Saturday, July 13, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 7/13/2024 NOAH Destination 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 7/13/2024 NOAH Destination 2024

Hajime Ohara & Super Crazy vs. Junta Miyawaki & Ninja Mack vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Cristobal)

Cris, Ohara and Mack start us off. We get a double headlock spot. Mack tries to get the crowd to cheer for him. Mack takes a double shot then Cris armdrags Ohara. Cris ducks out of a lariat and flaps his arms. Cris flying double chops Ohara.

Mack side headlock takeovers Cris then throws Ohara down by the arm. Cris is pushed into Ohara. Ohara armdrags Mack and Cris then we get a three person stand off. Crazy, Ale and Junta get in. Crazy hits a double japanese armdrag. Crazy is rolled up then he yells at Ale.

Crazy rolls up Ale for 2 then Junta dropkicks Crazy. Junta and Ale dropkick Crazy. Junta armdrags Ale then dropkicks him for 2. Junta takes a double back elbow and a double flying double chop. Ale and Junta are put in surfboards at the same time. Ale and Junta take stereo tilt-a-whirl backbreakers.  

Crazy corkscrew elbow drops Alex then Ohara puts Ale in a tequila sunrise. Mack throws Ohara out then Crazy blocks Mack's ninja special.

Junta does a triangle plancha outside. Crazy takes a double dropkick. Ale tope con hilos outside onto Junta. Mack superkicks Cris then does the ninja special onto Ohara and Crazy outside. Mack top rope flying headbutts Crazy.

Mack takes a double spinebuster. Ale corkscrew moonsaults Crazy and gets the win.

It was a decent opener. We got some flying here and nobody overdid it. We didn't really get anyone's best though.

Daiki Inaba, Manabu Soya & Masa Kitamiya vs. REAL (Kazuyuki Fujita & Shuhei Taniguchi) & Takashi Sugiura

Soya and Kaz go at it. They lock up and Kaz side headlocks him. Kaz shoulders him over. Soya side headlocks him. Kaz and Soya stare down head to head and shoulder battle. Soya shoulders him over.

Inaba and Tani go at it. Tani hits shots on Inaba then Inaba enzugiri's him. Tani shoulders him over. Sugi gets in. Inaba hits forearms on Sugi then flying shoulders him. Inaba suplexes Sugi for 2. They trade forearms and Inaba headbutts him.

Inaba backdrops him. Sugi takes a double shoulder then Masa sentons him. Sugi facekicks Masa then Masa samoan drops him. Sugi running facekicks Masa in the corner. Sugi superplexes Masa. Masa drops Sugi on his knees. Sugi knees him then lariats him. Kaz shoulders and running back elbows Masa.

Kaz germans Masa then lariats him for 2. Masa back body drops Kaz. Masa hits forearms on Sugi then Masa spears him. Kaz lariats him over. Tani and Soya ram into each other. Tani slams him then slams Sugi and Kaz on him for 2.

Soya hits chops on Tani. Tani headbutts him then Soya flying lariats him. Soya suplexes Tani for 2. Soya lariats Tani for 2. Soya ddt's Tani and wins.

Thoughts: It didn't get enough time but they got the most out of it that they could. It was a total hoss match here and we saw lots of good strikes.

AKIRA, Eita & Shuji Kondo vs. Ryohei Oiwa, Yoshinari Ogawa & Yu Owada

Yu and Shuji go at it. Shuji wrstlocks him. Yu reverses it and Shuji side headlocks him. Yu flips off of him in the corner then armdrags and dropkicks him.

Akira and Ogawa go at it. Ogawa hammerlocks him nd they trade wristlocks. Akira cartwheels out of the wristlock and suplexes Ogawa. Ogawa headscissors him and they stand off. Ogawa shoulders Akira over then side headlocks him.

Akira wristlocks him. Eita and Oiwa shoulder battle. Eita boots him then dropkicks him. Oiwa falls on Eita on a slam attempt. Eita takes a double back elbow. Yu is swept off the 2nd rope by Eita.

Akira chops Yu then elbow drops him. Yu's legs are split. Yu gets his legs split again and takes a double basement dropkick. Shuji forearms Yu down.

Yu sunset flips Shuji out of the corner then dropkicks him. Oiwa shoulders Shuji over then splashes him. Oiwa hits a neat suplex on Eita, slams Akira and dropkicks Shuji. Shuji hits an overhead throw on Oiwa.  

Akira boots Oiwa then flying euros him. Oiwa double underhook suplexes him. Ogawa ddt's Akira for 2. Ogawa chinbreakers Akira. Akira shining wizards Ogawa for 2. Yu takes a facekick from the side by Eita. Yu backrolls him then hits a nice dropkick. Yu fisherman suplexes him for 2. Shuji hits a big blindside lariat on Yu then Akira top rope splashes Yu. Eita superkicks Yu and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay undercard trios match. Everyone looked okay here and Oiwa had a good showing. I popped for Akira's top rope splash. Yu got a little taste of everyone in this. 

