Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Stardom 8/28/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 11

Stardom 8/28/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 11

Day 10 is here:

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Second Place Determination Dog Fight

Leg 1 - Mei Seira vs AZM

AZM boots her and rolls her up. They do a legsweep and both headflip up at the same time. They shek hands. Mei grabs her on the handshake. They trade pins and AZM basement dropkicks her. AZM springboard armdrags her and does a rings of saturn. AZM suplexes her. AZM gets a 2 count on her then Mei rolls her into a pin and wins.

Leg 2 - Mei Seira vs Tomoka Inaba

Mei rolls her into an ankle lock. TI side headlocks her. TI side headlocks her. TI hits two running knees for 2. Mei dropkicks her. TI rolls her up for 2 then punches her in the gut. TI sunset flips her for 2. TI rolls her up for 2 again then Mei superkicks her. Mei germans her. TI hits a knee to the face for 2.

Mei rolls her for 2 then TI hits a head kick. TI michinoku drivers her and pins her. 

Leg 3 - Tomoka Inaba vs AZM

They fight outside. They grab each other by the hair and trade chest forearms. AZM hits chest forearms and they high kicks each other at the same time. AZM hits forearms then TI hits forearms. AZM high kicks her then TI pop-up knees her. TI headkicks her for 2. AZM bridges her and gets the pin.

Leg 4 - AZM vs Mei Seira

Mei flying dropkicks her to start. AZM cradles her for 2. AZM then rolls her up for 2. They trade pin attempts. Mei germans her. Mei springboards and AZM high kicks her.

AZM figure four germans her then high kicks her for 2. Mei does a back body drop lift into a cutter and rolls her up for 2. Mei dropkicks her. AZM canadian destroyers her then rolls her up to win it.

It was a fun little series. Not great or memorable but they took an odd situation made a rare 4-legged affair out of it. It was fast paced, it felt like anyone could win and I enjoyed this.

They all shake hands after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Second Place Match - Hanan vs Suzu Suzuki

Suzu runs at Han and trips her. She pulls her out of the ring and throws her into the seats twice. Suzu drive-by kicks her on the apron. Han hits a chest forearm flurry then Suzu rolling spears her from the side. Suzu does a leg and double arm lock on her. Han ropebreaks.

Han misses a 2nd rope crossbody then Suzu hair throws her. Suzu knee chokes her and hits forearms. Han hip throws her and rolls with it. Han leg lariats her on the ropes. Suzu hits a big forearm. They trade forearms and pull each other down from the hair. They trade headbutts. 

Suzu forearms Han then Han germans her off the buckles. Suzu poisonrana's her then headkicks her for 2. Han euros her then hits a cuty special. Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2. Suzu hits kicks to the head and flips out of a backdrop. Suzu germans her and Han backdrops her. Han backdrops her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a surprisingly good match. There wasn't a ton of selling but it had fast paced action and the two matched up well with each other. It was not the usual Hanan match either which made it better. It was heated and I liked it.

Suzu forearms her after for winning. 

Hina & Tam Nakano vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Rina)

Tam and Tora face off. They trade forearms and Tora chop blocks her. Rina dropkicks her then Tora hits a samoan drop. Rina gets on Tora's back and they do a double splash. Hina helps out and hipthrows Rina and Tora. Tam hits a top rope plancha to the outside then is thrown into the rails. Tora throws a chair at Tam outside then sends her into the seats.

Tora beats up on Tam inside. Rina bangs Tam's knee off hte mat and stands on it. Tam ducks a lariat and hits a cutter off of it. Hina gets in and dropkicks Rina. Hina is tripped into the ropes then Rina facekicks her. Rina shotgun dropkicks Hina for 2.

Rina STO's and hipthrows Hina. They grab each other by the hair. Hina hits forearms to the chest then Rina pulls her down by the hair. Rina running facekicks Hina then Hina running neckbreakers her. Rina northern lights suplexes Hina then Hina hits a wrist-cluch uranage.

Tam gets in and flying knees Tora. Tora choplocks her down then suplexes her for 2. Tora lariats Tam for 2. Tora misses a splash off the buckles then Tam flying knees her in the back of the head. Tora gets a chair and Hina blocks it. Tam superkicks and spin kicks Tora. Tam tiger suplexes Tora for 2.

Tora throws a chair at Tam as she runs and leglocks her. Tam ropebreaks. Tam hits Tora with a chair in the leg then spin kicks her. Tora then lariats Tam down. Tam takes a double backdrop and Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Tam. Tora top rope swantons Tam.

Tam cartwheels into a headscissors on Tora and wins.

Thoughts: The story of this one was the heels working Tam's knee. She sold it enough I suppose and made her comeback to win. The finishing stretch needed more time here. It was basically a Tora vs Tam singles match as Rina and Hina got little in.

Tam talks to Tora on the mic after and kicks her in the knee. Rina goes after Tam and Tora hits Tam in the knee with a stick. They then each get a line in on the mic.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Quarter Final Match - Mayu Iwatani vs. Natsupoi

They shake hands and Poi goes for a move off of it. They then duck moves and high kicks. Poi wristlocks Mayu then Mayu side headlocks her. Poi cartwheels out of an irish whip then Mayu headlock takeovers her. Mayu kicks her in the chest. Poi superkicks her then ties up her arms.

