Friday, September 20, 2024

Marigold 9/16/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 4

Marigold 9/16/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 4

The last show is here:

Nao Ishikawa vs. Myla Grace vs. Kouki Amarei vs. Minami Yuuki

Everyone shakes hands but Nao, who slaps Kouki's hand away. Kouki is pushed into Yuuki and shoulders her over then both take basemtn dropkicks. Nao tries to high five Myla and is rolled up. Nao legsweeps her and Myla crucifixes her for 2.

Myla takes a double dropkick and Kouki/Yuuki try to pin Nao. We get a 4 person waistlock spot. The girls take turns doing chest forearms to Nao. Nao shoulders Kouki and hits a double neckbreaker on the other two. Kouki facekicks her then Nao lariats her on the ropes. Yuuki breaks up a samoan drop move then she dropkicks Myla.

Yuuki throws Myla over by the arms. Myla swinging neckbreakers Yuuki for 2. Kouki slams Yuuki then running facekicks her. Nao germans Myla then Kouki dropkicks Nao. Kouki neckbreakers Nao. Kouki then taps out Yuuki with a version of cattle mutilation to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual multi-person match. It wasn't awful anything but there were just too many moving parts to get anything great going on here. Kouki won as expected. 

We got our usual Grand Prix ceremony. Most of the girls were wearing hats here for it which was kind of funny.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Misa Matsui vs. CHIAKI

Misa rolls Chi up then dropkicks her. Chi catches a crossbody and hits a backbreaker. Chi facewash kicks Misa. They trade chest forearms. Chi eye rakes her then Misa trips her into the ropes. Misa kicks the rope into Chi's face.

Chi euros her then knees her on the ropes. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then racks her. Misa dropkicks her in the knee then stretch mufflers her. Chi ropebreaks then Misa crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Misa hits a top rope dropkick for 2.

Misa bridging ddt's her for 2. Chi spears Misa while she's in front of the ref. Chi swings a chair at Misa but doesn't hit her. Chi pushes the chair into Misa's gut then Chi iron claw slams her into the chair. Chi does a sit out reverse torture rack bomb for 2. Misa flying knees her for 2.

Chi powerslams her for 2. Misa la magistrals her into a bridge for 2. Chi high kicks her then Misa hurricanrana's her. Chi rolls through it and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an okay match. Not great or anything and they didn't have the time or the spot on the card to really impress but it was fine.

Misa hits shots on Chi after.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Chika Goto vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Chi hits chest forearms and Yuz fires back. Yuz flying headscissors her and basement dropkicks her. Yuz superkicks Chi in the head then does a flying single leg dropkick to the jaw.

They trade chest forearms. Chi criss-cross shoulderblocks her then pulls her arms back. Chi giant swings her then 2nd rope buttpresses her down. Yuz dropkicks her. Chi atomic drops her then hip attacks her. Yuz sleepers her then kicks her in the gut. Chi lariats her.

Yuz dropkicks her and they mess up a lightning spiral. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2. Chi hits a big lariat then Yuz rolls her up in a crucifix. Yuz then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It's Chika and no match of hers ever ends up being that great. She really should lean into the hoss style moves more as she can hit them and they are some of the better things she can do. The girls just can't seem to deal with her size and it causes a botch or two every single time. It wasn't awful but it wasn't that good either.

They go after each other after.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Mai Sakurai vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

This could be really good. Kiz side headlocks her then Mai reverses it. Mai shoulders her over. Kiz hits dropkicks then Mai shotgun dropkicks her. Mai slams her and elbow drops her for 2. Mai boots and foot chokes her.

Mai hits a forearm then Kiz flying neckbreakers her. Kiz rolling amrbars her and Mai ropebreaks. Kiz top rope dropkicks Mai for 2. Kiz fisherman suplexes her.

Mai slaps her then cobra twists her. Mai boots her and basement dropkicks her for 2. Mia goes up top and is pulled down. Kiz dropkicks her several times. Kiz hits chest forearms then Mai facekicks her. Mai leg slices her for 2 then does a northern lights suplex for 2. Kiz spin kicks and sunset flips her for 2. Kiz rolls her up for 2.

Kiz cradles her for 2 then Mai flying kicks her. Kiz slaps her then hits re:dream for 2. Mai facekicks her them pump kicks her for 2. Mai STF's her and taps her out to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. There was nothing wrong with it but it didn't quite reach the greatness it maybe could have. Kiz was the total underdog here but got a lot of offense in before being put down.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. NORI

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Nat armdrags and dropkicks her. Nori grounded sleepers her and Nat ropebreaks. Nat hits chest kicks then does an octopus stretch. Nat springboard double knee drops her for 2. Nat meteora's her against the bottom rope.

