Friday, September 6, 2024

Marigold 8/12/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 9

Marigold 8/12/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 9

Day 8 is here:

Natsumi Showzuki vs Myla Grace

NS = Natsumi Showzuki

NS side headlocks her. Myla hammerlocks her, hops over her back and trips her. Myla side headlocks her. Myla snapmares her then NS wristlocks her. Myla tries to roll out but NS rolls with her. Myla hits forearms and kicks. Myla goes for a legsweep but is booted down. Myla the puts her in a border city stretch.

Myla runs into an armbar from NS then Myla ropebreaks. NS double knee drops Myla's back and cradles her for 2. Myla running lariats her then hits a fisherman's neckbreaker. NS knees her. Myla top rope la sillas her for 2. Myla hits a superkick for 2 then michinoku drivers her for 2.

NS high kicks her and cradles her for 2. NS rolls her and does a seatbelt pin to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual opener. Myla didn't botch anything here but there was no real story, no faces or heels and nothing of note in this one.

NS holds up her title after and Myla goes up to her and motions like she wants it. 

Kizuna Tanaka vs Bozilla

They lock up and Kiz is shoved down twice. Kiz asks for a test of strength then boots her. Boz then shoulders her over. Kiz runs away from Boz outside and tries to hide behind the post. Boz bangs Kiz's head off the post then sends her into the seats.

Kiz gets back in and is forearmed down. Kiz tries more forearms and is forearmed down again. We repeat this again. Boz catches Kiz's crossbody and Kiz ddt's her off of it. Boz uranages her for 2. Boz corner splashes her then misses one. Kiz dropkicks her in the corner then Boz russian legsweeps her. Boz hits a neckbreaker for 2.

Kiz gets out of a slam and hits forearms. Boz bolo punches her but Kiz rolls her up off the pin attempt. Boz hits forearms and goes up top. They fight on the 2nd rope. Kiz headbutts her there and throws her over. Kiz does like a la magistral bomb for 2. Kiz goes up top and is thrown down. Boz then piledrivers her and wins it.

Thoughts: Boz won easy here as expected. Kiz got a lot more in than I expected though and it went longer than expected. 

Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs. Komomo Minami & Victoria Yuzuki

KM = Komomo Minami, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

KM stomps Kouki's foot and they trade wristlocks. KM side headlocks her. Kouki shoulders her over then corner facekicks her. Chika then corner hip attacks KM. KM takes an atomic drop into a facekick from Kouki. Kouki then slams KM. KM dropkicks Kouki.

Yuz gets in and dropkicks Kouki. Yuz flying headscissors her and dropkicks her. Yuz dropkicks Kouki against the ropes. Kouki facekicks Yuz and goes for a dominator but Yuz sunset flips her out of it. Kouki hits a nice dropkick.

Chika hits forearms on Yuz then buttpresses her down while she's on the middle rope. Chika is tripped into the ropes and Yuz dropkicks her. They trade chest forearms. KM holds Chika on the ropes and Yuz dropkicks her. Yuz then does an ugly looking roll over Chika's back into a move.

KM dropkicks Chika. Chika slams KM and KM roll her up off  giant swing attempt. KM rolls up Chika for 2 then Chika lariats KM over. Chika giant swings KM. Chika hip attacks KM against the ropes then Chika takes a double basement dropkick. KM tries to roll over Chika's back with a ddt and the move gets botched for a 2nd time. Kouki and Chika do a slam + fireman's carry takeover on their opponents at the same time. KM takes a double gorilla press.

Chika slams KM for 2. Yuz misses a superkick on Kouki then takes a cutter for it. Chika hits chest forearms on KM then KM rolls her into a pin attempt for 2. Chika chokeslams KM and wins.

Thoughts: There were too many botches and sloppy moments here to really put this one over. Chika was just too tall for KM and Yuz to manipulate. It had some decent points otherwise and Chika seems to be showing some improvement.

Chika gets on the mic after and seems to challenge Yuzuki for Korauken. Yuzuki gets on the mic and goes face to face with her.

Miku Aono & Misa Matsui vs. MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita

Mirai wristlocks Miku and Mirai hammerlocks her. Miku side headlock takeovers her and Mirai headscissors her. Miku headscissors her and they do a silly spot where they forward roll together and stand off. Misa and Utami get in. Misa boots her then armdrags her.

Utami shoulders her over hard. Misa is whipped into a Utami lariat then is sent into a Mirai shoulderblock. Mirai slams Misa. Mirai holds Misa in the air with a submission and Utami cranks Misa's head while she's in it. 

Mirai hits a forearm flurry on Misa. Misa 2nd rope crossbodies her. Miku hits a stiff corner dropkick on Mirai then corner dropkicks Utami. Miku hits another stiff corner dropkick on Mirai for 2. Miku kicks Mirai in the back. Mirai snapmares her and basement dropkicks her back. Miku snapmares her and kicks her in the back.

