Wednesday, August 28, 2024

NWA Powerrr 8/20/2024

NWA Powerrr 8/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship Match - Joe Alonzo (c) vs Rolando Freeman vs Eric Smalls vs Sodapop Hendrix

Smalls takes down Rolando and pounds on him. Joe rolls up Soda then Soda double underhook suplexes him. Soda STO's Rolando then Soda flying headscissors him. Smalls back body drops Soda then does a top rope plancha on everyone outside.

Joe puts his hand on Smalls' head so he can't hit him then Smalls hits Joe in the nuts. Smalls superkicks and dropkicks Joe. Rolando boots Smalls over then Soda top rope blockbusters Rolando for 2. Rolando cradles Soda for 2.

Rolando and Soda double clothesline each other. Smalls bronco busters both opponents then asai moonsaults Soda. Smalls suplexes Rolando then tries to do his version of the worm but is thrown down onto Rolando. Joe then pins Smalls.

Thoughts: This was a joke with essentially two midget wrestlers vs two full sized wrestlers. These guys should be in there with full sized wrestlers. This was also totally random. They did the best they could with all of this and credit to Smalls for what he can do at his size, but I don't want to see this.

Jax Dane vs Anthony Catena

Jax backs up AC in the corner. AC has Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race's faces airbrushed on his tights. Dane throws AC in the corner and they pieface each other. Dane shoulders AC over. AC goes out and runs into Baron Von Storm, who is with Dane.

Dane suplexes AC in. Dane misses a conrer charge then AC pulls Dane's throat down over the top rope. AC slingshot swantons Dane. AC fameassers Dane for 1.

AC hits knees on Dane's back. Dane hits a big overhead belly to belly suplex then splashes AC. AC tornado ddt's Dane then misses a top rope elbow drop. Dane hits a big lariat and camel clutches AC. AC then taps out.

It was a decent match. Catena kind of seems like the total package. He's big, he's decent looking and he can move. Dane is always solid and they did good with the little time they had.

Kenzie and Kylie Paige do a promo. They say they are now promoters and say their KSW territory is coming to the NWA. They say they produce champions and need to step on and step over Tiffany Nieves and Reka Tehaka. Kenzie says they are looking at 2 successful women and are the top of the NWA. Kenzie said she could hold the women's title and the women's tag title at the same time if she wants to.

Tiffany Nieves and Reka Tehaka are interviewed. Tiff says The Paige Sisters are the former tag champs. She says she doesn't get stuck talking about the past and says Tiff's team is the future. She says Reka is a monster. Reka says she is here and says they are bout to recognize what they are made of. 

We get another OnlySlams commercial.

Baron Von Storm vs Boz

Storm isn't doing a whole lot but staring down Boz. Storm throws him off the waistlock and threatens him with a claw. Storm hits a bunch of forearms. Boz fires back with punches. Boz comes off the 2nd rope and gets nothing. Storm airplane spins him then puts him in the iron claw. Storm then pins him with it.

Thoughts: It was pretty much a squash here. Boz has a good look and I'd like to see him in a normal match. Storm's getting better with the gimmick but I don't really get why they are having him do this and I think it would work better if it was more subtle and if someone else was doing it.

Kyle Davis interviews Magic Jake Dumas and The Kids. Jake says Mims is the mastermind behind something and says he'll get to Blk Jeez soon. He says Carson Drake has made a fatal mistake and said he has never faced hard times. He said Drake was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He says he drinks liquor in the morning and says it's harder liquor than he can take.

Jackson Drake says The Kids never needed any magic to burn down Slimeball City. He says he looks forward to their cooperation tonight. Alexander Lev says The Slimeballs are a good representation of the trash ooze of all the people here in their poison society. Lev says he is the messiah and says you will play by their roles.

Thoughts: I didn't love Jake's lines here but he has a mystique about him and I'd like to see him do more talking segments like this.

NWA World Title - EC3 (c) vs KC Cazana

They lock up and EC backs him up in the corner. They lock up again and the same things happens. KC stares him down and EC side headlocks him. EC headlock takeovers him then KC headscissors him. EC headscissors him and they get up and stand off.

They shake hands and EC pulls him into a side headlock. EC shoulders him over. KC armdrags EC then shoulders him over. KC backslides him for 2. KC armdrags EC and armlocks him. KC hits armdrags and armlocks him again. EC back elbows him.

KC dropkicks EC then armwringers him. EC lariats him out of the corner and hits chops. KC chops him back then double chops him. EC back body drops him. He front facelocks him and STO's him out of it.

EC side headlocks him. KC hits some shoulderblocks and powerslams him. EC jawbreakers him. KC back elbows him out of the corner then tornado ddt's him. EC ddt's him. EC misses a corner charge and KC misses a top rope twisting crossbody. EC headlock drivers him and wins.

Thoughts: As usual, it was slow and not that good. I was hoping KC would make up for EC's weaknesses but he just got slowed down with him. This match was also totally random.

Overall thoughts: This one had the usual issues with the NWA. It was filled with random matches with people who aren't well introduced and had midgets wrestling normal sized wrestlers. EC3's match was slow and uninteresting like usual and Dane/Catena was the only thing I liked here. I would not recommend this one.

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