Thursday, July 11, 2024

TNA Impact 7/11/2024

TNA Impact 7/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see more of the end of the sow last week. Ryan Nemeth is the one who was filming Kaz. Ryan said Nic was the one who did it. Nic then appears from the side. Kaz tries to get back in the building but Nic catches him. Nic and Kaz send each other into the rollaway door and Nic superkicks him. Nic stomps on him. Nic holds his arm after as refs break it up. 

TNA Knockouts Title - Open Challenge - Jordynne Grace (c) vs Izzi Dame

Izzi is from NXT and answers the challenge as part of the NXT/TNA partnership. George Iceman comes out and asks the people to be quiet. George says Ash By Elegance is on vacation and will be watching from satellite from The Bahamas. We see a little clip of Ash in the corner which they say is from satellite.

Dame and Grace lock up. Dame waistlocks her but is pushed backwards. Dame challenges her to a test of strength. Grace can't reach so she just pulls her arm down. They lock up and shoulder each other. Grace suplexes her.

Grace goes up and over in the corner then flips her on a side slam. Grace lariats her over the top. Grace skins the cat but is pulled out. Izzi is sent into the post. Grace goes up to George Iceman then Rosemary grabs George. George runs away as Rose chases him.

Izzi stun guns Grace. Izzi puts Grace on her shoulder and bangs her head off the buckles upside down. Grace blocks a superplex then Izzi does a nice falcon arrow for 2. Grace jumps on her back and knocks her down. Grace hits a forearm flurry to the back of the head.

Izzi side kicks her. They trade shots. Grace spinning backfists her then Izzi hits a big boot. Grace rolling death valley drivers her then hits a juggernaut driver to win.

It was a little slow and they didn't match up as well as I had hoped. I liked Izzi facekick here and while her sidekick didn't hit that great, I think it'll look good in the future. It wasn't awful just it was not that exciting.

Santino Marella says tonight will be a wildcard tag match. He says 4 of the 6 competitors in the Slamiversary tag will fight. They do  drawing for the match and Josh Alexander and Joe Hendry vs Stve Maclin and Moose. Santino gets 3 of the names wrong, calling Steve "Steve McClane".

Charlie Dempsey vs Zachary Wentz

Wentz waistlocks him then flips out of an armlock and takes him down. Wentz sweeps him and basement dropkicks him. Wentz facekicks him then CD throws him off the ropes by his arm. CD stomps Wentz's arm into the mat. CD euros Wentz's arm then Wentz gutwrench suplexes him. CD kimura's him and hits some shots on him.

CD stomps his arm into the mat again then armlocks him. Wentz legsweeps him. CD blocks a kick then does a nice bridging dragon screw. CD leglocks him then deadlift germans him. Wentz handpring jumping knees him.

Wentz hits running back elbows. CD leapfrogs and Wentz pulls him down. Wentz germans him then PK's him. Wentz hits a running ssp for 2. Myles Borne comes out and nails Trey Miguel. CD then dragon suplexes Wentz and wins it.

Thoughts: They missed some of the finish but I like the match. The two matched up a lot better than you would think and CD's technical wrestling was a nice little treat here. Dempsey looked good as always but the in-ring part has never been his issue.

Borne and Dempsey beat up Wentz after and Borne powerslams him.

The System do a promo. Eddie says The Hardy's return next week and it will be an epic night for The system. Brian says he can't wait for them to add to their accomplishments by ending The Hardy's career. Moose says he's been impressed by JDC and said he's pulling his weight around here. Moose says Joe Hendry stole his secret to success. He tells Steve Maclin to stay out of his way tonight and says maybe he can earn his way into The System someday.

Charlie Dempsey says he wasn't coming alone. He said knows The Rascalz tricks and are using them against them. He says he is proving why the NQCC is the most dominant faction in wrestling. Someone walks in (Tavion Heights?) and says he's with them. Borne says you don't know what's happening next. Santino says The NQCC are doing a 6-man last week and says it's someone from our world who knows their world.

KUSHIDA vs Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey

JG rolls up Mike then Mike rolls up Kushida. Mike hits a kick combo on JG then pump kicks him off the apron. Mike triangle moonsaults Kushida then Mike 2nd rope dropkicks him. Mike running ssp's JG for 2. We go to PiP break and return.

JG is pushed into Kush. JG takes a double step up enzugiri. Kushi handspring back elbows Mike then hiptosses JG into a cartwheel dropkick. Kush kimura's both opponents thne trades kicks with Mike.  Mike superkicks him. Kush goes up top and dives on JG outside.

