Sunday, September 22, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 5/11/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 5/11/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Macho Man Randy Savage welcome us to the show. They talk and we cut to Roddy Piper getting ready in the back. His leg is all wrapped up. He says its Mother's Day today. He sings his own Mother's Day song about Ted Dibiase and says this match is for his mom. Macho says he's dedicating the match to his mom as Martel will beat Piper.

The Bushwhackers vs Brian Costello and Doug Wallen

The BW's lick each other. One of the jobbers gets sent into the corner and takes shots to the gut. Butch running facekicks Brian. Luke snapmares Brian and back elbows him. Macho is asked why he never teamed up with anyone and he says he would end the match before he tagged out. Luke bites his opponent.

Slick and Power and Glory do an inset promo. Roma laughs at them thinking they have a chance and Herc says he will put an end to The BW's misery. Doug takes a battering ram then a double gutbuster. Doug gets pinned by Luke.

Thoughts: It was your usual roughhouse BW squash here with the jobbers getting nothing in.

Sgt. Slaughter vs Kevin Kruger

Sarge hits shots to Kev's gut then gutbusters him. Sarge kicks him in the ribs then rams his back into the buckles. Sarge backbreakers him then does a short arm clothesline. Sarge lariats him then camel clutches him. Kev then submits.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with the jobber not getting any offense in.

Mustafa puts Kev in the camel clutch after while Sarge boots Kev. Kev is then thrown out.

We get an ad for Wrestlemania's History and Heroes PPV.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney says many believe "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan is a hero. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan does a promo. He says people think The Iraq War is over but it's not as Sgt. Slaughter and his crew is still around. He says he is taking care of traitors and Iraqi's.

Bobby Heenan and The Barbarian do a promo. Heenan says Bret Hart has motor oil in his hair and says British Bulldog has Whoopi Goldberg looking hair. He says they aren't bad, The Barbarian is bad. Barb says he tried to get where he is today. He says maybe one day he will run into Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior or Jake Roberts.

Irwin R. Schyster does a promo. He says he is looking at the WWF stars tax returns and claims they are tax cheats. He says one of them is using bird food as a business deducation. He says another wants refunds for travel expenses incurred by his Bulldog. IRS says they won't get away with this and says they are dishonest, dirty, flim-flaming thieves.

Thoughts: This gimmick is so stupid but this was funny.

The Big Boss Man vs Dan Johnson

Dan's a bigger dude who is built well. We see a fan dressed as Boss Man with a fake mustache. Boss backs him up in the ropes. Dan goes for a shot and takes a nice uppercut. Boss hits more nice shots and back elbows him. Boss headbutts him down and they pimp the newest WWF Magazine. Boss hits a sidewalk slam and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one. Boss hit some great punches here and his uppercuts looked like they really hurt.

Boss goes to handcuff Dan after and The Nasty Boys beat up Boss with Jimmy Hart. The Nasties handcuff Boss to the ropes then stomp on him together. The Mountie then comes down and Vince says he's the one who set this up. The Mountie grabs the mic and mocks him. He then shocks him with the shock stick. He says Boss should be like him, real law enforcement. The Nasties then beat up Boss Man after. Mountie says he's the real law and order and zaps him again then says he always gets his man.

It's hard to feel bad for Boss here as he had handcuffed and beat the crap out of people many times even as a face.

The Dragon vs Ricky Rice

Dragon gets real close to lighting the entrance curtain on fire as the opening is small. He spits fire as he enters as usual. Ricky thinks about hitting Dragon from behind but then runs away as he points the fire at him.

Rice pounds on Dragon. Dragon hits chops and a throat thrust. Rice does a nice bump where he saves himself from falling out. Rice is thrown off the top and Macho brings up facing Dragon at Wrestlemania 3. Rice hits a corkscrew sunset flip off the 2nd rope for 2. Dragon then catapults him into the mat.

Dragon does some kind of flying armdrag then double chops him. Dragon slams him then hits a top rope chop. Dragon top rope crossbodies him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here but they kept it interesting. Rice did a decent job here and got a little offense in before being put down. It was nice to hear Macho reference his feud with Dragon.

