Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Marigold 8/19/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 10

Marigold 8/19/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 10

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/marigold-8122024-summer-gold-shine-day-9.html

Minami Yuuki vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

Yuuki's defection to Marigold really bothered me. Ice Ribbon trained her and she wrestled like 3-4 matches for them total then jumped ship. Yuuki has new gear here which really doesn't put her looks over.

KM wristlocks her and Yuuki reverses it. They trade wristlocks and front facelocks. KM side headlock takeovers her and side headlocks her. Yuuki headscissors her. KM snapmares her twice then dropkicks her. KM rolls her into a grounded guillotine choke.

They trade chest forearms and Yuuki goes down. KM hits a corner dropkick then crabs her. Yuuki ropebreaks and KM hits chest forearms. Yuuki dropkicks her then rolls her up for 2. Yuuki does another dropkick for 2. Yuuki slams her for 2 and KM slams her back for 2. 

KM fujiwara armbars her. KM hits multiple dropkicks for 2. Yuuki hits more dropkicks. Yuuki throws her by the arms. Yuuki hits another dropkick then a backdrop for the win.

I was surprised to see Yuuki get the win here. Yuuki needs a lot of work still. She really didn't do much but dropkicks and a backdrop here and a lot of the dropkicks didn't even look that good. 

Seri Yamaoka comes out. She's one of the new Marigold trainees and hasn't debuted yet. She said she will debut on January 3rd, 2025 and said she wants to be a wrestler that makes Marigold bigger. 

Natsumi Showzuki vs Misa Matsui vs Nao Ishikawa

They try a triple lock-up spot. Nat grounds both opponents and we get a double headlock spot. Nao corner lariats Misa  with Nat throws Nao into her. Nao tries to whip Nat in but Misa moves. Misa and Nat then double dropkick Nao. Nat armdrags Misa and Misa armdrags her back. We then get a triple stand off spot.

Nao hits a double clothesline then shoulders Misa over. Nao cartwheel splashes Misa for 2. Misa rolls up Nao for 2 then stretch mufflers her. Nat then armlocks Misa while she does it.

Misa rolls Nao into a double stomp then sunset flips her for 2. Nat superkicks Nao in the head. Misa knees Nat in the gut then Nat high kicks her. Nat and Misa trade chest forearms then Nao misses a top rope crossbody on both. Misa crossbodies Nao on the ropes then Nat meteora's Nao on the ropes. Nao stunners both over the top rope then hits a double crossbody on them. Nao hits a double underhook suplex on Misa then throws Nat off the top onto her.

Nat high kicks Nao in the head. Nat hits a corner dropkicks and corner meteora. Nat fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nat meteora's Nao then Misa sentons Nao. Nao carthweel headscissors rolls NAt then Misa bridge pins Nao to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. They didn't look comfortable out there and there was a lot of awkward poses and breaks in the momentum which brought things down.

Elimination Match - Kizuna Tanaka, MIRAI, Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI, Myla Grace & Zayda Steel

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Kiz and Chi start us off after debate. Chi wristlocks her then Kiz wristlocks her. Chi headlocks her with an iron claw. Chi side headlock takeovers her, Kiz headscissors her and they stand off. Boz and Utami shoulder battle. Yuz and Myla go at it and Yuz dropkicks her. Zay knees Yuz from the apron then Yuz is double teamed. Boz throws Yuz outside onto her partners, who catch her. 

Yuz slams Myla then Myla takes shoulderblocks form her opponents. Mirai shoulderblocks Myla. Myla is held in the air on a submission and Utami cranks her neck. Utami slams Myla for 2. utami and Myla trade shots then Myla lariats her.

Myla corner euros Utami then backdrops her. Chi facewash kicks Utami in the corner. Zay step up knees Utami then superkicks her. Zay holds her for a basemnt dropkick from Chi. Utami double dropkicks the two. Chi cartwheel double knee drop Yuz then shoulders her over. Zay basement dropkicks Yuz then superkicks her for 2.

Yuz headscissors and dropkicks Zay. Zay backcrackers Yuz then Yuz rolls her into a crucifix. Yuz pins Zay. Myla back elbos and spinning neckbreakers Yuz for 2. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters Myla on the mat. Kiz dropkicks Myla 4 times. Myla is back rolled into a double basement dropkick for 2.

Myla superkicks Kiz then michinoku drivers her for 2. Kiz spin kicks her then perfectplexes her for 2. Kiz rolls up Myla and pins her.

Chi grabs Kiz by hair and snapmares her. Chi iron claws her then Kiz armbars Chi. Kiz flying lariats Chi then Yuz basement dropkicks Chi. Yuz trips Chi into a basement dropkick. Utami torture rack drops Chi and Yuz basement dropkicks Chi for 2.

