Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Stardom 8/25/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 10

Stardom 8/25/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 10 

Day 9 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/stardom-8242024-5star-gp-2024-day-9.html 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Suzu Suzuki vs Ranna Yagami

Ranna hits her with a dropkick after intros and hits a chest forearm flurry. Suzu pulls her down, snapmares her nad kicks her in the back. Suzu drive by kicks her. Ran dropkicks her. Ranna hits chest kicks. Suzu forearms her down. Ranna hits chest forearms and chest kicks her down.

Ranna hits kicks and Suzu ropebreaks on an armbar attempt. Suzu running knees Ranna in the corner. Ranna rolls her up then leg lariats her for 2. Rannna rolls her and takes a german. Suzu headkicks her for 2. Suzu hits a tequila shot and wins.

Thoughts: It was a vet vs rookie match. Ranna got a lot of offense in, hitting mostly kicks. They tried to tease that maybe she could beat Suzu, but that was obviously not going to happen. It was average for the most part.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Syuri vs Miyu Amasaki

Miyu dropkicks her in the knee then short ddt's her. Miyu dropkicks her in the back. Syu sleepers her then suplexes her for 2. Syu hits kicks to the back. Miyu 2nd rope spinning facebusters her. Syu crabs her.

Syu lets Miyu hit chest forearms. Miyu tornado ddt's her then hits a ddt for 2. Syu STO's her and hits chest kicks for 2. Syu sharpshooters her. Miyu ropebreaks and rolls her up for 2. Miyu then hits a pendulum ddt.

Syu germans her and Miyu no sells it. Miyu fires up and Syu headkicks her down for 2. Syu hits a spinning emerald flowsion and wins.

Thoughts: It was similar to the first match with Miyu getting some offense in and them trying to convince us that the rookie had a chance. The rookie was again defeated here to the surprise of no one. It was just average.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - AZM vs Saya Iida

AZM boots her and armdrags her off the gorilla press attempt. Saya side headlocks her. AZM PK's her and flying knees her. AZM foot chokes her and corner dropkicks her. AZM goes for the armbar and Saya ropebreaks. AZM legsweeps her and PK's her. Saya slams AZM.

Saya back elbows her and elbow drops her. Saya hits a chop flurry. AZM suplexes her then Saya suplexes her back. Saya hits a nice lariat. Saya misses a 2nd rope shoulderblock then AZM armbars her. AZM top rope double stomps her for 2. Saya hits a lariat then spinebusters her for 2. AZM rolls her up for 2 then high kicks her. AZM gets her flying headscissors stopped then Saya bridge pins her to win.

Thoughts: It was a high energy and high speed affair. They matched up well pretty and kept this one moving. I liked this more than I expected to and was not expecting what we got out of it.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Maika vs Manami

Manami side headlocks her then camel clutches her. The ref tells her to stop and she does her pose at the ref. Maika side headlocks her and headlock takeovers her. Manami headscissors her then stomps on her.

Maika forearms her then Manami dropkicks her on the ropes. Manami basement dropkicks her and does her pose. Maika running lariats her and shoulders her over. Manami hangs onto the ropes to avoid a move and Maika shakes her around.

Maika sliding lariats her against the ropes. Maika STO's her. Manami octopuses her and Maika ropebreaks. Manami then facekicks her on the ropes. Manami flying knees her after taking a lariat. Manami meteora's her for 2. Maika hits a 2nd rope superplex then hangs on for 3 more. Maika hits an enka otoshi for 2. Manami flying knees Maika then pumping knees her.

Maika lariats her then spinning lariats her for 2. Maika michinoku drivers her and wins.

Thoughts: It was one of Manami's better matches in the tournament, mostly because she took most of the abuse and because they kept a quicker pace up. It wasn't great but better than expected and tolerable.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Yuna Mizumori vs Ruaka

Yuna attacks Ruaka as she enters. She chokes her with a towel and hits her with it in front of the ref. The ref then starts the match with Ruaka not really being ready. They trade forearms outside. Yuna is sent into the seats twice.

Yuna lariats Ruaka against the post then runs around the ring to shoulder her over. Yuna top rope diving shoulderblocks her. Ruaka shoulderblocks her and sentons her for 2. Ruaka crossbodies her against the bottom rope for 2. Ruaka misses a corner charge and takes a lariat flurry in the corner. Ruaka lariats her over then Yuna lariats her. Yuna 2nd rope splashes her for 2. Yuna hits an attitude adjustment for 2.

