Thursday, November 22, 2012

WWE NXT 11/21/2012 Review

WWE NXT 11/21/2012 Review

Last weeks show is here:

"Last time I was a little too nice to him, so maybe this time I will give him the old Steamboat treatment and end his career." - Kassius Ohno on his match with Trent Barretta
"Trenty is gonna find out how dangerous I am. How cruel and unusual I am. I'm having a premonition that Trenty is going to feel more pain than he ever experienced in his life and the little guy is never going to be the same." - Kassius Ohno

Alicia Fox vs Paige
"She calls herself the Anti-Diva." - Tony Dawson
"This is the hangover. Alicia Fox has been working on this." - Tony Dawson
The Paige-Turner
Paige beat Alicia Fox with The Paige-Turner aka Masato Yoshino's Lighting Spiral. They were a little akward here but it was a good effort by both. Not that bad at all but the crowd wasn't into it as much as previous Paige matches.

Big E. Langston vs Camacho
Camacho attacked Big E. last week trying to claim Vickie Guerrerro's $5,000 bounty(see it here: ).
"Big E.'s like Mike Tyson back in the day. Knock people out in the first or second round." - Jim Ross
"Big E. is a big destructive force." - Tony Dawson
Big E. Langston beat Camacho with the Big Ending. After the match he hit two Big Ending's.
This was all squash here but not one of Big E's better ones.
"Who did this to you Trent?" - The Ref
"I've just spoken with the NXT doctors and they have told me that Trent Barretta is not yet cleared for action." - Tom Phillips
Bronson vs Nick Rogers
Bronson debuted a few weeks back against the now fired Lincoln Broderick(see it here: ) and is now fighting the also recently fired Nick Rogers. What is this, a running gag?
"This Bronson is an MMA guy. He's got alot of skill set. And you know folklore has it in the NXT locker room that this guy never lost a street fight." - Jim Ross
"Bronson has no conscience and he's not going to win alot on style points." - Jim Ross
"Bronson is a very inherently evil man, it would appear." - Jim Ross
"There are tapouts and then there is that. That was an emphatic tapout." - Tony Dawson

Bronson beat Nick Rogers with the figure four heel hook as shown above. Not a bad squash but it was a squash. I'd be up for Bronson vs Big E.
"Bronson may be a little psychotic, that remains to be seen." - Jim Ross
"A little?" - Tony Dawson
"Little lamb...There's nothing in your life that could have prepared you for tonight. Tonight, I give your life purpose for the first time ever." - Bray Wyatt
"Congratulations little lamb, I'm about to make you famous." - Bray Wyatt
Luke Harper vs Mike Dalton
"Harper is from Butte, Montana. He is obviously a disciple of the teaching, whatever they may be, of the seemingly possessed Bray Wyatt." - Jim Ross
"I don't think I would have to go out on a limb to say this man is not normal." - Jim Ross
Luke Harper beat Mike Dalton with a black hole slam. This was just another squash and I'm not really into Luke Harper squashes.
"I warned all of you 2,000 years ago. I am the era of one." - Bray Wyatt
"And when I decide to start hurting people, believe me, there will be none of you left." - Bray Wyatt

Jinder Mahal went after Seth Rollins during an interview earlier in the day:

Kassius Ohno vs Trent Barretta
"He refers to himself as the walking disasterpiece." - Tony Dawson
"No argument here." - Jim Ross
"I have it on good authority that old Trenty had a mishap backstage and that leaves me without an opponent. So referee, I would like to do your job, ring that bell, count to 10 and raise my hand in victory." - Kassius Ohno
"I know you manipulated the confrontation with Trent Barretta. You gon' have to answer to me about that. But I know you're out here talking about you don't have match. Well, I found a match who might have match for you. I got somebody for you right now." - Dusty Rhodes

Kassius Ohno vs Richie Steamboat
These guys have been feuding for a while now so this one makes perfect sense. I honestly thought it was going to be Bo Dallas.
"There can never be another Dragon, but there can be a first Richie Steamboat." - Jim Ross
"That's the sling blade! For the win!" - Tony Dawson: getting the move right.
Richie Steamboat beat Kassius Ohno with Hiroshi Tanahashi's Sling Blade. Decent match but not as good as it should have been. The crowd wasn't really into it and Richie doesn't really have the charisma or the flare to pull off something great yet.

Next Week - Team Hell No will be on the show.

Overall thoughts: I liked this show. I enjoy Bray Wyatt and Leo Kruger and I also don't mind Langston or Bronson. There was also no Bo Dallas, so that's a plus. A decent show overall that built some things for next time.

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