Thursday, September 5, 2024

CMLL 8/30/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 8/30/2024 Arena Mexico

Fantasy, Shockercito & Ultimo Dragoncito vs. Mercurio, Pequeno Olimpico & Pierrothito

Fant and Olim go at it. Olim front facelocks him then side headlocks him. They go for holds and trip each other on the mat then do legsweeps. They stand off and tag out. UD and Pier go at it. UD flips him over his back then armdrags him. UD armdrags him then pulls him down by the mask. Pier trips him and they stand off.

Shock and Merc go at it. Merc slaps him. Shock arm throws him then armlocks him. Shock armdrags him off the casadora then rotation headscissors him. Shock is caught on a springboard crossbody and Merc boots him. Fant gets triple stomped by the heels. Fant takes a double boot then UD takes corner attacks. Pier shoulders Shock over. Shock takes a double boot then a double torture rack slam.

Fant counters a triple team then flying headscissors Merc out. Fant then tope con hilos Merc. Shock  flips out of the casadora and pulls Olim down by the hair. Shock satellite armdrags Olim. Pier lariats UD down.

UD sunset flips Olim and causes him to take a double shot from his opponents. UD tilt-a-whirl armdrags Merc then armdrags Pier out. UD tope con hilos Pier through the ropes. Shock flying headscissors Olim out then topes him. Fant hits a top rope spanish fly on Merc and pins him.

Thoughts: It was just a shorter opening match. We got a couple dives but didn't really see anyone's best work and the crowd wasn't into it. It was fine and all but not much more.

El Coyote, Felino & Felino Jr. vs. La Fuerza Poblana (Guerrero Maya Jr. & Stigma) & Xelhua

FJ = Felino Jr., Fel = Felino Sr.

1st Fall - Mije is with Felino's team. Maya and Coy start us off. Coy full-nelsons him. Coy front facelocks him on the mat then bites his foot. They stand off and Maya trips him. Coy chest kicks him then spineusters him. Coy hits an upkick then hip throws him. Maya tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him and they tag out. FJ and Xel get in.

Xel gets his arm locked up and uses the ropes to flip out then armdrag him. FJ does a nice japanese armdrag type of move. FJ armdrags him then Xel armdrags him. They stand off. Stig and Fel get in. Fel shoulders him over. Stig armdrags him twice. Fel chest chops him then does an armdrag. Stig goes out and gets beaten up by Coy and FJ. Coy bites Xel's foot as FJ armlocks Xel.

Fel dropkicks Maya out. Coy rolls into a plancha outside then FJ fireman's carry takeovers Xel. FJ then taps out Xel with an armlock. Fel chops Stig then hits a splash mountain and pins him. Felino's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Mije comes of the top and splashes Maya, then slaps him. Mije tries to do it again and the ref catches and blocks him. Fel pounds on Stig. Stig takes a double back elbow then is held for a ddt on the head from Coy. Stig takes a double headbutt. Xel takes corner attacks then Felino top rope sunset bombs him. Xel surprisingly kicks out at 2.

FJ kicks Maya in the leg. Fel 2nd rope hurricanrana's Maya down for 2. Maya gets triple stomped. Maya dropkicks Coy out then topes him into the rails. Xel hits a top rope double crossbody. Xel does a bad submission on Fel to submit him and Stig top rope frogsplashes FJ. Stigma's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - The rudos get chased onto the ramp and chase Yasmine/Jasmine the ring girl away. Coy front facelocks Maya. Maya arm throws him. Maya reverse springboard topes him then armdrags Fel and FJ. Maya springboard diving armdrags Fel using FJ then diving headscissors FJ off the buckles.

Fel running back elbows Stig. Stig armdrags Fel and dropkicks him. FJ superkicks Stig. Stig lariats FJ then dragon screws Coy. Stig 2nd rope double stomps FJ. Xel and Fel go at it. Fel shoulders Xel over. Xel hiptosses FJ then armdrags Fel. Xel tilt-a-whirl armdrags Coy.

Xel does an asai moonsault outside then Stig la silla's Fel off the apron. Maya top rope crossbodies Coy then does a goliath bird eater neckbreaker on the knee. Maya then pins Coy. Xelhua's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special and probably got more time than it needed. The heels got a lot in and we really didn't even get any great submissions out of Xelhua here.

Mistico brought a judoka out who won a medal at the Olympics for Mexico.

