Monday, September 30, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/30/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are in the ring talking as we see wrestlers arrive.

We see Jey Uso with the fans in the concourse then we see him head to the ring. Jey takes forever.

Jey says he's in our city and will fight anyone who wants his IC Title. He talks about his family and says he was just a twin his whole life. He says people know him now though. Jey said he spoke to his mom and his mom said to show him who he is. He said his mom told him to go out and do it and he said he did it.

Bron Breakker comes out. He says he's not here to crash the party, he's out here due to the respect he has for the title. He says he has the same amount of respect for Jey that he has for the IC Title. He said the better man should walk out the champ and sid Jey is the better man. He says he won't attack him but says he felt he should be the first one to congratulate him.

Bron offers a handshake. Jey is skeptical but goes for it. Jey says there's some dogs in Indiana.

Thoughts: It took Jey forever to get down to the ring and talk. I'm not real sure what they were going for with Bron coming out.

We see Dom and Liv with Dom's lowrider. JD and Carlito ask Liv if they have seen Finn. Finn calls Dom and says he's having travel issues. He says ti let iv know the business they have is all taken care of.

Rey Mysterio vs Xavier Woods

They lock up. Woods hits a dropkick after a leapfrog for 2. Rey does an up and over with a headscissors then flying headscissors him out. Rey hits la silla off the apron. 

We go to break and return. They trade kicks. Rey hits back elbows and throws Woods out. Rey asai moonsaults Woods outside. Rey hits a top rope la silla then springboard crossbodies him for 2. Rey hits corner punches then ripcords him into a hurricanrana. Rey misses a 619 and they botch a spot. Woods pulls Rey's mask off on accident then pins him.

Thoughts: The finish was weird and kind of choreographed as Rey unhooked his mask prior to the 619 for no reason. They then botched the final spot in the match. The match wasn't anything too special and was kind of weird with it basically being a face vs face match.

Pure Fusion Collective go up to Lyra Zalkyria. Sonya says it's a shame she will be there alone as they will be out there with Zoey tonight.

Xavier Woods talks to Kofi in the back. Woods said he didn't do it on purpose and expected Kofi to congratulate him. Kofi says Jey Uso offered him an IC Title shot next week. Woods says he will be by his side. Kofi said he told Jey it should be Woods. Woods says he can beat Jey and can be IC champ. Woods says to focus as Kofi still has a match. Kofi says they are going 2 for 2 tonight. Karrion Kross watches in the back and they do their cheer.

Lyra Valkyria vs Zoey Stark

Zoey running spears her in the corner then Lyra armdrags her. Lyra armlocks her and shoulders her over. Lyra side headlocks her then takes a backbreaker. Lyra leapfrogs Zoey, sending her out then Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.

We go to break and return. Lyra hits forearms then crossbodies her. Lyra hit kicks and hurricanrana's her. Lyra hits a step up enzugiri for 2. Zoey springboard dropkicks her for 2. Zoey hits mounted shots. Lyra blocks a Z360 then germans her. Sonya gets on the apron and is hit. Shayna distracts the ref. Lyra rolls her up for 2 then Sonya running knees her. Zoey barely hits a Z360 and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. It was athletic and not bad at all for the women. I'm not shocked by it either as both girls can go.

The heels go to beat her up after. Carter and Chance come down to help out. Chance has a protective mask on. Carter superkicks Shayna and Sonya. Chance kegstands onto her opponents.

We get a video on Bron vs Braun and we see the NXT wrestlers at a car racing event.

Lyra, Chance and Carter talk in the back. Chance says PFC broke their nose and will get what's coming to them. Chance says they will get the women's tag titles back. Isla and Alba walk in and look like giants compared to these girls. They say the tag titles belong to them and complain about them trying to cut the line. Chance then yells at them.

Adam Pearce is in the ring with security with a cell surrounding the ring. He says he plans on delivering a special attraction at HIAC. He says Punk and Drew will go to war and says their war ends at HIAC. Adam say we have to get through tonight to get to HIAC. He says they will let them fire off one last shot in their war of words. 

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre come out. Drew is wearing a suit. He says he has zero respect for Punk and says his wife will have to feed and bathe him after the show. Drew says it'll be a celebration when he's gone and says he won't come back this time, thanks to him.

Drew says Roxanne Perez worshipped this man but spent a few days with him and realized what kind of man he is. Drew talks about hate and says his will die with Punk. Punk says he's voiceless and has nothing to say to a piece of garbage like Drew. He says he's filled with so much rage when he looks at him that he can't go home. He says he's been living in a hotel for 4 weeks as he won't subject his wife to the man Drew turned him into.

He said Drew turned him into a boogeyman and that's the man he needs to be to send Drew to Scotland in a box. He says Drew will be on his knees and praying to him. He says he will see Drew in hell.