Yuji Nagata vs. Kenoh

They trade forearms to start. Ken facekicks him and throws him out. Yuji is sent into the rails and facekicked. Ken hits him on the rails then Yuji exploders him on the floor. 

Yuji works the arm inside and fujiwara armbars him. Yuji works the arm and hits chest kicks. Ken drops him with a chest kick. Ken double knees him in the back of the head and goes for the ankle lock. Yujia crossfaces him then armbars him. Yuji armbreakers Ken then corner facekicks him.

Yuji top rope exploders him for 2. Ken slap flurries him then is dropped with a big slap. Yuji hits shots to the back and enzugiri's him. Ken then hits a pele kick. Ken falcon arrows him then PK's him for 2.

They fight on the buckles and Ken headbutts him. Ken hits a top rope double stomp for 2. Ken moonsault double knees Yuji and wins.

Thoughts: Ken got put over here, but he got treated like a young lion for most of this against the vet Nagata. And that's not good because Ken is one of their top guys. I didn't like the 2nd rope exploder not meaning much. Yuji controlled most of this until Ken got offense in near the last 1/3rd of it and finally got the win. 

GLG Final Match - GLG (Jake Lee, Tadasuke & YO-HEY) vs. GLG (Anthony Greene, Jack Morris & LJ Cleary)

This is the final match of GLG as a unit. They all do a huddle and Jack doesn't seem thrilled about this.

Jake backs up Jack on the ropes and clean breaks him. JAck slaps him and his team attacks. Jake takes corner attacks. Jake is tripped and takes a facebuster. AG jumps off of a back and elbow drops Jake.

Jake is worked on by LJ. Jake slams him. Yo gets in and LJ springboard armdrags him. Yo back kicks him then takes an enzugiri. Yo tries to sunset flip AG but AG blocks it and punches him. AG is held for a dropkick from Yo. Tada stomps on AG then ddt's him for 2. AG superkicks Tada.

Both tag out. Jack hits forearms and a flying lariat on Jake. Jack springboard dropkicks him. Jake back body drops him then hits a big knee to the gut. Jake chinlocks Jack. They trade forearms and Jack falcon arrows him.

Jack gets back body dropped over the top rope. LJ 2nd rope double stomps Jake's back then tope con hilos outside on two people. AG rope walk twisting crossbodies Jake. Jack isn't watching and Jake running knees him. LJ hits kicks on Jake then Yo dropkicks LJ.

AG hits a twisting neckbreaker and everyone starts hitting moves. Jack flying knees Jake then takes a high kick and both go down. Jake running facekicks LJ in the corner and wins.

Thoughts: It was a throwaway midcard match. It should have been an epic or had some big storyline around it but it didn't. Jake also ended up winning this one as expected.

GLG talk after. Gedo from NJPW comes out and gets on the mic. He says welcome to Wardogs and gives Jake a shirt. Jake accepts and puts the shirt on. Jack complains and Jake chokeslams Jack. Jake then says "goodbye Noah".

I'm not sure if this the end of Jake in Noah or just means it will be him with GLG. I'm not a Jake fan and I'd prefer he stays in Noah where I will see him less if he's leaving. If NJPW poached Jake from Noah, that's pretty lame.

ZERO1 World Heavyweight Title Match - Akitoshi Saito (c) vs. Go Shiozaki

I like Saito, but if he's your champ in 2024, something's wrong. They trade shoulders. Go pounds on him. Saito spin kicks him and hits a nice lariat. Saito knees him out of the ring then ddt's him on the apron. Saito sends him in the post. Saito lifts up the floor mats and piledrivers Go on the floor.

Saito stomps on him and kicks his arm. Saito bullies him in the corner and armbreakers him. Saito hits kicks. Go hits a flying shoulder, Saito no sells it then knocks him over. Saito hits forearms and Go chops him back. They hit each other and Go lariats him.

Go hits machine gun chops then brainbusters him. Saito uranages him five times. Saito backdrops him twice. Go lariats him. They lariat each other and Go backdrops him. Saito running kicks him in the back.

Go hits a go flasher for 1. Go hits bolo punches and spinning forearms him. Go running forearms him then hits an emerald flowsion. Go running lariats him and wins.

It was a strong style battle based around suplexes and strikes. It was good and I liked it. It would have been a little better if it was less one sided though. Go won as expected. 

Saito talks on the mic after and says he is retiring.

They announced the wrestlers for the N-1 this year. Tavion Heights and Josh Briggs from NXT will be in it. I think it's a win-win for everyone as they will get more experience and we will get some new faces on the show.

