Sunday, July 14, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 11/27/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 11/27/1995

Last week's show is here:

WCW World War 3 1995 is here: 

Mongo McMichael, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. Bobby has a Japanese flag and basically gives everyone the finger as he pretends to rub his nose. He then points at the camera to make it obvious.

They say there's lots of controversy and they talk about Sting and Lex teaming tonight. Mongo's dog Pepe is dressed up in a hat with animal patterns and Mongo has tiger stripes on his shirt.

Johnny B. Badd vs Diamond Dallas Page

The Diamond Doll comes out with Badd due to Badd winning her as part of the stipulation match with DDP at World War III. DDP comes out with roses for The Doll and has no sunglasses on or a cigar. DDP gives Doll roses then sucker punches Badd.

DDP stomps Badd. DDP tilt-a-whirl drops him. The Diamond Doll finds a chain in the roses. She doesn't know what to do with it. Badd flying headscissors DDP. DDP wants the chain. Doll throws it at DDP, but Badd gets in. Badd nails DDP and pins him.

It was a short one and was just a backdrop to the Doll/DPP stuff. It was clever and entertaining though.

Badd asks Doll who she threw the chain to. Doll tells Badd he won that's most important. 

Eric says Hulk will take on Hugh Morrus tonight and mentions Lex/Sting teaming up. Mongo says not to change the channel. Heenan asks if Jimmy Hart will be in the corner of Sting and Lex.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart and Kevin Sullivan on the stage. Kevin asks Hart why Lex is running around with Sting. Kevin says Lex could have changed the course of wrestling history by keeping the hold on Macho last night. He said then Macho wouldn't have won the title and we wouldn't have had the Hulk Hogan controversy. Hart asks if he had ever lied to him.

Hart says he's his only manager. He says Lex and Sting are longtime friends. He says it will take a while to chip away with this and says they have plans. Kevin gets a laugh out of it and they both walk off.

Cuty Suzuki and Mayumi Ozaki vs Akira Hokuto and Bull Nakano

This is a rematch from their match yesterday, but it was good, so let's do it.

Akira takes a double flying clothesline. Akira boots Oz then rebounds her off the ropes. Akira running boots Oz then double arm chokeslams her. Akira hanging chokes Oz on the buckles. Bull hair throws Oz.

OZ is lifted up and Akira comes off the top to press her down. Bull splashes her then Akira hair throws her. Cuty gets in and Oz top rope diving bulldogs Akira. Cuty dragon suplexes Akira for 2. Akira catches Cuty's crossbody and fallaway slams her. Bull misses a top rope legdrop then Cuty rolls her from the electric chair. Oz and Cuty stomp on Bull's gut.

Oz and Cuty do a top rope double stomp together on Bull for 2. Bull hits a double suplex then Akira hits a top rope double splash. Akira powerbombs Oz for 2. Oz hurricanrana's Akira for 2. Heenan promises more Japanese influence. Cuty top rope diving lariats Oz on accident then Akira northern lights suplexes Oz for 2.

Bull butt drops Cuty for 2. Bull is double dropkicked off the 2nd rope and goes out. Cuty and Oz are then sent out. Akira top rope flip dives Bull when Cuty moves.

Bull double lariats her opponents then Akira top rope double dropkicks her opponents. Akira fisherman bombs Cuty and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a fun match here with four pros. Akira just looked fantastic here and hit everything so smooth. Oz and Cuty got thrown around by Bull and this was a big success. 

Hulk Hogan vs Hugh Morrus

Hulk shoulders Hugh over. Hulk takes him down and is eye raked. Hugh hits some punches then misses an elbow drop. Hulk hits punches then running lariats him.

Hulk corner lariats him. Hugh jumps up to the 2nd rope and lariats him. Mongo calls him "Laughing Boy". Hugh chops him then slams him. Hugh hits a top rope moonsault for 2. Hulk hulks up and gets some boos for it.

