Saturday, July 6, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/2/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/2/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Wrestlemania VII is three weeks away. They make pig and bacon puns and jokes due to being Macon, Georgia. Piper talks about how Warrior will beat Savage and does tons of bacon/pig references.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Terrence Blaylock

TB would go on to become Mustapha of The Gangstaz. Ric Martel does an inset promo. He says he can't back out of the blindfold match. He says Jake is used to the darkness and he's not. He says the big crime is he has to cover his beautiful face. Jake backdrops TB then short arm lariats him. Jake hits a ddt and pins him by putting his hand on his face.

Thoughts: That was an unusual pin. This was a super quick one here. 

WWF Update

Mean Gene talks Wrestlemania VII. We see clips of last week's Wrestling Challenge where Sgt. Slaughter burned a Hulk Hogan poster. We see clips of Sarge beating up the medic after the match with Dale Wolfe last week.

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He said when he burnt the Hulk poster, he might as well have desecrated the red, white and blue. He compares it to dumping 1,000 gallons of oil on his fans. He says he will put his reputation on the line and do anything he has to do to destroy Sarge.

The Viking vs Tommy Landel

The Viking is The Berzerker and this is his Superstars debut. Piper says Viking is wearing a dress, not a kilt like him. Piper says he probably just pillaged a village.

Vik clubs on Tom then slams him. Vik takes a random back bump. He then does a promo. He says he's the guy who will get his hands on you and the guy who knows what to do when he does. He says he will conquer The WWF and won't be stopped. He then says "I'm The Viking" and "huss huss huss".

Vik stomps on Tom then pushes him down by the throat. Vik yells "huss" and facekicks him while he's tied in the ropes. Vik gordbusters him and takes more back bumps. Vik then picks Tom up and drops him over the top to the floor. Vik takes more back bumps and wins via countout. 

Thoughts: This was something. Viking was pretty wild here, taking random back bumps, yelling "huss" and winning via countout. He came off more goofy than deadly here.

Viking plancha's Tom after on the outside.

Mean Gene Okerlund is at Toys R Us again shilling merch. He runs into The Big Boss Man. He said everyone serves hard time in the ring, but he's here to have fun. He says he's here to apprehend all the law breaking action figures like Macho Man and Ted Dibiase. He throws the Ted and Macho toys and handcuffs Mean Gene when he tries to grab a Big Boss Man toy. Boss tells him that one is his.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up Wrestlemania VII. British Bulldog does a promo on Warlord. He says they will be part of the event and says it's the full nelson vs the powerslam. He said if you think you can get it on him, take your best shot. He said if he fails, Bulldog will think victory and that's done with the powerslam.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart. Mountie says when there's a problem in Canada, they call The Mountie. He says there's a Mexican-American problem in Wrestlemania VII. He says his fiery temper and attitude will not be tolerated. He says he will be apprehended at Mania.

Tito Santana does a promo. He says 7 is his lucky number and says Mountie is out of luck. He says he always says The Mountie gets his man. Tito says he will get him in the ring and he will be all over him.

The Rockers vs Jerry Oates and The Brooklyn Brawler

Jerry side headlocks Marty. Marty criss-crosses him, leapfrogs him and crossbodies him. The Barbarian, Haku and Bobby Heenan do a promo. Heenan says his team are the brutality specialists and asks who you would bet on vs the tag team specialists.

Marty atomic drops Brawler. Shawn top rope chops Brawler's arm. Shawn neckbreakers Brawler then suplexes him. Shawn snapmares him. Brawler eye rakes him and gets some punches in. Jerry hits punches on Shawn and is punched back.

Jerry takes a double kick then Marty hits a rocker dropper. The Rockers hit stereo fist drops off the top and pin Jerry.

Thoughts: It was a short one. Jerry and Brawler at least got a little in and honestly make for a decent team. This wasn't the best Rockers outings ever.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about Wrestlemania VII. Power and Glory do a promo. Roma says they will show LOD why they are the best tag team. Herc asks if they are supposed to be scared. He says they like them big, bad and tough and say only the strong survive.

Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says Power and Glory stuck their noses in where it didn't belong and says no one does. Animal says they will go down and will rip their heads off. Hawk says it'll be like science class as they will dissect them.

The Texas Tornado talks about Dino Bravo. He says it's everyone's dream to be at Mania. He says he has two opponents - Dino and Jimmy Hart. He says he has a fire that burns inside of him and says he will be pumped and ready to take them down.

