Saturday, July 13, 2024

AEW Collision 7/13/2024

AEW Collision 7/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

Donald Trump was shot about 2 hours prior to this so I do not expect anyone to watch this.

Konosuke Takeshita vs "Dynamite Kid" Tommy Billington

Tom is thrown off the lock-up. They shoulder battle. Tom shoulders him over and sends him out. KT piefaces him in the corner and is dropkicked. Tom shoulders him over then misses a dropkick. Tom lariats him against the ropes and both go out. Tom slams him on the floor. KT's head is banged off the apron.

Tom is crotched up top. KT superplexes him. KT chinlocks him and pulls his arms back. They trade forearms and Tom is thrown into post shoulder first. We go to PiP break and return. Tom dives on him outside off the top. 

Tom top rope dropkicks him then lariats him. Tom snap suplexes him. Tom is thrown off the top. Tom tombstones KT. Tom misses a top rope headbutt. KT hits a nice blue thunder for 2. Tom backrolls him then back elbows him. KT hits two lariats then pumping knees him to win.

It was similar to the last Tom match and it fine as well. It's a shame Tom is so small though. It was all wrestling here for this one and it a decent match. Don Callis put over Tom here which leads to...

Don Callis gets on the mic after. He says he has something important to say. He says Tom wrestled the match of a lifetime against KT. He introduces himself to him and says it was a tremendous effort. Don says he has the blood of Dynamite Kid running through his veins. He says he has everything he looks for in The Don Callis Family.

We see clips of Bad News Allen with Dynamite Kid. Don says News was his mentor and now he can be his mentor. He says News and Dynamite would want this. He welcomes him to The Don Callis Family. Tom is unsure but shakes his hand. Tom says "kiss my @ss" then Don slaps him. KT tries to make Don stop. Tom grabs Don then KT nails Tom from behind.

KT hits mounted shots on Tom. Kyle Fletcher stomps Tom then Don nails Tom. FTR comes out to make the save. The faces clear the heels off.

Bang Bang Gang (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Juice Robinson) vs London Lightning, Michael Allen Richard Clark & Shaun Moore

LL is getting his 3rd or 4th match with AEW/ROH now. Juice poses and Juice lets his opponent headlock him. Colten lariats Moore and twisting splashes him. Austin elbow drops Moore. Clark gets in. Colten hits a nice dropkick on Colten. Juice hits punches on LL and drops him. Clark takes a 310 to Yuma and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here.

Juice pretends to pee like a dog on Clark after.

Colten gets on the mic after. He says the good news is that we got to see The Bang Bang Gang. He says the bad news is that Christian hurt Jay White. Colten says Juice is now officially a trios champ. Juice says we are looking at three quarters of the AEW Unified Trios champs.

Christopher Daniels comes out. He says we can't allow substitute to defend titles. He says he is tripped The Bang Bang Gang of the trios titles.

The Patriarchy come out. Christian says Daniels made the right call by stripping them but should make Christian's crew the trios champs right now. Daniels says Tony Khan won't like that suggestion. He says The Bang Bang Gang and The Patriarchy should fight in a match where the winners get the trios titles. Austin says let's do it right now. Christian says they will see them down the road.

Jack Perry does a promo. He says he was the first challenger to the TNT Title and wants to give someone else a chance to challenge. He says if you don't sacrifice everything, he will sacrifice you.

The House of Black say writing history is a delicate thing. They say they will start building the foundation for Wembley next week.

Jeff Jarrett talks with Owen Hart's family about getting in The Owen Hart Cup. Oje Hart says he never felt so close to him like one of these events and thanks Jeff.

ROH World Title #1 Contendership - Roderick Strong vs Dalton Castle

The Outrunners act as The Boys for Dalton. Strong gets his back and messes up his hair. Strong goes out to stall. DC takes him down and rolls him around. Strong up kicks him and DC goes out. The Outrunners try to hype up DC.

DC picks up Strong in the corner and Strong bangs DC's head on the buckles. Strong lays on the top buckle and DC flying knees him. DC tiger feints under the bottom rope outside and headscissors Strong. DC argues with The Undisputed Kingdom outside then The Outrunners join the argument. Strong baseball slides DC then backdrops him on the rails.

We go to break and return. DC backdrops Strong then hits forearms. DC jumping knees him then slingblade facebusters him. DC hits suplexes. DC misses a flying knee in the corner and goes out. Taven calls DC a moron while he's outside. Strong backdrops DC on the apron. DC goes for a pin attempt out of a bangarang. Strong escapes a bangarang and jumping knees him for the win.

Thoughts: The ending was really sudden here which was a shame as this deserved a proper ending. There was some shenanigans here but it was still an okay match. Strong's offense looked good as usual and DC did his usual suplexes. It's sad that this match happened on this show and not ROH. It's also sad that another person who never wrestles on ROH TV will be competing for it's title.

Mark Briscoe does a promo from his garage with a ring. He says he was given a week off but there's never any days off. He says Blood and Guts are coming up soon and says The Elite are overdressed for it. He said they might get their suits bloody.

Mark talks about Strong and says his @ss is his in Texas. He tells Kyle O'Reilly and OC to do their thing tonight.

Stokeley Hathaway and Kris Statlander are interviewed. They say they weren't going to let willow get away with what she did. Stoke says Willow is the greatest con artist in AEW history. Stoke asks how Willow trying to smile her way out of problems has worked out. He says everything she got this year is because of them. Stoke says they brought Willow into this world and will take her out. Kris says this will never end for her.