Yuz dropkicks Chi then Chi spears her on the ropes. Chi fisherman suplexes her then Boz gets in. Boz shoulders Yuz and Kiz over then lariats Mirai and Utami together. Yuz hits chest forearms on Boz then Boz forearms her.

Kiz is caught on a crossbody and thrown into Yuz. Boz hits a double chokeslam then powerbombs Yuz. Boz pins Yuz. Boz powerbombs Kiz and pins her. Mirai tries to pull Boz over the top and Boz stomps her down. Mirai tries to sunset flip her off a powerbomb but they botch the spot and Mirai takes a nasty drop. Mirai triangles Boz. Boz tries to powerbomb Mirai over the top but Yuz sends her to the apron. Mirai dragon screws Boz then dropkicks her off the apron. Boz is eliminated.

Mirai poses on the buckles to celebrate then ends up on the apron. Chi is pulled over onto the apron with her. Utami forearms Mirai on accident and Boz tries to pull Mirai down. Chi chairs Mirai and eliminates her as she falls to the floor.

Utami blocks Chi's spear then Chi powerslams her for 2. Utami germans Chi then Chi spears her. Utami hits a stiff lariat and this ends as a time limit draw.

Boz goes after Mirai after the match and throws an ice pack at her.

Thoughts: I didn't like this at all. It was too herky jerky with people coming in and out early. There were just a lot of awkward moments and they struggled to get any momentum going. Boz getting eliminated was dumb and Boz didn't have a good night here with some botches. Doing a draw here was really stupid too since it's not a usual match and you can afford to have people lose here. Nobody loves a draw like Marigold does though.

Arisa Nakajima & Sareee vs. Chika Goto & Nanae Takahashi

NT holds up a sign in Arisa's face and they pull each other by the hair. They trade waistlocks. Arisa gets on top of her and goes for the armbar. NT headlock takeovers her and Arisa headscissors her. Arisa hits forearms. NT slaps and rolls her then elbow drops her.

Arisa takes a double shoulderblock and Chika facekicks her. Chika hits a big forearm then Arisa hits forearms and slaps back. Arisa hair throws her. Sare boots, snapmares and kicks Chika. Sare indian deathlocks her.

Sare and Chika trade chest forearms. Chika facekicks her then NT shoulders Sare over. NT and Sare trade chest forearm flurries and NT shoulders her over. NT goes after Arsisa. NT pulls her opponents into each other then NT takes a double suplex. Sare hits 2nd rope dropkicks on NT.

NT hits chest forearms on Arisa then lariats her over. Arisa hits a big forearm on NT then germans her. Arisa running facekicks her and top rope dropkicks her for 2.

Arisa knees NT in the gut. NT slap flurries her then hits a backdrop into a sitout bomb for 2. NT michinoku drivers her for 2. Arisa and NT trade forearms. Arisa  slaps and forearms her then NT forearms back.

Arisa hits more forearms then NT lariats her down. Arisa dragon suplexes her then they forearm each other down together. Sare and Chika get in. Chika shoulders her over then giant swings her. Chika hip attacks Sare on the ropes.

Chika hits chest forearms on Sare then Arisa knees her on the ropes. Chika takes forearms from both opponents then NT gets some. Chika and NT are rolled into double stomps. NT gets stuck in tree of woe and Arisa double stomps her off the buckles. Sare meteora's Chika.

NT lariats her opponents over then Chika hits a big lariat on Sare. Chika chokeslams Sare for 2. Sare top rope double footstomps Chika for 2. Chika rolls up Sare for 2. Sare armbas her off a lariat attempt then taps her out with a grounded octopus.

Thoughts: It was a good one as expected here with three of the better women's workers in the world. Arisa and Nanae showed good aggression and it was a fun stiff fest. Chika showed up and put on a good show in her big opportunity though it's too bad Yuzuki wasn't in her place instead as this would have been even better. 

Sareee gets on the mic after and says her and Arisa would never lose to these two. Nanae gets on the mic and yells at them not to leave. She says Chika did well and thanks Sareee and Arisa. Nanae offers Arisa a handshake. Arisa bows at her then flips her off.

They announcer the Dream Star Grand Prix. Saree will be in it which is cool and it's a pretty good line-up.

Marigold United National Title Match - Miku Aono (c) vs. Kouki Amarei 

They lock up and test strength. Kouki pushes her over and they trade front facelocks. They trade headlocks, criss cross and Miku dropkicks her. Kouki hits facekicks then jumping facekicks her in the corner. Miku corner facekicks her. Kouki stomps on Miku then slams her. Kouki high crabs her then single leg crabs her. Kouki misses a face kick on the ropes and gets her leg pulled down over the top rope.

Miku kneebreakers her over the knee then kicks the leg. Miku ties up one leg and half-crabs the other. Kouki facekicks her and they trade chest forearms. Kouki facekicks her then Miku lariats her on the ropes. Kouki hits kicks to the head.

