Monday, September 9, 2024

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #29 4/27/1991

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #29 4/27/1991

The last SNME is here:

This is the last SNME on NBC episode for a long time as they would move the show to Fox and later return. 

Vince McMahon and Randy Savage welcome us to the show. They say Piper will join them later. They run down the card.

The Macho Man interviews Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and General Adnan. Macho hopes Sarge will be victorious. Sarge says he beat The Warrior at The Royal Rumble. He said Hulk won the battle at Wrestlemania VII but not the war. He said Hulk learned he's playing with fire when he messes with Sarge. He says he will win the battle against Warrior tonight. He said he talked to Paul Bearer and knows what he's afraid of. He said it took his breath away and he might take his breath away.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Ultimate Warrior. We see clips of Warrior getting put in the casket. Warrior says neither Sarge or Taker have the seal to his destiny. He said as he laid in the casket, his final visions were of Sgt. Slaughter and The Undertaker. He says he will bring Sarge the ultimate battle tonight.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter

In case you are wondering, this had no real build to it and neither even mentioned each other for a while as Warrior had been starting a feud with Taker and Sarge had been focused on Hogan, though of course they fought at Royal Rumble. Warrior wasn't really even on Superstars since Mania minus Taker putting him in a casket.

Sarge is on the buckles to evade Warrior then Warrior throws him off. Warrior clotheslines Sarge then hits a shot to the gut. Warrior back body drops him then hits a big punch that sends Sarge out. Warrior hits punches outside.

Sarge eye rakes him in the ring then throws him out again. Col. Mustafa bangs Warrior's head off the apron then Sarge bangs Warrior's head off the post. Sarge kicks Warrior in the back and stomps on his back inside. Sarge forearms him in the back then eye rakes him. 

Sarge bearhugs Warrior then Warrior slams him. Sarge double axe handles Warrior's back and bearhugs him. Paul Bearer comes out with a Warrior themed casket. Warrior fights out of the bearhug and Warrior sees the casket. Warrior gets distracted then Sarge knocks Warrior out of the ring. We go to break with Sarge stomping Warrior's back and return.

Sarge double axe handles Warrior's back. Warrior starts his comeback with lariats. Warrior flying shoulderblocks Sarge. Paul opens the casket and The Undertaker is inside. Warrior spots Taker and looks shocked as Taker stares him down. Sarge hits Warrior from behind. General Adnan. Col Mustafa and Taker then come in and beat up Warrior. Hulk Hogan comes out to help Warrior. Warrior clearly tells Taker to hit him. Hulk hits Taker with the title belt and Taker just stares at him. Hulk chases Sarge out then Taker misses elbow drops on Warrior.

Warrior hits lariats on Taker and Taker no sells them. Warrior flying shoulders Taker. Taker falls over the top but lands on his feet. Various officials then come out to stop this.

Thoughts: As I alluded to above and as we've seen on SNME in the past, the matches they build to on TV often don't happen on SNME. There was no real build to Sarge/Warrior here while Warrior/Taker and Sarge/Hogan had been built. Sarge worked a good match here as he bumped around big for Warrior and targeted the back. Sadly, we never got to see where it went. Taker and Paul coming out worked though and helped further the Taker/Warrior feud. They also got Hogan out there so I thought it was a successful and good segment.

The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart are interviewed by Mean Gene. Hart says they are nasty but not disgusting like The Bushwhackers. The Nasties do impersonations of The Whackers. They say they will rip their arms off and shove them up their noses.

Roddy Piper interviews The Bushwhackers. They say they are blood nasty and lick Piper. They then try to pick up Piper's kilt and do God knows what back there. They then put their mouths on Piper's chest and Piper ends this.

Thoughts: I liked these interviews and thought they put over the idea of this match well.

WWF Tag Titles - The Nasty Boys (c) vs The Bushwhackers

Again, this had no build to it. If you watched the shows, you would think it would be The LOD vs The Nasties. The Whackers hadn't really been up to much prior to this.

Knobbs hits forearms on Luke. Knobbs misses a shot and Luke gets one in. Knobbs backs off. Knobbs hits punches and corner spears on Luke. Luke gets some punches in and Butch double eye pokes Saggs. Knobbs is whipped into Saggs then The Whackers double lariat them both. The Whackers then march around as The Nasties go out.

Saggs hits shots on Butch and works the back. Butch knees him in the gut then kneelifts him. Luke lariats Saggs. Saggs and Knobbs each take a battering ram and The Whackers march. Luke runs the ropes and Knobbs kicks him in the back of the head. Saggs stomps Luke then Knobbs hits elbow drops on Luke. Luke is sent hard into the buckles and goes down.

Saggs misses a corner elbow on Luke. Butch hits punches on Knobbs and hits lariats on both Nasties. Butch ducks a Saggs lariat just to run into a Knobbs lariat. Knobbs picks up Butch and Luke knocks Butch over on him. Knobbs then pins Butch with Saggs pushing on Knobbs with his feet.

