Friday, July 5, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 2/23/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 2/23/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Virgil will face Haku. Piper will be in Pirgil's corner and Dibiase will be in Haku's corner. Piper says Haku is ripe for the pickings. 

The Big Boss Man vs Alan Martin

Alan leapfrogs Boss then takes a big standing dropkick out of the ring. The Mountie does an inset promo. He says Mr. Perfect is a man on a mission and says when Perfect beats him, he will be the only authority in the WWF. Boss slams Alan on the floor then throws him back in the ring. Alan gets his hand stomped and is leg lariated. Boss spinebusters him. and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick win for Boss as expected here. His dropkick on Alan was nice. I don't think I've seen Boss do too many spinebusters.

Boss handcuffs Alan to the ropes after.

WWF Update

Gene says The Hart Foundation will defend the tag titles at Wrestlemania VII against The Nasty Boys. He also says Power and Glory will meet The Legion of Doom at Wrestlemania VII. We see clips from last week's battle royale where both matches developed.

Power and Glory do a promo. Slick says if LOD has a problem with them, it'll be taken care of at Wrestlemania VII. Herc says if they think they have a problem now, the problems will just begin when they feel the power and know the glory.

The Legion of Doom say P&G interfered in the battle royale last week and said they would have won it. Animal says they will feel the pain of The LOD. Hawk says it'll be a rush for them and a mistake for P&G.

The Undertaker vs Tommy Angel


This is Taker's first Superstars appearance with Paul Bearer. Paul isn't wearing the white makeup yet. Vince points out the Tommy Angel name and says he could be meeting the angel's soon against Taker.

Taker boots and clubs him. Taker spinebusters him then hits a jumping boot. Taker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Taker tells Snuka, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Taker hits a big boot on Tommy then grabs him by the mouth.

Taker hits a nice jumping lariat then walks the top rope and clubs him. Taker then hits a tombstone and wins.

The crowd eerie silent for this. It's not that they were bored or something but you can tell they were a bit spooked. Taker had a good squash as usual here.

Taker pours ashes/dirt on Tommy after.

Mean Gene Okerlund is at Toys R Us and runs into Bushwhacker Butch. They talk about WWF Squirt Heads toys. Butch wants to get Luke one and says he love it. Luke then appears hidden behind some Wrestling Buddies. Luke and butch then lick each other and Mean Gene.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes up the 3/2/1991 Boston Garden show. Hulk Hogan does a promo on Earthquake about their stretcher match. Hulk says it will put one of them out of the WWF for good. Hulk is with a stretcher here. He says Slaughter is a Benedict Arnold and traitor with the title. He says if he (Hulk) is taken out, Quake could be the one getting the title shot at Mania. Hulk says it's the perfect time to show Quake the man you have to be. Hulk says he will throw the ref out and prove that his pythons are stronger than any natural disaster.

Virgil vs Haku

Roddy Piper is in Virgil's corner and Ted Dibiase is in Haku's corner (as is Heenan).

Haku misses a shot and takes a flurry of punches to the gut. Virg hiptosses and lariats him. Haku goes out. Virg bangs Haku's head off the buckles after Haku tries to do it to him. Virg shoulders him over then is sent out in a nice bump.

Ted gets near Virg outside then Piper comes to Virg's rescue. Piper tells Virg to get up. Haku lariats him then gutwrench suplexes him. Haku atomic drops him then suplexes him. Piper gets on the apron and Haku stares him down. Virg rolls up Haku from behind and wins.

Piper cheated here to help Virg win which was lame. Piper should have been kicked off the apron by the ref but wasn't for some reason. It was a short match here and Virg was really over. I didn't like Haku losing this one, especially like this.

Virg tries to get Ted in the ring after but Ted just walks off.

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the 3/2/1991 Boston Garden show. The Rockers do a promo on The Nasty Boys. Shawn says The Nasty Boys are loudmouth street punks. He said they better be ready to back up what they say. Marty says actions speak louder than words but they have no actions. Marty says it's time to show them what being nasty is all about. Marty says they will put them down next time.

The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji do a promo. They are facing The LOD in a handicap match. Fuji says The LOD will suffer. Tanaka says it's the year of The Orient Express and says they can't wait to dish out the pain on LOD that Fuji dished out on them. Fuji says Animal and Hawk will suffer.

