Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9/11/2024

AEW Dynamite 9/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley talks about what he did to Bryan. He said he doesn't have the stomach for this. He says him and Bryan made a commitment to make something that would last. Something they would be proud of and something worth doing. Mox says they didn't do it. He said all he sees are ego's out of control in AEW and he can't take it anymore. He said Bryan was always Regal's favorite, but Regal saw himself in Mox.

Mox says he's no hero or villain. He said he was put here as he's the one true king of these lands. He said he tried it Bryan's way and diplomacy has failed. He said he chooses way.

We see Darby Allin skateboard in to the arena. Tony Schiavone brings out The Patriarchy. Christian said the word on the street is that he has infinite aura. He said Wembley didn't start out like he wanted, but he rallied and won the gauntlet match. He says he saw something in Killswitch when he tried to chokeslam him. He said KS realized he is a killer. He says KS belongs to him.

He said he decided it wasn't the right time to cash in his contract at the PPV but says Bryan's days are numbered. He says he will beat him so bad that he will wish his wife had CTE, so she couldn't comprehend the embarrassment he was as champ. He says he's the undisputed next AEW champ. 

We then cut to Kip Sabian in the front row.

The Don Callis Family and Will Ospreay are interviewed. Don says Will won every casino gauntlet match he has ever been in and there's one tonight. He said what could be better than him and Kyle going for the world tag titles. Will declines but Don says he owes him a favor. Kyle says he's tired of coming so close but not getting it done. He said there's not a single person he'd rather win the tag titles with. Will agrees. He shakes hands with everyone but Takeshita, who just stares him down. 

TNT Title - Jack Perry (c) vs Lio Rush

I have no idea how Lio earned this. Jack hits him before the bell and stomps on him. Lio hits punches on Jack then chops him. Lio springboard headscissors him and dropkicks him out. Jack pushes Action Andretti, who is with Lio. Lio handspring kicks him off the apron. Lio is chopped on the rails.

Lio kicks him from the apron then is dropped face first on it. We go to PiP break and return. Action stupidly trips Jack in front of the ref and gets thrown out for it. Lio cradles him for 2 and forearms him. Lio throws Jack out then topes him. Lio hits another tope.

Lio hits a standing spanish fly in the ring for 2. Lio is lawn darted into the buckles for 2. Jack dragon suplexes Lio. Lio poisonrana's Jack. The botch a spot with Lio taking a knee shot then Jack pins him with a flying knee.

Thoughts: The finish was weak and it was messed up so it's hard to really put this one over. It was fast paced at least and Lio had a nice tope. Action Andretti looked like an idiot here for getting caught interfering.

Jack Perry is interviewed in the parking lot. he says people like him are crucified in this life so they can be worshipped in the next. He then drives his bus away.

Adam Page is interviewed. He said if he had found 1,000 houses Swerve called home, he'd burn all of them. He said he meant every word he said. He says he will hurt anyone who tried to protect Swerve from him. Page then pushes someone over in the back. Top Flight shake their heads at him and The Dark Order say they don't know who he is. Jeff Jarrett says his family has been in wrestling for a while and says he will regret the day he laid his hands on his wife. Jeff says the toughest guy you will ever face is the man in the mirror. They fight and Jeff is thrown onto chairs before it is broken up.

Private Party and Komander vs Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe and ?

Moxley's crew beats up both teams before it starts. Pac syas htey have been patient but enough is enough. He says the company is broken. He says they are inevitable. Pac says he has a purpose now, the company has failed and the company is theirs.

We see The Learning Tree arrive. Jericho says it's a great day to be in The Learning Tree and says he has a new convertible. He says he also has the jacket OC ruined. He says he wants his cash and took OC's backpack as collateral. He said he found something interesting in OC's backpack and will show everyone tonight. Bill says anyone who doesn't pay their debts will suffer the consequences. Bryan Keith agrees.

Ricochet vs Sammy Guevarra

SG lands on his feet after a hiptoss and htey try pins. Ric is flipped and they try to superkick each other at the same time. They then shove each other. Ric backflips into a headscissors and dropkick on SG. Ric fosbury flops him outside.

They fight on the ramp. Ric is sent into the entrance stand and gets superkicked. Sammy moonsaults off the entrance onto Ric. We go to PiP break and return. SG flips over Ric and dropkicks him. SG baseball slides him. SG tornillos him outside. SG is back body dropped on the ramp. Ric double springboards off the rails and flips onto SG.