Lightning Match - Lluvia vs Persephone

L = Lluvia

Pers waistlock takedowns her and front facelocks her. L rolls her around then rolls her by the arm. Pers armdrags her then they trade corner lariats. Pers rams into the buckles when L moves then L spinning headscissors her. Pers fallaways slams her. Pers shotgun dropkicks her then topes her.

Pers is sent into the rails. They get back in and Pers trips her then hits mounted shots. Pers rolls her into a kick to the head. Pers hits a nothern lights suplex then more mounted punches. Pers bangs L's head off the mat.

L is laid on the 2nd buckle then Person pendulum double kneepresses her down. Pers tries to again and just gets her head banged off the buckles. L corner basement dropkicks her then plancha's her outside off the top. L hits a top rope crossbody then rolls Pers into a pin for 2. Pers backslides her for 2. L hits a basement dropkick for 2.

Pers hits a top rope dropkick for 2. L and Pers then crossbody each other in mid-air at the same time. Pers gets stuck on the 2nd rope then L dropkicks her while she's there. Pers botches a springboard and is tied up in the ropes for an L dropkick. L goes for the pin but the time runs out, which may have been a botch and it goes to a draw.

Thoughts: The finish was botched and the work was nothing special here. I didn't think this was good.

Villano III Jr. does a promo for the cibernetico tonight.

Esfinge, Mistico & Volador Jr. vs. Los Infernales (Averno & Euforia) & Yota

Esf = Esfinge, Euf = Euforia, Av = Averno

1st Fall - Vol and Esf get jumped before they even get in the ring and before Mistico enters. Mistico does his normal entrance as his buddies get their butts kicked. He then runs the ramp and is popped up into a headscissors on Av. Mist is then popped up into a headscissors on Euf. Esf tope con hilos Euf. Vol backcrackers Yota and pins him then Mist hits la mistica on Av and taps him out. Mistico's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - The heels are on the ramp and Esf goes after them. Vol flying headscissors Yota then Euf. Vol is on Av's shoulders and armdrags him down. Vol goes for a tope bu the heels move out of the way and he cancels it. The heels go to the ramp again to stall. Mist takes triple stomps. Mist is beaten up in the corner

Mist hits an armdrag + headscissors takeover then Mist is popped up into a headscissors on Euf. Mist springboard headscissors Av then walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Yota. The heels go to the ramp again. Esf corkscrew kicks Av then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Yota. Euf lariats Esf over and rips up his mask.

Av crotches Mist on the rail outside as Euf pulls on Esf's mask. Esf is sent into the rails and Yota pounds on Mist inside. Euf rips on Esf's mask outside. Esf is sent back in and is triple stomped. The heels pose on Esf then Mist springboard headscissors Euf down. Esf is popped up and hits a double dropkick.

Esf superkicks Euf then rips his mask up. Av then boots Esf. Mist headscissors Av over. Yota is pulled face first down on the apron. Mist tornillo's Vol on accident outside. Esf spinebusters Ave and does a bridge but Euf breaks it up. Euf then pulls off Esf's mask and is DQ'd. Euf then pushes the ref over. Mistico's team wins the fall and match.

Euforia beats Esf and talks trash to him on the after.

Thoughts: They didn't do much here besides continue to push the Eufora vs Esfinge 4-way mask match. It made sense and all but intentional DQ finishes are lame and it didn't tell us anything new. I like Yota better as a heel here than as a face. 

Copa Independencia 2024 Semi Final Cibernetico Match - Stuka Jr. vs. Akuma vs. Villano III Jr. vs. Star Black vs. Templario vs. Difunto vs. Mascara Dorada vs. Neon

MD = Mascara Dorada

Seeding Battle Royale - Everyone fights here. V3 is back body dropped and Neon pop-up dropkicks Stuka. Star flying headscissors Temp then Stuka headscissors MD into the ropes, who handsprings and lands on his feet. Stuka then stupidly takes a jerry bump out of the ring. V3 hits mounted punches on MD. Neon hits a springboard double crossbody then Akuma is double lariated out. MD flying headscissors Star then V3 hits lariats and armdrags.

MD springboards, is caught on the buckles by V3 then takes an attitude adjustment out onto Akuma and is eliminated. V3 takes a 4 person beatdown. V3 is then thrown out. 

Cibernetico - MD and Neon start us off. MD trips him backwards  and flips him with his feet. MD ties up Neon's legs then Neon water wheel drops him. Neon flips over MD and they stand off. Temp and Akuma go at it. Akuma pounds on Temp's chest then. Temp up kicks Akuma then armdrags him. Akuma shoulders him over then Temp spinning headscissors him. Temp then does a spinarooni to get up. Dif and V3 go at it.

