Sunday, September 22, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 5/4/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 5/4/1991

Last week's show is here:

We're in Omaha, Nebraska.

Vince McMahon, Randy Savage and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. The Nasty Boys and The Rockers fight in a tag title match. Piper says The Nasties will get their frequent flyer miles as they will spend a bunch of time in  the air. Savage says Hulkamania will go where it belongs tonight in The Funeral Parlor - in a casket.

WWF Tag Titles - The Nasty Boys (c) vs The Rockers

Knobbs hits a shot on Marty in the corner then hits forearms. Marty facekicks him out of the corner and The Nasties take facebusters. Marty slides under Knobbs' legs and rolls him up. Saggs goes for a lariat on Marty then Marty superkicks him.

Marty snapmares him then Shawn top rope diving shoulderblocks Saggs. The Legion of doom do an inset promo. They said they hope The Nasties get by The Rockers as The LOD wants The Nasties. Saggs hits forearms on Shawn. Knobbs lariats Shawn.

Shawn slides under Saggs to avoid a kick then pulls him crotch first into the post. Knobbs sledgehammer shots Shawn then powerslams him. Saggs goes up top and is knocked down by Marty. Marty hits punches on Saggs then hits corner punches on him. Marty fires on Knobbs. Saggs tries to break up a pin and elbow drops Knobbs.

Knobbs gets Hart's megaphone but Marty avoids the shot and back body drops him. The ref then DQ's The Nasties for attempting to cheat.

Thoughts: Good officiating by the ref Earl Hebner here. You would never see someone DQ'd for missing a weapons shot today. I didn't like Marty knocking Saggs off the top  for no real reason here when Saggs was the legal man. The work was decent otherwise with the pace being fast and The Nasties being bumbling heels.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund talks about Earthquake and Jake Roberts' feud. We see Quake trying to butt drop Damien and they cut away when he does it (they showed it in full on SNME though). Quake does it again and they cut away. Gene says to imagine watching your pet being demolished and being unable to help. He says to imagine that loss.

Texas Tornado vs Al Burke

Kerry legsweeps Al and Kerry waistlock takedowns him. They shill an upcoming PPV showing highlights of Mania. Slick and The Warlord do an inset promo. Slick says Kerry is all muscle and no brain. Warlord says Kerry's muscles will do him no good against the strongest man in the WWF.

Kerry and Al amateur wrestle and Kerry gets is back. Al ropebreaks and they shove each other. Kerry hits armdrags and Al slides out on a discus punch. Piper talks about the Wrestlemania 1 main event. Kerry throws Al in then discus punches him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one but Al got a little bit in at least before going down.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the Hot Ticket: Wrestlemania's History and Heroes PPV. Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Ted says a fool is a former bodyguard who does what he does best - dancing to bagpipe music (Virgil). He says he replaced a mule for a thoroughbred. Ted says Piper helped Virgil beat him and says he hopes Piper didn't throw his crutch too far as he will need it.

The British Bulldog does a promo with Winston. He says he's still undefeated in the WWF and will take Winston to heights nobody has been before. Davey says he's going after Rick Martel, The Barbarian and then Mr. Perfect. He says Perfect will have a mean 275lb British Bulldog going after him. He says he will be hungry that day and will eat him up.

Col. Mustafa vs W.T. Jones

They bring up Mustafa being The Iron Shiek. Mustafa hits WT in the throat with his hat then whips him with it. Mustafa his him in the throat then kicks him. Mustafa gutwrench suplexes WT. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He says Mustafa jumped from the frying pan and into the fire. He says he wants Slaughter and says Slaughter will get run over. Mustafa hits a stiff backdrop on WT then camel clutches him. WT submits.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. It wasn't that good and WT having to sell getting hit with a hat was silly.

Mustafa boots WT after and pushes him out.

They push the newest Bodybuilding Lifestyles Magazine. Eddie Robinson is preparing for the next WBF Event. Eddie says he will be in Atlantic City and says he can't be beat at The WBF Championship. He says he doesn't like his opponents odds.

WWF Event Center

Bobby Heenan and Haku talk. Heenan says he has contracts coming out of his ears. He says Haku will wrestle anyone and says this is "Mr. Haku". Haku talks in his language and Heenan says that's him saying "no" to being afraid of anyone.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says it was said that when answering each challenge that confronts us lies ahead new experiences. Warrior asks who he should relate to regarding him being put in a closed casket. He said no one but The Warriors can understand. Warrior says they are back to the place they came from and are in the place they must exist. Warrior says The Undertaker must pay.

Thoughts: This was a really different promo from Warrior with him talking in a serious voice.

