Saturday, September 28, 2024

AEW Rampage 9/27/2024

AEW Rampage 9/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black vs Lio Rush and Action Andretti

They all have their buddies with them. Lio and Black take their time to get going. Lio ducks shots and hits a stunner. Black chest kicks him then avoids a kick. AA and Buddy go at it. A wristlocks him. Buddy rolls through and upkicks him.

Lio gets shoulders over by Buddy then is flipped into a pumping knee. Buddy and AA shove each other outside. Lio topes Buddy hard into the rails. AA springboard crossbodies Buddy then step up enzugiri's him. Buddy takes a sandwich dropkick. We see The Righteous watching in the back.

Buddy boots AA in the face. AA takes a PK from Black and a knee drop. Black back elbows AA. We go to PiP break and return. Black chinlocks AA. They then crossbody each other at the same time. Lio strike combos Buddy then poisonrana's him. Lio hits a bottom rope springboard stunner. Black spinning back elbows Lio.

Lio corkscrew kicks Black. AA tags himself in. AA is pushed into Lio and knocks him off the buckles. Black spinning high kicks AA and pins him.

Darius tries to give AA water. He gets mad then throws the water at Brody King's back. King corner lariats him. AA's buddies save him from more abuse.

The early part of this was weird with them arguing a lot for some reason. it was a fast paced match afterwards and HoB won as expected. This also furthered AA's issue with his team losing.

Lexy interviews Anna Jay. She talks about her career and says she doesn't know where she fits in at AEW. She says let's find out, punch by punch, kick by kick and choke by choke. She tells Robyn Renegade to just try her tonight.

Anna Jay vs Robyn Renegade

Anna side headlocks her and RR grabs the hair. Anna shoulders her over. Anna knees her in the gut and running forearms her. Anna side kicks her then iconoslams her. Anna hits a basement dropkick.

RR hits some shots to the chest then RR camel clutches her while pulling on the mouth. Anna jawbreakrs her then flying forearms her. Anna flipping neckbreakers her then side kicks her. Anna does a gori bomb on her and wins.

It was a quick squash here as expected. I'm not real sure what it accomplished other than getting Anna on TV. 

Will Opsreay and Ricochet have a face to talk with Renee. Will says there's some jealousy there and he says he won the IWGP Jr. Title while Ric didn't. Ric says he has decades of titles and giving people feelings. He says the people remembered Ricochet. The rest of this is available on youtube they say.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Angelico

KT knees him in the gut and facekicks him in the side of the head. They trade punches for chops then KT eye rakes him. Ange back rolls him then hits a pump kick.

KT stalls outside of the ring and is sent into the post. KT flying clotheslines him inside. We go to PiP break and full break. Ange flying clotheslines him then rolls over the back. Ange up kicks him for 2. Ange armdrags him and ties up both of his arms.

Ange trips KT into a reverse STF. KT ropebreaks. KT gets stuck on the ropes and Ange pele kicks him. Ange back body drops him. Ange comes off the 2nd rope and KT forearms him down. KT hits a blue thunder then hits a spinning falcon arrow for the win.

Thoughts: It was a match. I suppose it was fine, but it was random and the winner was never in doubt here.

The Acclaimed vs Ryan Clancy and TJ Crawford

Max hits shots on Ryan then Ryan hits a nice dropkick. Max backhands him and eye rakes him. Ryan takes corner attacks then is whipped into a lariat. TJ hits kicks on Bowens then Bowens superkicks him. Bowens throws Ryan in. Ryan takes the arrival and a mic drop. TJ then takes a nasty double team gorilla press bomb and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short squash as expected. TJ hit some nice kicks here and The Acclaimed busted out their rare finisher here.

Max gets on the mic after. He talks about MxM's fashion show on Grand Slam Collision. He says all they had to do was ask if they wanted to makeover his jacket. Max talks about some of the stuff MxM does and calls them pansies. Max says they will crash their party and says it's time to nut up or shut up.

MxM Collection get on the tron. They alternate talking and say they won't come out tonight. They say they hope they can find a good spot on their couch to watch the greatest debut in fashion history.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Willow Nightingale

Taya takes her down and hits punches. Taya boots her in the corner. Willow cartwheels out of the corner then step up enzugiri's her. Willow slams her a couple of times and low crossbodies her for 2. Willow 2nd rope dropkicks her then cannonballs her off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Willow lariats her. Willow hits shots and a back splash in the corner. Willow running boots her then hits a spinebuster for 2.

Willow misses a 2nd rope dropkick. Taya hits knees and lariats. Taya corner meteora's her and hits corner chops. Taya superkicks her then Willow superplexes her. Taya hits forearms and slaps. Willow pounces her then hits a doctor bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match. Nothing was wrong with it but nothing was great either. Deonna was not out here with Taya despite just forming a group with her.

Overall thoughts: It was an average and nothing show for the most part. Every match was random and nothing was particularly great. Nothing of note really happened either. I wouldn't recommend this.

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