The British Bulldog vs Mike Wallace

Bulldog pushes Mike back and Piper is excited about Virgil's win. Bulldog and Mike shoulder battle then Bulldog hiptosses him. Bulldog armdrags him as they push Bodybuilding Lifestyles Magazine on the inset. Bulldog grabs the arm and is eye raked. Mike gets shots in then Bulldog headbutts him down.

Bulldog hits a big slam then corner lariats Mike. Bulldog powerslams Mike and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here. Mike got a couple of shots in at least but it was all squash.

The Brother Love Show

Love said he had a vision last week of him, Taker and Paul Bearer performing last rites for The Ultimate Warrior's career. He brings out "The Macho King" Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. He says Macho will end Warrior's career.

Macho said he can't believe Warrior agreed to the match with him. He said Warrior has no title, just his career left. He says Warrior career doesn't compare to his. He says he will take the last ounce of dignity and pride Warrior has. He says Warrior will never know how good he almost was.

Sherri says she, Taker, Paul and Love will stand and watch Warrior's career get lowered into the ground where it belongs. Love says Taker made an epitaph for Warrior and reads it, saying Warrior's career is dead.

Wrestlemnania Report

Mean Gene hypes up Mania. He says Demolition will face the famous Japanese team of Tenryu and Kitao (he says Ka-tay-o). The Mountie vs Tito Santana is set as is The Rockers vs Haku and The Barbarian (these two aren't even teaming yet on TV).

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says he was hanging and banging in Gold's Gym. He says a Hulkamaniac was crying and asked if he had it in him to take care of Sarge. He says Sarge's reign of terror will be as long as Saddam's in Kuwait. He says you might as well write him off if he's taken prisoner of war. Hulk swears he will be the new WWF champ. He says he will snap scud missiles in half if Sarge shoots them at him. He says it will be him and the red, white and blue tearing through at Mania.

Gene runs down the rest of the card. Rick Martel does a promo. He said he was tricked into the blindfold match. He says the crime is having to cover his beautiful face. He says Jake will regret the day he heard of Rick Martel. Jake says he lived with blindness. He says it'll be the blind leading the blind and he will show him. 

They announce Virgil vs Dibiase, Texas Tornado vs Dino Bravo and mention Warrior/Macho. The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says it goes deeper than the stitches in his head and the WWF Title. He says the blood that flowed made him realize he had higher places to go. He says Macho has found the madness and says to bring it to him. He says to bring all the sickness and madness he has or it will be the last walk he ever takes as a wrestler in the WWF. He says he will walk from the ring as the ultimate force, The Ultimate Warrior.

Thoughts: I thought Warrior did a good promo here and really thought he came around as a better promo with the feud with Macho.

We get another quick vid of Ricky Steamboat blowing fire in the dragon costume.

Sgt. Slaughter vs Dale Wolfe

The match starts with Adnan in the ring. Sarge nails Dale and hits him with his helmet. Sarge stomps Dale then hits a punch and a slam. Sarge hits boots on Dale then gutbusters him. Sarge hits a high gordbuster. Sarge hits elbow drops and taps him out with a camel clutch.

Thoughts: This never should have started due to Adnan in the ring and Sarge should have been DQ'd for the helmet shot. Sarge's gordbuster here was one of the best I've ever seen.

Sarge beats up Dale after then chairs him.  They bring the stretcher out and Sarge beats up one of the medics.

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the 3/2/1991 Boston Garden show. Ted Dibiase does a promo. He says what about Virgil's family and poor mother now that he doesn't have a price now? He says Virgil will be crawling back. He says when Texas Tornado begs on his hands and knees, he may show him mercy and give him Virgil's job.

Jake Roberts says Rick Martel is out of his mind. He says he's a desperate, sick puppy. He says he wants to know why Rick thinks he can do what he did to him and not get hurt. Jake says Rick won't make it to Mania as he will get him before then.

Vince and Piper close the show. The Viking debuts on next week's show. Brother Love will host The Ultimate Warrior on his show. Piper says Sarge may have his own set of rules and says Sarge will understand that rules are made to be broken at Wrestlemania VII.

Overall thoughts: There was not too much happening storyline wise here as the Wrestlemania VII card is basically set. They added some new matches to it with a couple of them really being out of nowhere and two of them really only having one week's build. I'm still looking forward to Mania VII, but it's not the strongest card possible storyline wise. I thought Warrior did a good promo on Savage here and Sarge beating up a medic was pretty wild. I liked the show but it was nothing must see.

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