The Whackers hit battering rams on The Nasties after and send them out.

Thoughts: It was one of The Bushwhackers better efforts here. It was mostly all punches but the two teams had styles that worked together and The Whackers did a good job getting the crowd into it. I thought both teams did pretty good for their limitations and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. They could have built up the finish better though.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Paul Bearer and The Undertaker. Gene says the stunt they pulled left them cold. Paul says him and Taker have been sending boxtops and Warrior will be their biggest prize. Paul says Taker will never stop and tells Warrior to look on the sunny side. Taker says it's a cold, cruel world and he won't rest until Warrior rests in peace.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They actually show Quake squashing Damien here but they bleeped it out on TV. Quake says he hates snakes and pets. He says he will squash Jake in the battle royale like he did his snake and then finish Hulk Hogan off. Hart says there's no escape from Earthquake and the camera shakes as Quake jumps around.

Macho Man interviews Jake Roberts. Jake says Quake doesn't know how he feels inside. He said it's like a kid losing a puppy or a mother losing their son. He said he can roll over and die or he can introduce Quake to Damien's big brother, Lucifer.

Hulk Hogan is interviewed by Mean Gene. Hulk still has a bandage on his face from Sarge's fireball. Hulk says we are still in war mode and he knows he has no friends in here. He says he will get through this battle royal alive and says he's ready to play by Sarge's rules. He said Sarge can hit him from every way but he's ready to play by his rules and is gunning for him.

20-Man Battle Royal

We have Snuka, Valentine, The Rockers, Duggan, Warlord, Barbarian, Perfect, British Bulldog, Texas Tornado, The Orient Express, The Big Boss Man, Power and Glory, Tugboat, Haku, Jake, Earthquake and Hulk Hogan.

Hulk goes after Quake immediately then holds Quake for shots from Jake.  Hulk chokes Warlord and Kato boots Jake. Marty Jannetty headscissors Roma over the top, holds onto the top rope and Roma pulls Marty out. Hulk chokes Quake with tape. Bulldog is triple teamed on the ropes but Jake saves him.

Hulk boots and eye rakes Perfect. Quake foot chokes Jake. Perfect hits Boss Man from the 2nd rope and Tornado pounds on Perfect. Shawn Michaels fights off a double team from Herc and Jake on the ropes. Hulk throws Perfect over the top and into the ring. Warlord throws Bulldog over the top. Boss sits on top and gets punched by Herc, then hangs outside by one leg. Boss then recovers.

Hulk and Quake go at it. Quake hits Jake from behind while he's working on Herc and Quake eliminates Jake. Greg Valentine works on Quake then Jake scares Quake with Lucifer. Jake throws the snake in and everyone stops what they are doing.

We go to break and return. Hulk eye pokes Perfect. Haku hits headbutts on Kerry. I think Tanaka was eliminated during the break as I don't see him. Hulk and Tugboat push each other then trade shots. Warlord gets shots on Hulk then Hulk throws Warlord out. Boss is soaked with sweat as he tries to eliminate Quake. Barbarian throws Texas Tornado over the top for the elimination. Quake throws Duggan over the top then Hulk throws Quake over the top to the floor.

Hulk goes to slam Kato over the top then Tugboat comes up behind them and knocks both over. Shawn Michaels then throws out Tugboat right after. Herc then is thrown over the top off a simple irish whip from Boss. Tug and Hulk kind of stare down and get mad at each other.

Bobby Heenan gives advice to Perfect. Perfect dropkicks Boss from behind and Barbarian back body drops Boss over the top for the elimination. Haku chops Perfect on a double team when Shawn moves. Shawn dropkicks Haku out. The final four are Shawn Michaels, Perfect, Valentine and Barbarian. Shawn hits a bunch of punches on Perfect then dropkicks him. 

Shawn gets sent to the apron by Perfect then Perfect elbows him for the elimination. Valentine takes a 2v1 by Perfect and Barb. He knocks Perfect down then the heels double team him. perfect dropkicks Barb on a failed double team and Valentine throws out Barb. Perfect chops Valentine. Valentine hits chops and Perfect takes a huge bump for one of them. Valentine atomic drops Perfect and Perfect bumps into the buckles off of it.

Valentine forearms and elbow drops Perfect. Perfect avoids elimination. Both end up going over the top together. Valentine goes down to the floor, Perfect maybe doesn't touch and hangs on to win the battle royale.

Thoughts: It was a good battle royale. We got to see some feuds furthered here like Jake vs Quake. We got to see some old feuds brought back like Hulk vs Quake and Perfect and Valentine/Quake. We also had a cool easter egg with Tugboat and Hogan going at it (they had agreed that it was every man for themselves at The Rumble and fought during it despite formerly being best friends). Perfect vs Valentine as the final two was not what I had expected and I was really surprised Hulk didn't win. I was disappointed we only got some intros here as it took a while to figure out who was in there. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri. Ted says Bret Hart climbed the ladder by being courageous and having heart. Sherri says money isn't everything but is the only thing. She says Ted has more money than Bret will ever have and it makes him a better man. Ted says he's the better man but a generous man. He says he has a crutch for Bret, saying he's been leaning on a lot of people and now will lean on him. The crutch was reference to Piper, who had been on crutches.