Nat side headlock takeovers her then Nori hits kicks to the back. Nori snapmares her and kicks her in the back for 2. Nori knees her in the head then Nat hits a ddt out of a suplex.

Nat catches a kick from the apron and fisherman suplexes Nori on the floor. They go back in and Nat meteora's her inside. Nat step up enzugiri's her. They trade chest kicks. Nori spin kicks her then Nat high kicks and spin kicks her for 2.

Nat backdrops her and Nori no sells it. Nori top rope dropkicks Nat for 2. Nori suplexes her with a bridge for 2. Nori corkscrew kicks her in the head for 2.

Nat rolls her up for 2 and Nori step up enzugiri's her for th win.

Thought: It didn't quite get as good as it could have been. They just didn't have the flow and the momentum. There were a lot of stiff kicks here. I thought it was too even for its own good.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Bozilla

They trade shoulderblocks and chops. NT chop flurries her then takes a corner splash. Boz chop flurries her then chinlocks her. Boz hit downward elbows and they trade forearms. Boz shoulders her over hard then sends her into seats outside.

NT's head is banged off the apron edge. They forearm each other outside and NT goes down. They sit on chairs outside and slap each other. They duel chairs and Boz kicks one into NT. Boz cartwheel back elbows her then sentons her for 2. Boz basement dropkicks her and NT dragon screws her. NT forearms her in the leg. 

They lariat each other. Boz bolo punches her and takes a shot. Boz lariats her on the ropes then NT backdrops her. They lariat each other at the same time and go down. They trade forearms. NT slaps her then hits a big headbutt. NT wrist clutch backdrops her for 2.

NT does a top rope splash and Boz gets her feet up. Boz hits a cradle shock for 2 then chinlocks her. NT rolls Boz up twice then Boz lariats her for 2. NT rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't love the finish here but it was a good match otherwise. Nanae was booked pretty even with Boz. They really stiffed each other hard here and had a good fight. I would have liked to have seen Boz bully Nanae around more and throw her around before NT made her comeback and won.

Boz grounded sleepers NT after and the girls try to break it up.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. Miku Aono

They lock up. Sare slaps her on the ropes then Miku slaps her. Miku side headlocks her and dropkicks her. Sare dropkicks her back. They stand off after a headlock takeover. Sare dropkicks her then hair throws her. Sare stands on her in the corner.

Sare ties Miku's legs up and pulls. Sare stands on Miku's back. Sare snapmares and kicks her in the back. Miku snapmares her then kicks her. Sare then does the same. Miku kicks her in the back and Sare slams her.

Sare indian deathlocks her and foot slaps her. Sare foot chokes her. Miku dropkicks her in the corner. Miku footchokes her then kicks her arm. Sare does an octopus stretch and grounds her with it. Sare top rope dropkicks Miku for 2. Miku high kicks her hten does a buffalo sleeper.

Miku fisherman suplexes her then Sare 2nd rope superplexes her. Sare 2nd rope double stomps her. They trade germans and Miku does her swinging slam on her. Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2.

Sare dropkicks her against the ropes and Miku hits lariats on the ropes. Sare dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare hits a top rope double stomp on Miku for 2. Miku hits a big lariat then short arm lariats her. Miku sliding lariats her for 2. Miku hits mounted forearms then Sare does the same. Sare does two exploders and the time runs out.

It's Marigold and you know if a match runs long and time announcements are made, it's probably going to a draw. And that's what happened here. It was a good match and probably Miku's best match yet. The two worked really well together and it's a shame we didn't get a true finish to this one. Miku stepped up big for this one and proved her worth.

Miku gets on the mic after and isn't impressed with her being champ. She says she wants to win the Dream Star League and face her again. Sare says she feels like this is a loss for her and says she wants to face her again. She says Miku is all talk.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Utami Hayashishita vs. MIRAI

Mirai wristlocks her then side headlocks her. Utami side headlocks her and headlock takeovers her. Mirai headscissors her. They trade shots and back elbow each other on the ropes. Mirai dropkicks her.

They go up top. Mirai headbutts her down then hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Utami air raid crashes her then sliding lariats her for 2. Utami sleepers her for a while then Mirai does a cradle shock.

They trade lariats and Mirai lariats her. Utami lariats her then flips her with a lariat. Utami germans her for 2 then Mirai lariats her. Mirai does like a flying lariat and Utami germans her. Mirai hits a big lariat for the win.

Thoughts: I was really surprised by this one. It was pretty short and they didn't overdo it here. I liked it and it was a hard hitting match. It needed a lot more time though and could have been really good if they let it continue.

Mirai and Utami both talk on the mic after. 

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. The top 3 matches were all decent and Kizuna Tanaka's match was fine. Boz/Nanae was easily the match of the night and may have been great if it continued. The same could be said for Sareee/Miku.

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