We see clips of Brutus Beefcake cutting hair on Primetime and totally butchering some guy as a barbershop quartet sing.

Virgil vs Tom Stone

Tom Stone picked up a win on this show in the last year. Can he do it again? Virgil throws him into the ropes and hits punches. Tom is then knocked over the top rope with a punch.

Tom gets back in and Virg hits another punch. Virg atomic drops him then drops him with more punches. Tom eye rakes him then clubs his back. Virg leapfrogs and hits more punches. Virg paintbrush slaps him then taps him out with his own version of the million dollar dream. Vince calls it a sleeper hold for some reason.

Thoughts: It was a quick one and Virgil did nothing but punches here. I was shocked Vince didn't know the million dollar dream hold. 

The Berzerker vs Dan Robbins

Mr. Fuji is with Berzerker. Berz thanks Fuji and boots Dan. Berz facekicks him then running headbutts him. Berz hiptosses him. Tugboat doe san inset promo. He says Berz is a little off course and he has enough power to put Berz on course to where he belongs.

Berz boots Dan then hits a big slam. Dan is tied up in the ropes and Berz facekicks him. Macho says it's a good move that he will write down. Berz lifts him backdrop style then drops him down to the floor. Berz then wins by countout.

Thoughts: It was your usual unorthodox Berzerker squash with him being a wild man.

Berz slingshot knee drops Dan outside after.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer says we will never guess who enters the doors of his funeral parlor today. He says his guest is immortal and it's Hulk Hogan.

Hulk arrives (still wearing the bandage from Sarge's post-WM7 fireball) and opens the various caskets, expecting The Undertaker to be there. Hulk says he and his Hulkamaniacs fear no man, no evil and don't fear death. He says Hulkamania will live forever. He says ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in Paul Bearer, The Hulkamaniacs will never trust. Hulk says Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe. He says Hulkamania will live forever as long as you train, say your prayers and eat your vitamins.

They talk about Sarge burning Hulk. Hulk says the scar he will leave Sarge with will be a permanent one. He says to get a casket ready for Sarge as he will bury him six feet under. Hulk says there's a casket ready for Paul and says it's time we try it out. He then puts him in a standing casket. And says, "Whatcha donna do if The Hulkster ever decides to bury you". Paul then looks out of the casket after.

Thoughts: Well this was interesting with Hulk putting Paul in a casket. He'll pay for that one I'm sure. There was a bunch of unintentional humor with Hulk talking about burying people. Oh he'd never do that...

Irwin R. Schyster talks from his tax office. He says the tax cheats and petty criminals are coming out of the woodwork. He says a woman just had a baby but since it's April, she can't get a break for childcare until next year. He says she should have thought about that before she hopped into the sack. IRS brings up someone dominating to a home for cripples. He says it's a good cause, but he doesn't have a leg to stand on. IRS then rips someone for not donating to the presidential campaign process. He says he has to get back to work and says you can pay him now and you can pay him later.

"The Hitman" Bret Hart vs Warren Bianchi

Macho asks if Bret giving his glasses to a kid is tax deductible or not. WB gets his punch blocked then takes punches. Bret snapmares and elbow drops WB. The Barbarian and Bobby Heenan do an inset promo. Heenan says Bret wanted singles competition and has got it. He says The Hitman will be hit like no other man has been hit. Barb says he will destroy Bret.

Bret headbutts and slams WB. Bret slams and legdrops him. Bret russian legsweeps him and backbreakers him. Bret then messes up a sharpshooter and submits WB.

It was your usual quick squash where Bret messed up his own finisher. The announcers talked about everything except for this match here.

WWF Event Center

The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji do an inset promo. Fuji says his crew does squats and push-ups and says to beware his Express. Tanaka says they are the best team in the WWF. He says they will take every team out of the WWF and there will be no more teams left.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says he's the law and order in the WWF. He says he wanted to be the best law man all he could be since he's a kid. He says he wears the uniform proudly and says The Mountie claims to be an officer wearing a Canadian uniform. Boss tells him not to get in his way.

The commentators hype up next week's show. Roddy Piper faces Rick Martel in singles action. Vince asks if his knee is 100% and Piper says it is. Piper says Martel will only advertise for salvage companies when he's done with him. Sarge says what Martel doesn't take, Ted Dibiase will take to the bank in regards to Piper.

Overall thoughts: We had one star vs star match here that of course ended in a dirty finish. The work wasn't bad though. There wasn't a lot of news otherwise except  for Hulk putting Paul Bearer in a casket and likely starting a feud with The Undertaker off of it. It was easy to get through but there was nothing must see here.

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