I didn't cover the next match.

We see Bryan Danielson talking about winning The Owen Cup. He says he uses this to show his kids and wife he's the best in the world. Swerve says this will be Bryan's final countdown.

Top Flight vs Anthony Ogogo and Lee Moriarty

Lee wristlocks Dante. Dante flips through it and wristlocks him. Lee armdrags him. Dante arm throws him and goes for a pin attempt. Dante crucifixes him then armdrags him. Dante armlocks him.

Darius dropkicks Lee off a Dante drop down. Ogogo euros Darius. Darius backslides Ogogo and Ogogo headbutts him in the gut. Dante corner lariats Ogogo. Dante slingshot swantons Ogogo. Darius legdrops Ogogo.

We go to PiP break and full break then return. Lee armlocks Darius. Lee runs at him and gets german suplexed. Dante hits forearms on Ogogo. Dante enzugiri's him from the buckles and hits a springboard crossbody. Dante rolls up Ogogo then jumping knees him. Dante is pop-up punched by Ogogo.

Darius step up enzugiri's Ogogo. Lee lifts Darius and lariats him. Lee slaps and facekicks Darius. Darius bulldogs him over the 2nd rope. Shane trips Darius from the outside. AA then top rope dives Shane outside.

Darius has Lee on his shoulders and spins him into a ddt for the win.

It wasn't the best they could have done but it was fine. The heels were heels and the faces were faces. I thought this went longer than it needed to.

Shane and his buddies beat up AA and Top Flight after. Shane hits a big punch on AA.

Deonna Purrazzo is interviewed. She talks about her promo from last night where she said she will burn the place down. She says rearranging Rosa's anatomy is just part of it. Thunder Rosa comes in. She said she spoke to her therapist. She said she's sick of all of this and says she wants to wait until the bell rings so she can beat her straight. Deonna tells her to lay down now and save us all the trouble. Rosa says her friends will watch her break DP's face in a lumberjack match next week.

There was an interview prior to this that I didn't cover.

Skye Blue vs. Harley Cameron

HC rolls her up early. Skye boots her and corner splashes her. HC foot chokes her then Skye foot chokes her. HC lariats her and hits elbows to the neck. Skye superkicks HC's head against the buckles then facekicks her through the ropes. Skye is distracted by Saraya then takes a russian legsweep on the floor. HC pounds on her on the floor.

We go to PiP break then full break. Skye step up knees her on the ropes then knees her. Skye twisting neckbreakers her for 2. HC goes up and over and sunset flips Skye. HC hits a soul foot and a running leg lariat.

Skye blocks a backcracker. HC hits a bad punch then Skye superkicks her. Skye TKO's her then back rolls into a head and arm choke to win.

Thoughts: The finish looked really bad here and looked like it barely hurt. HC showed some signs of improvement and moved well here. It was your usual not great women's match.

We get a video on The Learning Tree.

Skye Blue does a promo. She said the girls need to put respect on her name as she is one of the best here. She says to get respect, she needs to beat one of the best on the roster. She says she wants Hikaru Shida.

Thoughts: I mean if you want the best, there's two champs to challenge and Shida isn't either one of them.

The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly & Orange Cassidy)

Taven stalls outside to start. OC ends up doing a tope to Taven and Mike outside. Mike shoulders OC over then side headlocks him.

OC and Mike trade armdrags. Taven is pushed into Mike and back body dropped. OC side headlocks Mike. Kyle hits shots on Mike then running knees him in the gut. Taven eye rakes Kyle. OC stunners Mike out of the suplex attempt.

Kyle spinning forearms Taven. Kyle rolls Mike into an ankle lock. OC topes Mike into the rails. Kyle takes a proton pack for 2. OC dropkicks Mike then Taven running knees OC. Kyle double lariats Kingdom and we go to PiP break.

We return and OC is popped up into a forearm. Mike hits shots on OC. Taven bangs OC's head off the buckles and foot chokes him. OC leapfrogs Mike and Mike goes out of the ring. Taven misses a corner splash.

Kyle hits shots on both Kingdom members. Kyle dragon screws Mike and Taven's leg is held by Mike, so Taven is dragon screwed too. Kyle takes a forearm by Mike then armbars him. Kyle guillotines Mike in the air. Taven springboard enzugiri's Kyle.

Kyle takes a zig zag + powerbomb combo. Taven gets crotched on the top rope. OC tornado ddt's Mike. OC beachbreaks Mike for 2. Strong, who is on commentary, heads down to the ring. Strong argues with Kyle. Tomohiro Ishii attacks Strong. Strong had called him a peanuthead on commentary and asked where he was. Trent Beretta nails OC outside.

Mike spinning forearms Kyle then Kyle armbars Mike. Taven top rope splashes Kyle. Kyle takes a spike piledriver and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was average. There was a lot of shenanigans here with Trent and Ishii. I was really surprised to see OC and Kyle lose as OC rarely ever loses. This was easily the weakest main event Collision has ever had and I don't think this would even main event Rampage.

Trent chokes OC after and says they are not done. Trent kicks Kyle in the ribs. The Kingdom defend Kyle from Trent. OC nails Trent with a monkey wrench from behind after. Kyle and OC each grab the wrench. Ishii comes back out and nails Kingdom then shakes hands with OC and Kyle.

Overall thoughts: This was the weakest Collision card ever. Nobody with any star power was on this one. It was okay overall in-ring action wise but AEW put little effort into this one creatively. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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