Bret Hart vs "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

Piper cuts a promo on Ted. Sherri is now wearing Ted Dibiase's black and gold colors and has a new outfit. Taker backs Bret up on the ropes and knees him in the gut. Ted hits punches then takes a hiptoss. Bret lariats Ted over several times then lariats him over the top. Bret planchas him and pounds on him.

Bret side headlocks him. Bret shoulders him over and Sherri tries to trip Bret. Bret grabs her by the throat then moves, making Ted knee Sherri off the apron. Bret side headlocks Ted then shoulders him over. Ted stun guns Bret on the ropes. Ted hits a nice piledriver for 2. 

Bret and Ted run into the ropes, Ted ducks and Bret goes out to the floor. Bret's head is banged off the steps. Sherri hits a hard shot on Bret. Ted stomps Bret then chokes him on the ropes. Sherri chokes Bret with her jacket then clubs on him. Ted bangs Bret's head off the buckles and chops him.

Ted grabs a sleeper and Bret rams Ted backwards into the buckles. Ted comes off the 2nd rope and is hit in the gut. Bret hits punches on Ted then atomic drops him. Bret flying back elbows him for 2. Bret russian legsweeps Ted for 2.

Bret backbreakers Ted then elbow drops him off the 2nd rope. Sherri trips Bret then Bret grabs her outside. Ted double axe handles Bret outside. Piper leaves commentary to head to the ring. He's not walking on a crutch and seems to be healed. Piper gets behind Sherri and chases her. Piper gets a broom from under the ring and pretends its her broom. Piper rides the broom like a witch, hits Sherri in the butt with it and runs her off.

Ted eye rakes Bret and goes after Piper. Bret goes after Ted. They fight in the aisle and go to a double countout.

Thoughts: The execution was good and they had a solid match with a lot of shenanigans from Piper and Sherri. Piper was part of the Virgil feud with Ted, so him getting involved made sense. I liked Ted's piledriver here. I wouldn't call it great or anything and I saw the finish coming when Brett headed out after Ted.

Tito Santana vs The Mountie

No real intros for either guy here as we are running low on time. This is a rematch from Wrestlemania VII. Mountie backs up Tito, says "I'm The Mountie' and Tito nails him. Tito hits an atomic drop then hits dropkicks to send him out.

Tito goes after Mountie and tries a noggin knocker but it gets stopped. Mountie's head is banged off the apron. Tito hits punches on Mountie. Mountie blocks a monkey flip and sends Tito down. Mountie boots Tito.

Mountie bangs Tito's head off the buckles. Mountie goes for a splash and Tito gets his knees up. Tito hits a flying burrito. Jimmy Hart trips getting into the ring and Tito flying burrito's him. Jimmy drops a shockstick in the ring and Mountie shocks Tito with the shockstick (with sound effects). Mountie then pins Tito.

Thoughts: Tito was good here as usual but it was a short match with a dirty finish and wasn't anything special. Mountie won as expected.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Sarge, Adnan and Mustafa. Sarge says Hulk interfered in a military burial tonight. He says soon it will be Hulk's burial. Sarge says he recalls seeing Hulk's face on fire and smelling his skin. He says he can't wait to pull the skin off of Hulk and has it in his hands. He says Hulk won the first battle but will win the war because he rules the WWF.

Roddy Piper interviews Hulk Hogan. Hulk says Sarge doesn't realize he was going to take the war to the end. Hulk says he will be in Sarge's face every step of the way. Hulk said all Sarge did was put more fuel on the fire when he torched his banner and poster. He says Sarge doesn't even rule his own destiny and says it's in Hulk's hands. Hulk says he has secret weapons. He says there will be no prisoners of war and he will beat him then wipe him off the face of the earth.

Vince McMahon and Macho Man then talk about the results. Macho says Sarge will be champ again and says the next time Warrior goes into the casket, it will be an open and shut case.

We seem to go to break again and go back to Vince and Macho. Vince says Macho has a nice hat on and does Macho's "ooh yeah" line.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty good show. I liked the battle royale, Sarge/Warrior and Bret/Dibiase was okay. They continued the Warrior/Taker, Piper/Dibiase and Hulk/Sarge feuds here. Macho Man did good as the solo co-host here and did a good job as an interviewer. I really enioyed the battle royale most as it brought back some old feuds and furthered some of the current ongoing feuds. I was surprised The Legion of Doom were not on this show. I'd recommend this one, but you really can't appreciate it to its full extent unless you saw the year of TV leading up to it.

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