Jim Quinn of the WBF does a promo. He says he can't wait for The WBF Championship. He says he will be there and is pumped.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer says he's always happy to have visitors in his parlor. He says he has had the privilege of serving many families in his time. He says a funeral is not for the deceased but for the living. He then says he will bring out a prominent family - Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan.

Heenan says we have a problem. He says his problem stems from a bulldog. Heenan asks if Paul can help and says he needs a casket. Heenan picks out a small casket. Perfect says it's for Winston and a larger one will be made for British Bulldog. He says everyone he faces will end up here. 

Rick "The Model" Martel vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Rick lifts up Piper's kilt then poses. Rick gets in his face then is hit. Piper hiptosse shim and lariats him up. Piper jumps on him off the apron and he holds his knee. Piper sends Rick into the post. Ted Dibiase and Sherri do an inset promo. Ted says Piper has thrown away the crutch but he hopes he iddn't do it too soon. Sherri says he will need it in the future.

Piper hits punches on Rick and grabs him by the nose. Rick eye pokes him. Piper leafrogs and holds his leg. Rick kicks him in it. Rick bangs the knee off the mat.

Rick works the knee and pounds on him. Rick pulls the kneepad down. Piper goes to suplex him but his leg gives out. Rick lariats him. Rick comes off the 2nd rope and Piper hits him in the gut. Piper crotches him on the top rope. Macho says he doesn't know that hold and never used it. Piper rubs Rick's crotch on the top rope. He puts a bandage around his neck and eye pokes him. Piper then hangs him over the top with the bandage.

Piper throws water in Rick's face then hits punches. Piper hits a shot to the gut and cradles him to win.

Thoughts: It was a total brawl here. Piper really roughed him up well and really did come across as a madman. I enjoyed Piper's tactics here and was surprised he got the clean win and I was surprised Dibiase didn't get involved.

We get more ads for the Hot Ticket PPV.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney pimps the Hot Ticket PPV. Slick and the Warlord do a promo. Slick says when you talk about character, courage and commitment, The Warlord has it. He says Warlord has what it takes to go to the top and will soon be the WWF champ. Warlord says he's the ultimate in size and strength. He says he does what it takes to win and will get his title shot. He says we will see what he does then.

Bret Hart does a promo. He said his goal when going to singles competition was winning the IC Title. He said beating Perfect won't be easy. He says he will go through, Haku, Barbarian and others if he has to. He says he will take on anyone, anytime.

The Undertaker vs George Anderson

Taker hits a big facekick and clubs George. Taker nodowa otoshi's him then hits a tombstone to win.

George is put in a bodybag after and carried out.

Thoughts: It was a super quick squash here even for Superstars standards. 

WWF Event Center

Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says you can do and say what you want when you are Quake's size. Quake asks how Hart would like a pair of snakeskin boots or pants. Quake tells Jake Roberts that he is out for him and Lucifer and says both will feel the quake.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. They say The Nasty Boys' tag title reign will come to an abrupt end. Animal says they will soon get in the ring with them and it'll be the fight of their lives. Hawk says they are the #1 contenders and The Nasties have to meet them.

The commentators run down next week's show with Irwin R. Schyster's debut and Smash vs The Ultimate Warrior.

Smash does a promo with Mr. Fuji. He says when people punch or kick Warrior, Warrior hits back. Smash says he always gets the last kick or punch and says it'll be the end of Warrior's career next week. The Ultimate Warrior responds. He says his Warriors have never walked around any challenge. He says he will smash Smash into a sacred ground so his Warriors can feast. Warrior also mentioned that Smash was "once part of a great team".

Thoughts: We hadn't seen Demolition for a while and it seems like they are basically done at this point.

Overall thoughts: We only had one star vs star match in Piper vs Martel which was decent and a bunch of squashes. They heated things up with Mountie vs Boss Man here and continued to build to Quake/Jake and The LOD vs The Nasties. I wouldn't recommend this one and it was your usual Superstars show for the most part with limited in-ring action and various quick promos.

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