Saturday, July 27, 2024

AEW Rampage 7/26/2024

AEW Rampage 7/26/2024  

Last week's show is here:

Winner gets an AEW Title shot - Royal Rampage

We have two rings here. CC and Kommander start in one. Brody and OC start in the other. Kom hits leg kicks on CC and is sent into the corner. Kom and CC both rope walk at the same time and do armdrags that get blocked. Kom spinning headscissors CC to the apron.

Ishii is next in as Kom hangs off the ropes. Ishii and Brody trade chops. Kom double springboards and tries to hurricanrana CC over the top. CC stomps Kom. Ishii lariats Brody over when OC gets on all fours and trips Brody.

Brian Cage comes out and 619's CC. Cage half-nelson slams Kom. Butcher comes out. Him and Brody shoulder over Ishii then double elbow drop him. OC is sandwiched between Brody and Butcher. Brody and Butch trade forearms. 

Matt Menard is next in even though he's on commentary. Matt hits corner punches on CC. Matt hits forearms on Cage. Roderick Strong comes in and goes after OC. Brody takes corner attacks and a flying kick from Strong. OC tries to throw Strong over the top. Kip Sabian comes out.

Kip springboard dropkicks CC. Kip hits corner cannonballs. Brandon Cutler comes out with a mic. He says he wants to make The Bucks proud when he wins. Ishii lariats him out as soon as he gets in. Strong hits shots on Ishii. Nick Wayne comes in.

Nick flying headscissors Kip. Cage lariats Menard off the apron and eliminates him. Kyle O'Reilly is next up. He goes after Strong and hits kicks. Kyle knees him in the gut. Jeff Jarrett comes in. Jeff hits shots on Kip and CC. Jeff hits a russian legsweep on Cage. We go to PiP break and return. The Butcher gets eliminated. Matt Taven comes out. He backbreakers OC then ddt's him. Matt spinning high kicks Kyle. Kom tries to springboard and is pushed out and eliminated by Nick Wayne.

Jay Lethal comes out and fights with Nick Wayne. Jay hiptosses him into a basement dropkick. Kip throws Nick Wayne out. The Patriarchy watch in the back and Christian sks Killswitch why he isn't there to help him. He says it's Killswitch's fault. Jay figure fours Kip.

Mike Bennett comes in and backpack stunners OC. Mike and Ishii trade chops. Ishii is double pounded on. The Beast Mortos comes out and pop-up samoan drops CC. Mort headbutts Jay. Jay and Jeff eliminate Kip.

Darby Allin comes in. He gets on Brody's back and Brody corner cannonballs him. Jay neckbreakers CC. Brody and Darby somehow fight in the stands as Lio Rush comes in. Lio hits forearms on Jay then spinning kicks him in the head.

We go to break and return. Lio handsprings into Mort on the apron and eliminates him. Darby chairs Brody outside next to the steps. Ishii enzugiri's Strong. Mike Bennett gets eliminated. Strong jumping knees OC then Taven throws out OC.

Kyle legsweeps Taven on the apron and eliminates him. Strong eliminates KOR. Darby foot chokes Strong. CC giant swings OC off the apron to eliminate him and Brody throws out Roderick Strong.

CC skins the cat then headscissors Jay out. Darby battering rams Brody to eliminate him. Jeff lariats Cage over then hits corner punches on CC. Adam Page comes in and beats up Jeff Jarrett. Cage throws Jeff out and Page pounds on Jeff outside.

We go to break and return. CC and Cage fight on the apron. Cage takes a pop-up euro on the apron. CC neutralizers him on the apron and eliminates him. CC gorilla press throws Darby from one ring to the other and Darby rolls out under the bottom rope. CC giant swings Darby outside into the steps.

Darby flips out of a suplex and pulls CC over the top. Darby bites CC's hand. Darby pulls CC into the turnbuckle connector then guillotines him over the top rope. Darby scratches CC's back then top rope coffin drops CC as he hangs over the top. CC is eliminated and Darby wins.

It was a longer one going close to 40 minutes. They haven't been overdoing these battle royales lately though and it wasn't bad. The people coming in and out constantly allowed them room to move around and kept things interesting. I liked it and thought they did a decent job with it.

We see a Willow Nightingale interview. She says she knew Kris Statlander was a backstabber and didn't know she was so obsessed with her. She agrees to a match with her for the title.

Kris Statlander vs Leila Grey 

Kris back elbows her. LG hits forearms and boots her. Kris kicks her then hits an F-5. Kris tombstones her while holding one of the legs and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here. I don't know what it accomplished except for getting Kris on the show.

Lance Archer vs. Alejandro

Lance carries his opponent to the ring from the ramp. Why the match is starting when Ale is out of it, I don't know. It's stupid.

Lance pop-up spinebusters him then chokeslams him. Lance chokeslams him. Lance hits a blackout and wins.

Thoughts: Lance is still doing these squashes. I'm sure he'll lose to an upper midcarder the next time it's not a squash.

Harley Cameron and Saraya are interviewed. Saraya is concerned about not making All-In. She says she will show why she is needed at Wembley. 

Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) vs. The Don Callis Family (Kyle Fletcher & Rush)

Vincent side headlocks Truth. Truth hiptosses Vincent then chops him. Don Callis is on commentary. Vincent wristlocks him. Turbo kips up and hits Vincent in the head. Vincent hits a double back elbow. The Runners then do a double elbow drop.

Dutch shoulders over both Runners. Dutch legdrops Turbo then powerbombs him. Vincent 2nd rope headbutts Truth. Zay springboards in and takes a black hole slam.

Truth is double teamed in the corner then Dutch short arm lariats him. We go to PiP break and return. Kyle takes a cutter over the ropes. Vincent takes a double stomp + neckbreaker. Quen tope con hilos Kyle outside. Dutch is put on the apron. Zay cutters him over the top rope then backstabbers him on the ropes. Quen springboard 450's Dutch as he lays there.

Quen goes up top and Turbo stunners him over the top rope. Kyle chops Truth. Truth takes double chops in the corner from The DCF. Turbo gets chopped around then Truth takes Rush's corner kick.

Rush nails Zay outside. Kyle does his piledriver on Turbo and gets the win.

Thoughts: There were too many people and not enough time here and it just was what it was. This wasn't anything special here.

Rush whips Turbo with a cable after and chokes him. Kyle pounds on Turbo.

Overall thoughts: As I feared, there were too many matches and not enough time. At least the battle royale got enough time. The battle royale was good but not must see and the rest of the show was rushed. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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