Mr. Perfect vs Pez Whatley

We haven't seen Pez for a while. Pez whips him into the ropes. Pez hits a hiptoss, slam and dropkick. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do an inset promo. He says Boss Man is mistake if he thinks he destroyed The Heenan Family. He says he will leave the IC champ at Mani and Heenan tells Boss to say hi to his lovely mother for him. Perfect bangs Pez's head off the buckles and pulls his neck forward. Perfect kicks Pez.

Perfect yanks Pez off the ropes. Pez lariats him out of the corner then shoulders him over. Perfect knees him in the gut then perfectplexes him for the win.

Perfect let his opponent get a lot in like he sometimes does. It doesn't exactly put Perfect over that much though when he does. The big note here was Heenan bringing up Boss Man's mom again which got him in trouble before.

The Brother Love Show

He says his guest was a champion and says in three weeks, he will be known as one of the greatest has beens of all time. He says you can call him The Ultimate Hasbeen.

The Ultimate Warrior comes out, wearing purple, yellow and orange. Warrior says he's ready for Mania like he has never been before. He says Macho will not put an end to anyone's career. He says he will take one more step to destiny. He says he will be finished and destroyed. He says he will end his career.

He says he's not going to wait until Mania, he's going to start destroying careers now. He tears down the curtains on the set and slams the podium down. He then throws a light down and Love asks what he is doing. Warrior yells at him and chases Love to the back. Love then comes out again and is caught at ringside. Warrior punches Love multiple times then short arm lariats him. Warrior flying shoulders him and hits splashes. Warrior then poses on Love. Love is put on a stretcher.

Thoughts: I didn't expect this one. I wonder if this is the end of The Brother Love Show?

Wrestlemania Report

Gene says Mania is sold out though there hasn't been any announcement through these recordings about it being move yet to the smaller arena. Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says Warrior must be proud about ending Brother Love's career. He says he's the lord and master of wrecking inanimate objects. Macho says Love has never wrestled a match and he destroyed him like a big time, big guy. He says Warrior isn't a grain of sand in the desert compared to him. He dares him to take his career and says nobody can do it. 

Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan do a promo. Sarge says let's start getting serious as we are three weeks away from Mania. He says his American way, prayers and vitamins won't help him. He says it's war and says you better be prepared when you go against him in war. He says Hulk and all of his pukemaniac's will have to pay respect to Sgt. Slaughter. Adnan talks in his language. He says there's not one thing Hulk can do about it.

Ted Dibiase says no one knows better than him what Virgil is capable of. He says he will face the best in-ring technician. He says Piper can coach him but it won't be of any help.

The Hart foundation do a promo. They say it's three weeks until The Nasties get a title shot. Hart says they will take the nastiness out of them.

Someone pretending to be The Queen of England says she predicts a victory for The Warlord. She says the full nelson was named after Lord Nelson. 

Gene talks about the instant replay debate at Mania VII and says Willie Nelson will be there.

We get a quick video for Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.

Earthquake vs William Ford

Ford gets some punches in then is knee'd in the gut and clubbed on. Quake hiptosses him then hits a dropkick. Greg Valentine does a promo. He said Jimmy Hart wants to get him out of wrestling forever. He says he will hammer Quake off the richter scale. Quake powerslams Ford then butt drops him to win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here by Quake with Ford only getting a couple of punches in.

Quake goes for an aftershock then The Man With No Name comes out and hits Quake. He headbutts him and headbutts the back of his head. He then leaves.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney says The Masked Man has been a nightmare for Quake. He talks about Wrestlemania VII. Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says not to soften or explain death. He says death is final and Taker will make it final for Snuka at Mania. Taker then says, "ashes to ashes and dust to dust".

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says the key to The Bobby Heenan Family is destroying the family. He says Mr. Perfect is the next man on his list. He says he will have to face law, order, justice and serve hard time.

Vince talks about next weeks show and says maybe the man who knocked Earthquake for a loop will join us as well.

Overall thoughts: We saw The Viking debut here and we saw Warrior destroy Brother Love and his set. We also got another appearance from The Masked Man/The Man With No Name. There wasn't much else of note on this one. This was all about hyping up Wrestlemania VII. It wasn't the most interesting episode and I wouldn't recommend it.

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