Ruaka suplexes her off the ropes. Yuna hits a big lariat then Ruaka gives her one back. Yuna crucifixes her for 2 then Ruaka fisherman's suplexes her. Ruaka double arm chokeslams her and wins.

Thoughts: There was no selling whatsoever. But they did keep it moving and they really did match up well. I can't put this one over though as nothing really meant anything.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Saki Kashima vs Thekla

Saki does not have her ad with her today. Thekla hits her with a belt in front of the ref before it starts and whips her. Thek drops her with a big forearm for 2. Thek whips her outside then puts the belt around her neck and pulls. Thek double stomps her back off the ropes then sends her into the seats. Thek then throws a chair at her and bangs her head off the commentary table. I think one of the Stardom heads tries to stop Thek and Thek rolls the commentary table over on him. Saki gets a surprise pinfall on her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one with Saki getting almost nothing in but the pin at the end. Thek just beat her up outside for most of this.

Thek stomps her after.

Anna Jay and Hina vs Rina and Natsuko Tora

The faces attack the heels at the bell. Tora is knocke off the apron then Anna headhunters Rina. Hina low dropkicks Rina. Hina slams Rina multiple times. Anna spinning heel kicks Rina in the corner and tags back out. Hina backbreakers Rina for 2.

Rina dropkicks Hina in the back. Rina hair throws Hina. Hina is tied up in the ropes and is dropkicked. Tora comes in and samoan drops then sentons Hina for 2. Hina hits a forearm flurry then hip throws her. Anna gets in and hits forearms on Tora. Anna running back elbows Rina then northern lights suplexes her. Tora crossbodies Anna for 2.

Rina facekicks and basement dropkicks Anna for 2. Anna knees Rina in the gut. Hina gets in and hits some offense on Rina for 2. They trade forearms. Hina takes a double back body drop for 2. Hina does a pumphandle drop on Rina for 2.

Hina takes a lariat from Tora and Rina gets a 2 count on her. Hina STO's Rina then Rina facekicks her. Rina northern lights suplexes her for 2. Hina rolls her up for 2 and Tora shoulders her opponents over. Rina does a driver on Hina for 2 then Hina neckbreakers her. Tora death valley drivers Hina and Rina top rope double knee drops Hina to win.

It was a weird match here. The faces beat up the heels almost all match long then the heels made their comeback and won. I don't know why this was done this way. It went longer thna it needed to and wasn't that great.

Hina and Rina get in each others faces after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Saori Anou vs Koguma

They lock up. Kog tries to make her do her pose and is german suplexed for it. Anou sgtep up enzugiri's her and northern lights suplexes her. Anou puts her in a heavenly lock.

Anou goes up top and takes forearms. Kog then cutters her down from the top. They trade forearms on their knees then stand up and trade. Anou germans her then Kog germans her back. Kog rolls her up and pins her with a surprise pin.

Thoughts: It was a short one here and there wasn't a lot to go off of here before the finish. 

Kog tries to get Anou to do her pose after and Anou sits at one of the tables at ringside after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Starlight Kid vs Xena

Xena backs her up on the ropes and chokes her. Kid cartwheels over her then rotation headscissors her. Xena shoulders her over. Xena hits a basement dropkick for 2 then suplexes her. Xena corner dropkicks her for 2.

Kid is caught on a springboard then Kid standing moonsaults Xena' knee. Xena springboard kicks her off the apron and Kid 619's her in the legs. Kid dragon screws Xena's leg over the middle rope then stretch mufflers her.

Xena sidekicks her and Kid dropkicks her in the knee. Kid hits double chops then Xena spinning side slams her. Kid kicks her in the head then Xena blocks a wraparound ddt. Xena then suplexes Kid off of it. Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes Xena for 2. Kid hits a 180 splash for 2 then stretch mufflers her again.

Xena backbreakers Kid then running lariats her. Xena full-nelson lifts her into a german. Kid ddt's Xena and top rope moonsaults her. Kid hits another dragon screw then stretchmufflers her. Kid headscissors her with it and submits her.

Thoughts: It was the usual Kid match with her working the leg and eventually winning with a leg submission. It made sense and I was fine with this one. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Natsupoi vs Hazuki 

Poi dropkicks Haz from behind and release germans her. Poi is thrown off the top back-first onto the apron. Haz ddt's her then sentons her. Haz hits facewash kicks on Poi then crossfaces her. Poi ropebreaks.