Miku and Mirai trade forearms. Mirai dragon screws Miku and basement dropkicks her. Miku swinging twisting slams Mirai. Utami top rope dropkicks Miku then vader bomb elbow drops her for 2. Miku and Utami lariat each other then lariat each other over.

Misa top rope crossbodies Utami and crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Misa takes a double suplex. Utami takes a double corner basement dropkick then Misa top rope dropkicks Utami for 2. Utami pop-up forearms Misa. Misa rolls Utami into a double stomp then Utami blocks her headscissors. Misa flying headscissors her then double knees her.

Utami lariats Misa for 2. Utami takes a high kick from Miku and a flying knee from Misa. Mirai dragon screws Misa then Utami hits her shocking baszler on Misa. Misa takes a sandwich lariat for 2. Misa hurricanrana's Utami for 2 then Mirai lariats Miku. Misa takes a lariat + german combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was alright but not great. They got a lot of time for this one and there were a lot of stiff shots thrown. There were just a lot of people coming in and out which made it hard for them to keep the momentum going. The Mirai vs Miku rivalry still feels like it's going to strong.

Mai Sakurai, Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. CHIAKI, Giulia & Nagisa Nozaki

G = Giulia, NT = Nanae Takahashi, NN = Nagisa Nozaki

G and Mai go head to head. Misa pushes her and they lock up. G slaps her and then shoulders her over. Mai's opponents pose on her on the ropes then Mai takes a triple boot. Mai's team then strikes back and hits shoulderblocks. Mai's team tries to do triple paradise locks but Nao and NT can't figure it out and Mai has to put the holds on for her partners. They then pose on their opponents.

NT chest forearm flurries G then chinlocks her. NT pulls G's arms backwards then bangs her head off the mat. NT elbow drops her then crabs her. G ropebreaks and NT bullies her around with boots. They trade forearms.

They slap each other and NT knocks her over. G takes corner attacks then chops from al l3 opponents in the corner. Mai boots around and slaps G. G suplexes Mai then basement dropkicks her. NN comes in and tries to hit shots on all 3 opponents but NT forearms her.

NN basement dropkicks NT then facekicks Mai on the ropes. NN does her reverse pendulum kick on Mai then sleepers her. Mai jawbreakers her. Mai facekicks NN. NT shoulders NN into the buckles. G facekicks NT and hits forearms on her. NT ends up being rolled into a grounded a double arm and head submission but NT ropebreaks.

G hits stiff boots to NT then slaps her. G knee chokes Nt on the ropes and slaps her around. NT dragon screws G then figure fours her. NT's partners double stomp G while she's in the hold then Mai 2nd rope splashes G while she's in the hold.  NT comes off the 2nd rope and G gets her feet up. G top rope dropkicks her. G hits elbows on NT then NT headbutt flurries her. G dropkicks NT then NT lariats down all 3 opponents in a row. Nao top rope crossbodies G for 2. Nao hits chest forearms on G. G hits a big forearm on Nao.

G and Nao slap each other then slap flurry each other. Nao goes down and G running knees her. Nao germans G then G backdrops Nao. Nao does an interesting drop on G for 2. Nao high germans G for 2. Nao goes up top and take shots from Chi and G. G top rope double underhook suplexes Nao for 2.

Chi finally gets in and fisherman suplexes Nao twice. Nao rolls her up on the 3rd. NT lariats Chi on the ropes then Chi takes a backdrop + flying neckbreaker combo. Mai top rope elbow drops NT. Nao does another interesting drop on Chi for 2. NN distracts the ref and Chi brings a chair in that lost its seat. NT intercepts it and Nao chairs G and Chi. Nao hits herself with the seat of the chair.

Nao sit out high pedigrees Chi for 2. Chi chairs Nao then chokeslams her for 2. Everyone starts hitting attacks on each other. Nao hits a big slap on G then G forearms her down. Nao rolls up Chi for 2. Chi powerslams Nao for 2. Nao is held for a double basement dropkick then Chi fisherman suplexes Nao for the win.

Thoughts: This was a very good tag. The Nanae vs Giulia sections were great with them just stiffing the crap out of each other and not taking any BS. Nao had a really good showing here, probably the best of her career, showing lots of fire and generally looking like a competent wrestler. Chi and Nagisa got very little in on this one. This got plenty of time as well. This surpassed expectations and saved the show.

G gets on the mic after and she trades slaps with NT. Chi and Nagisa get a few words in. G puts over Nao it seems and Nao hugs her. Nao cries and gets fiery on the mic. G and NT then trade words and pump their chests up at each other. Mai and G then have words and butt heads. Mai grabs her by the hair and slaps her. G hits a northern lights bomb on her, pulls her by the hair then boots her out. G has more words after then NT's team leaves. Chi's bandage falls over and we see that she has a nasty scar between her eyes.

Thoughts: The two top matches saved this show. The main event was one of Marigold's best matches yet and is worth seeing. The semi-main was good but the possibility of greatness was there so it was somewhat disappointing. They tried in the 3rd match but had too many sloppy moments and the first two matches were nothing. I liked it overall due to it being under 2 hours and the main being strong.

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