Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WWE Speed 7/10/2024

WWE Speed 7/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Angelo Dawkins vs Baron Corbin

They say this is the quarterfinals but there's only 4 people competing in it so it's the semifinals. They consider the title match with Andrade as being part of the tournament which it isn't.

Dawkins sunset flips him then hits a nice leapfrog. Dawkins flying back elbows him then corkscrew splashes him and corkscrew kicks him in the corner. Baron death valley drivers him corner splashes him and short arm lariats him. Baron 2nd rope diving lariats him for 2.

Corbin hits punches and is dropped with a punch. Dawkins hits a 2nd rope swanton for 2. Corbin catches a twisting splash then Dawkins spinning enzugiri's him. Corbin hits an end of days out of nowhere and wins.

Thoughts: While I wouldn't say it was great, I think I liked it more than any other Speed match. They timed it pretty well and it felt like it got enough time here at 2:50. Corbin winning was almost an upset to me. Dawkins busted out a rare 2nd rope swanton here. 

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match here. It went 2:50 and while it was good for what it was, it was not must see.

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