Thursday, September 19, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9/18/2024

AEW Dynamite 9/18/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Chris Jericho vs Orange Cassidy

The Conglomeration and The Learning Tree are out there and they end up all fighting to start the show. OC does a corkscrew moonsault outside onto everyone. Mark does a tope con hilo through the ropes. CJ gets distracted and takes an orange punch. OC topes him and they fight outside.

OC slingshot splashes him then 2nd rope diving headscissors him. CJ crabs him and hits a running powerslam after for 2. CJ knocks OC off the apron into the rails outside. They fight outside more. CJ hits a double axe handle off the top. CJ asai moonsaults him for 2.

OC stunners and michinoku drivers him for 2. CJ gets his knees up on OC's top rope elbow drop. CJ is back body dropped over the top. OC is catapulted into the rails. CJ backdrops him through a table outside.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms and both go down together. They get up and keep trading forearms. OC superkicks him then CJ lariats him for 2. OC gets stuck up top then hits a top rope crossbody. CJ crabs him and OC ropebreaks. Big Bill boots OC from outside. KYle O'Reilly comes down and hits shots on Bill. They fight to the back.

OC cradles him. CJ hits a death valley driver for 2. CJ boots him and OC ddt's him. OC ddt's him. OC hits a top rope diving ddt for 2. CJ codebreakers him for 2. OC hits a beachbreak for 2. Bryan Keith tries to get in and Mark Briscoe fights with him. CJ grabs a roll of quarters and OC punches him with them. OC then wins.

Thoughts: It was too long for an opener and dragged on longer than it needed to. It was mostly okay with OC not screwing around for a change.

CC and Pac ask where Wheeler Yuta is. They said there is a title defense next week and he needs to come to work. They say they will see him next week. CC says he's not mad, he's disappointed. He said he thought he taught Yuta better. Mox and Shafir walk in. Mox says Yuta has strength inside of him to do the right thing and says it's his choice. He ays Yuta is free to leave but he has a personal responsibility to the greater good.

Wheeler Yuta is interviewed. He says he's conflicted about the match next week. Someone tells Yuta he left his title belt in the locker room. He said his head has been all over the place. He says he learned from Bryan that you don't change who you are despite other things changing. He says he will kick whoever's @ss he has to next week.

The Undisputed Kingdom come down to do commentary.

Hook vs. JD Ink

JD has a lot of tattoos. Hook lariats and underhook suplexes him. Hook hits a release northern lights suplex then a head and arm suplex. Hook hits crossface shots and taps him out with a redrum.

Thoughts: This was just a quick squash here and nothing more.

Hook has words for Undisputed Kingdom after.

Private Party are interviewed. Zay says if Claudio and Pac wanted to fight, they just had to ask. They ask for a trios title match next week. Zay tells Mox that if he wants a war, let them be his first battle.

The Patriarchy is interviewed. Christian says Nick Wayne is in a 4-way match this weekend. He says it'll be a launching pad for Nick and says they will be champs at the same time. Christian then talks to Kip Sabian. He said he's p!ssing him off and threatens him if he sees him again. 

Queen Aminata & Yuka Sakazaki vs. Mariah May & Serena Deeb

Deeb takes down Yuka then Yuka hadscissors her. Deeb shoulders her over and Yuka counters a dragon screw. They sweep each other and stand off. Yuka rolls her into a kick in the face. Queen basement dropkicks Yuka. Deeb dragon screws Queen around the ropes. May shotgun dropkicks Queen. Yuka gets in and top rope dropkicks Deeb then flying headscissors May.

Yuka step up knees May in the coner then corner lights bombs Deeb. Yuka suplexes May onto Deeb. Yuka superkicks Deeb for 2. May germans Yuka and Deeb germans Queen. Yuka spinning hammerlock drops Deeb. Yuka does a top rope plancha to the outside.

Yuka springboard splashes Deeb and May hits Yuka in the head with a title belt to cause a DQ.

The ending was dumb here and I don't see the point of it. This was short and wasn't much before it ended.

May whips Yuka with the title belt after. 

Mina Shirakawa talks. She said she hasn't heard from Mariah May in months and misses her. She says she doesn't know what she has become and says she wants her.  She says she's coming to AEW.

They try to do a video on Nigel McGuinness but the video doesn't work. They then try a second time. Nigel says nobody believes he's a wrestler and says he had a big rivalry with Bryan. Various wrestlers talk about it. 

Mox's new crew comes down and Private Party attacks them. Mox's crew get the edge and Quen takes a chokeslam backbreaker from CC. Zay is held for kicks from Shafir. Komander comes out to help Private Party. He does a tope and runs into CC's euro. Shafir then beats up Alex and Kom is gorilla pressed over the rail.