SG springboard lariats him then running SSP's him for 2. Ric superkicks him. Ric pops him up off his shoulders and SG canadian destroyers him. SG hits a top rope diving cutter for 2. SG misses an ssp off the top. Ric rolls into a jumping knee from SG.

Ric jumping knees him and headkicks him. Ric ae kicks him in the head. Ric lifts him from the reverse ddt position and drivers him to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of it. They did too much and selling was not a priority here.

The Beast Mortos spears Ric after then Sammy swings a chair at Mort after.

Sammy and Ric shake hands after.

Kazuchika Okada is interviewed. He says defending his title at All Out was the hardest night of his life. He pretends to cry then says it was so easy. Don Callis and Takeshita come in. Don says Okada didn't pin Takeshita. Okada says Takeshita will be a champ but not the Continental champ, b!tch. KT then stares Okada down.

Darby Allin comes out and gets on the mic. He says someone has been looking for him and he's right here. Mox and Marina Shafir come out. Mox says nothing has changed between then and Darby says that's enough. Darby said they both came from nothing and don't want to go back to it. Darby says he doesn't take any of this for granite.

Darby said he looked for heroes when he was a young wrestler and said Mox didn't change so he wanted to be like him. Darby said they met on the indies. He said he lost to Mox in the first match they had but respected him. He said he would never do anything to family like Mox did to Bryan and asks what Mox wants.

Mox says Darby has a title shot in the bank. He said Darby is not ready for it though. He says he needs him to hand over the title shot to him. Darby asks if he's been drinking again and tells him if he wants it, do something about it. Mox challenges him at Grand Slam. Mox says title shot will be his and he'll earn it the hard way. Darby accepts the challenge. He says if Mox wants to burn AEW into the ground, don't be surprised when he pulls him into the fire.

It would have been nice if they explained how Darby got the title shot. I had to look and it was apparently by winning Royal Rampage on 7/24. 

Christopher Daniels is interviewed. He said Darby's risk seems unnecessary. Nigel McGuinness goes up to Daniels and says he wants to speak to Tony Khan now and he'll want to hear it.

AEW Women's Title Eliminator - Mariah May vs Queen Aminata

They miss moves to start and legsweep each other. They trade chest forearms. They slap each other and Queen lariats her. Queen PK's her. May boots her in the back. May dropkicks her in the back while she's tied in the ropes and flying knees her.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. May top rope dropkicks her. Queen crucifixes her and suplexes her. Queen release germans her. Queen kicks her on the ropes for 2. May bridging ddt's her for 2. Queen slams her for 2.

May shotgun dropkicks her and hits a running knee. May hits a storm zero and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here. It wasn't anything too special but everything they did looked fine and I didn't have any issues with it.

May said she still hasn't heard her title celebration. She said someone is missing and tells Mina Shirakawa to please come back.

The Young Bucks talk. They said they wanted to have the greatest tag division ever but said the division would just be them. They said they are still here doing the heavy lifting. They said the fans want a new team to be champs but there are no teams to replace them. They say the tag gauntlet winners face them at Grand Slam.

The Learning Tree vs The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson

Jericho is going to wrestle in the orange juice jacket. He slaps Boulder and Boulder drops him with a punch. Bill and Boulder stare down. Boulder corner lariats him. Bill corner splashes him then running facekicks him. Boulder is lariated over the top.

Keith enzugiri's Jacked. Jacked takes a headbutt then Keith hits a diamond dust. Jericho then stands on Jacked's chest and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a short squash and nothing more.

Jericho gets on the mic after. Jericho says he wants his money back and will keep taking OC's stuff until he does. He said he found a picture of Best Friends (with Trent, Kris and Chuck) in it. Jericho says OC is still obsessed with friendship. Jericho says there are no friends in wrestling and if you think you have one, you are probably being used. Jericho says he wants his cash.

Orange Cassidy gets on the tron and is in the parking lot. He says he has the money but it's not all on him. He says his boys are bringing the rest of it. Mark Briscoe and Kyle O'Reilly then dump a bunch of coins with a bulldozer into the vehicle. OC says that should do it.

Thoughts: There was clearly not $7,000 in pennies there and some of those coins weren't even pennies. I popped for Mark Briscoe driving the bulldozer though.