Tam knees the arm and Mayu slingblades her. Poi spin kicks her then superkicks her. Poi misses a dropkick on the ropes then gets a dropkick on the ropes. Poi avoids a tope then top rope plancha's Mayu.

Poi top rope crossbodies Mayu then armbars her. Poi dropkicks Mayu on the ropes. Poi hits chest forearms then spin kicks her. They fight on the buckles and Mayu superplexes her. Mayu top rope frogsplashes Poi. Poi germans Mayu. Mayu no sells it then takes a spinning high kick. Poi spinning neckbreakers her for 2 then Mayu gets her knees up on Poi's cartwheel splash. Mayu germans her for 2. Poi la magistral's her and Mayu reverses it for 2.

Mayu hits a tombstone then buzzsaw kicks her. Mayu wheelbarrow suplexes her then hits a dragon suplex off the wheelbarrow to win.

Thoughts: Not much of a story here but the action was solid. They stiffed each other good here and kept a good pace. I liked this one and the two matched up well.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Quarter Final Match - Starlight Kid vs. Saya Kamitani

They stare down and grab each other by the hair. Saya slides out on an irish whip and come back in to kick Kid off the apron. Kid is sent into the seats. They fight on the seats with a table and Kid bangs Saya's knee off of it. Kid goes for a moonsault off the table but is pushed.

Saya top rope dropkicks her then stomps her. Saya footchokes Kid on the ropes and axe kicks her while she's over the middle rope. Saya stomps her. Saya pops her up and gets dropkicked.

Kid twists Saya's knee with her feet then standing moonsaults her. Saya eye rakes Kid then Kid dragon screws her on the apron. Kid top rope crossbodies her then stretch mufflers her. Saya eye rakes her to get out.

Saya spinning heel kicks her then shotgun dropkicks her. Saya hits a springboard lariat for 2. Kid double knees Saya in the back of the head and 180 splashes her for 2. Saya suplexes her twice and Kid hits a cross-legged fisherman's suplex. Kid rolls her into a tiger suplex for 2. Saya gets her knees up on Kid's top rope moonsault.

Kid dragon screws the leg and stretch mufflers her again. Saya ki krushers her then Kid momo latches her for 2. Saya pump kicks her then spinning high kicks her. Saya screw kicks her for 2. Kid tombstones her then hitsa top rope moonsault for 2. Saya rolls her into a blue thunder for 2 then hits a ki krusher for the win.

Thoughts: It was a good match. Kid worked the knee and Saya sold it all throughout before picking up the win. Saya showed a little more personality here than usual which I liked.

Kid grabs Saya by the hair after and Saya stands on her head.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Quarter Final Match - Syuri vs. Hanan

Syu takes her down and does a grounded sleeper. Syu side headlock takeovers her and then puts her in a rings of saturn. Han ropebreaks. Syu armdrags her and Han hip throws her. Syu suplexes her for 2 and goes for another armbar.

Syu boots Han then kicks her in the back. Syu stomps on her then Han leg lariats her on the ropes. Han crossbodies her off the apron. Han running euros her for 2. Syu armbars her then does a rings of saturn. Han ropebreaks.

Han hits euros then fameassers Syu. Han hits a cuty special for 2 then Syu ropebreaks her. Han leg lariats her and Han takes a codebreaker. Syu pumping knees her then Han backdrops her.

They trade forearms and Han hits a big flurry of forearms. Syu chest kicks her down then sleepers her. Han ropebreaks again. Syu bridging ddt's her then Han gets a 2 on a pin attempt. Han backdrops her then Syu headlock takeovers her. Syu flying knees her for 2. Syu high kicks her for 2 then hits a spinning emerald flowsion for 2. Syu misses a kick and Han rolls her up for the win.

Thoughts: This was all Syuri beating Hanan up with kicks. Hanan sold for almost all of this match and rolled her up in the end to win. It worked but it did need a little more to it. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Quarter Final Match - AZM vs Maika

They get the crowd involved to start and talk to each other. They shake hands and AZM cradles her off of it. AZM basement dropkicks her. They go into the crowd. AZM runs at her and takes a lariat. Maika corner lariats her then shoulders her over when they get back in.

AZM hits chest forearms then Maika forearms her over. Maika superkicks her in the gut. AZM trips her and high kicks her as she hangs off the apron. AZM PK's her. AZM top rope dropkicks her then armbars her.

AZM workers the fingers and ties both arms up. Maika ropebreaks. They fight on the buckles and Maika is pulled down to the floor. AZM jumps off a table and kneedrops her. AZM then top rope double stomps her for 2. 

Maika superplexes her and AZM no sells it. AZM high kicks her then Maika powerbombs her. Maika lariats and spinning lariats her for 2. AZM canadian destroyers her. Maika hits an enka otoshi for 2. AZM la mista drops her into a pin attempt for 2. AZM high kicks her then Maika michinoku drivers her 3 times with the 3rd being a wrist-clutch michinoku driver for the win.

Thoughts: It was a fast-paced no-sell fest with no real story involved. It was just people doing big moves and then moving onto the next. The crowd loved it, but it was a brainless match.

Maika talks on the mic after. The other quarterfinalists then come down and also talk.

Overall thoughts: Minus the main, it was a good show. They had a fun start to the show with the dog fight and there was really only match I didn't like (the main). This was one of the better Stardom shows I have seen and I totally recommend this.

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