Mike moonsault double knees Kush on the apron. Mike is crotched up top. JG spits out ink and tries to put it into Kush's face. Kush green mists JG and goes for the hoverboard lock. Mike hits ultimate weapon while they are in the hoverboard lock and Mike wins.

Thoughts: It was cut up by the break and it ended up being a bit short. It was entertaining though and the finish was cool.

Ali's guards jump Mike and Trent Seven, who came out to congratulate Mike. Ali comes out. He says you have to learn that actions have consequences. He goes to hit mike with a chair but Trent saves him. Ali then chairs Trent's leg and sharpshooters him while looking at Trent.

We see Steph de Lander on a beach. She talks about PCO. She said no one had kissed him like he did. She said she thought it was strange that he always there but now it makes sense. She says she's serious about this but has to go to Australia. She asks if he will wait for her.

TNA Digital Media Title - AJ Francis (c) vs Rhyno

AJ comes out with Rich Swann. He says he's the greatest Digital Media champ of all time. He says he's also the longest reigning International Heavyweight Wrestling champ of the modern era. He says Rhyno will be extinct, like Philly's chances of winning The World Series.

Rhyno attacks him and hits a corner spear. Rich Swann comes in and corkscrew kicks Rhyno for the quick DQ.

First Class beat up Rhyno. Santino Marella comes out. He asks if First Class forgot where they are and says it's Philadelphia. He says the match will continue and be a Philadelphia Street Fight.

TNA Digital Media Title - Philadelphia Street Fight - AJ Francis (c) vs Rhyno

Rhyno lariats AJ over the top then bangs his head off the apron. AJ chairs Rhyno. Rhyno throws a chair at AJ's head. Rhyno puts a table in the corner and AJ low blows Rhyno to win.

Thoughts: All together, this was dumb and disappointing. We technically has two matches here and still didn't even get one decent length match out of it.

First Class beat up Rhyno after. The lights go out.  PCO appears in the ring. PCO throws out AJ then spinebusters Rich. PCO dives on the floor when AJ moves. AJ grabs PCO by the throat and chokeslams him on the ramp. 

I didn't cover the Tasha Steelz match.

Gia Miller interviews Xia Brookside.

JDC vs Chris Bey

Bey hits punches on JDC and throws him out. Bey tope con hilos him then hits corner punches. Bey stands on the ropes and is pushed over the top. JDC suplexes him. Bey is thrown into the buckles chest first. The System come out.

JDC pulls Bey's arms back and bey chinbreakers him. Bey hits punches and flying euros in the corner. Bey rolls into a neckbreaker. Ace fights The System outside and Bey top rope plancha's Eddie. JDC hits a nasty guillotine legdrop over the 2nd rope on Bey and wins.

Ace is beat up by The System after.

Thoughts: We didn't get to see a ton of this. JDC's guillotine legdrop looked really good here and this seemed to exist to push this ABC vs System feud.

Joe Hendry and Josh Alexander vs Moose and Steve Maclin

Joe says we can turn down the music and listen to what he has to say. He says Moose and Steve are superstars. He calls Moose "Dancin'". He says Steve only wants to say "tag em and bag em". He says Steve will only be tagging and bagging his groceries and says Philly will be chanting, "We Believe". Frankie Kazarian comes out.

This starts during PiP break. We return and Joe lariats Moose in the corner. Joe hits corner punhes then a corner lariat. Josh suplexes Steve then Joe suplexes Moose after motivation.

Moose takes a double back elbow. Steve gets in and Josh is pulled over the top to the floor by Moose. Moose foot chokes Josh then Steve back elbows Josh. Moose chops Josh then sends him into the buckles hard.

Moose is pulled over the top then Josh release germans Steve. Joeh is put in tree of woe and Steve spears him there for 2. Josh diving hurricanrana's Moose. Joe get sin and hits lariats. He fallaway slams Steve, kips up then does it to Moose.

Joe cutters Steve off the ropes then pop-up powerbombs Moose. Steve flying knees Joe. Josh hits several germans on Steve then finlay rolls him. Josh 2nd rope knees Steve for 2. All 4 men trade shots. Josh punches Moose and is headbutted. Josh lariats Moose. JDC gets on the apron to distract Joe and Moose spears Josh. Steve death rider ddt's Josh and wins.

Thoughts: I wouldn't be having Joe lose on TV right now with how hot he is. That's just not smart. It was an okay main but nothing too special. It was one of the few TNA main events that needed more time.

Overall thoughts: I saw all but one match here. It was okay with some NXT people popping in and freshening up the card. The triple threat was okay and the main was okay. Wentz/Dempsey was surprisingly good and probably my favorite match on here. AJ/Rhyno was a joke though. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as it was okay but nothing more.

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