Thursday, September 26, 2024

WWE Superstars 10/4/2013

WWE Superstars 10/4/2013

Last week's show is here:

Rob Van Dam vs Curt Hawkins

RVD armdrags Curt over. RVD side headlock takeovers him then shoulders him over. RVD high kicks him when blocking a hiptoss and sends Curt out. RVD then plancha's him.

RVD hits a top rope flip dive on him inside for 2. RVD bends over and is kicked. Curt lariats him for 2. Curt pounds and stomps on him. Curt suplexes him for 2.

Curt chinlocks him. RVD spinning heel kicks him twice. RVD then rolls into a monkey flip on Curt. RVD flips over Curt's back then takes him down. RVD hits a nice superkick  then hits rolling thunder. RVD then hits a top rope frogsplash and gets the win.

It was a simple match but I liked it. RVD did his usual flying here and definitely put some extra effort into this one. Curt didn't get a lot in and mostly just took moves here. The crowd liked this one. 

Damien Sandow vs. Justin Gabriel

DS gets booed and rips the crowd for it. He said he thought about talking to them like civilized human beings but says this is the ignoramous capital of the world and won't be doing it. He says silence and then says you're welcome. DS handcuffs his MITB briefcase to the turnbuckle connector.

They trade some basic holds and DS drops him with a forearm. DS slams him then elbow drops him for 2. JG backslides him for 2 then legsweeps him. JG then rolls him up for 2. JG is thrown out then has his back rammed into the apron edge.

DS has his head banged off the buckles and JG hits forearms. DS avoids a dropkick then running kicks JG in the ribs. We go to break and return.

DS hits a corner spear then suplexes him for 2. JG cradles him for 2 then is pulled into the 2nd rope. DS pounds on JG then leg lariats him on the ropes. DS elbow drops him for 2. DS waistlocks him then JG does a stunner.

JG hits a 2nd rope lariat and flips over his back. JG spinning heel kicks him and corner splashes him. JG springboard crossbodies him for 2. JG spinning heel kicks him in the head for 2. JG goes to springboard and DS shakes the ropes. DS hits a full-nelson slam and gets the win.

It was an okay match here. JG was a decent face and Sandow was a good heel here. JG took a scary looking bump off the blocked springboard and hit a bunch of kicks here. I had no issues with this one.

DS says he is your winner and the MITB contract holder after.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here. Both were decent but not must see. It wasn't a bad 15-20 minutes of action though.

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