Thursday, September 26, 2024

WWE Superstars 9/27/2013

WWE Superstars 9/27/2013

Last week's show is here:

Zack Ryder and Justin Gabriel vs Big E. Langston and Damien Sandow

JG takes down DS and they go to the ropes. DS boots and headbutts him. DS takes a dropkick and a double knee. Zack headbutts DS' arm. DS tries to armdrag him but is armdragged off of it. JG nails the arm of DS off the top then armdrags him.

JG shoulders DS over then armdrags him. JG armdrags him then hits some forearms. Zack headbutts the arm of DS then DS headbutts him. Zack bangs E's face off the mat. Zack kicks E over the 2nd rope then E knocks Zack into the rails from the apron.

We go to break and return. E splashes Zack for 2 and DS suplexes Zack. DS knee drops Zack's arm then chinlocks him. DS back elbows Zack then elbow drops him for 2. DS pulls Zack's arms back.

E gets in and backbreakers Zack. Zack spinning neckbreakers DS. JG hits kicks on E then flips over his back. JG spinning heel kicks him. JG springboard crossbodies him. Zack misses a plancha outside and E lariats JG. E hits a big ending on JG and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match that wasn't anything too special here. Nothing was wrong with it but nothing was particularly great either.

Hornswoggle and The Great Khali come out after. E slides out and Khali chops DS down.  Khali then dances after.

Tons of Funk (Brodus Clay & Tensai) vs. The Real Americans (Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger)

Cesaro and Jack have Zeb Coulter with them. ToF has Cameron and Naomi.

Jack knees Tensai in the gut in the corner. Tensai hits punches. Jack tags out to avoid a double team. Cesaro gets slammed by Clay several times then Tensai elbow drops him.

Tensai does a delayed double underhook suplex for 2. Cesaro takes a double shoulder then Jack takes the double shoulder off the apron. Tensai splashes Cesaro then Clay splashes him too. Jack bangs Clay's head off the buckles and Cesaro rolls up Clay to win.

Thoughts: This was a short waste of time. The heels won way too easy and quick here and it was over before it really got to the meat of the match.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here. The main was too short and not much of anything and the other match was average. I wouldn't recommend this.

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