They fight on the apron and Kouki goes down. Miku PK's her from the apron. Miku snapmares her on the floor and then gets powerslammed on the floor. Kouki knocks Miku off the apron as she tries to get in then slams her. Kouki falling splashes her for 2. Kouki backbreakers her on the shoulder then spinebusters her. Kouki misse a top rope splash. Miku PK's her then does a buffalo sleeper. Miku slingshot fisherman's suplexes her. Miku hits a top rope dropkick then Kouki cutters her. Miku no sells it and germans her. Kouki no sells it and backdrops her.

They trade forearms on their knees then trade forearms from the mount. Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2. Kouki dropkicks her then pulls both of Miku's arms back. Miku then does a bridge with the arms pulled back and Miku ropebreaks.

Kouki hits a dominator for 2. Kouki hits a top rope 180 splash for 2. Miku gets out of a backdrop and short arm lariats Kouki. Miku sunset flips her then high kicks her. Miku lariats her in the back of the head and kicks her in the ribs. Miku headkicks her for 2.

Miku hits a styles clash and gets the win.

It wasn't anything special. Miku worked the leg for a bit and forgot about it. There were no real faces or heels here and no great logic. Kouki tried a bit more than usual but it still wasn't great.

Miku gets on the mic after. She says she was successful in her first title defense. She said she felt Kouki's growth today and tells her she can get stronger. She said everyone has high expectations for her and says let's do it again on a bigger show. Kouki says it was her first loss in Marigold. She says she wants to take the white belt from her and says he will keep coming after it. They then slap hands.

Giulia vs. Mai Sakurai


G = Giulia

They say this is Giulia's final match in Marigold. Mai and G lock up and go to the ropes twice. G double chops her on the ropes. Mai side headlock takeovers her and G headscissors her.

Mai side headlocks her. They lock up again and G rolls her into a camel clutch and side headlock. Mai escapes a glorious driver and knocks her over with a big headbutt. Mai slaps her then bangs G's head off the buckles. Mai boots her over the bottom rope. Mai facekicks her out of the ring and G is thrown into the seats.

The ref stops a Mai chairshot then G grabs Mai by the hair and clubs on her. Mai is thrown into the seats and Mai's head is banged off the East sign. The crowd chants for G and she dances to it. G is thrown into the seats. G suplexes her on the floor.

G headbutts her outside then basement dropkicks her inside. G does a headscissors takeover and pulls her arm back while sitting on her. G holds her in the air and does a suplex for 2. G get slapped up top then Mai superplexes her. Mai hits a top rope dropkick. G no sells it and germans her. Mai then flying knees her. Mai hits a headbutt flurry then G hits a headbutt flurry. 

G drops her with a big forearm and they trade forearms. Mai legslice reverse ddt's her for 2. Mai suplexes her for 2. Mai goes up top and is dropkicked down to the floor. The ref, Kyohei Wada, tries to stop G from using a chair and G puts her hands on him and shoves him. G then slaps him.

They grab a table and G piledrivers her through it. Mai is sent into the post, G runs at her and then gets a bucket thrown in her face. Mai top rope plancha's her. G slaps her then Mai facekicks her. Mai then pump kicks her in the face. Mai shotei's her then top rope elbow drops her.

Mai then powerbombs her from the shoulder for 2. G hits a top rope butterfly suplex for 2. Mai tiger suplexes her for 2 then hits a glorious driver for 1. Mai tries to rol lher but G backdrops her. Mai facekicks G then STF's her. G ropebreaks. Mai forearms G in the back of the neck and hits slaps and headbutts. Mai headbutt flurries her down.

G hits a northern lights bomb and Mai crucifixes her for 2. G running knees her in the face then hits a spinning glorious driver for 2. G hits another northern lights bomb for 2. G knees her in the back of the neck and hits a wrist clutch northern lights bomb to win.

Thoughts: It was a pretty good effort with them stretching it out and trying to make it more dramatic. It got a lot of time and it was a heated match. I liked Mai doing G's moves to her and the various strike flurries. It went about as well as it could have and was a good match.

G gets on the mic after. She asks if Mai's okay. She said they had a huge fight leading up to this and thought Mai really hated her. G says this shows that Mai has become a real wrestler. She said she did well to come this far and both cry. She says she has to keep the fire.

Mai said she did everything she could to get here. Mai said meeting her was a great thing in her life. She says she will always love her. They bow at each other and hug. G says she will have one more match. She says she wants to meet Tsukasa Fujimoto even if it's just for one minute on 8/25. She says she will raise the bar of Japanese wrestling to the world and says she will see everyone again.

Overall thoughts: The main and the Nanae tag were the best things on here which wasn't a big surprise. Miku/Kouki wasn't anything special as expected and the elimination match was disappointing. Minami Yuuki didn't impress in her return to the ring and three-way would have been better as singles matches as expected. It was a longer show at 3 hours. I think I would recommend it overall but it could have been better.

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