Monday, July 15, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 12/4/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 12/4/1995

Last week's show is here:

Eric, Mongo and Heenan welcome us to the show. Heenan has some kind of dog toy thing for Pepe The Dog. Eric says Starrcade 1995 has Flair vs Sting vs Luger in a #1 Contenders match for the title. Pepe is dressed like an angel and Mongo says he's tired of The Dungeon of Doom. Eric say Hulk, Flair and Giant are all on probation and walking thin ice. 

WCW Tag Titles - Harlem Heat (c) vs The American Males

Booker shoves Riggs before it starts and Bagwell shows Booker. Stevie clubs on Riggs to start then Riggs hits some dropkicks. Stevie side slams him. Booker gets in and takes a flying forearm. Bagwell slingshot shoulders Booker. The Males hit a double back body drop on Booker.

Bagwell hits punches on Booker. Bagwell rolls him up for 2 then armdrags him. Col. Rob Parker comes out with a present. Riggs dropkicks Booker. Booker hits a world's strongest slam on Riggs and we see Parker give Sherri the gift. They kiss.

Booker spinarooni's and harlem sidekicks Riggs. Sherri and Parker walk away and Sherri has a ring on her finger. Heenan says you have to eat a lot of breakfast cereals to get one of those. Booker is mad about Sherri leaving. Stevie backdrops Riggs. 

Booker spinning pump kicks Riggs. Riggs sunset flips Booker. Riggs takes a double gordbuster. Booker goes for a vader bomb and Riggs gets his knees up. Bagwell gets in and hits punches. Bagwell lariats Booker then fisherman suplexes Stevie.

Bagwell and Stevie botch a spot then Booker hits a harlem hangover on Bagwell and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. It started off okay but they lost all the flow they had going for it during the middle of this and had a botch near the finish.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Lex Luger and Sting on the ramp. Gene brings up the triangle match. Sting says he called Lex out here without Jimmy Hart. He says friendship is friendship and he doesn't agree with the business part of Lex's life. He says Lex has a good shot at becoming champ tonight.

Sting says he can win the triangle match and may face Lex for the title. He says he will come at him like anyone else. Lex says he will become champ tonight.

Lex says the same thing goes for him and Sting says only time will tell.

Sting vs Kurosawa

I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be on the last episode of WCW Saturday Night. Kuro is out here alone as Col. Parker is with Sherri.

Sting ducks Kuro's clothesline and dropkicks him. Sting clotheslines him over the top. Kuro knees him in the gut and stomps on him. Kuro armbreakers Sting. Sting hits some punches then bangs Kuro's head off the buckles. Sting corner splashes Kuro then scorpion deathlocks him.

Thoughts: It was too short sadly. What we got wasn't bad but they just didn't have enough time.

Scott Norton vs The Giant

Giant shoves Scott back off the lock up. Giant clubs Scott's back then kneelifts him. Giant slams Scott and hits another kneelift. Scott atomic drops Giant then eye rakes him.

Scott bangs Giant's head off the buckles. Scott lariats him. Scott comes off the top and is caught with a chokeslam. Giant then gets the win.

Thoughts: Giant really didn't need this one. He could have really faced anyone and got the same result here without burying Norton like this. Norton looked real small against Giant which you don't want to happen.

Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring and brings out Ric Flair. Charles Barkley comes out with Ric. Charles has to be about 100lbs thinner than he is now. He says he could never team with him but Ric is his man. Ric says him and Charles will tear the town down. He says Charles is the greatest basketball player alive. Charles says we have the best basketball and wrestling fans in Phoenix and says they better appreciate The Nature Boy. Flair says not to jump on him anymore as Charles may walk away from the NBA and become a Horsemen, full-time.

WCW Title - "Macho Man" Randy Savage (c) vs Lex Luger

Macho boots him and bangs Lex's head off the buckles. Lex's eyes are raked on the top rope and Macho chokes him. Macho foot chokes him. Lex lariats him. Macho goes out and Lex gets hit coming off the apron.

They get back in and Macho top rope double axe handles him. Lex's head is banged off the buckles then Macho back elbows him for 2. Lex suplexes him. Macho wraps Lex's arm around the top rope and bangs it down over the top rope.

We go to break and return. Macho wraps Lex's arm around the rail and punches him. Macho sends Lex's arm into the post. Macho pulls on Lex's arm and pulls his face at the same time.

Macho bangs Lex's arm off the post. Macho kimura's him. Macho misses a double axe handle off the apron and goes into the rails. Lex stomps Macho inside. Macho hits shots to the gut. Macho can't see and almost nails the ref.

Lex bangs Macho's head off the buckles. Lex hits kicks on Macho. Lex elbow drops him. Macho and Lex run into each other and both go down.

Macho lariats Lex. Jimmy Hart takes a turnbuckle off and Lex gets his head banged off of it. Lex knocks the ref out of the ring when he falls. Macho top rope elbow drops Lex but there is no ref to count. Jimmy Hart gets on the apron and Macho grabs him. Ric Flair comes down and hits Macho with brass knucks.

Flair poses in the aisle way and Hulk shows up behind him. Hulk threatens him and both get in the ring. Hulk grabs the ref for some reason then pulls Jimmy Hart in. Hart and Lex get their heads banged together. Hulk goes to nail Lex but Sting comes down behind him. Hulk nails Sting on accident.

Hulk and Sting push each other and Macho gets between them. We go to break.

Thoughts: The match basically switched from armwork and basic strikes for the most part. Macho would work Lex's arm, Lex would get some punches and boots in then the armwork would return. I'm not sure what the finish was here but I assume the ref through it out due to Hulk coming in. I have no idea why Hulk grabbed the ref. It's hard to rate the match as we didn't get a real ending to it. I did like Hulk nailing Sting on accident though as it continues this soap opera between Hulk/Lex/Sting/Macho.

Mean Gene interviews Hulk, Sting and Lex. Hulk says he doesn't care about probations. He asks Sting about Lex and wants to know which side he's on. Sting says he's on Hulk's side and says Macho wants him to say that. Sting says Lex is his best friend but Lex is mixed up. He says he's trying to straighten him out. He said he doesn't have a problem with it and Hulk shouldn't either. Sting said he questions Macho but won't doubt him. He asks Hulk why he doubts Lex every week.

Hulk says Macho warned us all about Lex in the first place. Macho says he called it straight. Sting says Lex's fuse is short and says maybe Macho didn't give Lex the chance he wanted. Sting says him and Hulk will fight Flair and Arn next week. He says if they don't get things straight, they may lose the whole deal. Hulk says to keep Lex out of his face next week. Sting says he'll do that. Sting shakes Hulk's hand and leaves Macho hanging, then shakes his hand too.

I really do like the Sting/Hulk/Macho/Lex angle as it really does reflect how things were. Sting and Lex were longtime WCW guys with a connection and history and Hulk/Macho weren't. They wouldn't really know what the Sting/Lex thing is about and Sting/Lex really should be suspicious of them.

Eric, Mongo and Heenan talk. Eric says there's a lot of dissension and undercurrent going on. Heenan agrees and says none of them trust each other. Mongo says Sting and Lex better get their acts together as The Horsemen have their acts together.

Overall thoughts: Like last week, the Sting/Hulk/Macho/Lex angle continues to carry the show. The angle is good though and really has a lot of ways it can go, so I'm fine with it. The only bad thing is that is only a one hour show and they can't really showcase the rest of the roster and set-up PPV filler matches because of it. I liked the show and thought it went by pretty fast.

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