Monday, September 2, 2024

CMLL on MVS TV 9/1/2024

CMLL on MVS TV 9/1/2024

From 8/20/24:

Pequeno Polvora, Full Metal and Mercurio vs Aereo, Acero and Fantasy

Ace and Pol go at it. Pol backs him up on the ropes and Ace hiptosses him into a chinlock. Pol grabs a crab and is armdragged. Pol armdrags Ace twice then headflips up and poses. Ace armdrags him. Pol trips him and slides between his legs to armdrag him. Ace armdrags him they sweept each other. They then headflip up and stand off.

Merc and Aer go at it. Aer trips him and ties his leg up. Merc upkicks him then Aero armdrags him. Merc stomps Aer's fingers and slaps him. Merc hits a big chest chop and pulls on his mouth. Aer tilt-a-whirl armdrags him and Merc crawls away on the ramp. Fan and Full go at it. Fan does an abdominal stretch variation that Merc breaks up. Fan does a leg lock on Full that Merc breaks up.

Fant slaps Merc on the apron and Fant is triple teamed outside. Merc throws Fant into the rails. Ace takes a triple powerbomb then is held for a dropkick in the butt. Aer takes a triple team gorilla press then the rudos pose together. Fant breaks it up then gets triple stomped. Fant headscissors Merc then tope con hilos him. Full and Ace go at it. Ace cartwheels over him then does a nice armdrag.

Ace does a seated springboard into an armdrag on Full and sends him out. Aer slingshot splashes Pol. Aer walks up the buckles and seated springboard armdrags him. Aer tilt-a-whirl armdrags Full then tope con hilos Pol. Ace hits an asai moonsault outside. Fant rolls up Merc for 2. Merc does a neat chinlock + armlock surfboard and taps out Fant to win.

Thoughts: The finish was random but it was decent other wise. The rudos were little jerks here with Merc being great and the faces did some decent flying. 

Cancerbero, Luciferno and Virus vs Rey Cometa, Espiritu Negro and Pelon Encapuchado


1st Fall - Pelon is doing a sponsored gimmick.. Virus grabs Pel by the chin and front facelocks him. Pel does an abdominal stretch with the arm hooked then Virus rolls him. Virus works Pel's arm and trips him. Virus backslides him and Pel armdrags him.

Virus armdrags him into a half crab. Pel pulls on Virus' arms then armdrags him. Pel seatbelts him for 2 and they stand off. Negro and Cancer go at it. Cancer front facelocks him then wristlocks him. Negro trips him and hooks the leg. Cancer armbars him. Cancer does a nice arm roll. Negro armdrags him.

Luci and Rey go at it. Luci shoulders him over. Rey handsprings into a spinning headscissors then Cancer boots Rey. Pel springboard crossbodies Cancer and asai moonsaults him outside. Rey and Negro do stereo swantons off the top and get pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Negro springboard armdrags Luci then Cancer elbows him over. Virus and Cancer stomp Negro and Virus knocks the faces off the apron. Negro does a double armdrag off a double hiptoss. Pel backrolls over Luci then armdrags him while on his shoulders. Pel backrolls and armdrags Negro. Pel hits a nice armdrag on Virus then poses.Rey top rope diving armdrags Luci.

Rey is thrown down on a headscissors attempt on Cancer. Luci shotgun dropkicks Negro. Virus nudos Pel and taps him out with it. Virus' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Negro gets his legs split then takes boots to the head. Cancer chokes Negro on the ropes with Luci. Virus clubs Negro's chest. Rey takes hair throws from all 3 opponents. Rey takes a double hitposs onto the ramp. Negro is knocked on the ramp then Pel is triple stomped.

Pel takes a silly string to save himself from going onto the ramp and he headscissors off of it. Negro misses a springboard then Rey dropkicks Cancer. Negro and Rey do stereo topes. Pel springboard crossbodies Virus then springboard dropkicks him. Pel crucifixes Virus and pins him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was fine. I didn't like Pel getting pinned here since this is his one of his first matches but at least he won the match. Virus had a decent showing here.

Averno, Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja vs Titan, Atlantis Jr and Volador Jr. 


1st Fall - Av takes Titan down. They trade some holds and mat wrestle. Titan armdrags and headscissors him. They legsweep each other and stand off. Atlantis armdrags Roja then is hit from behind by Oro. The faces get beat up on 3v3 and Atlantis takes a back elbow. Oro kicks Atlantis in the leg then Vol gets a leg kick as well.

Atlantis takes corner attacks then a double superkick. Atlantis is then pinned. Titan takes a double underhook drop and is pinned. Averno's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis is held for shots from Oro. Oro unties Atlantis' mask. Atlantis takes a double boot. Vol is bridged on the apron and Av dropkicks him. Titan is popped up into a double kick. Atlantis is triple stomped on by the heels. Atlantis hits a flying headscissors then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Atlantis flying headscissors Oro then topes him into the rail.

Titan springboard double stomps Roja then Vol toyota roll sunset flips Av and pins him. Titan pins Roja and Titan's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - The heels stall on the ramp. Oro offers a handshake to Atlantis then Atlantis gets stomped on by Oro and Roja. Atlantis superkicks Oro then hits a 2nd rope diving headscissors. Atlantis hits a monkey flip and then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all 3 opponents.

Vol avoids a double team and hits a superkick and flying headscissors on Oro and Roja. Vol headscissors Av while laying on his shoulders and Av goes out. The heels walk up the ramp and tease leaving.

Titan spinning headscissors Av. Titan springboard crossbodies Oro then walks up the buckles, does rope tricks and headscissors Oro down. Titan topes Oro. Atlantis hits a double crossbody and he and Vol go for a double pin. Titan hits a double springboard dropkick. Titan hits kicks on Oro. Oro rolls Titan into a rocking chair and submits him.

Atlantis hits la atlantida on Oro and taps him out. Vol springboard diving headscissors Av then slingshot diving headscissors him outside. Atlantis top rope crossbodies Roja. Oro kicks Atlantis in the nuts while the ref isn't looking and Roja picks up the pin. Averno's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a solid main here. Atlantis had a nice comeback in the second fall. This got a bunch of time and they kept a fast pace. 

Atlantis has words for Roja and Oro after. I think he challenged one of them for a singles match in a week. Oro gets on the mic after, seems to maybe accept and takes Atlantis' mask off.

Overall thoughts: I liked all 3 matches to some degree so it was a good show. The main was the best thing on here and got enough time. Mercurio was great in the opener as usual.

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