They trade forearms and Poi goes down. Haz running back elbows her, Poi cartwheels on her then hits an armdrag. Poi basement dropkicks her. Poi superkicks her then basement dropkicks her. Poi pulls Haz's arms back then does an indian deathlock with an armlock.

Haz pump kicks her. Haz goes to springboard and is forearmed down the floor. Poi top rope plancha's her. They get back in and trade forearms on their knees. They trade facekicks. They trade slaps and Haz forearm flurries the back of her head. Poi hits release germans then spin kicks Haz. Poi hits a nice headhunter, goes for a bridge pin and Haz tries a pin out of it. Poi la magistrals her for 2. Poi armbars her and Haz ropebreaks.

Haz 2nd rope superplexes her. Haz misses a top rope senton then Poi armbars her. Poi misses a 180 top rope splash then Haz 2nd rope codebreakers her. Haz suplexes her and the time runs out.

Thoughts: It was a good match here and it's a shame we didn't get a finish. They stiffed each other and kept a fast pace here. It was competitive and felt like either could have won it. This was easily the best thing on the show so far. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Mayu Iwatani vs Tomoka Inaba

TI pump kicks her and knees her in the gut. TI hits a step up knee in the corner and running knees her for 2. TI snapmares her and headscissors her. Mayu spin kicks her in the gut, hits a punch then a superkick. TI pop-up knees her then spinning heel kicks her.

TI crossfaces her then buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Mayu germans her then headkicks her. TI knees her in the face then sitout slams her for 2. Mayu ducks a head kick and rolls her up with a bridge to win.

Thoughts: It was really short. They worked well together in the little time they got and I'm disappointed we got robbed out of a possible good match here. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Tam Nakano vs Mei Seira

They start off fast and Mei crossbodies her. Mei backrolls her and they stand off. They shake hands and Tam stomps Mei's foot. Tam arm rolls her and hits kicks. Tam then axe kicks her. Tam hanging dragon sleepers her then top rope crossbodies her.

Mei trips her and rolls her. Tam avoids a dropkick and hits a basement dropkick. Mei springboard dropkicks her. They fight on the buckles and Tam's leg is banged off the top rope. Tam's leg is bridged on the apron and Mei double stomps it.

Mei pulls on Tam's leg. Mei hits dropkicks to Tam's leg. Tam hits forearms then release backdrops Mei. Mei release germans her. Tam no sells it then germans Mei. Tam wheelbarrow germans her for 2. Mei superkicks her and Tam spinning high kicks her. Mei dropkicks her. Tam spinning high kicks her and Mei dropkicks her in the knee. Mei ankle locks her and they roll each other win pin attempts.

Tam rolling armbars her into a pin for 2. Mei dropkicks her in the knee then does a neat surfboard variation with a dragon sleeper. Mei then taps her out.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. It was high speed and they kept this one moving. Mei worked the knee some here and the finish had the knees tied up which also helped things. I enjoyed this. 

AZM, Inaba and Mei have a discussion in the ring after. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Hanan vs Saya Kamatani

Han dropkicks her and running euros her. Saya slides out. Han comes off the apron and is kicked in the air. Han is then thrown into the seats. Saya sits a chain and waits for her to come back in. Saya trips her into the chair and shotgun dropkicks her. Saya hair throws her then poses on her on the ropes while she footchokes her. Saya axe kicks her back over the 2nd rope.

Han tries to fight back with chest forearms. Saya eye rakes her, snapmares her then chinlocks her. Han leg lariats her on the ropes then crossbodies her off the apron. Han running euros her for 2. Han hits a forearm flurry then Saya forearms her back. Han hip throws her then cuty specials her. Saya spinning heel kicks her.

Saya dropkicks her and flying knees her in the corner. Saya springboard crossbodies her for 2. Saya hits a northern lights suplex then Han leg lariats her. Han cuty specials her for 2. Saya hurricanrana's her but Han rolls through it. Han crucifixes her for 2 then Saya pump kicks her. Saya spinning heel kicks her then corkscrew kicks her back for 2. Han hits 2 backdrops and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter and quick match. It was one of the best matches I've seen Han have. It was fast paced and the two worked pretty well together doing athletic offense.

Han talks on the mic after. Suzu Suzuki gets on the mic and has words for her.

Overall thoughts: It was a long 13 match, 3 hour and 20 minute show. Some of the matches weren't really necessary and because of how many matches there are, we did not get everyone's best effort. It was a good night overall though. Manami and Hanan had their best matches so far in the tournament. Tam vs Mei was good and Poi vs Hazuki was good. I wouldn't recommend it due to the length, but I liked it overall.

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