Sunday, September 29, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 3

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 3

Last week's show is here:

Sophia Lopez comes out with Dave McClane and a security guard. They talk about The Beast getting attacked a few weeks ago. Lopez has $10,000 in a briefcase and the money is for information on who attacked The Beast.

Abilene Maverick talks to Jessie Jones in the back. She says she wants to make sure nothing has changed since McClane's announcement. Jones says she has a match with The Beast tonight for the title and is only worried about that. She tells Ab that she needs to get to stepping or hopping.

Siren The Voodoo Doll talks. She said she looked into her crystal ball and many tears will fall. She brings up Santana Garrettt and Americana and says they will soon see.

The All-American Girls (Americana and Santana Garrett) vs Siren the Voodoo Doll and Chainsaw

Angelica Dante is with Siren and Chain. SG has the red hair. She and Siren go at it. Siren works on her in the corner then SG snapmares her. Ameri low crossbodies Siren for 2. Ameri side headlocks Siren and wristlocks her. SG cartwheel back elbows Siren then Chain take a double dropkick. Ameri backflip elbows Chain. SG tries a cartwheel back elbow but is caught.

Siren corner spears SG then Chain chokes SG. Chain pulls SG's arms around the ropes then chopes her on the ropes. Chain hits corner spears on SG. SG hits a soul foot on Siren. Ameri gets tagged in and lariats Siren. Ameri dropkicks Siren for 2.

Chain stomps on Ameri and Angelica Dante interferes. Chain chokeslams Ameri and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an okay opener. There was nothing wrong with this and it was nice to see Chain and Siren pick up a much needed win here.

Samantha Smart talks to The Classmaster in the back. She says something about someone helping her and getting them on the right path, then they catch the camera man filming it and kick him out.

Genesis vs Foxxy Fierce

Roxxy Fierce is with Foxxy. They lock up and Fox backrolls her. Fox trips her then butt drops her back. Fox breaks the full nelson then bubba bombs her for 1. 

Fox misses a corner charge and has her head banged off the buckles. Gen hanging chokes her. Gen legdrops the back of her neck for 2. Gen neckbreakers Fox with Fox's own arm. Gen straightjacket chokes her then does a straightjacket backcracker for 2. Gen misses a corner charge then takes a kick and hip attack.

Fox shotgun dropkicks her. Gen catches a hip attack and does like a full-nelson side effect and wins.

Thoughts: It was a bit shorter and didn't really get enough time. Genesis had some new offense here and Fox didn't get a ton in. Gen winning wasn't a big surprise.

Gen gets on the mic after and mocks the crowd. She says she's alone and she's on top. She says Exile is not a group, it's a way of life and this is her new beginning. She says there will be no more losses in the new Genesis as she has something to prove.

The Fab Four head to the ring.

The Fab Four come out. Lana says she's one phone call away from calling her lawyer who will sue The Mother Truckers for everything they have. The Truckers come out. Holly says she can't go back to jail. She says Betty will do her hair and her nails to make up for the debt. Betty says Holly is a kid and says she got them in this but they don't have money.

Lana wants to know how they will pay her. Betty says they will come clean her mansion. They beg the heels to keep them out of jail, though Holly wants Betty to do the work. Lana says she looks forward to seeing them at the mansion until the debt is paid off.

WOW Title - The Beast (c) vs Jessie Jones

The Beast does not come out for the match. Dave confirms this. Jones says The Beast thinks she will lose if she faces her and is forfeiting. Jones says the belt should be given to her. Dave says no and says this is not the way The Beast acts. Jones says this is the 2nd time The Beast has done this and says how can you let a champ not show up?

Penelope Pink and Lana Star come out. Pink said last time Beast fought Jones, she got hit with a bottle and thinks Jones had something to do with this. Pink won a #1 contenders match recently and said she thinks she's the #1 contender. Jones says everything about Pink and Beast is cheap.

Abilene Maverick comes out on crutches. Ab says her toe is broken as she fell out of a DJ booth. Dave doesn't seem to buy it. Dave says Beast isn't here but they need a main event and sets up Jones vs Pink. Ab says Jones deserves this (behind her) and the match is set.

Princess Aussie and Miami's Sweet Heat (in a title match) will be on the next show.

Jessie Jones vs Penelope Pink

The ref checks for weapons and finds one on Jones. The ref then finds a weapon on Pink. They lock up and roll on the ropes. Jones goes for a test of strength and eye pokes her. Pink stomps on Jones' foot. Jones boots her and side headlocks her.

Pink pulls Jones down by the hair. Abilene Maverick is on commentary here. Jones pulls Pink down by the hair then dropkicks her in the knee. Pink's head is banged off the mat and the buckle.

Jones hits the stroke on Pink. Pink knees her in the gut and lays on her on the ropes. Lana pulls on Jones on the ropes and Jones boots her. Pink knees Jones in the face.

They eye poke each other at the same time then bang heads. Both fall down together. Pink complains to the ref and Jones uses the tights to roll Pink up. Pink rolls her up and uses the bottom rope. The ref catches it and stops her.

Jones misses a corner charge and then blocks Pink's sunset flip. She tries to pin her but is holding onto the ropes. Pink tries to pin her but holds onto the shorts and is caught. Lana distracts the ref on the apron while Jones taps out Pink. The ref doesn't see it. Lana and the ref argue. Ab tries to hit Pink with a crutch but nails Jones instead. Pink puts up the win and mocks Ab after.

Thoughts: It was heavy on the shenanigans here with the heels trying to outcheat the other. It made sense though as that's what heels probably would do, so I was fine with it. The match was mostly all various strikes otherwise. Sometimes up with Ab and Jones and The Beast and we'll have to tune in next week to find out. What is clear though is that Penelope Pink is absolutely the #1 contender right now.

Overall thoughts: It was a different episode than usual as it was more storyline focused and only had 3 matches. I felt they did a good job in making you want to see next week's show as The Truckers will be doing housework for the heels, we have to see what happened to The Beast and there's also definitely something going on with Jones and Abilene. The main was probably the best thing on here. They got the logic right in it though I'd say it was more on the entertainment side of things than the wrestling side, which is fine. It was a decent show overall.

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