Thoughts: It was a decent segment here. We didn't learn anything new but it did what it was supposed to and they kept it brief. 

Cathy Kelly interviews Braun Strowman. Braun says he's not nervous and will show the word why he's called the monster of all monsters. The Miz comes in. He says Bran interrupted his match last week. R-Truth comes in. He said he doesn't remember getting hit with 5 tsunami's. Braun says he has to go and has problems to handle. Truth didn't tell Miz he was coming and says he doesn't like how Karrion Kross has been picking on Miz. Truth says he got a match with them vs AOP. Truth doesn't know who they are but says The Awesome Truth is back as Miz seems concerned about this match.

Sami Zayn is interviewed. He says Gunther's disrespect has been bothering him and he says he should be used to it by now. He says Gunther saying he is not on his level is a sore spot. He says he knows he's good enough to become the champ. He says Gunther can keep running away but he doesn't go away that easy. He says he is coming for him and won't stop until he gets his chance.

The LWO (Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro) vs Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonaugh and Carlito)

They mention that there's Dominik Mysterio toilet paper being sold now on WWEShop. JD shoulders Cruz over then Cruz hits armdrags. They each miss offense. Cruz top rope crossbodies JD. JD hits corner spears on Wilde.

Wilde knocks down all 3 opponents. The LWO get on the ropes together then all 3 do dives one after the other with Wilde hitting a 450 on Carlito.

We go to break and return. Dom hits punches on Wilde then Wilde ddt's him. Lee flying headscissors JD then rebound germans Dom. Lee pumping knees JD. Lee hits combinacion cabron on Carlito. JD is in tree of woe and his buddies are sent into him. Cruz does a coast to coast dropkick on them for 2.

Wilde does a springboard flip dive to the outside then Lee and Cruz do stereo topes. Wilde goes up top and Finn Balor pushes Wilde down. JD yanks Wilde into a backdrop and wins.

Thoughts: It was average. We had a few dives and not too much else of interest. We just didn't get enough of it and who knows what we missed during the break.

We go to break and Judgment Day is still in the ring. Finn Balor grabs the mic. Finn says he has no heart and says he prove to the world that Priest needed them. Liv said she will prove that she is the greatest women's champ of all time.

Rhea Ripley comes out. She says she knows Dom's dirty secrets and brings out the shark cage. She says Dom is extremely claustrophobic. She says Dom will see that Liv is not as good as her. She says Dom will see her win the title she never lost. Damian Priest the comes in and beats up the heels from behind. Rhea headbutts Liv from behind then sends Dom into the rails. Rhea sends Dom into the shark cage. Liv tries to stop her and runs.

Rhea throws Dom into the cage. Liv attacks Rhea. Priest beats up Judgment Day in the ring then takes a slingblade. Priest takes a final cut and then takes a 3v1. Priest is held for a john woo then Finn hits a top rope double stomp on Priest. The heels then leave Priest laying.

Sheamus says the only thing worse than getting cracked by a bat is getting cracked with it by a guy you called a brother. He said he thought he knocked sense into Butch. He said Butch went too far and will find himself on the end of a fight night. He says Butch is dangerous and says lets play rough if he wants. He says he wants a Donnybrook match with Butch.

We get a graphic for Pete Rose, who passed away today.

Damage Ctrl does a promo. Iyo says they added to the teams they took down last week. She says Jade and Bianca aren't ready for them. Sane says they plan on making them fall and challenge them to a women's tag title match. Sane says then they will take over WWE. Iyo says Damage Ctrl is still the most dominant force in the women's division. She says she will be living in Bianca's head rent free forever when they take back the tag titles.

Chad Gable vs Kofi Kingston

Chad takes Kofi down and rolls him on the mat with the waistlock. Kofi headlock takeovers him then Chad shoulders him over. Kofi flips out of a german then hits a dropkick. Kofi does a body springboard splash on Kofi.

Kofi goes to dive and gets hit. Chad germans him on the floor. Chad's head is bleeding. We go to break and return. Kofi dropkicks Chad off the buckles. Kofi dropkicks him and is caught with an exploder.

Chad backrolls and goes for a german. They try pins on each other and Kofi crucifixes him. Kofi hits a dangerous looking dominator for 2. Kofi comes off the top and Chad ankle locks him. Chad blocks a corkscrew kick with an ankle lock. Chad is sent into the buckles then Kofi hits a ranhei for 2.

Kofi goes out then jumps off the steps onto Chad and The Creed's. Woods jumps off the steps on Julius Creed. Woods trips Chad while Kofi goes for a corkscrew kick. Chad backrolls Kofi into chaos theory and pins him to win.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced and good match between these two and they tied in the Woods/Kofi storyline in it. I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would.

Woods tries to explain what happened after to Kofi. 

