Saturday, September 21, 2024

AEW Collision 9/21/2024

AEW Collision 9/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

ROH Tag Titles - Bunkhouse Brawl - Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes (c) vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)

We have ladders, tables and trash cans around the ring. The faces came out with Springfield Thunderbirds jerseys on.

The fight starts on the ramp. DR flying lariats Mike then hits him with a belt buckle. He then rakes it into Mike's face. Sammy rail moonsaults onto Taven. Mike is busted open. Sammy hits the heels with kendo stick shots. He goes for a tope and gets a chair thrown in his face.

Sammy takes a suicide dive while in the electric chair position outside and goes to the floor. DR tkaes a double superkick. Mike is back body dropped on the apron and Dustin bulldogs Taven off the ramp through a barbed wire table. 

Sammy cutters Mike off the apron through a table. We go to PiP break and return. Sammy is pushed off a ladder and goes through two tables outside. Sammy maybe then gets the ladder dropped onto him. DR is double teamed then grabs the heels by the nuts. Mike spinebusters DR then DR hits him with a cowbell on the outside. Taven gets hit with the cowbell too and Mike takes forearm shots.

Taven is powerslammed on an opened chair then he is suplexed on it for 2. DR takes a death valley driver on chairs then Taven running knees DR in the face for 2. Sammy hits a GTH on Taven. Sammy superkicks Mike as he sits on the 2nd rope. DR puts barbed wired around his boot then kicks Mike in the nuts with it.

DR twisting suplexes Mike. Sammy climbs a ladder and swantons Mike off of it for the win.

Thoughts: They did too much here as expected with people going through tables and it not meaning much. It was all hardcore wrestling here and everyone got bloodied up except Sammy. They definitely made it more dangerous than it needed to be, especially on a show like this that few watch. It was also odd to open the show with this. It wasn't boring, but it wasn't the smartest match either.

The Conglomeration are interviewed and The Premier Athletes come in. Mark Sterling said Springfield (not Ohio) made it AEW Day and Sterling seemed to take credit for it. Sterling says he wants no shenanigans tonight. Mark Briscoe says Sterling is the only "shenanigator". Kyle asks if it's the word of the day but Mark says it's "azucar". Rocky Romero comes in and says the only way to stop a shenanigator is with an "azucarnator".

Britt Baker returns on 10/2 at AEW Dynamite's 5th Anniversary.

Tony and Nigel talk about Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb facing off tonight.

Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds are interviewed. They mock Darby fighting Mox and Uno says he's fighting Darby tonight. Darby Allin comes in. He says a war is coming. He says Uno can lay down and die but he won't. Darby says he will show the people the difference between them. Darby says he will be the future AEW champ. He tells Uno to remind him he still has that dog in him. He says he's just collecting a paycheck and says it's not a joke anymore.

The Conglomeration vs The Premier Athletes

Sterling talks about today being AEW Day. He says he was given the key to the city but says it doesn't even work. He syas he can't wait to get out of this crap town to a real city like New York.

Kyle and Woods push each other. Kyle side headlocks him and takes a hiptoss. Woods hits a big forearm. Nese shoulders Kyle over then Kyle knees him in the gut. Holo dropkicks Nese. Ari takes a double suplex. Holo standing moonsaults Ari while Kyle does a knee drop.

Holo evades Nese doing escapes around the ropes then does a ropewalk dropkick for 2. Kyle and Nese trade. Sterling distracts Kyle on the apron and Kyle end sup getting stomped by Sterling and Ari outside. Rocky Romero backs them off.

We go to PiP break and return. Kyle hits knees and kicks on Nese. Holo gets in and flying headscissors Nese. Holo does a hammerlock drop on Nese for 2.  Nese spinning heel kicks Holo. Mark gets in and hits chops on Ari and Woods.

Mark corner splashes Woods and uranage suplexes Ari. Mark rolling death valley drivers Woods. Sterling distracts Mark on the apron. Rocky pulls Sterling down and Holo topes Sterling. Mark hits a jay driller on Woods and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag as expected. It was fast paced and Holo had a good showing here. The Athletes lost as expected and Sterling took a wild looking tope from Holo.

MxM Collection do a promo. They have Max Caster's jacket that they did a makeover to. They make sexual innuendos about showing it off and say it will be shown next week on Collision. They say it will be the star of the show and will be something everyone actually loves.

