Friday, September 6, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/20/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/20/1991

Last week's show is here:

Macho Man, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Vince says we are in time for Astronomy Day and says Macho is here to join us on the final frontier and says he's no longer an alien to the commentary booth. Piper says he's tired....tired of Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri and makes space references. He says he's tired of his crutch and throws it. He says he'll be leaning on Dibiase and we run down tonight's card.

The British Bulldog vs Mike Starr

Mike Starr is Michelle Star and looks like a Buddy Rose relative. Davey takes a side headlock then hiptosses and slams him. Davey armdrags him. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do an inset promo. Heenan asks what's the difference between Davey and Winston and Perfect says Davey has more fleas. Perfect says if Davey thinks they are concerned about him taking the IC Title away, he's barking up the wrong tree. 

Davey armdrags and armlocks Mike. Davey knee drops the arm then armlocks him. Davey suplexes Mike. Mike gets some punches in then Davey corner lariats him. Davey hits a running powerslam and wins.

Thoughts: Davey vs Perfect looks to be the next program for both. Davey did a little more here than usual and let Mike get a decent amount of offense in.

WWF Update

Mean Gene shows us clips of The Ultimate Warrior's segment at The Funeral Parlor. Gene said Paul Bearer and Taker tried to tell Jack Tunney that they didn't mean to seal the casket and it was just to scare Warrior. Gene says Tunney was forced to accept their explanation though he doesn't buy it. Gene asked what being put in the casket did to Warrior's psyche. He says you have to wonder if the fear of The Undertaker has crept into Warrior's soul.

The Orient Express vs Rob Allen and Scott Casey

Vince says Warrior was not physically harmed by being put in the casket but wonders if it got to him mentally. Scott and Kato lock up. Kato hits shots to the gut. Kato goes up and over, bows then is hiptossed. Scott elbows Kato's arm then Rob's head is banged off the buckles. Tanaka does his blind twisting forearm.

The Rockers do an inset promo. Shawn says Mania VII started the roll and they will rock and roll all summer. Marty says summer is their favorite time of the year and it's time to make chop suey out of The Orient Express.

Tanaka chops Rob down then headbutts him. Rob takes a double chop then Kato suplexes Rob. Rob takes a super kick + german combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here as usual and The Express had a decent showing. Piper mentioned Casey being a 10 year vet at the end of this.

WWF Event Center

Sean says The Orient Express may sound like an overnight flight to Japan, but they have a good master of the martial arts. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says that everyone needs to get earthquake insurance. Quake says lots of people like Hulk and Tugboat were taken out on stretchers due to him. He says nobody in the WWF is safe from him. He brings up Taker, Davey Boy and Perfect. He says whoever steps up will feel the quake and be sent out on a stretcher.

Sean says Quake may not be fond of snakes. Bret Hart does a promo. He says he is asked what he's doing, but he doesn't know. He says he's in singles competition and is looking for a belt around his waist. He says Mr. Perfect has what he wants. He says he thinks he's better than Perfect. He says he will climb over various challenges until he gets to Perfect. Bret says Perfect won't be perfect once he steps in the ring with him.

This was notable with Quake threatening other heels and Bret Hart officially becoming a singles competitor.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Jim Powers

Piper wants to go after Ted but Vince says he is contracted to be on commentary and has to stay. Sensational Sherri is with Ted. Virgil does an inset promo. He says beat Ted but the job isn't done yet. He says with him and Piper, if the left hand doesn't get you, the right one will. Vince says Piper is playing tic-tac-toe and beating himself as he doesn't want anything to do with Ted.

Ted slams Jim, side headlocks him and hammerlocks him. Jim side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Jim boots Ted in the gut, bends over and Ted bangs Jim's head off the mat. Ted suplexes Jim then powerslams him. Ted puts him in the million dollar dream and wins.

Ted stuffs money in Jim's moth after.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with Jim getting nothing in before being put down.

Piper continues to ignore Vince after.

WWF Event Center

Sean says there's a mutual attraction between Dibiase and Sherri. The Bushwhackers do a promo. Butch says they had a great time touring New Zealand. Butch says he's just as excited to be back in the US as he was here. As usual, this was almost all unintelligible.

Tugboat does a promo. He says just when you think the seas are coming down in the WWF, he hooks onto a new fish. He says he's in the best shape of his life and is getting ready for all the big bad guys out there. He says he will hook on you and shove you to Davey Jones' Locker.