GHC National Title Match - HAYATA (c) vs. Ulka Sasaki

Haya wristlocks him. Ulka reverses it and Haya reverses that. Ulka armdrags him. Haya headscissors him. Ulka guillotine chokes him and Haya rolls out. Ulka takes him down and grabs the leg. Haya then slides out. Haya handspring kicks him and tries to plancha him. Ulka catches him with a kimura as he comes down. Haya rams him into the rail to break the hold.

Ulka is thrown into the post. Ulka grabs another guillotine and Haya does a move to the arm. Haya armbars him. Haya dropkicks him then asai moonsaults him for 2. Ulka sleepers him then flying knees him.

Ulka hits knees and a running cutter. Ulka jackhammers him for 2. Haya high kicks him and rolls him up. Ulka goes for the sleeper and takes a jawbreaker. Haya ddt's him for 2. Haya lifting underhook ddt's him for 2.

Ulka germans him. Haya tries pin attempts. Ulka goes for a leglock and is ropped up. Ulka grounded sleepers him and Haya is choked out. Ulka wins.

It was a submission based match and nothing too special. Ulka switched between various submissions here and the finish was too quick for people to get into it.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Daga (c) vs. AMAKUSA

Daga chops him and gets slapped. Daga flips over his back and dropkicks him. Daga armlocks him. Daga running back elbows him and side headlock takeovers him. Daga shoulders him over. Ama springboard headscissors him. They go outside and Daga superkicks him.

Daga tries to ram him into the post but goes into it himself. Ama dives on him outside with the headscissors. Ama top rope twisting crossbodies him.

Daga dropkicks Ama in the knee then plancha's him outside. Ama's knee is rammed into the post. Daga hits punches on Ama and works Ama's knee. Daga single leg crabs him and Ama ropebreaks.

Daga bangs Ama's leg off the mat. Ama enzugiri's him. Daga satellite headscissors him. Ama corkscrew topes him outside. Ama springboard back elbows him. Ama is on the ropes and Daga dropkicks him in the leg. Daga lungblowers him for 2.

Daga lariats him for 2. Daga dragon screws him. Daga single leg crabs him again. Ama basement dropkicks him. They go up top together then Ama top rope hurricanrana's him for 2. Ama toyota rolls into a ddt on him and superkicks him for 2. Daga gets his knees up on Ama's spiral tap. Daga hits a brainbuster and Ama hurricanrana's him for 2.

Ama rolls him up for 2. Daga elbow slices him. Daga sliding elbows him in the back of the head then Ama rolls him up into a crucifix to win.

It was a work the limb match here with Ama getting his leg worked on. Ama got through the pain here and won. It was fine and Ama had some good offense here.

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno Del Mal vs. Alpha Wolf & Dragon Bane

Bane and Hijo go at it. Hijo ties up his arms and Bane sunset flips him out of it. Bane trips him and both get up together then stand off. Wolf and Mal go at it. Wolf side headlocks him and flips over his back. Wolf flying shoulders him. Mal shoulders him over. Bane comes off the top and Mal catches him. Bane spin kicks him then Hijo pop-up drops Bane. Bane takes a dropkick then Wolf takes corner attacks. Wolf is backdropped.

Mal splashes Wolf then The Wagner's pose. Bane springboard headscissors Hijo. Mal takes attacks in the corner then Bane is cannonballed onto him. Bane is popped up into a dropkick on Hijo. Hijo takes a double superkick Bane is back body dropped over the top. Hijo rope walk swantons both opponents outside.

 Mal then hits a tope con hilo on both opponents. Wolf and Bane do stereo roll-ups then stereo hurricanrana's. Bane hits kicks on Mal then flips over his back. Mal headbutts Bane then Wolf headbutts Mal. Wolf crucifix ddrivers an opponents then Bane canadian destroyers Wolf. Hijo monkey flips Bane and everyone is down.

Wolf superkicks Mal. Hijo is thrown over the top rope then Bane corkscrew headscissors Mal. Bane is popped up into a tope con hilo on Mal. Wolf tope con hilos Hijo through the ropes, sending him over the rail and into the commentary table. 

Wolf top rope moonsaults Mal then Bane moonsaults Mal off of his shoulders. Hijo canadian destoryers Wolf and Bane/Wolf kick out of pins. Hijo top rope swantons Bane and Mal 2nd rope moonsaults Wolf. Wolf hits a headbutt then Mal headbutts Bane on the apron. Wolf michinoku drivers Hijo for 2.

Mal hits a spinning double underhook neckbreaker then Wolf splashes Bane. Hijo does a doctor bomb to Wolf and wins.

It was a fast paced highlight reel. Lots of flipping and flying here. It started off okay but they went too far with it and really didn't do much selling here. 