Hulk points at him then hits punches. Hulk hits a big boot and legdrop to win.

Thoughts: It was interesting to see Hulk wrestle as a non-champion here. It wasn't much and was just Hulk getting beaten down before making his comeback to win.

Mean Gene interviews Macho Man Randy Savage on the ramp. Macho says he's ecstatic and is the only champ. He says he will go on a reign of terror. He says he's on top of the mountain and is ready to face everyone one by one. He says if Hulk has a problem let's solve it right now.

Hulk Hogan comes out. He says two guys didn't get thrown over the top at WW3 and said everyone saw him still standing. Hulk says Hulk's name is still on the title and Macho says he's planning on getting it changed. We see clips from the ending last night. The feed cuts out as they are about to show how Hulk got eliminated.

Hulk wants to know what's going on. Gene says there's a malfunction and Hulk says that won't go here. Macho says a picture is worth a thousand words and he didn't see anything. The Giant then attacks Hulk and Macho. He chokeslams Macho on the floor then hits shots to the back of Hulk.

Giant clubs on Hulk in the ring. Sting comes out and grabs Giant's leg. Giant has Sting and Hulk chairs Giant. Giant goes over the top after several chair shots. Hulk back elbows the ref then chairs Giant outside. Hulk chairs Giant in the aisle way. Giant gets away and Hulk/Sting check on Macho.

Thoughts: It was a good segment here. I liked them getting out of showing what happened at WW3 and then Giant coming out saved them from further explanation which might expose the trick.

Heenan puts over Giant and Eric asks what Sting getting Hulk off Giant was about.

Lex Luger and Sting vs The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Flyin' Brian)

Sting comes out alone and the announcers say they haven't seen Lex. Lex then comes out after. Jimmy Hart isn't here.

Sting and Arn go at it. Arn knees him in the gut and clubs his back. Arn hits a spinebuster. Lex knees Arn from the apron then Sting facebusters The Horsemen. Brian and Arn take double gorilla press slams and go out.

Lex boots and side headlocks Arn. Arn hits Lex in the gut. Lex ducks a double clothesline and bangs Arn into Brian, knocking him off the apron. Lex flying forearms Arn. Sting splashes Arn in the corner then scorpion deathlocks him.

Brian goes up top and Lex throws him off the top towards Sting. Sting is double teamed. Arn atomic drops Sting and Brian distracts Lex outside. Sting hits a big punch on Arn.

The Horsemen choke Sting on the ropes. Lex slingshots Brian in and stomps him. Lex corner lariats Arn. Sting backrolls Brian and pins him.

Ric Flair then runs down and goes after Lex. He bangs Lex's head off the post then Sting and Lex are beat up on. Brian top rope splashes Lex and Ric punches the ref. Sting is figure four leglocked and Arn holds Sting down. Hulk Hogan comes out and beats up The Horsemen. Ric chops him. Hulk no sells it and hits punches. Ric then slides out and falls.

Hulk goes after Lex and Sting pulls Hulk off. Hulk and Sting argue. Hulk and Sting then shake hands and hug.

Thoughts: The match was rushed and wasn't all that much. It seemed like Flair came out late because why else would you have Brian get pinned if Flair's gonna run in anyway? The announcers used the match to continue to raise doubt about what Lex is up to and they were effective at it. I liked the post match angle after as it furthers this Lex story.

Eric says to watch WCW Saturday Night to get an update on Macho Man. They try to get people to order the Starrcade replay and say there will be an announcement about Starrcade on WCW Saturday Night.

Overall thoughts: It was a quick one here that was entertaining. The joshi girls got to do the workrate match of the week this time around. While it was a rematch from the night before, the match was good both times so I didn't mind. The Badd/Doll/DDP angle was entertaining. The stuff with Lex continues to be interesting and we'll have to see what happens with Macho and Hogan over the title. This was a good one.

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