Tuesday, September 10, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 8/3/2024 Nettou Summer Action Wars 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 8/3/2024 Nettou Summer Action Wars 2024

Seiki Yoshioka & Shotaro Ashino vs. Dan Tamura & Ryo Inoue

Dan and Sho go at it. They shoulder each other over and stand off. Ryo kicks SY in the gut then SY kicks him back.  They trade more kicks to the body. Ryo hiptosses him and struts then SY does it to him. Sho chops Ryo and holds him for a kick from SY. SY kicks Ryo in the arm and Sho hits boots.

Ryo is slammed off a kick attempt on Sho. Sho bodyscissors him. Ryo 2nd rope dropkicks him. Dan gets in and hits shoulderblocks on Sho then suplexes him for 2. Sho hits karelin's lift on him then Dan hits it on him. Sho lariats Dan right in the face. SY pumping knees Dan in the corner then running kicks him in the back. SY PK's Dan for 2.

Dan samoan drops SY. SY takes a double back elbow. Ryo is pushed into Dan and Dan's team takes a german and a tornado ddt together. SY axe kicks Dan for 2. Dan and SY trade forearms. SY superkicks him then Dan hits a big lariat for 2. SY hurricanrana's Dan then Dan hits a stiff powerbomb to win.

Thoughts: It was a real one sided match with Dan and Ryo not getting a lot in. The crowd was real quiet throughout all of this and it wasn't that interesting of a match. I was suprirsed that Dan won and how he won.

Dan talks on the mic after and seems to challenge Seiki for his title.

Aizawa NO. 1, Cyrus, Hartley Jackson, Hokuto Omori & Kuma Arashi (w/Jack Kennedy) vs. Fuminori Abe, Hideki Suzuki, Kuroshio TOKYO Japan, Seigo Tachibana & Yuma Aoyagi

Jiro had a long entrance with screwing around as usual. Jiro got hit as soon as he finished his entrance and everyone goes out to fight. Cyrus scares Jiro in the crowd and pushes him over. Kuma racks Seigo outside and Abe is sent into the post. Omori hits Yuma from behind then Yuma euros him in the front row.

Omori pulls on Jiro's head in the ring as most of the other wrestlers fight outside. Aizawa slams Jiro and elbow drops him. Jiro is lifted by 4 people and dropped. Hartley chops Jiro then slams him. Jiro gets his legs split then Kuma pulls on Jiro's face. Kuma catches a crossbody and samoan drops Jiro. Kuma then misses a senton.

Yuma gets in and facekicks Kuma. Yuma flying forearms him then Abe spin kicks Kuma. Abe kicks Kuma in the back. Kuma is tripped into an elbow from Yuma. Kuma hits a double crossbody on Yuma and Abe.

Yuma dropkicks Cyrus then Cyrus lariats him over. Cyrus shoulders and elbows Abe over. Cyrus splashes Yuma and Abe at the same time the corner cannonballs Abe. Seigo is tagged in then him, Jiro and Suzuki get on the ropes. Cyrus catches and slams down Seigo off the ropes.

Seigo takes corner attacks from all of his opponents and Jack, who isn't even in the match. Aizawa tkes shots from his opponents and Suzuki tombstones him. Aizawa is lifted up by the faces then dropped down. Seigo and Omori trade forearms overtop of Aizawa then try to do corner attacks, jumping over him. Seigo drops Omori with a forearm then trips over Aizawa. Seigo spinning forearms Aizawa then is lariated over.

Seigo takes a superkick and cutter then Omori top rope splashes Seigo to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't a real serious match at any point in time with Jiro and Seigo getting bullied around by the heels. It was hard to get into it since the outcome was obvious and it was clear that nobody was really trying hard here. 

Omori has words for Aizawa after then Aizawa is thrown up in the air and caught by his partners in celebration.

AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Naruki Doi (c) vs. MUSASHI

MS = Musashi

They lock up. MS wristlocks him and Doi reverses it. Doi side headlock takeovers him, MS headscissors him and they stand off. Doi boots MS and goes up and over. MS hits an armdrag and a headscissors to send Doi out. Doi comes back in and running back elbows him.

Doin chinlocks MS. Doi snapmares and flipping swantons him for 2. Doi neckbreakers him. Doi spinesbuters him then does a grounded abdominal stretch variation. MS exploders Doi then facekicks him off the apron. MS tope con hilos him. MS hits kicks on Doi then snapmares him into a tequila sunrise.

Doi eyerakes him, hits doi fives and misses his sliding kick. They trade chops then trade forearms. Doi takes a superkick then suplexes him. MS avoids doi fives and superkicks him. MS exploders him then falcon arrows him for 2. MS comes off the top and lands on Doi's knees. Doi cradles him then hits a short ddt. Doi hits doi fives and a sliding kick for 2.

MS hits an interesting single leg electric chair driver on Doi then superkicks him in the back of the neck. MS germans him for 2. MS top rope splashes Doi for 2. Doi rolls him up for 2 and does another for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was anything special and I don't know if the surprise roll up finish worked here. There was just no story and just basic/heel face stuff. Doi probably should have been pinned from the single leg electric chair driver.

Hikaru Sato, Kento Miyahara & Suwama vs. Ren Ayabe, Rising HAYATO & Ryuki Honda

Ken and Rising go at it. Ken wristlocks him. Rising rolls, headflips through and chops him. Rising flying headscissors him out and Ken moves out of the way on Rising's idve tease. Ken headlock takeovers him, Rising headscissors him and they stand off.

Suwama and Honda go at it. Suwama side headlocks him and they shoulder battle. Honda shoulders him over and kneels on him on the ropes. Honda then counts with the ref when he tries to get him to break. Suwama double chops Honda down. Honda takes corner attacks. Ken boots Suwana over on accident.

Suwmaa takes a triple team but fights out with double chops and lariats. Ken cheers on Suwama, mocking his taunt and Suwama lariats him down. Suwama foot chokes Honda in the corner. Honda forearms Sato then Sato kicks him in the back.

Ken back elbows Honda and tags Suwama back in. Suwama hits knees to the gut then hits a big lariat on Honda for 2. Suwama belly to belly suplexes Honda. Honda spears Suwama out of the corner. Rising jumps off Suwama's back and hits a double dropkick. Suwama is pulled over the top then Rising springboard plancha's multiple people.

Rising corner dropkicks then facebusters Suwama for 2. Suwama suplexes Rising. Ken begs for the tag in and Suwama slaps him. Ken dropkicks Rising in the knee then dropkicks him in the side of the head. Ken takes a falcon arrow from Rising. Honda gets in and corner lariats Ken. Honda spinebusters him for 2 then camel clutches him.

Ken escapes Honda's running one arm powerbomb. Honda hits a big forearm, takes a pumping knee then lariats Ken over. Sato and Ren get in. Sato hits leg kicks. Ren corner facekicks Sato. Ren takes a double chop + kick combo from Suwama and Sato. Ken's team goes for a triple move but all of them end up getting back body dropped.

Ren misses a facekick on Sato then facekicks him. Everyone comes in for a move then Suwama lariats Honda over. Sato enzugiri's Ren twice. Sato rolls him up for 2 then ankle locks him. Ren escapes and takes another enzugiri. Sato kicks him in the chest for 2 then puts another ankle lock on.

Honda running lariats Sato to break the hold then running one-arm powerbombs him. Rising hits an asai moonsault on Sato then Ren hits a spinning falcon arrow on Sato to win.