The Legion of Doom vs Mark Ming and Randy Sharkey

The LOD grab the jobbers. Hawk goes to town on Ming then does a running elbow. Hawk gorilla press slams Ming. Animal powerslams Ming then elbow drops him. Randy tags in. He hits punches on Animal and Animal no sells them. Animal does a standing dropkick. Hawk chops Randy over and shoulderbreakers him.

The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do an inset. Saggs says The LOD will get their muscles stuffed down their throat. Knobbs says they have what The LOD want, but they aren't nasty enough to take it.

Hawk fist drops Randy and Animal corner lariats Randy. Randy takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was the usual LOD squash with them looking good and their opponents getting nothing in. 

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer brings out Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and General Adnan. Sarge says Adnan wants to talk about their strategy in the locker room after Wrestlemania VII. Adnan talks in his language. Sarge calls everyone maggots and scum. He says what he has to say will make the dead roll in their graves. Sarge says Hulk made a promise to his pukeamaniacs that the banner of Hulk Hogan would never burn again. Sarge says the banner will burn again and says Hulk has been burned by him.

Sarge asks if Hulk's parent's ever told him that when he plays with fire, he will get burned. Sarge says he rules the WWF and says there's nothing he can do about it. He says Hulk won the battle at Wrestlemania VII but says the war continues. He says he felt his blood on his hands, something that no other man has felt before. He says he promises to keep coming after Hulk until Hulkamania is dead and buried. Sarge says Hulk won't rest in peace. We then cut to a shot of a casket. 

The Warlord vs Dale Wolfe

War boots him and slams him. War hits an elbow drop then flying shoulderblocks him. Slick and Warlord do an inset promo. Slick says we will find out the power of the Warlord. War says he will smash everyone on his way to the title. War does a gutwrench slam on Dale then lariats him. War lifts him and full nelson's him. War then taps him out to win.

Warlord won't let Dale go after but finally does.

It was your usual quick Warlord squash with his opponent getting nothing in.

The Dragon vs Louie Spicolli

Ricky spits fire during his entrance as usual. Ricky elbows him in the gut and chops him down. Lou eye rakes him and Ricky hits more chops. Ricky side kicks him then bangs Lou's head off the buckles. Ricky hits another chop and slams Lou. Ricky hits a top rope chop then top rope crossbodies him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here with Ricky doing his usual stuff and getting the easy win.

The Mountie vs Jim Evans

They push WWF Magazine in an inset. Mountie hits boots on Jim. Jim's head is banged off the buckles. Mountie flips Jim and stomps him. Jim is thrown out to the floor and Mountie rams Jim into the apron edge. Mountie slams Jim. Mountie slams Jim down by the throat and chokes him to win.

Thoughts: This was your usual bad Mountie squash with his offense looking terrible.

Mountie handcuffs Jim to the buckles after. Mountie reads him his Miranda Rights then shocks him with the shock stick.

WWF Event Center

Bobby Heenan and The Barbarian do a promo. Heenan says there's a new WWF champ and said Barb told him to get him Hulk now. Heenan says we want Hogan and is issuing an open challenge. Barb says he needs a piece of Hulk and says he's ready. Heenan says Hulk is hot under the collar and tells him and others to come on.

The Texas Tornado does a promo. He says it doesn't matter how many friends you have, but how many people are pushing you to be #1. He says he has more fans behind him than ever. He says it feels good to be the best and to not be stomped by anyone. He says he has a fire in his heart that won't go out and says he will be the next champ.

They run down next week's show. Roddy Piper will be on The Funeral Parlor. Piper says he won't be put in a coffin. We also will get Jake Roberts vs Earthquake.

Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake says he doesn't like snakes or Jake. He tells him not to bring Damien anywhere near the ring. Jake Roberts talks. He says he's not afraid of Quake. He says talk is cheap and says we find out next week.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there wasn't a lot going on wrestling wise. Storyline wise though, there's a decent bit going on with teases of Bret being a singles wrestler, Perfect/Bulldog, Hogan/Sarge, Hogan/Barbarian, The Nasty Boys vs The LOD, Jake vs Earthquake and Piper vs Dibiase. I liked it but it wasn't must see and I wouldn't really recommend it.

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