V3 hits armdrags then lariats him over the top and goes with it. they trade shots outside. Stuka and Star go at it. Star does headflips then goes up and over. Star fakes him out and hits armdrags. Star handsprings and does a reverse tope. Star then tope con hilos outside. Akuma topes Star then Temp does a flying space tiger drop. MD tornillos out then Dif does a step-up and step-down springboard plancha. V3 does a top rope springboard moonsault onto everyone outside.

Temp then runs the ramp then does a springboard into a blind springboard moonsault. Dif is stuck hanging from the top rope and V3 springboard dropkicks him down. Dif springboard elbows V3 then Stuka lariats Dif. Stuka hits a top rope splash on Dif. Temp grabs Stuka during the pin and wheelbarrow germans him. Akuma reverse slams Temp. Neon code red's Akuma. MD hits a flying crucifix bomb on MD. Star does a spinning sitout torture rack bomb on MD.

Star and Akuma square off. Star springboard tornillos Akuma. They fight on the apron and Star spanish flies him off the apron to the floor. MD topes Star, gets caught and is laid next to Akuma on the floor. Star then topes out and splashes both on the landing. Neon and V3 fight. V3 knees him in the gut then baseball slides him. 

Temp dropkicks V3 from behind. V3 enzugiri's him from the apron and top rope diving canadian destroyers him. V3 gets a 2 count on it. V3 goes up top and Neon dropkicks him down to the floor. Star top rope reverse topes Stuka. Akuma superplexes Star then top rope splashes him. Akuma pins Star Black.

Temp headscissors Akuma. MD and Temp go at it. MD walks up the ropes, flips off of them and armdrags Temp out. Neon springboard crossbodies V3. Neon 2nd rope powerslams Neon for 2. V3 misses a top rope moonsault. Neon hits an inverted splash onto V3 and pins him.

Dif flying elbows Akuma and dropkicks him out. Dif walks up the buckles and plancha's V3. Neon flips off the 2nd rope into a Stuka backbreaker. Stuka tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. MD springboard crossbodies Temp. Akuma hits a top rope double crossbody but is caught and MD top rope moonsaults him over.

Temp and Dif do walk up the ropes springboard moves at the same time. Temp spears the post when Stuka moves. Stuka does a blind plancha onto the outside then MD top rope crossbodies Dif. MD sitout powerbombs Dif then Stuka top rope splashes Dif and pins him.

Neon and Akuma go at it. Neon walks up the buckles and diving headscissors Akuma. Akuma chops him outside then puts him on the rails gut first. Akuma runs the apron and dropkicks Neon on the rails. Akumra and Temp hit corner lariats on each other. Akuma muscle busters Temp for 2. Temp hits a 2nd rope powerbomb on Akuma and pins him.

4 people are left. MD springboard crossbodies Neon then Neon superkicks him. Neon misses an inverted 450 off the top on MD then MD hits a top rope ssp on him and pins Neon.

Stuka stomps on Temp. Stuka flipping neckbreakers Temp then Temp takes a magic killer for 2. MD pulls Stuka off he pin for some reason. Stuka shoves MD then MD shoes him back. Stuka crotches MD up top then Temp powerslams Stuka. Temp flying space tigers over the top rope to the inside and pins Stuka Jr.

MD and Temp are the final two. MD is caught off a top rope crossbody then they trade superkicks and forearms. Temp jumping knees Temp then they double clothesline each other. They get up at the same time. MD headscissors Temp out then is caught on a tope con hilo. MD hurricanrana's Temp into the rails.

MD comes off the top and catches a dropkick from Temp. Temp walks up the ropes and springboards then MD dropkicks him for 2. MD takes a cool codebreaker from Temp for 2. MD hits an electric chair neckbreaker on Temp for 2. MD takes an electric chair into a wheelbarrow german for 2. MD toyota rolls into a code red on Temp for 2. MD top rope ssp's onto a standing Temp. Temp then powerbomb backbreakers him for 2.

Temp misses a flying space tiger into the ring and MD poisonrana's him for 2. MD hits a top rope ssp on Temp and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer one here with Temp and MD getting a ton of time at the end. This was all flying and cool spots like usual and everyone got some good stuff in. It was a good main but nothing must see.

Overall thoughts: It was a one match show with really only the main being worthwhile. The opener was average. The 2nd match wasn't that good. The women's match wasn't good and had a botched finish. The semi-main had more Esfinge vs Euforia mask ripping and the main was an entertaining high flying affair as expected. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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