Jackie Redmond interviews Bronson Reed. Reed congratulates Seth Rollins and says he hopes he is coming back. He said he took months off of his career and will take years off of his life next time. He apologies to Braun for exposing him for the man that he is. He says he's the last monster standing.

Adam Pearce is talking to security and refs in the back. Gunther walks past them and smirks.

We get another Wyatt's video with words over video with them warning someone not to force their hand or go down this path. We see another QR code and maybe Sarah Logan taking off a hood. 

Gunther comes out to talk. He says life as the world champ is fantastic and he loves every aspect of it. He says he hates having to deal with Sami Zayn though. He says he could not ask for anyone more annoying than him.

Sami Zayn comes out. Sami says there's an easy way to put an end to this and give him his title shot. Gunther says Sami's not on his level but Sami says he beat him at Mania. Sami says Gunther is scared it will happen again. 

Gunther says he's afraid for his reputation. He says losing to him was the biggest embarassment of his career. He said he flew his family over to Mania when he lost to Sami and his dad told him he flew from Vienna to Philly to watch him lose to the bum Sami Zayn. He said Sami's family isued to seeing him fail. Gunther says his family expects everything from him because he's the golden goose of his family and he's special. He says he's something Sami will never be - the world champ.

Sami said he picks himself up when he fails and keeps moving forward. He said Gunther crumbled when he came up short and never asked for a rematch. He said it's all because Gunther's dad made him feel like a loser. He said Gunther's dad is going to see him as a coward now.

Gunther then lariats him and beats him up. Gunther grabs him by the hair and Sami hits punches. Sami struggles to exploder him in the corner but does. Sami runs at him then is caught in a sleeper. Gunther then powerbombs him. Gunther then gives him the match.

Thoughts: It was a pretty predictable segment. I don't think it's smart to officially make a title match at the very last minute like this though. That should have been made a long time ago. 

They also announced that Ilja Dragunov got injured in a match with Gunther and will be out 6-9 months. We'll see how things go after but that's not good news. I'm not totally shocked with how hard Ilja goes in his matches.

Awesome Truth vs The Authors of Pain

Truth hits shots on Razar then flying shoulders him twice. Truth backdrops him and does a five knuckle shuffle. Truth tries to do an AA but can't lift him. Razor dominators Truth.

Karrior Kross stares at Maz from the outside. Truth is double teamed and takes shots to the gut and the back of the neck. Razar is pulled over the top and Truth leg lariats Akam. Miz is tagged in and facekicks Truth, turning on him. Karrion Kross laughs and Miz walks out.

Truth takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: I didn't see that one coming. I kind of liked face Miz. I'm not sure where this leaves Truth now though Awesome Truth had seen better days. We didn't get to see a ton of the match before the turn.

Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser are interviewed. Bron Breakker then walks in and stares at the title. He said he wanted to see it for himself. Gunther says Bron really is a bad @ss. Bron says that's right and says he'll see sooner than he thinks.

Last Monster Standing - Braun Strowman vs Bronson Reed

Braun lariats him as he gets in then Reed crossbodies him. Reed runs at him and goes into the steps. Braun rams the steps into Reed's head then chokeslams him through the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Reed is forearmed off the apron and goes through a 3x3 row of chairs. They fight in the aisle and Bron is sent into the video wall. Braun chairs Reed. They go on some electrical boxes. Reed eye rakes him and death valley drivers him through tables.

Braun throws him over the rails. We go to break and return again. Reed shoulders Braun through two sets of rails. Reed top rope splashes Bron inside.

Reed hits another top rope splash but the ref is outside worried about the front row rail going down. Reed starts beating up security and throws the ref down. Adam Pearce grabs Reed and yells at him. Reed grabs Pearce then guards grab Reed. Braun then does a top rope dive onto everyone outside.

Reed throws a chair at Braun's head. Reed superplexes him and the ring collapses. Seth Rollins comes down and curb stomps Reed into the steps. Reed can't get up before 10 but Braun does and wins.

Thoughts: We missed tons of this one due to various breaks. They weren't PiP breaks either so we really don't know what happened which made it hard to judge. I liked what we saw with both guys busting out stuff they don't normally do and both guys taking big bumps but we didn't see it all.. They pulled out all the stops here. I also liked them tying Seth Rollins into the finish on this one.

Overall thoughts: I enjoyed the show. We got a strong main, Kofi/Chad was decent and there was a lot going on storyline wise. I think they did a decent job building up the Raw PPV matches for Bad Blood here which is later this week though with all the stuff that happened here, Bad Blood kind of feels like a bit of an afterthought. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us next week. While not everything is a smash hit, it really feels like Raw is at the best it has been since The Attitude Era. They didn't waste a single segment here. There's a million different storylines going on and there's a lot of solid in-ring action to back everything up.

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