Friday, July 26, 2024

WWE Smackdown 7/26/2024

WWE Smackdown 7/26/2024 

Last week's show is here:

We get some recaps.

Nick Aldis talks to Bloodline. Tanga Loa has an eye patch on and say they have to forfeit the tag team gauntlet tonight. Tama Tonga says they aren't forfeiting and Solo says the same thing. Solo says Jacob Fatu is part of The Bloodline too and says Tama and Fatu will fight for Bloodline tonight. Nick says it's okay and agrees. Solo tells Fatu to bring the titles back.

LA Knight talks as he heads to the ring. He says he will teach Santos a little bit of history (as he talks about beating him up previously) and says he will teach Logan Paul at Summerslam. He says the curriculum is always the same with everybody saying, "L-A-Knight".

LA Knight vs Santos Escobar

LA hits punches and shoulders him over. LA hiptosses and armdrags him. LA armlocks him. LA legdrops Santos' arm then yanks on his arm. LA back elbows him. Santos hits boots on LA Knight and chops him. Santos suplexes him then does a bad sharpshooter.

LA hits punches then lariats him. LA is tripped into the ropes and Elektra Lopez slaps him outside. Santos hits a 619 on LA. Santos jumping double knees him in the corner.

We go to break and return. Santos hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Santos hits punches in the corner. LA throws him back in the corner and stomps on him. LA running knees him then LA ddt's him for 2.

LA goes for a torture rack and Lopez distracts. Santos spinning back elbows LA then LA powerslams him. Lopez gets on the apron. Logan Paul comes down and tries to hit LA. LA lariats him on the apron. Santos superkicks LA. LA hits a BFT and gets the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Santos got so much help and still couldn't win and LA shouldn't of lost. It was just an average match filled with shenanigans.

Logan nails LA from behind after. He pounds and stomps on him. LA stomps Logan. Santos flying knees LA then helps Logan up. Logan top rope splashes LA.

Byron interviews Naomi. She says she doesn't know what Blair's issue is with her. She says she will make Blair fear and respect the glow. Jade and Bianca come in. Jade says Blair will get what's coming to her. Bianca says just like Alba and Isla.

We go to break and return. Byron interviews Logan Paul. Logan says what he did to LA was an appetizer to what he will do to him at Summerslam. He said Summerslam is in Cleveland and says all his friends and family will be there. He says there's a Logan Paul homecoming for him there. He says LA is wrestling the pride of Cleveland and the ultimate underdog in Cleveland. He says he ain't ready. 

Jade and Bianca come out to talk. Bianca says Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn have been ghosting them. Bianca says they said they would be here and asks where they are at. Alba and Isla nail Jade and Bianca from behind. Alba is gorilla pressed onto Isla outside.

The Street Profits and B-Fab talk in the back. Terence Crawford comes up to them. Ford tells him to do his thing in his next fight. Crawford wishes them good luck tonight.

Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax talk in the back. Nia says she will get her a new briefcase that isn't so banged up. Tiff says she won't cash in on her at summerslam. She says she just wants to get revenge on Bayley tonight.

#1 Contenders Tag Team Gauntlet

Leg 1 - Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin vs Legado del Fantasma (Angel and Berto)

Baron gets jumped before the bell rings. Crews is sent into the steps outside and Angel facewash kicks Baron. Baron hits a short arm lariat and does a backdrop variation. Berto topes Baron outside and we go to break.

We return and Berto spinning enzugiri's Baron. Baron hiptosses him into the buckles. We see DIY watching in the back. Crews is tagged in and hits some offense. He jumping lariats Angel then germans him multiple times.

Crews splashes Angel in the corner. Crews comes off the top and catches a jumping knee. Angel does a double underhook backbreaker for 2. Baron is lariated over the top then pulls Berto out with him.  Crews pump kicks Angel then Baron hits end of days on Angel and pins him.

Leg 2 - Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin vs The Street Profits

Ford goes up and over Crews in the corner then flips. Crews forward flips over him when he drops down. Crews hits a big dropkick then takes a nasty backdrop on his neck.

Dawkins cartwheels over a downed Crews and they lariat each other. Baron and Ford get in. Ford hits punches. Baron punches him. Ford goes to springboard and is punched. Crews throws Baron over the top onto The Profits.

We go to break and return. Baron boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope diving lariats him. Baron hits a powerbomb. Ford no sells it and enzugiri's him.

Crews splashes Dawkins in the corner. They trade enzugiri's and Dawkins hits a suplex for 2. Baron spears the post when his opponent moves. Crews and Ford stare down then both dive out onto opponents. Dawkins punches Crews. Crews takes a sky high + neckbreaker is pinned. 

Leg 3 - The Street Profits vs Pretty Deadly

Kit rolls up Dawkins from behind by surprise for 2. Kit cradles him for 2 and does another roll-up. Dawkins flapjacks him. Ford is backflipped onto Kit then Elton is flapjacked onto Kit for 2.

 Ford goes for a suplex on Kit. Elton chop blocks Ford during it and Kit lands on his neck in a bad spot. Elton stomps on Ford. Kit boots Ford then Elton does too. Ford gets his leg worked on and Kit cheapshots Dawkins, knocking him off the apron.