AEW Women's Title Eliminator Match - Mariah May vs Lady Frost

May flirts with Nigel from the ring then Lady rolls her up. Lady rolls her up for 2. May hits a forearm then spinning side slams her. May foot chokes Lady then does a handstand headscissors in the corner. May shotgun dropkicks her.

Lady cartwheels on May's back and dropkicks her in the back. Lady 2nd rope tornillo crossbodies her for 2. Lady double chops her then takes a german off the casadora. Lady germans May then May headbutts her. May running knees her then does a storm zero and wins.

Thoughts: It was short but it was okay with both hitting their moves clean. There were no real issues here and Lady lost as expected.

Willow Nightingale is interviewed by Lexi. She says she's in a lot of pain but doesn't have to deal with Stokeley Hathaway anymore. She said life is full of ups and downs and this is part of it. She says she's inspired by Yuka Sakazaki going for the title.

Deonna Purrazzo and Taya walk in. DP says Willow would have been there for Yuka if she's her real friend and would be in her corner at Grand Slam. DP says she's willing to offer Yuka protection and says it's the biggest match of her career. DP says her connections run strong in NY too. Willow interrupts then Taya gets in her face and threatens her. Willow challenges Taya to a match on Rampage.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn od a promo. Max raps about MxM taking his jacket. Bowens says it's time to nut up or shut up and says everyone loves The Acclaimed.

We get a video on Mox vs Darby.

Darby Allin vs Evil Uno

Uno slaps Darby and hits chops and clubs in the corner. Alex Reynolds distracts the ref and Uno whips Darby with a belt. Darby hits a code red on Uno then topes him. Darby then tears up Uno's mask. Uno's head is banged off the rails.

Alex nails Darby outside. Uno cannonballs Darby into the steps. Darby is thrown into the steps then pounced into the rails. Uno piledrivers Darby. Darby does a bulldog choke on Uno. Darby rips Uno's mask and bites his head. Uno buckle bombs Darby then lifting flatliners him for 2.

Alex grabs onto Uno to stop a sunset flip then Darby topes Alex. Darby then whips Alex with a belt. Uno misses a cannonball off the apron then Darby top rope coffin drops Uno outside. Darby top rope coffin drops Uno for the win inside the ring.

It was fine. Both guys did what they were supposed to do here. Darby hit some nice topes as usual and won as expected here.

Jeff and Karen Jarrett are interviewed after Dynamite. Jeff says he's sick of it with Page. Jeff interrupts Karen and says he wants Page at Grand Slam. He wants Page in a lumberjack strap match. He says he's had it with him and said he will kick his @ss.

Queen Aminata vs Serena Deeb

Queen goes after her and they go down on the lock up. Deeb side headlock takeovers her and gets headscissored, then the reverse happens. They then stand off. Deeb stomps Queen's arm. Deeb armdrags her and does a surfboard. Queen trips her and basement dropkicks her. Deeb neckbreakers her over the 2nd rope. We go to PiP break and return. 

Deeb gets dropped out of an abdominal stretch attempt. Queen running facekicks Deeb then suplexes her. Queen twisting fisherman's neckbreakers Deeb. Queen rolls Deeb up and hits a big forearm. Queen germans her. Queen running knees her against the ropes for 2.

Deeb cradles her then does a pepsi twist lariat for 2. They try pin attempts and Queen double chops her. Deeb running clips her in the back of the knee. Queen headbutts her. Deeb hits a detox and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match. I thought they needed more time for what they were doing and Deeb wasn't really focused enough on her submissions. Maybe you could say she worked the arm some and won with it as part of the way she traps the arms during her detox, but that's stretching it a little.

Saraya and Harley Cameron are interviewed. She says her Saraya's Rules Match has been in her family for decades and says everyone in England knows this match. She has Harley read the rules. She runs down the rules and basically, Saraya can cheat and Jamie Hayter can't. The winner of it receives an autographed copy of Saraya's book. Harley then crumbles up the rules and puts them in her mouth.

Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara are interviewed. Dustin thanks him and says he's one of the best tag team partners he has been associated with. Sammy said they had setbacks in their careers but nights like this make it worth it. Sammy says he wants to be Sammy 2 Belts like Dustin. Sammy asks Kazuchika Okada for an eliminator match next week. He says he will challenge him for the Continental Title on Dynamite's 5th Anniversary if he beats him. Dustin tells him he believes in him and tells him he needs to go crazy and have fun.

