Tuesday, July 16, 2024

NWA Powerrr 7/16/2024

NWA Powerrr 7/16/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/nwa-powerrr-792024.html

NWA Women's Tag Titles - The King Bee's (Dani Bee and Charity King) (c) vs Tiffany Nieves and Reka Tehaka

Dani is the thinner Bee, King is the thicker Bee. Reka waistlock throws her. Reka side headlocks King and they shoulder each other. King hits big forearms then Reka takes a double shoulder. Reka headbutts Dani. Tiff boots Dani then Reka stomps on Dani in the corner. Tiff chokes Dani then Tiff bangs Dani's ankle off the post.

Tiff ties up Dani's leg then pulls back on it. Reka really pounds on Dani. Dani's leg is banged off the apron edge then the knee is rammed into the mat. Dani slaps Tiff and they botch when Tiff tries to hair throw her. Tiff hair throws her.

Dani boots Tiff out of the corner. King gets in and shoulders over Tiff. King hair throws Tiff. King samoan drops Tiff. King pounds on Reka's back. Dani gets in and codebreakers Reka. King world's strongest slams Reka and wins.

Thoughts: It had the usual women's sloppiness. It went longer than it needed to and they just didn't capture the flow of this. The idea wasn't bad though.

NWA World Title - EC3 (c) vs Sam Adonis

This was mentioned weeks ago and I guess it's finally time. EC is the champ but you really would never know it if you watch weekly TV. I'm pretty sure this was just randomly made.

EC headlock takeovers him and side headlocks him. EC hiptosses him then shoulders him into the ropes. Sam is supposed to go over but doesn't really make it. Sam misses a punch outside and nails the post. Sam hits mongolian chops then is chopped. EC corner lariats him then crossbodies him.

EC slingshots him in and hits more chops. Sam hits a weak STO then neckbreakers him. Sam back rakes him and punches him. Sam armdrags him off the buckles then lariats him in the back of the neck. 

We go to break and return. Sam hits punches then side slams him for 2. Sam northern lights suplexes him. EC holds him like a ddt but throws him backwards. EC boots him then spinning lariats him. EC thesz presses him then then drops him face first on his knee.

They fight on the buckles. Sam walks the top rope and blockbusters him off of it. Sam blocks a stroke attempt then Sam does cattle mutilation. EC hits a bad stroke then hits an angel's wings to win.

Thoughts: It didn't look that good on paper and it wasn't. The execution was poor and it just looked like two over the hill guys having an average match. 

Crockett Cup 2024 Finals - The Southern Six vs The Immortals

The fight starts before the match does. They pair off in the corners and fight. Alex clubs and punches Odin. Odin is held for punches. The Six take shoulderblocks. The match then officially starts.

Kerry hits double throat thrusts on Kratos then hits chops. Kratos lariats him over then release suplexes him twice. Odin does his corkscrew forearm to Kerry. Kratos slams Kerry. Kratos misses a splash then takes shots from both Six members.

Alex hits shots on Kratos. Alex stomps on Kratos and punches him. We go to break and return. Alex hits corner spears. Kerry chinlocks Kratos. Kratos his a big lariat on Kerry out of the corner. Odin gets in and spears Alex. Odin flying euros him in the corner then exploders him. Odin attitude adjustments The Six onto each other.

Ricky Morton pulls Odin out. Kratos takes a low blow and is cradled. Kerry gets pounced then Kratos lariats Alex. Odin jackhammers Alex and Ricky pulls the ref out. Kratos jumping knees Kerry on the ropes and Ricky is ejected.

Kratos 2nd rope superplexes Kerry. Kratos then suicide dives on security outside when Ricky moves. Kratos punches Ricky. Kerry plancha's Kratos and throws him into the steps outside. Alex punches Odin with his spray fun then Alex takes a drop + pumping knee for 2.

Odin takes shots from both opponents and hits euros. Kerry gets pushed into the ref. Kerry low blows Odin and Alex wins.

Thoughts: It was a good one here with the heels doing every trick in the book and winning. I would have liked the ref to DQ the heels though after all of the obvious cheating they did. I felt like The Six needed the win on this one and it opens up some matches like a rematch between them and Knox/Murdoch. Kratos did a ton of selling here as the face and the heels pretty much stuck to punches and heel tactics.

The Southern Six and Ricky Morton are interviewed after. Alex says the losers in Texas and in the back didn't believe in The Six. Kerry says the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Kerry says welcome to our world b!tches and says they are in Southern Six country. Ricky says this is just the beginning.

Overall thoughts: It went as expected. The main was good and the rest of the show wasn't. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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