Dawkins is tagged in and hits lariats on Elton. He flying back elbows him then corkscrew splashes and corkscrew enzugiri's him in the corner. Dawkins runs into a Kit ddt for 2.

Dawkins is thrown into a codebreaker for 2. Elton takes a doomsday device blockbuster and is pinned.

Leg 4 - The Street Profits vs The OC

This started during the break. Ford takes corner attacks. Karl side headlocks him. Karl back elbows him. Luke running lariats Ford. Karl slams Ford for 2. Luke suplexes Ford for 2 then chinlocks him. Luke hits elbows to the gut then Ford ddt's him.

Karl and Luke are both sent out. Dawkins tope con hilos The OC. Karl spinebusters Dawkins for 2.  Dawkins rolls up Luke and pins him.

Leg 5 - The Street Profits vs The Bloodline (Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu)

This started during the break. Tama stomps on Dawkins. Dawkins takes a double headbutt. Fatu throws Tama into Dawkins. Solo chokes Dawkins on the ropes. Fatu chokes Dawkins on the ropes and Solo punches Dawkins.

Fatu misses a corner splash and hits the post. Ford is tagged in and hits lariats on Tama. Ford spinebusters him. Ford misses an enzugiri on Tama. Ford top rope crossbodies Tama for 2. Tama superplexes Ford for 2.

Ford hits a nice tope con hilo over the post onto Bloodline outside. Ford misses a top rope splash. Fatu lariats Ford then ropes Dawkins outside. Fatu pops-up Ford then Ford ddt's him off of it. Fatu no sells it and superkicks him. Fatu pop-up samoan drops him then double jump moonsaults him to win.

Thoughts: It was a long one here. Too long for my liking. At least two people escaped major injuries here in Kit and Crews. The wrestlers did good with the little time they had in each leg but it dragged. I'm not surprised Bloodline won. They weren't losing to some of these teams.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller come out. They say they would have won last week if it weren't for Terence Crawford. Theory says Crawford will come out here and apologize to the greatest tag team in the world. Theory asks if he's scared.

Crawford comes out. Waller says Crawford disrespected them last week and should apologize. Waller says he might be the best boxer, but this is their ring. Waller says if he takes another step towards him, Theory will knock him out. Theory walks up to him and Crawford drops him with a punch. Waller then backs off.

Thoughts: I'm curious as to why Crawford has appeared twice. He's probably not wrestling a match. Is Endeavor promoting his match somehow?

Cody Rhodes is in Japan at a bar and talks. He says he is looking back at Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania. He talks about winning at Wrestlemania. He says he sits here alone because of chaos as Bloodline destroyed Orton and Owens. He said he heads into Summerslam as the champ. He said he needs to bring his fire and passion to the fight.

He puts over Solo Sikoa. He said he didn't think he was ready before but isn't sure now. He said he challenges him to meet him in the ring next week, 1v1. He says he wants to look him in the yes and see if he is ready, because he knows that he is.

Byron interviews Andrade in the locker room. He says he's thinking the US Title. Carmelo Hayes comes in. He says this isn't over until he wins. He said the crowd didn't miss Andrade when he left. Melo said everyone has an off night now and then and compares himself to Lebron. Andrade said he's not Lebron, he's Bronny Jr. Andrade agrees to another match and Melo says that's all it will take.

Michin comes down and is hit from behind by Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton. Bayley comes out to make the save with a kendo stick.

Bayley and Michin vs Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax

Bayley thesz presses Tiff. Tiff side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Tiff cartwheels over then Bayley hits mounted shots on her. Bayley sliding lariats her for 2. Michin is still recovering outside.

Tiff stomps on Bayley. Bayley stunners Tiff over the middle rope for 2. Nia samoan drops Michin on the floor. Tiff hip attacks Bay on the ropes and double stomps her. We go to break and return.

Tiff stinkfaces Bayley then chokes her on the ropes. Bayley is thrown hard into the corner. Nia corner splashes Bayley. Tiff handspring back elbows Bayley for 2. Bayley hits shots on Nia then Nia stomps on her back.

Tiff corner splashes Bayley then sleepers her. Tiff spinebusters Bayley for 2. Nia slams Bayley and elbow drops her for 2.  Tiff stomps on Bayley then Bayley catches her handspring backflip back elbow with a suplex. Nia misses a corner spear and Michin is finally tagged in.

Michin neckbreakers Tiff then flapjacks her. Michin tornado ddt's Tiff and kicks Nia in the process for 2. Michin topes Nia outside. Bayley gets in and running knees Nia. Bayley top rope elbow drops Nia for 2.

Tiff is thrown out. Tiff hits Bayley with her briefcase. Nia bonzai drops Bayley and gets the pin.

Thoughts: The heels didn't look good here as they had a 2v1 the whole match and took forever to put it away. It wasn't anything special and was just like a long handicap match. 

The Bloodline talk in a taped video. Solo says he will see Cody face to face next week and says his crew will bring back the tag titles. Solo says he will take the title from Cody. Solo says they will handle family business and tells Roman that he knows where to find him if he has a problem. Solo says he will end up like Owens, Orton and Cody otherwise.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that good of a show. The gauntlet went on a long time and dragged. We didn't get too many storyline developments here and it didn't do much to hype me up for Summerslam. The stars were not here and haven't really been here lately and it shows.

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