Hook, FTR and The Outrunners vs The Grizzled Young Veterans, Rush, Roderick Strong and The Beast Mortos

Drake and Cash start us off. Drake side headlocks takeovers him and is put in a headscissors. Drake shoulders him over twice. Cash backslides Drake and goes up and over. Cash armdrags him twice then armlocks him.

We get like a 6 person fight in the ring and the heels except for Strong are taken out. Strong takes punches from the faces and is pulled out. We go to PiP break and return. Mort and Dax trade shots. Mort corner lariats him then cannonballs him. Mort mostly misses a top rope corkscrew moonsault but it's sold anyway. Dax takes a 2v1 and Rush works on Dax in the corner. Rush kicks Dax in the head and poses. Dax and Rush chop each other.

Dax suplexes Gibson and legdrops him. Hook chops and knees Gibson in the corner. Hook takes a double clothesline for 2. Hook and Strong trade chops. Hook does a release overhead suplex and lariats him. Hook beats up on the other heels and suplexes Strong.

Hook hits knees and a headbutt on Strong in the corner. Strong stomps Hook then backdrops him. We go to our 2nd PiP break and return. Gibson chinlocks Hook and Hook fights out. Gibson is pushed into Drake. Turbo gets in and beats up The Vets. He slams both several times.

Turbo backdrops Mort. Gibson takes a double hiptoss then The Runners do a double elbow drop. Drake takes a shatter machine from The Runners for 2. 8 of the 10 fight outside.  Truth takes a double throat thrust then a uranage backbreaker from Strong.

Rush chops Truth then corner splashes him. Rush basement dropkicks Truth. Strong backdrops Truth for 2 then straightjacket chokes him. Truth takes a step up enzugiri from Drake then takes a double stun gun. Mort top rope splashes Truth. 

We go to our 3rd PiP break and return. Truth back body drops Strong and Drkae misses a splash. Dax is tagged in. He hits punches on the heels then germans Rush. Rush and Mort take germans at the same time then Strong takes one with them. Hook and Strong go up the ramp and fight to the back.

Mort is sent into the rail. Dax and Rush trade chops. They slap each other at the same time. Mort tornillo topes people outside. Cash plancha's Mort. Mort samoan drops Cash and headbutts Dax. Dax takes corner attacks then takes Rush's horns dropkick and is pinned.

Thoughts: The finish of Rush pinning Dax was a surprise. It was an okay tag but never really developed into anything great. There were just too many people involved and despite having near a half hour, it felt like it needed more. I had no issues with it though and enjoyed it.

Serena Deeb talks. She says we should talk about people who are here tonight like her. She said she beat the hell out of Queen like she said she would. She said she heard Britt will be popping her head in soon and challenges her. She asks if Britt is down to get her butt beat in her own hometown.

Nigel McGuinness talk on the ramp. He calls Bryan Danielson "The American Coward" and said Bryan refused to answer his challenge. Nigel says he is hiding behind a fake injury and shows his shirt that says "Bryan Fears Nigel". Nigel says if Bryan won't do it for himself or his family, he should do it for the fans. Nigel says they cheer Bryan but identify with him.

Tony Schiavone interrupts. He says he sees what Nigel is trying to do and says his claims are ridiculous. Tony says Bryan is not afraid of Nigel and is just not cleared to wrestle. He says we will find out at Grand Slam if Bryan is cleared to wrestle. Tony says Bryan is the greatest wrestler he has ever seen or called.

Nigel said he would have knocked the head off of anyone else who said that. He tells him to sit down and shut his mouth. Nigel says he doesn't care why he does it, but he wants him to meet him in the ring for the final chapter of their rivalry. Nigel says it's his destiny.

Nigel says he has told anyone who would listen that he was as good as him but said nobody listened or believed. Nigel says only 2 people know what he's saying is true - him and Bryan. Nigel says he will beat and destroy him if he shows up and will finally have vindication. Nigel says he will be vindicated even if he doesn't show up. 

Nigel says he hopes Bryan shows up and says may The Devil hear his prayer if Bryan doesn't show up.

Thoughts: Nigel made some goofy faces here. This whole feud is a total disaster. Bryan hasn't been on TV to push the feud. Nigel is an announcer trying to trash talk and threaten him and in no way deserves a shot, especially on one of the bigger shows of the year. This whole thing also messed up Darby and Mox, who chose to compete against each other for title shots instead of  getting a title shot.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. The opener and the main should have swapped spots though and that's not something I say a lot. They went all out in the tag title match but also did too much. Nigel's show closing speech wasn't that good and nothing was really must see here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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