika forearms her while she is down then Maika misses a diving lariat off the apron. Tam basement double knees her outside.

Tam tries to run down the ramp but her knee gives out then Maika powerslams her on the floor. They get back in and sit on the mat. They kick each other while sitting. Tam maybe hit a hard forearm to the head on accident. Maika misses a sliding lariat against the ropes and takes a pumping knee against the ropes.

Tam backdrops her. Tam does a headscissors + armlock and Maika ropebreaks. Tam tiger suplexes her for 2. Tam spinning high kicks her then Maika powerbombs her when she tries a flying move.

Maika goes for an enka otoshi and is reverse ddt'd off of it. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her then hits multiple suplexes. Maika enka otoshi's her for 2. They fight up top and Tam hits forearms. Maika hits a 2nd rope emerald flowsion/michinoku driver.

Maika michinoku drivers her for 2. Tam falcon arrows Maika for 2. Maika fallway slams her. Tam no sells it and tiger drivers Maika. Maika lariats her over for 1. Tam spinning high kicks her then falcon arrows her for 1. Maika spinning lariats her for 1. Tam high kicks and spinning high kicks her. Tam kicks her in the chest then running knees her for 2. 

Tam ties her arms up and germans her for the win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of it. They maybe had something going earlier when they were forearming each other and getting rough with the other but they lost it over time. Tam's knee was so hurt at one point that she couldn't get down the ramp then it was forgotten about. They did a bunch of no selling near the end and this was just not that good. Maika should have beat the crap out of Tam. Tam should have survived it somehow, made her comeback and won. It would have been a lot better. Why they had Maika win the GP just to lose here is unknown.

Tam doesher cute pose at Maika after then they talk on the mic. Tam taks to Suzu Suzuki on the mic after and seems ot challenge her. Suzu grabs her by the hair. Tam is pushed over and puts something on the belt.

Overall thoughts: It was a long Stardom PPV as usual. That's no surprise. Suzu/Inaba and Poi/Hazuki were the only real highlights on this one. Both could have been great with some adjustments. They were the only two matches I really liked here. I didn't like the main and Hanan's tag wasn't any good. The undercard was not that good either. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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