Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NWA Powerrr 9/3/2024

NWA Powerrr 9/3/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/nwa-powerrr-8272024.html

We see clips from a #1 contenders battle royale for the NWA Title that Colby Corino won. Matt Cardona comes out, who they say is the active CEO of NWA Powerrr and that's totally news to me.

Colby Corino talks. He says he's been waiting his whole life to get a shot at the NWA Title. He says he felt like he's been walking in his dad's shadow and needs to make some footsteps of his own. He says he shouldn't knock what EC3 brings to the table but EC3 shouldn't knock what he brings to the table either. He said he doesn't think there's one person on the planet he can't hold down for 3 seconds.

We get a new old school style intro video for NWA Powerrr.

Matt Cardona talks to Colby Corino and Kyle Davis in the ring. Matt says Knoxville, Tennessee sucks, which is the town they are in. He tells the crowd to show him respect and says welcome to NWA Back to The Territories. He says the NWA sign should say, "MCWA", the Matt Cardona Wrestling Alliance. He says he's in charge tonight. He says Billy Corgan isn't here tonight and he's off being a rockstar. He said Billy made him the CEO - the Cardona Executive Officer. Matt says there will be a lot of great matches tonight. 

He says Colby has the biggest opportunity of his life tonight. He tells him not to take EC3 lightly as EC3 beat him. Colby said he's been waiting his whole life for this chance. He says it's time to walk out of his father's shadow and make his own footsteps. Colby says there's not one man he doesn't think he can hold on the mat for 3 seconds.

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz talk and run down the show.

I will not be covering the Natalia Markova match. She won by countout.

EC3 is interviewed by Kyle Davis. EC3 congratulates Colby. He said Colby's dad once held the title but says there is not a second or third gen wrestler he can't beat. He says he's The Overman, because he's over, man. He said Colby waited for this moment for his whole life, but he does this everyday. He said he starts his second year as champ strong tonight.

NWA World Title - EC3 vs Colby Corino

CC hammerlocks him. EC reverses it then gets reversed. EC side headlocks him then shoulders him over. CC kips up. EC side headlocks him then CC side headlocks him. CC rolls up EC then armdrags him. CC flips out of a hiptoss and backslides him. CC hits armdrags. 

CC armdrags him using the ropes and walks up the ropes, does bad rope tricks and armdrags him off the ropes. CC 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. CC legsweeps him then misses a standing imploding 450. EC lariats him.

EC hits chops in the corner. EC hits a corner lariat then thesz presses him. EC spinebusters him then does something like an STO, only he grabbed him over the top of the head. EC powerbombs him.

CC hits corner attacks. CC hits an olympic slam then standing imploding 450's him. CC ddt's him for 2. CC spears him on the apron. CC hits a tope con hilo. CC goes to springboard is tripped on the ropes then EC hits a jay driller to win.

Thoughts: I guess it was fine. CC got most of the offense in here but really got put down far too easily. I didn't buy that he had a chance of winning here as he has not been pushed in any way to suggest that. 

NWA World Tag Titles - Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage) vs Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch

Aron Stevens is with BFT and Eric Smalls is with Murdoch and Knox. Knox backs up Carnage in the corner and Carnage hides behind the ropes to avoid a punch. Knox slams Carnage and Carnage slides out. BFT walks to the back to leave then Knox and Murdoch intercept them.

Carnage takes corner punches and is thrown out. Damage boots Murdoch in the gut and Murdoch back elbows him. Murdoch full-nelsons him. Aron Stevens hits Murdoch with a loaded glove from the outside. He gets on the apron then Eric Smalls punches Aron in the nuts.

Damage foot chokes Murdoch in the corner. We go to break and return. Damage hits shots on Murdoch and headbutt flurries him in the gut. Damage grounds Murdoch then Carnage misses a corner splash on Murdoch. Knox gets the hot tag in. He facekicks Carnage then backdrops him for 2. Murdoch full-nelson slams Damage. Carnage is handed Aron's loaded glove but Knox crossbodies him and takes the glove. Knox punches Aron on the apron then nails Damage.

Carnage dropkicks Knox then Carnage takes a high/low. Carnage is then pinned. Knox and Murdoch win the NWA Tag Titles.

Thoughts: It was fine. I'm not sure how much we missed of this as there was a break. The wrestlers were coming in and out of this one often and it was a bit hard to keep track of what was going on at times. It was interesting to see BFT get thrown around and overpowered for a change. I didn't like the loaded glove spot here. The faces took the glove and nothing fell out of it and the glove is thin, so I have a hard time buying that it's some lethal weapon.

Overall thoughts: I saw 2 of the 3 matches here. The main was fine and not must see. We definitely missed some of it but who knows how much of it that was. EC3 vs Corino was shorter match with EC3 not getting a ton in before grabbing the win. I'm not sure what the Matt Cardona stuff was about other than him likely being advertised and unable to wrestle and them coming up with a way to get him on the show. I would not recommend this one.

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