AJ Styles vs. Naomichi Marufuji

AJ throws him, side headlocks him and shoulders him over. AJ hits chops. Maru cartwheels out of an irish whip and dropkicks him. AJ side headlocks him. Maru hits armdrags and an armlock. AJ dropkicks Maru.

Maru armbreakers him and pumping knees the arm. AJ leg kicks him then elbow drops the leg. AJ kneebreakers Maru then flying forearms him. AJ backbreakers him then snap suplexes him for 2.

AJ goes to springboard and is dropkicked. Maru hits chops and Kawada kicks. AJ boots him then Maru lariats him over. Maru double stomps him. AJ suplexes him into the buckles. AJ's knee is banged off the apron. Maru is thrown into the ropes from the outside and lariats AJ onto the commentary table. AJ springboard forearms him.

Maru superkicks him then shiranui's him over the rail in a cool spot. Maru pumping knees him in the back of the head. AJ ushigoroshi's him for 2. They fight on the buckles. AJ torture rack bombs him for 2 while standing on the mat.

AJ goes to springboard but Maru drops down and AJ stops. AJ springboard 450's him and Maru gets his knees up. They trade shots. Maru and AJ hit most of their combos and AJ pele kicks him. AJ calf crushers him. Maru keylocks him.

Maru hook kicks him and pumping knees him. Maru does that combo again for 2. Maru superkicks him and shiranui's him for 2. AJ powerbombs him then hits a styles clash for the win.

The early limb work went nowhere here which wasn't that surprising. I don't know why they bothered with it as the match would have been a lot better without it. It was mostly a moves match outside of it. There were no clear faces or heels here and there was no storyline in the match. They just wrestled, put together some cool spots and so forth. It was okay but would have been better without the limb work.

GHC Heavyweight Title Match - Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. YOICHI

Yo side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kaito tries shoulders on him and eventually knocks him over. Yo and Kaito test strength. Yo lays on him with it and Kaito bridges. Yo side headlock takeovers him and Kaito headscissors him. Yo flips out of the hold.

Kaito takes Yo down and grabs the leg. Kaito twists his foot. Yo gorilla press slams Kaito. Kaito hits a nice dropkick then Yo spinning slams him. Kaito hits forearms from the apron then Yo spears him through the ropes. Kaito is sent into the rails then Yo shoulders him over.

Yo running slams and elbow drops Kaito for 2. Kaito figure fours him. Kaito footslaps him around then dropkicks him in the knee. Kaito butt drops Yo's leg then does flashing elbows. Kaito running boots him.

Yo hits chest clubs then Kaito hits forearms. Yo misses a splash. Kaito hits euros and Yo suplexes him. Yo shoulders him over multiple times then fallaway slams him. Yo corner splashes him and does a vader bomb style splash for 2.

Kaito dragon screws him then hits a shining wizard. Kaito hits corner punches hen flying knees him. Yo takes a back body drop and another flying knee. Yo goes out and Kaito tope con hilos him. Kaito top rope dropkicks him and kips up.

Kaito hits a shining wizard for 2. Yo hits a sky high for 2. Yo flying back elbows him for 2. Yo bounces on the ropes and top rope splashes him for 2. Yo takes a side headlock takeover. Kaito dropkicks him then brainbusters him for 2.

Kaito hits a half-nelson driver for 2. Yo blocks a shining wizard and hits a muso. Kaito tiger suplexes him for 2. Yo no sells it then hits a neat sitout powerbomb off the shoulder for 2.

Kaito hurricanrana's him for 2 then is pounced into the buckles. Kaito hits a shining wizard in the air.  Kaito flying shining wizards him then spinning enzugiri's him off the buckles for 2. Kaito shining wizards him in the back of the head then does a normal one for the win. 

Thoughts: The work was okay but I didn't like the booking of this one. This was Yoichi's first big match since his return and name change and he lost. Why bring him back if you are going to do that? It just makes him look bad. I would have just had Yo dominate this match and then either had Kaito win or lose off of it and Yo needed to look good here. i do think both guys had a decent night otherwise though.

Kaito calls out some of the people in the N-1 after. Kaito has some words for them then Oiwa stares down with Kaito. Everyone then leaves.

Overall thoughts: It was a long one as most Noah big shows are. This was well over 4 hours. I was really surprised the girls weren't on this show and I wonder what the reason for it was. I didn't think it was a great show. The main was okay but Yoichi losing in his first big singles match since his return was dumb. AJ/Marufuji had to do limb work that went nowhere which brought down their match, along with there not being any story or face/heel alignments. The lucha match was a spotfest as expected. Ama/Daga wasn't bad and Saito/Go was pretty good. GLG broke up and they treated it like just another day. Kenoh got the win over Nagata, but wasn't really treated as his equal. The undercard matches were good but didn't get enough time. I'd probably only give this one a 5 out of 10 and that's probably being generous with some of the odd booking decisions here.

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