Thoughts: It was an okay 6-man tag match here but not great or anything too special. Ren really didn't get in at all until the end and they pushed issues between Suwama and Kento here. Sato was clearly the odd man out on this and it was no shock that he ended up taking the fall. It could have been better with more time as they definitely rushed the finishing stretch.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Jun Saito

They stare down and shake hands. Jun backs him up against the ropes. Davey side headlocks him then does a side headlock takeover. Jun headscissors him and Davey kips up and out of it. They trade forearms then try to boot each other at the same time, catching each others foot. Davey shakes his hand then hits a forearm and boots. Davey is sent out and jun sends him into the rails.

Jun is sent into the rails then Davey suplexes him on the floor. Davey boots him then elbows him in the forehead. Davey stomps on him inside. Davey slams him then chinlocks him. Davey side slams him then camel clutches him. 

Davey hits a euro and rakes his eyes with his boot. Jun blocks a piledriver then hits a facekick and a running shoulder. Jun elbow drops him for 2. They trade forearms. Jun hits a big chop then Davey powerslams him for 2. Jun misses a diving lariat off the top then spears him.

Davey ddt's him at 15 minutes. Davey hits a running powerslam. Jun lariats him. Davey escapes a chokeslam and germans Jun. Jun the flying knees him in the back of the head. Jun jackhammers him and wins.

It got close to 20 minutes but was just average. Nothing was wrong with it but nothing was particularly great either. They weren't stiff with each other. There weren't a lot of big moves or cool power spots. The finishing stretch wasn't much and I wasn't even disappointed as I had low expectations for it.

Jun walks to the back and greets his brother, who is on his way in.

Triple Crown Title Match - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Rei Saito

They lock up. Rei clean breaks him then chops him on the 2nd break. Yuma hits forearms and takes chops. Yuma hits a nice dropkick then Rei shoulders him over. Yuma is sent into the rails then Rei is sent into the rails. They fight in the crowd and Yuma is whipped into the seats.

Rei chokes him with a towel and stomps Yuma's head. Yuma is pushed into the post then held up for a choke against it. Rei shoulders him into the post. Yuma hits forearms then Rei chops back. Rei running corner lariats him and slams him. Rei then elbow drops him for 2. 

Rei slams him then stands on him. Rei slams and splashes him for 2. Yuma boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope dropkicks him. Yuma corner forearms him then belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Yuma dropkicks him but can't lift Rei for various moves. Rei shoulders him on the ropes then then Yuma germans him.

Rei chokeslams Yuma. Rei is on the buckles and Yuma step up knees him. Yuma superplexes him, Rei no sells it and lariats him. Rei hits chops and shoulders him into the buckles. Rei chop flurries him. Yuma forearms him in the corner. Yuma gets on the buckles and Rei pushes him over and down to the floor.

They trade forearms. Rei headbutts him as they fight on the apron. Rei then uranages him on the apron. Rei suplexes Yuma for 2. Yuma back body drops him inside and hits a flying knee. Yuma germans him for 2. Yuma hits flying knees to the front and back of the head. Yuma facelocks him and Rei backdrops him to get out.

Yuma dropkicks him then Rei spinebusters him. Rei powerbombs him for 2. Yuma hits a german and running knees him for 2. Rei shotei's him. They trade chops for forearms. Rei hits a big slap. Yuma hits headbutts then Rei crossbodies him. Yuma backdrops him then Rei hits a big shotei for 2. They fight on the buckles and Yuma surprisingly is able to beat him with the gimlet.

I thought it was a good match here and probably the best of Rei's career so far. He controlled things for the first half with his size and power and then Yuma evened it up some as the underdog face and picked up the win. Yuma could have been a little more fiery and Rei could have thrown and bullied him around more but the essentials were all here and it was a good one.

They talk to each other on the mic after and drink beer. Yuma Aoyagi comes out and makes a challenge for the triple crown after. He refuses to shake Yuma's hand.

Overall thoughts: I really only liked the main here and the trios match with Suwama was okay. The first two matches weren't anything special and Smith/Jun wasn't that good as expected. I wouldn't recommend this.

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