Sunday, September 1, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/1/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/1/2024

Last week's show is here:

They have a much smaller crowd from last week. There's easily like 30% less people there.

Lightning Match - Yota Tsuji vs Averno

Av waistlocks him and Yota turns it into a hammerlock. Av pulls on the chin and arm and Yota hooks the leg. Yota boots and clubs on him then Av takes him down. Yota armdrags him and they stand off. Av side headlocks him then Yota reverses it. Yota shoulders him over.

Av sends him into the post outside then likely rams him into a wall (it was off camera). Av pulls on Yota's hair and mouth. Av stands on him in the corner. Yota's back is rammed into the post. 

Av chops him in the ring then Yota flying headscissors him out. Yota topes A then armdrags him. Yota hits a superkick then pumping knees him for 2. Yota rolls him up for 2. Yota is pulled down off the apron, banging his head off of it.

They get back in and Yota top rope crossbodies him for 2. Av la magistrals him for 2. Yota superplexes Av for 2. Av rolling armbars Yota and taps him out.

Thoughts: This didn't work. The crowd didn't really care which isn't shocking since Yota was the face and the work was nothing too special. The finish was really weak here with Av winning by armbar out of nowhere.

Atlantis Jr., Mascara Dorada & Templario vs. Los Depredadores (Magnus, Rugido & Volador Jr.)

MD = Mascara Dorada

1st Fall - Mag and Temp go at it. Temp takes him down by the arm. Mag trips him and armdrags him. Temp armdrags him. Temp spinning headscissors him then spinarooni's up. MD and Rug trade waistlocks. Rug flips out of a wristlock using the ropes and armdrags Rug. Rug armdrags MD.

MD armdrags Rug then crucifixes him. MD armdrags him and they stand off. Vol and Atlantis go at it. Atlantis gets triple stomped by the heel. Atlantis hits a 2nd rope diving headscissors then monkey flips Vol. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Mag and Rug then taps out Vol with la atlantida. Atlantis' team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Temp and Mag square off. Mag ducks a double clothesline and pump kicks Rug. Mag springboard armdrags Mag. Temp corkscrew headscissors Vol out. MD and Rug fight. MD corkscrew flips over him then bounces off the buckles and armdrags Rug out. MD headscissors Mag.

Vol offers a handshake. MD handsprings off the ropes then corkscrew headscissors Vol out. Vol and Atlantis go at it. Atlantis gets tripped by the heels and takes a basement dropkick. Temp is tripped by the heels and takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Mag double underhook backbreakers Temp and pins him. MD takes corner lariats and a superkick from Vol. Vol pins MD to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Temp takes a triple boot. Atlantis gets double teamed then Vol unties Atlantis' mask. Rug then goes to untie MD's mask. Vol boots Atlantis in tree of woe. Temp is popped up into a kick in the gut. Temp takes a double boot then takes corner attacks. Vol superkicks Temp. Atlantis is triple stomped by the heels. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Vol. MD is popped up and hits a double dropkick on the heels. MD and Temp hit stereo topes. Vol takes off Atlantis' mask in front of the ref and is DQ'd.

The finish was dumb here as usual with the heels intentionally getting DQ'd. The match was okay enough prior to that but the finish hurt any good will it had gathered. I thought this could have used more time.

Atlantis and Volador talk on the mic after.

Losers Advance Elimination Match - Valiente vs. Euforia vs. Esfinge

Leg 1 - Triple Threat Match - Valiente vs Euforia vs Esfinge

They messed up Valiente's graphic here, writing "Dark Magic" as his name. Esf runs down and hits Euf from behind. Euf and Val then double back elbow Esf. Val stomps on Esf and rips at his mask. Val chops Esf down. Esf takes more abuse from both opponents.

Val snapmares Esf and rips at his mask. Euf then boots Val over, turning on him. Euf facekicks Val. Euf snapmares Esf and pulls at the mask. Val chops Euf then spinebusters him. Val elbow drops Euf. Esf superkicks Val then unties Euf's mask.

Esf superkicks Euf and throws Val into into him. Esf snapmares both opponents and double basement dropkicks them. Esf flying headscissors Euf then superkicks Val. Esf pulls at Val's mask then Euf facekicks Esf. Esf has his mask ripped by both opponents. 

Euf and Val trade chops. Val dropkicks him in the knee. Val armdrags Euf off of his shoulders then Val topes Euf. Val top rope crossbodies Esf then Esf sunset flips Euf. Esf superkicks Val. Val is booted over by Euf. Esf corkscrew kicks Euf. Val lariats Esf.

Val rips at Esf's mask. Euf grabs Val's mask and they trade. Esf springboard double dropkicks both out. Esf then tope con hilos both. Euf powerslams Esf on the floor. Val pop-up powerbombs Esf for 2 then misses a top rope swanton. Euf gets a 2 count on Val. Val takes an electric chair powerbomb from Euf and is pinned.

Leg 2 - Esfinge vs Valiente 

Esf and Val now have to fight it out. Val chops Esf then Esf monkey flips Val. Esf topes Val outside. Esf bridging stunners Val outside. Esf springboard splashes Val for 2. Esf springboard dropkicks him. Esf wastelands Val then misses a springboard swanton. Val rips at Esf's mask then pop-up powerbombs him for 2.

Esf takes an armdrags off the ropes from Val. Val misses a top rope swanton and Esf gets a 2 count on him. Esf rips up Val's mask. Esf springboards and takes a double upkick from Val. Val indian deathlocks Esf's legs, stands up and submits him for the win.

Thoughts: The finish wasn't the best here as there was no leg work to lead up to it. The three way portion was pretty good as all three wrestlers were engaged and fighting most of the time. They also did smart things like going for masks and showing some aggression to push their feud. The loser's advance stip was weird here. I technically don't know who officially won this unless you count it as two separate matches as Euf got the first victory but Val got the final victory.  I did like this overall despite the confusing rules, but I would have just ended it when Euforia won.

Overall thoughts: Yota/Averno didn't work and the crowd wasn't into it. The 2nd match had a bad intentional DQ finish. The third match was good but had unusual rules to the point that I'm not even sure who really won. I wouldn't recommend this.

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