Zay is thrown into the stage. Mox says he could end PP's careers but won't do it. Mox says PP is still in the spot they started in 5 years ago. He then hits Zay's hand with a hammer against the stage. Darby Allin comes out and hits CC with a skateboard. Darby and Mox stand off in the ring.

Darby tells Mox he will run through him and isn't the same guy as 5 years ago. He says he will become the next champ.

Thoughts: I was fine with this. It tied together multiple storylines at once.

We get a video on Jack Perry. 

Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos

Ric hits punches and boots to start. Mort hits strikes in the corner then misses a flying knee. Ric topes Mort then hits a springboard lariat. Ric running ssp's him for 2. Ric rolls over Mort's back then Mort rolls over his back with an armdrag.

They hit flying headscisors and Ric flips out of the one he takes. Ric flips out of a legsweep and they stand off. Ric superkicks Mort off the apron then tope con hilos him. Mort catches him and apron powerbombs him. 

We go to PiP break and return. Mort has him in a chinlock. They trade shots and Mort takes a 619. Mort does a pop-up samoan drop for 1. Ric enzugiri's him then Mort chest headbutts him. Mort is thrown over the top. Ric tope con hilos him but just bounces off of him in a missed spot. Ric then hits a code red on the floor.

Ric springboard 450's him. They go up top and Mort hits a top rope gorilla press slam for 2. Ric hits a crucifix bomb then does a lifting sitout reverse ddt to win.

It wasn't good. They did too much in this one. Ric was off his game with multiple sloppy moments and missed moves.

We get an Adam Page video then Tony Schiavone interviews him in the ring. Page says he knew the day when Swerve would be dealt with and gone. Page says he's surrounded by people who would cheer for Swerve. Page starts to get up in Schiavone's face and Jeff Jarrett comes down.

Page clubs on Jeff. They go into the crowd and fight then Jeff rolls back into ringside. Page goes for a buckshot lariat and is stopped by security.

Jeff gets on the mic and says he won't let him put a finger on Schiavone. He says there's a whole dressing room who wants to beat up Page. He promises to kick his @ss somehow, someway and someplace.

Ricochet is interviews and Will Ospreay walks in. Ric says he's been thinking about Will told him and said Will told him to get his wins up. Ric says everyone has been calling him out since he came. He said everyone is worried about him more than he is worried about them. He said more people are worried about him than Will. Ric says he hopes he isn't too busy on 10/2 as he got a match with Will lined up for the International Title. He says he's still Ricochet and is out of this world. He says he will see him soon and calls him "little bro".

Will Ospreay, Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher vs The Elite (The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada)

Kyle shoulders a Buck over. A Buck takes a double hiptoss, a double leg split anda double kick. Will and Okada go at it. Okada shoulders him over and offers a hug. Okada boots him then Will flying headscissors him.

KT slaps WIll's back to tag himself in. They argue and Okada pushes Will into KT. The Elite get offense in then hit a triple slingshot swanton and pose. Will's team gets up and fights back. The Elite take dropkicks through the ropes then a triple stereo plancha.

We go to PiP break and return. Kyle hits a double clothesline then hits suplexes on The Bucks. KYle hits a facekick on Nick then brainbusters him for 2. Nick corkscrew kicks him then Okada gets in. Kyle michinoku drivers Okada. KT gets in and flying lariats Okada.

KT brainbusters Okada then 2nd rope sentons him for 2. Okada hits a ddt and the heels take over. Okada takes corner attacks and a doi fives. Okada takes a triple basement dropkick for 2. A Buck does a pop-up hurricanrana to Will then KT takes a double superkick. KT then double lariats The Bucks. Okada shotgun dropkicks KT.

Okada over the back neckbreakers KT on the knee. We got to PiP break and return. Matt hits a shiranui on KT then KT takes a running knee. KT takes a 2nd rope splash + standing moonsault. Okada top rope elbow drops KT.

KT does a double german on The Bucks. Will hits a springboard forearm on a Buck then does a double handspring backflip kick on The Bucks. Will does a standing corkscrew moonsault on Matt for 2.

Will is laid on the top rope rope, bounces off of it and takes a sitout powerbomb. Will takes superkicks from The Bucks. Kyle hits a half-nelson suplex on a Buck and then other Buck is lifted into a sitout spinebuster.

A Buck is lifted for a diving cutter from Kyle. Kyle takes a flapjack then Okada dropkicks KT. KT blue thunders Okada then tope con hilos him. Kyle takes a slingshot facebuster then hits a spinning tombstone for 2. Nick takes a flying hidden blade then the other Buck takes a coriolis and pinned.

It went longer than it should and is was what you would expect. It was an okay match though with a lot of flying and a fast pace.

KT refuses to shake hands with Will after. 

Overall thoughts: Not a lot went on here. It was okay enough in the ring but it wasn't the most exciting episode ever as everything is being saved for next week. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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