Sunday, September 8, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/7/2024 Season 4, Episode 52

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/7/2024 Season 4, Episode 52

Last week's show is here:

Note - This is the official last episode of the season. They promised a new set and new wrestlers for next week. 

Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins get on the mic. They say The Tonga Twins should feel honored to wrestle the most dynamic and interesting team in the league. Jinx says the twins have a sixth sense but it means they have something in common to them. Jinx says they may be connected but it doesn't mean they don't have fear. Jinx says they can sense it as they have animal instinct.

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs The Tonga Twins (Kaoz and Kona)

Kona has the green shoe laces and Kaoz has the red shoe laces. The heels jump on The Twins' back but get no further with it. Jinx takes a double team double chop. Kona lariats Jinx over. Jinx is double hiptossed into a double drop. Jinx hits a slingblade after help from Goldie. Jinx headscissors Kaoz.

Kaoz takes a double side effect for 2. Goldie stomps on Kaoz. Kaoz takes a hanging triangle over the top rope. Goldie tries to throw Kaoz back twice and has issues both times. Jinx pulls Kaoz's arms back. Kaoz hits a headbutt. Kona gets in and hits lariats on Goldie.

Kona belly to belly suplexes Goldie. Kona samoan drops Goldie and wins.

That may be the last Tonga Twins match in WOW as they quit earlier in the year. The match wasn't that good. Goldie had a hard time doing things to Kaoz.

Fan Appreciation Match - WOW Title - Abilene Maverick (c) vs The Beast

This is a rerun of their 3/9/2024 Season 4, Episode 26 match.

We see clips of Abilene saying she had a concussion from that match and then we see clips of the Beast/Abilene match where Beast won the title.

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster come out. Smart says the idiots are in full force tonight. She says illiteracy remains a big issue in the US and says 57 million inferior IQ individuals struggle with it. Smart says they will make the world a better place and what better way to start than with the most American girls on the roster.

The Classmaster vs Santana Garrett

Class backs SG up in the corner. SG waistlocks Class and gets nowhere. Class reverses it and takes her down. Class full nelsons her and bodyscissors her. Class butt drops SG's back then stomps it.

Class cravates SG then snapmares her. Class kicks her in the back then puts the scholar collar on. Class clubs on her then legdrops SG's neck. Class misses a legdrop. They trade chest forearms. SG boots her out of the corner then handspring back elbows her. SG headflips into a forearm that knocks Class down.

SG indian deathlocks Class. Smart distracts the ref and Class eye rakes SG. Smart hits Class with her ruler up accident and SG hits a weak superkick to win.

Thoughts: The finish didn't look good here at all with Smart nailing Class with the ruler multiple times after she had already missed. SG's superkick didn't look that great either. It was about average prior to that. I don't really like Class losing here as she's a singles act currently. 

They announcer the new season of WOW for next week with new wrestlers and a new set. I knew it was coming soon.

Fan Appreciation Match - WOW Tag Titles - No DQ - Miami's Sweet Heat (c) vs The Mother Truckers

This is a rerun of their 3/9/2024 Season 4, Episode 26 match. 

Overall thoughts: This is the official end of Season 4. They only had 2 new matches here with 2 rerun matches. I wouldn't recommend this as the two new matches weren't that good.

I'm excited to see what Season 5 has in store for us. I'd like to see more skits as those were lacking towards the end of the season and they are crucial to getting people over. I'd like to see Team Spirit reform as none of the members are better off without each other. I expect Genesis to get a big push. I'd like for them to turn GI Jane heel again as I don't think she can go much further as a face. I think The Classmaster, Exodus and Ice Cold need to find partners. I'd like for them to get a new team or two established as while Miami's Sweet Heat vs The Mother Truckers has been good, we have seen it many times. I'd like to see someone else as champ as Beast's character isn't a real storyline heavy character and she just kind of seems to be doing her own thing separate from everyone else.

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