Nigel McGuinness is in the ring. He says there won't be a title match if Darby is putting his title shot on the line with Mox. He says Bryan is probably on an iron lung and strapped to a bed choking like Justin Roberts was when he was choked out with his own tie. Nigel says the AEW champ should compete.

He pulls out a contract said he watched Bryan have the success he should have had all these years. He says Bryan is afraid of him. He said Tony Khan isn't afraid and says it will be Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness. Nigel says Oasis will play him to the ring but asks if Bryan will join him for The Final Countdown.

Thoughts: I mean, it's a joke storyline wise. Nigel is an announcer and hasn't won anything yet is going to be in this. Yeah, it's an exciting match for a 2006 ROH fan, but I would imagine a lot of people are wondering what is going on and why. How Nigel trumps Darby to fight Bryan is unknown.

Hook is hanging out near a dumpster and says he respects Roddy Strong. He said he lost his respect though when Strong and his buddies attacked him. Hook says he's challenging him and asks when it will be. 

#1 Contenders Tag Team Casino Gauntlet

FTR and Will Ospreay/Kyle Fletcher are first in. The Young Bucks watch from the stage.

Kyle lariats Dax over the top. Will flying headscissors Cash. Wil lis popped up into a slingshot sitout powerbomb. Kyle michinoku drivers Dax and Will moonsaults off Kyle's back onto Dax. Will takes a powerplex for 2.

The Righteous come in next. Dutch corner splashes Dax. Vincent russian legsweeps Kyle. Dutch black hole slams Cash then Vincent top rope swantons Cash. Vincent hits a low flatliner on Dax.
Kyle suplexes Vincent then superkicks Dutch. Kyle diving cutters Dutch off the top for 2. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett of Undisputed Kingdom come out. Kyle is popped up into a forearm from Mike Bennett. Will takes a death valley driver and a running knee for 2.

We go to PiP break and return. Vincent takes a backdrop. The Acclaimed come out. The Acclaimed hits shots on Dutch and Mike. Kyle is clubbed on by Cash outside. Max superkicks Taven. Max powerslams Mike.

Bowens superkicks Taven then Max top rope crossbodies Taven. Bowens spinning forearms Dutch. Max attitude adjustments Dutch. The Acclaimed hit fameassers on Dax. MxM Collection come out. Madden double shoulders FTR. Mike takes an atomic drop then a hip attack from Madden. Taven takes a side slam + legdrop combo.

Dax sends Will into the steps. We get an 8 person suplex and Dutch lands hard on Mike from it. We go to PiP break and return again. Bowens is sent into the rails. Top Flight come out. Dante springboard chops Dax. Taven is bulldogged into the 2nd rope. Darius bottom rope flatliners Taven. Dante jumping knees Cash then Darius lariats Cash over the top. Darius uses Dante to tornado ddt Dutch.

Dante and Will stare down. Will flips off of him and step up enzugiri's him. Dante flying headscissors Will. Taven eye pokes Dante then springboard enzugiri's him. Kyle lariats Taven. Bowens running knees Kyle then Bowens takes a shatter machine for 2.

The Outrunners come out. They hit shots on everyone then hit slams. The Runner double team slam Dutch then double boot Dax. Dutch is double clotheslines over the top. Vincent takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop. The Grizzled Young Vets come out. FTR fights them on the stage and they fight to the back.

Mansoor is superplexed off the top onto everyone by Turbo Floyd. Mansoor takes a slam + neckbreaker combo for 2. Turbo is sent into the rails. Darius does a tope outside onto everyone. Darius top rope dropkicks Vincent. Mike piledrivers Darius. Kyle brainbusters Mike.

Dante hurricanrana's Kyle for 2. Kyle gets his knees up on Dante's top rope splash. Will hidden blades Dante from behind and Kyle gets the win.

Thoughts: The Vets never got in this one which was kind of funny. It was alright for what it was but there's only so much you can do when you have this many people involved. It was a lot more toned down than you would expect with nobody doing anything too stupid. I was a big fan of a somewhat makeshift team beating various established teams here.

Overall thoughts: It was a much better show than their usual offerings and felt like someone else was booking it. A lot happened on the show and it just felt like more of a wrestling show than what they normally put on. I didn't like Ric/Sammy and Nigel challenging for the World Title doesn't make much sense on a lot of different levels. I would still put the show at about average overall, but I prefer this format over what they have been doing and would like to see more of it.

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